You have been given a binary string containing only the characters '1' and '0'.
Calculate how many characters of the string need to be changed in order to make the binary string such that each of its substrings of at least a certain length contains at least one "1" character.
I came to think of the following idea but it fails for many testcases:
public static int minimumMoves(String s, int d) {
int n = s.length();
int i=0, answer = 0;
boolean hasOne = false;
int j=i;
while(j<n && j<i+d)
if(s.charAt(j) == '1')
hasOne = true;
if(!hasOne) {
i += d;
else i++;
return answer;
Also my algorithm runs on O(|s|2) time. Can anyone suggest ideas on O(|s|) time?
Just throwing off an idea:
return s.split("(?<=\\G.{" + String.valueof(d) + "})").stream().filter(str -> str.contains("1")).count()
You just need to break ensure there is no run of d zeros.
public static int minimumMoves(String s, int d) {
int result = 0;
int runLength = 0;
for(char c: s.toCharArray()) {
if (c == '0') {
runLength += 1;
if (runLength == d) { // we need to break this run
result += 1;
runLength = 0;
} else {
runLength = 0;
return result;
I used the sliding window technique and Deque to solve this. This is my accepted solution:
public static int minimumMoves(String s, int d) {
int n = s.length();
Deque<Character> dq = new LinkedList<>();
int count = 0, answer = 0;
for(int i=0; i<d; i++)
if(s.charAt(i) == '1') count++;
if(count == 0) {
int i=d;
if(dq.getFirst() == '1') count--;
if(s.charAt(i) == '1') count++;
if(count == 0)
return answer;
You just need to use a sliding window and a count of 1s so far at each index. Use a sliding window of d and if you don't see any ones so far, update the last index of that window with 1 and increment the result.
Code below:
public static int minimumMoves(String s, int d) {
int n = s.length();
int[] count = new int[n+1];
int res = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i <= d; i++ ) {
if ( s.charAt(i-1) == '1') count[i] = count[i-1]+1;
else count[i] = count[i-1];
if ( count[d] == 0 ) {
count[d] = 1;
for ( int i = d+1; i <= n; i++ ) {
if ( s.charAt(i-1) == '0' ) {
count[i] = count[i-1];
int ones = count[i] - count[i-d];
if ( ones == 0 ) {
count[i] = count[i-1] + 1;
} else {
count[i] = count[i-1] + 1;
return res;
Thought of another implementation you can do for this by working from the maximum possible changes (assumes at start that all values are '0' in String), reduce it when it finds a '1' value, and then jump to the next substring start. This allows it to run in O(n) and Ω(n/m) (n = String length, m = Substring length).
public static int minimumMoves(String s, int d)
char[] a = s.toCharArray();
//Total possible changes (not counting tail)
if(a.length < d)
return 0;
int t = (int) a.length / d;
//Total possible changes (counting tail)
//int t = (int) Math.ceil((double) a.length / (double) d);
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if(a[i] == '1')
//Calculate index for start of next substring
i = (i / d + 1) * d - 1;
return t;
For a given positive integer N of not more than 1000000 digits, write the value of the smallest palindrome larger than N to output.
Here is my code:
public class Palin {
public static String reverseString(String s) {
String newS = "";
for(int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
newS += s.charAt(i);
return newS;
public static String getPalin(String s) {
int lth = s.length();
String left = "", mid = "", right = "", newS = "";
if(lth % 2 != 0) {
left = s.substring(0, lth / 2);
mid = s.substring(lth / 2, lth / 2 + 1);
right = reverseString(left);
newS = left + mid + right;
if(s.compareTo(newS) < 0) return newS;
else {
int temp = Integer.parseInt(mid);
mid = Integer.toString(temp);
newS = left + mid + right;
return newS;
else {
left = s.substring(0, lth / 2 - 1);
mid = s.substring(lth / 2 - 1, lth / 2);
right = reverseString(left);
newS = left + mid + mid + right;
if(s.compareTo(newS) < 0) return newS;
else {
int temp = Integer.parseInt(mid);
mid = Integer.toString(temp);
newS = left + mid + mid + right;
return newS;
public static void main(String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
//Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int k = input.nextInt();
String[] s = new String[k];
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
s[i] =;
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
My idea is use a String represent for a number. I divide this String into 2 part, coppy first part and reverse it for second part. I think my solve is correct but it not fast enough. I need a more efficient algorithm.
