I'm learning to program in Java for Android Studio. I'm working with a Parse.com query downloading information. I store the information inside an array of a costume object called MyData. When I'm storing the information I can log the content of the array and it has the correct info. But latter when I try to use the same array, if I use the .length function it says it's null. And if I try to retrieve any of the information, it's empty.
This I my object:
public class MyData {
Integer gluc;
Integer insulinaV;
Date fec;
Integer alimento;
String comentarios;
public MyData(Integer gluc, Integer insulinaV, Date fec, Integer alimento, String comentarios) {
this.gluc = gluc;
this.insulinaV = insulinaV;
this.fec = fec;
this.alimento = alimento;
this.comentarios = comentarios;
public Integer getGluc() {
return gluc;
public Integer getInsulinaV() {
return insulinaV;
public Date getFec() {
return fec;
public Integer getAlimento() {
return alimento;
public String getComentarios() {
return comentarios;
So, to retrieve the information I use array[I].getWhatever(), this is how I store the information:
public void downloadInformation() {
user = ParseUser.getCurrentUser();
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("Glucosa");
query.whereEqualTo("usuario", user);
query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseObject>() {
public void done(List<ParseObject> objects, ParseException e) {
if (e == null && objects.size() > 0) {
Log.d("score!", "Objects Retrived");
Log.d("size", String.valueOf(objects.size()));
int i = 0;
indexsize = 0;
for (ParseObject object : objects) {
dataArray = new MyData[objects.size()];
dataArray[i] = new MyData(object.getInt("glucosa"), object.getInt("insulina"), object.getDate("fecha"), object.getInt("Alimentos"), object.getString("Comentarios"));
String alimentosexiste = dataArray[i].getAlimento().toString();
Log.i("Is Empty or Not=", alimentosexiste);
indexsize = indexsize+1;
} else {
Log.d("failed", "error");
In my logcat I'm getting "Score! Objects retrieved" and "Size: 22", also I get a list with all 22 elements of the "Is Empty or Not" Log. So far so good.
Then, In my attempt to move from this activity to another, I try to save the dataArray with:
public void saveInformation() {
int j = indexsize;
Log.i("size of index?", String.valueOf(indexsize));
for (int i=0; i<=j; i++) {
Log.i("index", String.valueOf(i));
alimentosVal = dataArray[i].getAlimento();
comentariosVal = dataArray[i].getComentarios();
glucVal = dataArray[i].getGluc();
insulinaVal = dataArray[i].getInsulinaV();
fecVal = dataArray[i].getFec();
SQLiteDatabase myGlucosebase = this.openOrCreateDatabase("GlucoseEvents", MODE_PRIVATE, null);
myGlucosebase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS glucoseevents (alimentos INT(2), comentarios VARCHAR, gluc INT(4), insulinv INT(4), fec DATETIME)");
myGlucosebase.execSQL("INSERT INTO glucoseevents (alimentos, comentarios, gluc, insulinv, fec) VALUES (alimentosVal, comentariosVal, glucVal, insulinaVal, fecVal) ");
And even do I printed before the content of the array with index [0] (so I'm sure the information got stored in the array), I get the following error:
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Integer com.parse.starter.MyData.getAlimento()' on a null object reference
I've seen that the problem is that I'm pointing to an empty element, but it was working before, how can I do this?
(Data array is declared at the beginning, below the class name as: MyData[] dataArray;)
dataArray = new MyData[objects.size()]; should be outside the for loop
Your class MyData does not have a "dataArray". At least not in the example code you give above.
i used retrofit android With a database server ,
The problem is I have a database on localhost
I want to create a array So that only within it values
Which is next to the value of the number 8
So that the arrayString contains makarona and asd without Other values
but here it is print makarona and asd and null
i want a array with the corresponding names of number 8
See the code to see arrayString And tried to correct me the code
private void getAllMeal(final int id_) {
api = HttpApi.getInstance();
api.addHeader("Authorization", "MyT23");
// Get iteme from index number .....
getUsersCall = api.getService().getAllChatRooms4();
getUsersCall.enqueue(new retrofit.Callback<List<Users>>(){
public void onResponse(retrofit.Response<List<Users>> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
user = response.body();
String [] arrayString = new String[user.size()];
int[] arrayInt = new int[user.size()];
for(int i=0; i<response.body().size(); i++) {
arrayInt[i] = user.get(i).fk_chef;
arrayString[i] = user.get(i).name;
Toast.makeText(chef_hello.this,"results names :"+arrayString[i],Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
//Toast.makeText(chef_hello.this,"Error Throwable xx :",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Toast.makeText(Regest_login.this, "XXX", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
So you are trying to connect to Mysql using http ?
