I need to create an Android application to set carrier configuration(VoLte e.g.). The application should fetch configs from our Back-End and apply them on the phone.
In Android documentation I found the following article: This article says, that I can create my own application and override CarrierService.
public class SampleCarrierConfigService extends CarrierService {
private static final String TAG = "SampleCarrierConfigService";
public SampleCarrierConfigService() {
Log.d(TAG, "Service created");
public PersistableBundle onLoadConfig(CarrierIdentifier id) {
Log.d(TAG, "Config being fetched");
PersistableBundle config = new PersistableBundle();
config.putInt(CarrierConfigManager.KEY_VOLTE_REPLACEMENT_RAT_INT, 6);
// Check CarrierIdentifier and add more config if needed…
return config;
I created an app with this service, but the method onLoadConfig(CarrierIdentifier id) is never called by the system.
So what I want from the system to call my overridden method, not system's. What should I do?
I found your question when researching how to do something similar.
In the article you linked it says:
The carrier app in question must be signed with the same certificate found on the SIM card, as documented in UICC Carrier Privileges.
Since we can't get the certificate from your carrier (they will never give it to you) I think we can't implement our own flavour sadly :-(
public void getLeaderboardGPGS() {
if (gameHelper.isSignedIn()) {
startActivityForResult(Games.Leaderboards.getLeaderboardIntent(gameHelper.getApiClient(), getString(R.string.event_score)), 100);
else if (!gameHelper.isConnecting()) {
public void getAchievementsGPGS() {
if (gameHelper.isSignedIn()) {
startActivityForResult(Games.Achievements.getAchievementsIntent(gameHelper.getApiClient()), 101);
else if (!gameHelper.isConnecting()) {
Can anyone explain to me what these methods do? I have them as part of implementing a GoogleApi interface I made in the context of a tutorial. I especially don't understand the 100 / 101 parts, but the whole thing, in general, is quite confusing for me.
PS. I am making a game in LibGDX and this is my first time touching the Google Play API (or I think any API for that matter)
First Method getLeaderboardGPGS show you Leaderboard above your Activity
if you are already Signed in otherwise it start signing process.
Above method definition is from Libgdx wiki but it should be
private final static int REQUEST_CODE_UNUSED = 9002;
startActivityForResult(Games.Leaderboards.getLeaderboardIntent(gameHelper.getApiClient(), getString(R.string.leaderboardId)), REQUEST_CODE_UNUSED);
REQUEST_CODE_UNUSED is an arbitrary integer for the request code
getString(R.string.leaderboardId) is LEADERBOARD_ID
taken from Google wiki
Second Method getAchievementsGPGS is used to show a player's achievements, call getAchievementsIntent() to get an Intent to create the default achievements UI.
startActivityForResult(Games.Achievements.getAchievementsIntent(gameHelper.getApiClient()), REQUEST_ACHIEVEMENTS);
where REQUEST_ACHIEVEMENTS is an arbitrary integer used as the request code.
hope you can help me ...
How can i write JUnit Tests which will NOT use the classes IsolatedContext and MockContentResolver ? I want to affect the REAL content Provider and not the Mock Database.
I have to write JUnit Tests for a special ContentProvider at work.
This Content Provider is connected to some different Hardware and sets there some values. I must check the Hardware Values AND the Values of the Content Provider Database.
-> ContentProvider -> Hardware Interface -> Hardware -> HardwareInterface-> ContentProvider
public class DataLayerTests extends ProviderTestCase2<DataLayer> {
private static final String TAG = DataLayerTests.class.getSimpleName();
MockContentResolver mMockResolver;
public DataLayerTests() {
super(DataLayer.class, Constants.DATA_LAYER_AUTHORITY);
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
Log.d(TAG, "setUp: ");
mMockResolver = getMockContentResolver();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
Log.d(TAG, "tearDown:");
public void testActiveUserInsert__inserts_a_valid_record() {
Uri uri = mMockResolver.insert(ActiveUserContract.CONTENT_URI, getFullActiveUserContentValues());
assertEquals(1L, ContentUris.parseId(uri));
The real Database should be affected as well as the Real ContentRescolver should be used.