Since you said that:
For a given positive integer N of not more than 1000000 digits
My previous solution won't work since I have converted them to int and an int can't accommodate 1000000 digits. Thus I have made a new approach, an approach that doesn't need any String to int conversion.
Refer to the code and comment below for details.
package main;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
// Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int k = Integer.parseInt(input.nextLine());
String[] s = new String[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
s[i] = input.nextLine();
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
public static String getPalin(String s) {
// initialize the result to "" since if input is 1 digit, nothing is printed
String result = "";
// if input is greater than 1000000 digits
if (s.length() >= 1000000) {
// return the highest palindrome less than 1000000
result = "999999";
} else if (s.length() > 1) {
// get the middle index of the string
int mid = s.length() % 2 == 0 ? s.length() / 2 : (s.length() / 2) + 1;
// get the left part of the string
String leftPart = getPalindrome(s.substring(0, mid));
if (s.length() % 2 == 0) {
// attach the left part and the reverse left part
result = leftPart + new StringBuilder(leftPart).reverse().toString();
} else {
// attach the left part and the reverse left part excluding the middle digit
result = leftPart
+ new StringBuilder(leftPart.substring(0, leftPart.length() - 1)).reverse().toString();
// check if the new result greater than 1000000 digits
if (result.length() >= 1000000) {
// return the highest palindrome less than 1000000
result = "999999";
return result;
public static String getPalindrome(String param) {
String result = "";
// iterate through the string from last index until index 0
for (int i = param.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// get the char at index i
char c = param.charAt(i);
* increment char since the next palindrome is the current digit + 1. Example:
* User input is 121, then param will be 12 so the next is 13
* check if the current character is greater than '9', which means it is not a
* digit after incrementing
if (c > '9') {
// set the current char to 0
c = '0';
// check if index is at index 0
if (i - 1 < 0) {
// if at index 0 then add '1' at start
result = '1' + result;
} else {
// if not then append c at result
result = result + c;
} else {
// check if index is at index 0
if (i - 1 < 0) {
// if not then prepend c at result
result = c + result;
} else {
// if not then get the rest of param then append c and result
result = param.substring(0, i) + c + result;
return result;
I'm trying to solve an "Almost Sorted" challenge in hackerrank the problem is:
Given an array with elements, can you sort this array in ascending order using only one of the following operations?
Swap two elements.
Reverse one sub-segment.
Input Format
The first line contains a single integer, , which indicates the size of the array.
The next line contains integers separated by spaces.
Sample Input #1
4 2
Sample Output #1
swap 1 2
Sample Input #2
3 1 2
Sample Output #2
Sample Input #3
1 5 4 3 2 6
Sample Output #3
reverse 2 5
I tried to solve the challenge and my code is working but it seems it's to slow for big arrays.
Kindly asking you to help me to find a better solution for mentioned problem.
Below is my code:
import java.util.*;
public class Solution
private static int[] arr;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int N = in.nextInt();
arr = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
arr[i] = in.nextInt();
if (IsSorted(arr))
private static boolean CheckSingleReverse(int[] arr)
int length = arr.length;
int limit = length - 2;
int current = 1;
List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (current < limit)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
int temp = current + i;
for (int j = i; j <= temp && temp < length; j++)
if (IsSorted(ReverseArrayPart(arr, indexes)))
System.out.println("reverse " + (indexes.get(0) + 1) + " " + (indexes.get(indexes.size() - 1) + 1));
return true;
return false;
private static int[] ReverseArrayPart(int[] arr, List<Integer> indexes)
int[] result = new int[arr.length];
int[] arrayPart = new int[indexes.size()];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
if (indexes.contains(i))
arrayPart[j] = arr[i];
result[i] = arr[i];
for(int i = 0; i < arrayPart.length / 2; i++)
int temp = arrayPart[i];
arrayPart[i] = arrayPart[arrayPart.length - i - 1];
arrayPart[arrayPart.length - i - 1] = temp;
j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
if (indexes.contains(i))
result[i] = arrayPart[j];
return result;
private static boolean CheckSingleSwap(int[] arr)
int count = 0;
int[] B = Arrays.copyOf(arr, arr.length);
List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
if(arr[i] != B[i])
if(count > 2)
return false;
System.out.println("swap " + indexes.get(0) + " " + indexes.get(1));
return true;
private static boolean IsSorted(int[] arr)
int length = arr.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1])
return false;
return true;
For the following code, pass in A as the original array and B as the sorted array.
