I am trying to validate a JSON which has multiple JSON objects nested.
Scenario: temp1
* def response1 =
"productGroups": [
"dateLabel": "28 Aug, Wed",
"products": [
"id": 1439,
"product": "product 1"
"id": 1401,
"product": "product 2"
* print response1.productGroups
Then match response1.productGroups[*] contains
'dateLabel': #string,
'products': [
'id': #number,
'product': #string
Getting the response as
reason: actual value does not contain expected
if I change the validate as
Then match response1.productGroups[0] contains
Getting the response as
reason: actual and expected arrays are not the same size - 2:1
What I wanted to do is verify the schema of "productGroups" object along with the inner objects of "products"
Please spend some time reading the docs, it is worth it: https://github.com/intuit/karate#schema-validation
* def product = { 'id': #number, 'product': #string }
Then match response1.productGroups[*] contains
'dateLabel': #string,
'products': '#[] product'
I have an issue while trying to deidentify some data with DLP using an object mapper to parse the object into string - send it to DLP for deidentification - getting back the deidentified string and using the object mapper to parse the string back to the initial object. Sometimes DLP will return a string that cannot be parsed back to the initial object (it breaks the json format of the object mapper)
I use an objectMapper to parse an Address object to string like this:
val postal_code: String,
val street: String,
val city: String,
val provence: String
and my objectmapper will transform this object into a string eg: "{\"postal_code\":\"123ABC\",\"street\":\"Street Name\",\"city\":\"My City\",\"provence\":\"My Provence\"}" which is sent to DLP and deidentified (using LOCATION or STREET_ADDRESS detectors).
The issue is that my object mapper would expect to take back the deidentified string and parse it back to my Address object using the same json format eg:
But there are a lot of times that DLP will return something like
"{"LOCATION_TOKEN(25):asdfasdfasdf)\",\"provence\":\"LOCATION_TOKEN(10):asdf\"}" - basically breaking the json format and i am unable to parse back the string from DLP to my initial object
Is there a way to instruct DLP infotype detectors to keep the json format, or to look for sensitive text only inside \" * \"?
There are some options here using a custom regex and a detection ruleset in order to define a boundary on matches.
The general idea is that you require that findings must match both an infoType (e.g. STREET_ADDRESS, LOCATION, PERSON_NAME, etc.) and your custom infoType before reporting as a finding or for redaction. By requiring that both match, you can set bounds on where the infoType can detect.
Here is an example.
"item": {
"value": "{\"postal_code\":\"123ABC\",\"street\":\"Street Name\",\"city\":\"My City\",\"provence\":\"My Provence\"}"
"inspectConfig": {
"customInfoTypes": [
"infoType": {
"name": "CUSTOM_BLOCK"
"regex": {
"pattern": "(:\")([^,]*)(\")",
"groupIndexes": [
"infoTypes": [
"name": "LOCATION"
"name": "PERSON_NAME"
"ruleSet": [
"infoTypes": [
"name": "LOCATION"
"rules": [
"exclusionRule": {
"excludeInfoTypes": {
"infoTypes": [
"name": "CUSTOM_BLOCK"
"deidentifyConfig": {
"infoTypeTransformations": {
"transformations": [
"primitiveTransformation": {
"replaceWithInfoTypeConfig": {}
Example output:
"item": {
"value": "{\"postal_code\":\"123ABC\",\"street\":\"Street Name\",\"city\":\"My City\",\"provence\":\"My [LOCATION]\"}"
By setting "groupIndexes" to 2 we are indicating that we only want the custom infoType to match the middle (or second) regex group and not allow the :" or " to be part of the match. Also, in this example we mark the custom infoType as EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE so that it does not report itself:
If you remove this line, anything matching your infoType could also get redacted. This can be useful for testing though - example output:
"item": {
"value": "{\"postal_code\":\"[CUSTOM_BLOCK]\",\"street\":\"[CUSTOM_BLOCK]\",\"city\":\"[CUSTOM_BLOCK]\",\"provence\":\"[CUSTOM_BLOCK][LOCATION]\"}"
Hope this helps.
I have a Json body like the example below. I need to extract the value from a key that has another key with a specific value in an array. I am passing in a JsonNode with everything in the detail component of the message, I can easily extract from each level, however, I'm struggling with the array.
In this case, I need to extract the value of "value" (Police/Fire/Accident Report) from the object in the array which has a key/value pair of "name":"documentTitle". I understand this is a JSONArray, but I can't find a good example that shows me how to extract the values for an object in the array that contains a certain key/value pair, I don't think I can rely on getting the object in position [2] in the array as the same objects may not always be present in the additionalMetadata array.