How could i arcive this ?
You can use Robolectric to test the real content provider, affecting a real sqlite database.
Robolectric is an implementation of the Android framework that can be run in any JVM, and thus can be used for tests.
Please note that the sqlite database will live in a temp folder on your computer and not on a phone or emulator.
If you want the tests to happen inside a real phone, you should look into Instrumented tests
I'm trying to implement a Google Fit Listener when data is updated into Google Fit services.
In this link of Google Fit documentation there is a simple example, however, it is not 100% clear. For that reason, I have two problems:
I don't know how to implement mResultCallback variable (there aren't any examples in this documentation).
When I define a simple ResultCallback (it seems to work but I'm not sure) and I launch the application, it gives me a result error code: java.lang.SecurityException: Signature check failed
The code within the HistortyApi lists one of android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION or android.permission.BODY_SENSORS as being required.
Adding those permissions to my code hasn't resolved the same problem though.
Confirmed bug in Google Fit services. See discussion in https://plus.google.com/110141422948118561903/posts/Lqri4LVR7cD
mResultCallback is a ResultCallback<Status> so you need to implement a class of that type. Documentation is here, but there's only one method you need to implement:
public abstract void onResult (Status result)
The standard way is to do this using an anonymous class either when you declare mResultCallback or when you're using it as a parameter. Below is an example from Google's BasicRecordingAPI example:
Fitness.RecordingApi.subscribe(mClient, DataType.TYPE_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE)
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(Status status) {
if (status.isSuccess()) {
if (status.getStatusCode()
Log.i(TAG, "Existing subscription for activity detected.");
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Successfully subscribed!");
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "There was a problem subscribing.");
If you want to use a member variable you can simply make an assignment instead:
ResultCallback<Status> mResultCallback = new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(Status status) {
Of course you can define a non-anonymous class, but if you did that for every callback you had you would end up creating a LOT of classes.
Intro to me and my application school project
iam pretty new with android and for some school project iam building an application where users can configure regions to recieve alerts from. The app need also make it posible to recieve alerts around the current location of the app user.
The app gets its info from a xml feed and sorts the data by the configured regions. The workflow is 1. to get the alerts which are in the configured regions. 2. When gps alerts are enabled the app need to get the location and when it is known it needs to do the first step again but this time the gps region is included. (i need to optimize this proces LATER)
(questions bellow)
intro to my app and problem
I'm using a asynctask in my application to download some xml feed. When the asynctask is ready i need to call 3 places for do something with the result.
1 class saves the result in the local database (alertmanager)
2 fragments (in a tabview) needs to show the results (1 in a map an one in a listview)
Now i use weakreferences for giving the call back "references" to the asynctask. in the onPostExecute() i use theWeakReference.get().updateMethod(result); for updating the class/fragments.
The alertmanager (the class who needs to recieve the updates) also calls a gps manager in the same method where it calls the asynctask to get the gps location. When i comment out (in my case with a if) the line what calls the gps manager the weak reference of the alertmanager will go to null in the asynctask between the constructor (all references are filled) and the doInBackground (the alertmanager reference is null, the other 2 still filled) which results in a crashing app.
When i dont comment out the if the app works fine.....
Alertmanager information
This is the method in the alertmanager who calls the async task. The references are filled on this place.
public void GetAlerts(List<WeakReference<e_Alerts>> callbackReferences, Context context) {
//Update the alerts in the listview and mapview with the local alerts.