Instead of adding the indices to another list, store the first swap you encounter, and keep going; if you find the corresponding other swap, then store it and record the finding; if you find a different swap, exit with false. At the end if you've recorded the finding, print the corresponding indices.
private static boolean CheckSingleSwap(int[] A, int[] B)
int L = A.length;
int firstSwap = -1, secondSwap = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < L; i++)
if(A[i] != B[i])
if (firstSwap == -1)
firstSwap = i;
else if (secondSwap == -1 && A[i] == B[firstSwap] && A[firstSwap] == B[i])
secondSwap = i;
return false;
if (firstSwap != -1 && secondSwap != -1)
System.out.println("swap " + (firstSwap + 1) + " " + (secondSwap + 1));
return true;
System.out.println("array is already sorted!");
return false; // or whatever you decide to do; maybe even an exception or enumerated type
You are doing WAY too much here! You seem to be brute forcing every single possible case (at first glance).
What you can do instead is to find the region where all the numbers are different. If there are more than two of these, or two which are separated by more than one element, then return false immediately.
The reason for the "more than one" thing above is because of odd-number length regions - the middle element would be the same. If you find such two regions, treat them as one. Then you can proceed to find out if the region is reversed.
private static boolean CheckSingleReverse(int[] A, int[] B)
// find region
int L = A.length;
int diffStart = -1, diffEnd = -1; boolean mid = false, found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
if (A[i] != B[i])
if (found)
if (i - diffEnd == 2 && !mid)
mid = true;
found = false;
diffEnd = -1;
return false;
else if (diffStart == -1)
diffStart = i;
if (diffStart != -1 && diffEnd == -1)
found = true;
diffEnd = i - 1;
if (diffEnd == -1)
if (A[L - 1] != B[L - 1])
diffEnd = L - 1;
else if (!found)
System.out.println("array is already sorted!");
return false;
// find out if it's reversed
int count = (diffEnd - diffStart + 1) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
int oneEnd = diffStart + i, otherEnd = diffEnd - i;
if (!(A[oneEnd] == B[otherEnd] && A[otherEnd] == B[oneEnd]))
return false;
System.out.println("reverse " + (diffStart + 1) + " " + (diffEnd + 1));
return true;
Just to give you an idea of the performance boost, on, with an array length of 150, the original implementation of CheckSingleReverse took 1.83 seconds, whereas the new one took just 0.1 seconds. With a length of 250, the original actually exceeded the computational time limit (5 seconds), whereas the new one still took just 0.12 seconds.
From this it would seem that your implementation takes exponential time, whereas mine is linear time (ignoring the sorting).
Funnily enough, with an array size of 3 million I'm still getting around 0.26 seconds (ideone's execution time fluctuates a bit as well, probs due to demand)
public class Palindrome
public static boolean isDoublePalindrome (char[] digits)
char[] firstHalf = new char[digits.length/2];
char[] secondHalf = new char[digits.length/2];
for(int a = 0; a < digits.length / 2; a++)
firstHalf[a] = digits[a];
for(int b = digits.length / 2; b < digits.length; b++)
secondHalf[b] = digits[b];
if(digits.length % 2 == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < digits.length / 2 - 1; i++)
if(digits[i] != digits[digits.length - i - 1])
return false;
return true;
for(int j = 0; j < firstHalf.length / 2 - 1; j++)
if(firstHalf[j] != firstHalf[digits.length - j - 1])
return false;
return true;
else if(digits.length % 2 != 0)
return false;
return false;
Here I take digits[] as parameter and whatever the character array in there I want to divide them into half and store first half into firstHalf and second half into secondHalf array. But when I debug, secondHalf doesn't have any values. Please help!!
