Antlr4 in own Maven module - java

When I build the maven Module that is using Antlr4 and look in the Jar the compiled generated sources from Antlr4 are in the Root folder.
But when I want to include the Jar with the generated sources in my Antlr4-impl module as dependency where I want to use the generated classes they can't be found.
How I can link them up correctly ? Do I have to move the generated Sources to the maven src/main/java section ? Do they need a package ? If yes, how can I set the package for the sources in the maven plugin ?
Here is My pom.xml form the antlr generation module:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
And here is the pom.xml form the module where I want to implement the classes:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
EDIT: Add build-helper-maven-plugin same result - the classes are in the root folder from the generated jar but the module that will use them don't pick up the classes.
Tried also with the maven-shade-plugin in this configuration
different jar but some result - in the jar the classes are under: org/shaded/plexus/util/ but the module can't import the classes.

Not a perfect solution but a solution:
In this post they say you can add the package name in a #header tag in the *.g-File. Unfortunately ANTLR doesn't generate the package in the Sourcefolder it only generated the Class-Files with the package declaration. So you have to generate them in the package:
here is an example pom:
And if you add this to the g-File:
#header {
But you can't generate, with this solution, different grammar in different packages.


Maven : Failed to execute Avro goal (Error compiling protocol file)

I have some Avro files using custom Logical Types. When I try to build my project using mvn clean install in order to generate automatically my Java classes. I've tried the following example of the implementation of Street type ( I get the following error :
Failed to execute goal org.apache.avro:avro-maven-plugin:1.11.0:schema (schemas) on project atlas_v: Error compiling protocol file to project\src\main\java
Here is my pom.xml below :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!--suppress UnresolvedMavenProperty -->
<!--suppress UnresolvedMavenProperty -->
.... dependencies
.... others plugins
I had this exact same error. My issue was that the .java source files that Avro was compiling to already existed and were owned by another user.

Make windows stand-alone executable file for spring boot project and angular project which can access offline in windows

I have one jar file which bundles with UI now I want to make one standalone window executable file. in the jar file, I have code with PostgreSQL database tomcat server
my pom file for the project like
I want only one exe which has run directly on double click
<project xmlns=""
The closest I can think of would be launch4j, adding an exe launcher for your application. This will add the exe, but will not magically make it a desktop-application, for that you may need to adjust code.
A configuration in the pom.xml would look similar to the following:
<errTitle>Error in launch4j plugin</errTitle>
<copyright>Copyright(c) ${distributor}</copyright>

gmaven is not generating jar file for groovy code

I am writing my groovy code in maven using GMaven plugin. when I do mvn clean install it is showing build success but when I checked my target folder it is not generating any jar for me. I am refering this atlassian link in that
but for this I am getting pom error on execution. please help me out here
Below is my pom file
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- <pluginManagement> -->
<!-- <executions>
</executions> -->
<!-- </pluginManagement> -->
I am able to see the jar but it does not have my groovy code
Can you please try the following:
Actually that's what I'm using and jar is correctly generated
PS: Make sure that points to where your .groovy files exist

Is it possible to shade a dependency?

My project has dependencies lib-A and third-party lib-B:1.0 in my pom. But lib-A depends on lib-b:2.0. From my understanding, if lib-A had a shaded version of lib-b then that would solve the problem, correct? But the issue is lib-b is a third-party dependency which I have no control over.
Is there a work around so my project and lib-A will work correctly with different version of lib-b?
Workaround is to shade lib-b with your project.
Edit :
Create new project say shaded-lib-b with lib-b as dependency and in your project you need have dependency for shaded-lib-b and now package name of lib-b will be my.shaded.example
pom.xml for shaded-lib-b
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer" />

How can I make scala-maven-plugin make see classes compiled by maven-compiler-plugin?

I can't use the scala-maven-plugin to build my Java-sources due to a bug in Scalac (
Splitting the build so that Java is compiled by the maven-compiler-plugin and Scala by the scala-maven-plugin was easy enough with the sources residing in src/main/java and src/main/scala.
Right now I am running into the problem that the Scala-classes can't see the Java-classes.
When doing mvn clean compile I get 'not found' for all Java-classes required by the Scala-classes. Checking 'target/classes' shows that the Java-classes are there.
I tried moving the Scala-build to different phases but the results remain the same.
How can I make the Scala-build see the classes already available in target/classes?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<name>Scalac + Javac</name>
The easiest workaround would be to split it into two submodules. That way you're able to reference the Java classes as dependency. After that generate an Uber jar or shaded jar with both modules inlined.