My question is when i store the data into array from sqlite database, how can i get it from specific position let say, my database contain "food, drinks,snack" how can i get the string "snack" from array.
String CatNameQuery = "SELECT * FROM Category";
db = new DBController(MainActivity.this);
SQLiteDatabase db3 = db.getReadableDatabase();
final Cursor cursor2 = db3.rawQuery(CatNameQuery, null);
List<String> array = new ArrayList<String>();
String uname = cursor2.getString(cursor2.getColumnIndex("CategoryName"));
You need to iterate through the list in order to find the item you are looking for.
For example:
for (String s : array) {
if (s.equals("snack")) {
System.out.println("Found snack");
You can also use the contains method to check if the list contains "snack."
if (array.contains("snack")) {
System.out.println("Found snack");
Resource: ArrayList
Use the WHERE clause within your SELECT query. For example:
"SELECT * FROM Category WHERE CategoryName='snacks'"
This will fill your array with only items under the category 'snacks'.
List<String> array = new ArrayList<String>();
String result="";
if (array.contains("snack")) // avoid null pointer exception
int index =array.indexOf("snack") //find the index of arraylist
You can find it by looping the array
List<String> arrobj= new ArrayList<String>();
for (String value : arrobj) {
if (value.equals("snack")) {
System.out.println("Here is the snack");
if (array.size() > 0) {
int index = 0;
if (array.contains("Snacks")) {
index = array.indexOf("Snacks");
I am looking for an idea how to accomplish this task. So I'll start with how my program is working.
My program reads a CSV file. They are key value pairs separated by a comma.
Function takes a file and parses it into an arrayList of String[]. The function returns the ArrayList.
public ArrayList<String[]> parseFile(File csvFile) {
Scanner scan = null;
try {
scan = new Scanner(csvFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
ArrayList<String[]> records = new ArrayList<String[]>();
String[] record = new String[2];
while (scan.hasNext()) {
record = scan.nextLine().trim().split(",");
return records;
Here is the code, where I am calling parse file and passing in the CSVFile.
ArrayList<String[]> Records = parseFile(csvFile);
I then created another ArrayList for files that aren't parsed.
ArrayList<String> NotParsed = new ArrayList<String>();
So the program then continues to sanitize the key value pairs separated by a comma. So we first start with the first key in the record. E.g L1234456. If the record could not be sanitized it then it replaces the current key with "CouldNOtBeParsed" text.
for (int i = 0; i < Records.size(); i++) {
if(!validateRecord(Records.get(i)[0].toString())) {
Logging.info("Records could not be parsed " + Records.get(i)[0]);
Records.get(i)[0] = "CouldNotBeParsed";
} else {
Logging.info(Records.get(i)[0] + " has been sanitized");
Next we do the 2nd key in the key value pair e.g ygja-3bcb-iiiv-pppp-a8yr-c3d2-ct7v-giap-24yj-3gie
for (int i = 0; i < Records.size(); i++) {
if(!validateRecordKey(Records.get(i)[1].toString())) {
Logging.info("Record Key could not be parsed " + Records.get(i)[0]);
Records.get(i)[1] = "CouldNotBeParsed";
} else {
Logging.info(Records.get(i)[1] + " has been sanitized");
The problem is that I need both keyvalue pairs to be sanitized, make a separate list of the keyValue pairs that could not be sanitized and a list of the ones there were sanitized so they can be inserted into a database. The ones that cannot will be printed out to the user.
I thought about looping thought the records and removing the records with the "CouldNotBeParsed" text so that would just leave the ones that could be parsed. I also tried removing the records from the during the for loop Records.remove((i)); However that messes up the For loop because if the first record could not be sanitized, then it's removed, the on the next iteration of the loop it's skipped because record 2 is now record 1. That's why i went with adding the text.
Atually I need two lists, one for the Records that were sanitized and another that wasn't.