method to do so
public int reverse(int num) {
int revNum = 0;
while (num > 0) {
int rem = num % 10;
revNum = (revNum * 10) + rem;
num = num / 10;
return revNum;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter a number: ");
int num = scanner.nextInt();
System.out.println("Please enter a string: ");
String str =;
Palindrome palin = new Palindrome();
int revNum = palin.reverse(num);
if (num == revNum) {
System.out.printf("\n The number %d is a Palindrome ", num);
} else {
System.out.printf("\n The number %d is not a Palindrome ", num);
here palindrome is class name of main method hope my works helps you in this regard.
First off, be careful dividing your array length by 2, you may have an odd length (making one half 1 longer than the other).
What happens if "digits" is an odd number length? It can still be a palindrome.
To answer your question, in the second loop your assigning values to secondHalf[b], which is past it's length: "digits.length / 2". You should be assigning values into secondHalf[] starting at zero.
If you're lazy, this could be your way:
public static boolean isPalindrome(String s){
String reverse = new StringBuffer(s).reverse().toString();
return true;
return false;
And if you are not allowed to cheat, this could help you:
public static boolean isPalindrome(String s){
char[] chars = s.toCharArray();
for(int i = 0; i < chars.length / 2; i++){
if(Character.toLowerCase(chars[i]) != Character.toLowerCase(chars[chars.length - 1 - i]))
return false;
return true;
EDIT: With the second version you also don't encounter the problem of overlooking a character, because if it is a odd number, it would be the middle character that both sides of the string share.
This code supposed to output the longest run on which a character in a string has a consecutive runs of itself. Though the problem is that it outputs: 8 (which should be 5 instead). I just would like to ask what seems to be the problem regarding this code.
public class Sample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String setofletters = "aaakkcccccczz"; /* 15 */
int output = runLongestIndex(setofletters);
System.out.println("Longest run that first appeared in index:" + output);
public static int runLongestIndex(String setofletters) {
int ctr = 0;
int ctrstor = 0;
int ii = 0;
int output = 0;
// loops until the last character in the string
for (int i = 0; i < setofletters.length() - 1; i++) {
// checks if the letter is the same to the next
if (setofletters.charAt(i) == setofletters.charAt(i++)) {
ii = i++;
// loops until the letter in the index is no longer equal
while (setofletters.charAt(i) == setofletters.charAt(ii)) {
if (ctr > ctrstor) {
output = i;
// storing purposes
ctrstor = ctr;
// resets the counter
ctr = 0;
return output;
UPDATE Sorry, I misunderstood your question a bit, you need to make the following changes in your code to make it work.(lines with comments)
public static int runLongestIndex(String setofletters){
int ctr = 1; // every character is repeated at least once, so you should initialize it to 1, not 0
int ctrstor = 0;
int ii = 0;
int output = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < setofletters.length() - 1; i++) {
if (i < setofletters.length() - 1 && setofletters.charAt(i) == setofletters.charAt(i+1)) { // i++ is not same as i+1
ii = i+1; // i++ is not same as i+1
while (setofletters.charAt(i) == setofletters.charAt(ii)) {
if (ctr > ctrstor) {
output = i;
ctrstor = ctr;
ctr = 1; // for the same reason I mentioned above
return output;
EDIT : the easiest way to write your code is :
public static int runLongestIndex(String setofletters){
int ctr = 1;
int output = 0;
int j=0;
for(int i=0; i<setofletters.length()-1;i++){
while(i <setofletters.length()-1 && setofletters.charAt(i)==setofletters.charAt(i+1)){
ctr = 1;
return output;
Why are you assigning i to output? You should assign ctr to output.
and also I think you should change
if(i<setofletters.length()-1 && setofletters.charAt(i)==setofletters.charAt(i+1)){
and you should intialize ctr to 1 but not 0 because every character is repeated at least once.