List<Alert> localAlerts = internalDc.GetAllAlerts();
try {
for (WeakReference<e_Alerts> callback : callbackReferences) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("AlertManager", e.getMessage());
//If connected to the internet then update the local db and the views
if (isConnectingToInternet(context)) {
WeakReference<e_Alerts> wr = new WeakReference<e_Alerts>(this);
// Update the alerts where no location is needed for so the user has a quick result
externalDc.getAlerts(callbackReferences, areaManager.GetActiveAreas(false));
// If gps region is enabled then find the phones location and update the alerts
if (areaManager.GetGpsArea().IsActive()) {
new GpsManager(this.context, this, callbackReferences);
The GpsManager extends the LocationListener:
public class GpsManager extends Service implements LocationListener {
The listener is implemented by the Alertmanager
// This method is caled by the GPS Manager when the GPS location is changed
public void OnLocationChanged(Location location, List<WeakReference<e_Alerts>> references) {Area gpsArea = areaManager.GetGpsArea();
externalDc.getAlerts(references, areaManager.GetActiveAreas(true));
Asynctask information
This are the asynctask methods:
Asynctask constructor:
Here the list callbackReferences contains 3 weakrefrences and all of them are filled (2x fragment reference 1x alertmanager reference)
public At_allAlerts(List<WeakReference<e_Alerts>> callbackReferences, List<Area> areas) {
this.mCallbackReferences = callbackReferences;
this.mAreas = areas;
doInBackground code:
The XmlDownloader: Downloads an xml feed an parses the xml to objects with a library
The AlertConverter: converts the xml object to the object i use in my app
Both classes can work without the asynctask class and don't use the references.
protected String doInBackground(String... inputUrl) {
Log.i("At_allAlerts", "Asynctask for downloading and parsing mAlerts is started");
try {
//Downloads the alert XMLs from the internet and parses it to xmlAlerts
this.mAlerts = new XmlDownloader().DownloadAlerts(inputUrl);
// Filters the mXml mAlerts so only the mAlerts where the enduser is interessed in will remain
this.mAlerts = filterAlerts(this.mAlerts);
// Converts the remaining xmlAlerts to Alerts;
this.mResult = new AlertConverter().Convert(this.mAlerts);
}catch (Exception e) {
return null;
The onPostExecute method:
When the programm comes in this method the this.references.get(2) reference (alertmanager reference) = null, the other 2 references are still filed
protected void onPostExecute(String xml){
for (WeakReference<e_Alerts> reference : activityWeakReferences)
filterAlerts Method:
private List<Item> filterAlerts(List<Item> alerts) {
List<Item> filteredXmlAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
for (Item alert : alerts)
Location alertLocation = new Location("");
for(Area area : this.mAreas)
if (area.IsOrganization() && alert.getCountryCode().toLowerCase().equals(area.getOrganizationcode().toLowerCase())){
else if(!area.IsOrganization() && isAlertInRegion(alertLocation, area)) {
return filteredXmlAlerts;
My Question(s)
I think Weakreference are the right way for giving references to asynctask is this correct or do i need to give it as an other object? (class or object or whatever?).
Why goes my reference to null? and only one of the 3? and only when i dont use the gps location class? and how to solve this?
I read something about the garbage collector what can be the cause of this problem, is this true and when yes how can i solve this?
It would be fine when the answere are simple to understand since android is pretty new for me.
I am having a problem making a Google Cast Service. I can not seem to find what to use for mSelectedDevice. Both tutorials that I am using do not provide enough explanation for this, and neither go into detail of what mSelectedDevice should be.
public class CastMediaRouterCallback extends MediaRouter.Callback{
public void onRouteSelected(MediaRouter router, MediaRouter.RouteInfo info) {
mSelectedDevice = CastDevice.getFromBundle(info.getExtras());
String routeId = info.getId();
//Startd NanoHTTPD, Find URI of photo/video, and display on Cast device
public void onRouteUnselected(MediaRouter router, MediaRouter.RouteInfo info) {
mSelectedDevice = null;
(Tutorials I am using: https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/android_sender /// https://www.binpress.com/tutorial/building-an-android-google-cast-sender-app/161)
mSelecteDevice is an instance variable that is of type CastDevice. Not sure what you mean by "Google Cast Service" in your question but it seems you might be better off grabbing a sample project from oue GitHub repo as your starting point.