Sample Json:
"sourceVersion": "1.0",
"eventId": "8d74b892-810a-47c3-882b-6e641fd509eb",
"clientRequestId": "b84f3a7b-03cc-4848-a1e8-3519106c6fcb",
"detail": {
"stack": "corona",
"visibilityIndicator": null,
"documentUid": "b84f3a7b-03cc-4848-a1e8-3519106c6fcb",
"additionalMetadata": [
"name": "lastModifiedDate",
"value": "2021-05-21T04:53:53Z"
"name": "documentName",
"value": "Police/Fire Report, 23850413, 2021-05-20 14:51:23"
"name": "documentTitle",
"value": "Police/Fire/Accident Report"
"name": "documentAuthor",
"value": "System Generated"
"name": "lastModifiedBy",
"value": "System Updated"
"name": "createdBy",
"value": "System Generated"
"name": "documentDescription",
"value": "Police/Fire Report received"
"name": "organizationCode",
"value": "Claims"
Loop through the json array and extract the json object with name documentTitile. From that json object you can get the value
Well, either the JSON framework you're using supports this out of the box (check the documentation) or you could convert it manually to a map:
List<AdditionalMetadataEntry> additionalMetadata;
Map<String, String> additionalMetadataMap = additionalMetadata.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(AdditionalMetadataEntry::getName, AdditionalMetadataEntry::getValue));
I was able to figure it out. I created a new node off the existing notificationBody JsonNode, then parsed through the metadata key/value pairs:
String docTitle = "";
JsonNode additionalMetadata = notificationBody.get("detail").get("additionalMetadata");
for (JsonNode node: additionalMetadata) {
String name = node.get("name").asText();
String value = node.get("value").asText();
docTitle = value;
Given I have the following json structure:
"Role": {
"id": "5",
"name": "bb1",
"description": "desc1",
"PermissionDeck": [
"id": "7",
"Permission": [
"id": "398"
"id": "399"
"id": "400"
"id": "401"
"id": "402"
"Limit": [
"id": "4"
"id": "5"
If I want to cast this into a LinkedTreeMap result so that its content could be a retrieved by:
result.get("Role") returns Map
result.get("Role").get("PermissionDeck").size() == 5
result.get("Role").get("PermissionDeck").get(0).get("id") == 398
basically makes gson.fromjson recursively go into the structure, and fold any nested structure into LinkedTreeMap until it gets to the most inner layer, which then gets into LinkedTreeMap
Is this possible without writing custom recursive methods?
You can't. The closest you'll get is with JsonObject and using the appropriate getter for each nested member. In other words, your code needs to be explicit about what it expects in the JSON.
For example
JsonObject result = new Gson().fromJson(theJson), JsonObject.class);
will print 1 since you only have one element in the JSON array named PermissionDeck in the JSON object named Role in the root JSON object.
I would like to write a Json reader for such Json
"headers": [
"id": "time:monthly",
"type": "a"
"id": "Value1",
"type": "b"
"id": "Value2",
"type": "b"
"rows": [
I know (thanks to the header) that in the elements of rows the first element is of a type a, the second and the third will be of type b. My goal is to create an object row (List[a],List[b]) (
the number of element of type a and b varies that's why I use List).
My question is how can I parse rows or how can I read a Json array with different type of object and without an id ?
I'd be tempted to setup the model with cases classes and mix the play framework macro base json reader with a custom one for your rows like this.
import play.api.libs.json._
case class Header(id: String, `type`: String)
case class Row(a: String, b: Int, c: Int)
case class Data(headers: Seq[Header], rows: Seq[Row])
object RowReads extends Reads[Row] {
def reads(js: JsValue) = js match {
case JsArray(Seq(a,b,c)) =>
(a,b,c) match {
case (a: JsString, b: JsNumber, c: JsNumber) =>
case _ => JsError("nope")
case _ => JsError("nope")
object Formats {
implicit val headerReads = Json.reads[Header]
implicit val rowReads = RowReads
implicit val dataReads = Json.reads[Data]
def readIt(js: JsValue) = {
Json.fromJson[Data](js: JsValue)
For more details.
Am new to rest assured.Using rest assured am trying to verify data detail is found or not.Here two data details present.Some times it will be 2 or 3 or 5
Am getting response as follows and using java
"queryPath": "/api/",
"nId": "f084f5ad24fcfaa9e9faea0",
"statusCode": 707
"statusMessage": "Success",
"results": {
"data": [
"id": "10248522500798",
"capabilities": [
"name": "errt2"
"id": "418143778",
"capabilities": [
"name": "Livin"
code using
JsonPath jsonResponse = new JsonPath(response.asString());
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list = jsonResponse.get("results.data"); //
if (list.size() < 1 ) {
SpiceCheck.fail("data not found! " + list.size());
Rather than this i wwant to check the data name is null or not also.How can i do that rest assured.
Just so you know you are missing a comma after 707.
To verify that none of the names is null I would parse out the names as a list, then iterate over the names one by one and check that they aren't null.
List<String> names = from(response.asString()).getList("results.data.name");
for(String name : names){
if(name == null){
// error handling code here