I'll give you a Scala implementation for that problem.
Here it is the automatic test (in BDD style with ScalaTest)
import org.scalatest._
class RichStringSpec extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers {
"A rich string" should "find the longest run of consecutive characters" in {
import Example._
"abceedd".longestRun mustBe Set("ee", "dd")
"aeebceeedd".longestRun mustBe Set("eee")
"aaaaaaa".longestRun mustBe Set("aaaaaaa")
"abcdefgh".longestRun mustBe empty
Following is the imperative style implementation, with nested loops and mutable variables as you would normally choose to do in Java or C++:
object Example {
implicit class RichString(string: String) {
def longestRun: Set[String] = {
val chunks = mutable.Set.empty[String]
val ilen = string.length
var gmax = 0
for ((ch, curr) <- string.zipWithIndex) {
val chunk = mutable.ListBuffer(ch)
var next = curr + 1
while (next < ilen && string(next) == ch) {
chunk += string(next)
next = next + 1
gmax = chunk.length max gmax
if (gmax > 1) chunks += chunk.mkString
chunks.toSet.filter( _.length == gmax )
Following is a functional-style implementation, hence no variables, no loops but tail recursion with result accumulators and pattern matching to compare each character with the next one (Crazy! Isn't it?):
object Example {
implicit class RichString(string: String) {
def longestRun: Set[String] = {
def recurse(chars: String, chunk: mutable.ListBuffer[Char], chunks: mutable.Set[String]): Set[String] = {
chars.toList match {
case List(x, y, _*) if (x == y) =>
if (chunk.isEmpty) chunk ++= List(x, y) else chunk += y,
case Nil =>
// terminate recursion
case _ => // x != y
chunk = mutable.ListBuffer(),
chunks += chunk.mkString
val chunks = recurse(string, mutable.ListBuffer(), mutable.Set.empty[String])
val max =
if (max > 0) chunks.filter( _.length == max ) else Set()
For example, for the given "aeebceeedd" string, both implementations above will build the following set of chunks (repeating characters)
Set("ee", "eee", "dd")
and they will filter those chunks having the maximum length (resulting "eee").
This code should work for any length of string sequence.
public class LongestStringSequqnce {
static String myString = "aaaabbbbcccchhhhiiiiibbbbbbbbbccccccc";
static int largestSequence = 0;
static char longestChar = '\0';
public static void main(String args[]) {
int currentSequence = 1;
char current = '\0';
char next = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < myString.length() - 1; i++) {
current = myString.charAt(i);
next = myString.charAt(i + 1);
// If character's are in sequence , increase the counter
if (current == next) {
currentSequence += 1;
} else {
if (currentSequence > largestSequence) { // When sequence is
// completed, check if
// it is longest
largestSequence = currentSequence;
longestChar = current;
currentSequence = 1; // re-initialize counter
if (currentSequence > largestSequence) { // Check if last string
// sequence is longest
largestSequence = currentSequence;
longestChar = current;
System.out.println("Longest character sequence is of character "
+ longestChar + " and is " + largestSequence + " long");
Source :
//storing purposes
This looks like the problem. So if you find 8 consecutive characters, it will set output to 8, and proceed. The next time thru, it finds 3 consecutive characters, so doesn't set output, but sets ctrstor. Next time thru it finds 4 consecutive characters, and this will set output to 4
There are few traps in the code that your logic felt in:
Code incorrectly assumes that there is always next character to compare current one.
This fails for string like "a" or the last character in any string.
Code does not store the max count of characters but only the max index (i).
MaxCount is needed to compare the next chars sequence size.
Loop for and loop while repeat the same subset of characters.
Also variable name style makes it harder to understand the code.