So I was thinking there must be a better way to do this. Or a better method of sanitizing both keyValue pairs at the same time or something of that nature. Suggestions?
Start by changing the data structure: rather than using a list of two-element String[] arrays, define a class for your key-value pairs:
class KeyValuePair {
private final String key;
private final String value;
public KeyValuePair(String k, String v) { key = k; value = v; }
public String getKey() { return key; }
public String getValue() { return value; }
Note that the class is immutable.
Now make an object with three lists of KeyValuePair objects:
class ParseResult {
private final List<KeyValuePair> sanitized = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
private final List<KeyValuePair> badKey = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
private final List<KeyValuePair> badValue = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
public ParseResult(List<KeyValuePair> s, List<KeyValuePair> bk, List<KeyValuePair> bv) {
sanitized = s;
badKey = bk;
badValue = bv;
public List<KeyValuePair> getSanitized() { return sanitized; }
public List<KeyValuePair> getBadKey() { return badKey; }
public List<KeyValuePair> getBadValue() { return badValue; }
Finally, populate these three lists in a single loop that reads from the file:
public static ParseResult parseFile(File csvFile) {
Scanner scan = null;
try {
scan = new Scanner(csvFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// Do something about this exception.
// Consider not catching it here, letting the caller deal with it.
final List<KeyValuePair> sanitized = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
final List<KeyValuePair> badKey = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
final List<KeyValuePair> badValue = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
while (scan.hasNext()) {
String[] tokens = scan.nextLine().trim().split(",");
if (tokens.length != 2) {
// Do something about this - either throw an exception,
// or log a message and continue.
KeyValuePair kvp = new KeyValuePair(tokens[0], tokens[1]);
// Do the validation on the spot
if (!validateRecordKey(kvp.getKey())) {
} else if (!validateRecord(kvp.getValue())) {
} else {
return new ParseResult(sanitized, badKey, badValue);
Now you have a single function that produces a single result with all your records cleanly separated into three buckets - i.e. sanitized records, records with bad keys, and record with good keys but bad values.
I have this code in one of my activity's onCreate Method
GetNews newsReporter = new GetNews(getApplicationContext());
News[] allNews = newsReporter.getAllNews();
Log.d("News Count", String.valueOf(allNews.length));
String[] timestamps = new String[allNews.length];
String[] texts = new String[allNews.length];
for(int i=0;i<allNews.length;i++)
// timestamps[i] = allNews[i].getNewsTime();
texts[i] = allNews[i].getNewsText();
// Log.d("TimeStamp", timestamps[i]);
Log.d("Text", texts[i]);
}catch(Exception e){
Log.e("Error News", e.toString());
News Count Displays 6 in Logcat, which means News[] is not null.
But I receive NullPointerException on Line texts[i] = allNews[i].getNewsTime();
this is my News Class
public class News {
private int id;
private String timestamp;
private String text;
public News(int i,String t, String ti)
this.text = t;
this.timestamp = ti;
public String getNewsTime()
return this.timestamp;
public String getNewsText()
return this.text;
P.S. News is stored in a SQLitedatabase, when i pulled the database from my DDMS, it contains all 6 rows with valid values none of them is null.
This is my GetAllNews Method
public News[] getAllNews(){
SQLiteDatabase db = ConMan.OpenDBConnection();
Cursor cursor = db.query(News_Table, Columns, null, null, null, null, null);
News[] allNews = new News[cursor.getCount()];
int i =0;
allNews[i] = new News(Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0)),
return allNews;
}catch(Exception e)
Log.e("News DB Errors", e.getMessage());
return null;
The problem is in the newsReporter.getAllNews() method. Looks like it is returning the array without the value initialized.
News[] allNews = newsReporter.getAllNews();
allNews.length might get you some value. But at each index, you are missing the value or at least one or more of the indexes are missing the value in the array.
Do the printing like below to see if you have values
for (News news : allNews)
Looks like it is not going into the following block at all.
allNews[i] = new News(Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0)),
Check whether cursor.isLast() method is returning true to get into this loop.
texts[i] = allNews[i].getNewsText();
Most possibly, allNews[someIndex] is null. when called getnewsText() on null throws NPE.
best test is to output allNews[i] or check if it isnull.