After correcting above
public static int runLongestIndex(String setofletters) {
int maxCount = 0;
int maxIndex = 0;
// loops each character in the string
for (int i = 0; i < setofletters.length() - 1; ) {
// new char sequence starts here
char currChar = setofletters.charAt(i);
int count = 1;
int index = i;
while ( (index < setofletters.length() - 1) &&
(currChar == setofletters.charAt(++index)) ) {
if (count > maxCount) {
maxIndex = i;
maxCount = count;
i = index;
return maxIndex;
See Java DEMO
I think you don't need an internal loop:
public static int runLongestIndex(String setofletters) {
if (setofletters == null || setofletters.isEmpty()) {
return -1;
int cnt = 1;
char prevC = setofletters.charAt(0);
int maxCnt = 1;
//char maxC = prevC;
int maxRunIdx = 0;
int curRunIdx = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < setofletters.length(); i++){
final char c = setofletters.charAt(i);
if (prevC == c) {
} else {
if (cnt > maxCnt) {
maxCnt = cnt;
//maxC = prevC;
maxRunIdx = curRunIdx;
cnt = 1;
curRunIdx = i;
prevC = c;
if (setofletters.charAt(setofletters.length() - 1) == prevC) {
if (cnt > maxCnt) {
//maxC = prevC;
maxCnt = cnt;
maxRunIdx = curRunIdx;
return maxRunIdx;
and this code:
gives you
This is how a "colleague" of mine is understanding to write readable code in order to solve this problem, even if this is working :)
public static int count (String str) {
int i = 0;
while(i < str.length()-1 && str.charAt(i)==str.charAt(i+1))
i ++;
return ++i;
public static int getLongestIndex(String str){
int output = 0;
for(int i=0, cnt = 1, counter = 0 ; i<str.length() - 1;i += cnt, cnt = count(str.substring(i)), output = (counter = (cnt > counter ? cnt : counter)) == cnt ? i : output);
return output;
int indexOfLongestRun(String str) {
char[] ar = str.toCharArray();
int longestRun = 0;
int lastLongestRun = 0;
int index = 0;
for(int i = ar.length-1; i>0; i--){
if(ar[i] == ar[i-1]){
if(longestRun > lastLongestRun){
lastLongestRun = longestRun;
longestRun = 0;
index = i;
return index;
Well, the solution a bit depends on the additional requirements. Here is the code which returns the FIRST longest sequence of a repeated character int the given string, meaning if you have a second sequence with the same length you never get it out :(. But still, this is a simple and clear solution here, so good news - it works! :)
string = 'abbbccddddddddeehhhfffzzzzzzzzdddvyy'
longest_sequence = ''
for i in range(len(string)):
is_sequence = True
ch_sequence = ''
while is_sequence:
ch_sequence += string[i]
if i+1 < len(string) and string[i]==string[i+1]:
i += 1
is_sequence = False
if len(ch_sequence) > len(longest_sequence):
longest_sequence = ch_sequence
print (longest_sequence)
#Paolo Angioletti already provided an answer using Scala, but it's more complicated than it needs to be. The idea is not very different from Run-length encoding. Time complexity O(n).
def longestConsecutive(s: String): (Char, Int) = {
Iterator.iterate(('\u0000', 0, 0)) { case (ch, longestRun, i) =>
val run = (i until s.length)
.takeWhile(s(_) == s(i))
if (run > longestRun) (s(i), run, i + run)
else (ch, longestRun, i + run)
.dropWhile(i => s.isDefinedAt(i._3))
.map(x => (x._1, x._2))
Tested with:
("s", "ch", "n")
("", '\u0000', 0),
("a", 'a', 1),
("aabcddbbbea", 'b', 3),
("abcddbbb", 'b', 3),
("cbccca", 'c', 3)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s="abbcccccbbffffffffff";
int count=1;
int maxcount=1;
int start=0;
int ps=0;
for (int i=0;i<s.size()-1;i++)
count +=1;
count =1;
for(int i=1;i<=maxcount;i++)
// your code goes here
return 0;
This is the simplest I can think of and it will print the number of the longest sequenced identical characters in a one line string.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String s = scanner.nextLine();
int count = 0;
int curCount = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length() -1; i++) {
if (s.charAt(i) == s.charAt(i + 1)) {
if (curCount > count) {
count = curCount;
}else {
if (curCount > count) {
count = curCount;
curCount = 1;