An array of size 6 can have 6 null references. Print each of your News objects in allNews, I bet 10 Obamas that at least one position in the array is null.
You are saying that allNews[] is not null, so it must be that News[] contains a null, so that allNews[i].getNewsText() throws the exception.
I have many questions about this project that I'm working on. It's a virtual database for films. I have a small MovieEntry class (to process individual entries) and a large MovieDatabase class that keeps track of all 10k+ entries. In my second searchYear method as well as subsequent methods I get the error "variable g (or d or whatever) might not have been initialized."
I also get a pop-up error that says Warnings from last compilation: unreachable catch clause. thrown type java.io.FileNotFoundException has already been caught. I'm positively stumped on both. Here's the code:
public class MovieDatabase
private ArrayList<MovieEntry> Database = new ArrayList<MovieEntry>();
public MovieDatabase(){
ArrayList<MovieDatabase> Database = new ArrayList<MovieDatabase>(0);
public int countTitles() throws IOException{
Scanner fileScan;
fileScan = new Scanner (new File("movies.txt"));
int count = 0;
String movieCount;
movieCount = fileScan.nextLine();
return count;
public void addMovie(MovieEntry m){
public ArrayList<MovieEntry> searchTitle(String substring){
for (MovieEntry title : Database)
return null;
public ArrayList<MovieEntry> searchGenre(String substring){
for (MovieEntry genre : Database)
return null;
public ArrayList<MovieEntry> searchDirector (String str){
for (MovieEntry director : Database)
return null;
public ArrayList<String> searchYear (int yr){
ArrayList <String> yearMatches = new ArrayList<String>();
for (MovieEntry m : Database)
if(yearMatches.contains(yr) == false){
String sYr = Integer.toString(yr);
return yearMatches;
public ArrayList<MovieEntry> searchYear(int from, int to){
ArrayList <String> Matches = new ArrayList<String>();
for(MovieEntry m : Database);
return Matches;
public void readMovieData(String movies){
String info;
Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(new File("movies"));
Scanner lineReader;
info = fileReader.nextLine();
lineReader = new Scanner(info);
String title = lineReader.next();
String director = lineReader.next();
String genre = lineReader.next();
int year = lineReader.nextInt();
}catch(FileNotFoundException error){
System.out.println("File not found.");
}catch(IOException error){
System.out.println("Oops! Something went wrong.");
public int countGenres(){
ArrayList <String> gList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(MovieEntry m : Database){
String g = m.getGenre(g);
if(gList.contains(g) == false){
return gList.size();
public int countDirectors(){
ArrayList <String> dList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(MovieEntry m : Database){
String d = m.getDirector(d);
if(dList.contains(d) == false){
return dList.size();
public String listGenres(){
ArrayList <String> genreList = new ArrayList<String>();
catch(IOException error){
System.out.println("Oops! Something went wrong.");
Its telling you that the FileNotFoundException will deal with what the IOException is catching, so the IOException becomes unreachable as in it will never catch an IO exceltion, why just not catch an Exception instead
As for the initialization
public int countDirectors(){
ArrayList <String> dList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(MovieEntry m : Database){
String d = m.getDirector(d); //THIS LINE
if(dList.contains(d) == false){
return dList.size();
The line String d = m.getDirector(d); might be the problem, d wont be initialised unless there is something in the MovieEntry and as far as i can see there will never be anything because you are initialising it to an empty array list
ArrayList<MovieDatabase> Database = new ArrayList<MovieDatabase>(0);
Maybe you should be passing a array of movies to the constructor and then add these movies to the Database variable ?
Seems like there are a number of issues with this code.
What parameter does MovieEntry.getGenre() expect? You may not use g in that case because it has not been defined yet.
The exception issue you mentioned means that the exception was already caught, or possibly never thrown. I believe that in this case the IOException is never thrown out from the code within the try block.
There are a number of methods that are supposed to return a value but do not, example:
public String listGenres(){
ArrayList <String> genreList = new ArrayList<String>();
Also, it is a java naming convention to use lower case first characters (camel case) for values:
private ArrayList<MovieEntry> database = new ArrayList<MovieEntry>();
Oh, and do you need to re-initialize the database variable in the constructor?:
public MovieDatabase(){
ArrayList<MovieDatabase> Database = new ArrayList<MovieDatabase>(0);
Hope this is helpful.