Maven Jib plugin: 401 Unauthorized - java

I am using Maven Jib plugin to deploy my application to Gitlab docker registry. If I use docker login and enter username and password I can log in to the gitlab registry successfully. I can see that ~/.docker/config.json contains the following information:
"auths": {
"": {},
"": {}
"HttpHeaders": {
"User-Agent": "Docker-Client/19.03.2 (darwin)"
"credsStore": "desktop",
"stackOrchestrator": "swarm"
Now if I try to run mvn${username}${password} compile jib:build it fails with the 401 Unauthorized exception. The reason I need to pass the username and password is I would like to run this command in my CICD pipeline and it is required to pass the username and password somehow. I have tested other approaches like setting credentials in the .m2/settings.xml or pom.xml. None of them works.

You can have the credential in the jib plugin section as follows
Have the jib.username and jib.password as properties in settings.xml.
Note: Adjust the from image as to you need.


Windows 7, JDK 1.8, Spring Boot application JAR takes up lot of time for method Security.getProviders() to return

I am executing a Spring Boot application which takes up lot of time to create a SSL context.
Initial debugging points to method Security.getProviders() not returning the list of providers for around 8 minutes.
Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders();
This happens when I execute the JAR using below command on command prompt. But it does not take time when executed as Java Application via Eclipse of STS.
"Command to run Application"
java -DkeystoreFile=<Certificate File Name> -DkeystorePassword=<Password> -jar aws-sqs-consumer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar <QueueName> localhost false <proxy IP> <proxy Port>
Maven Pom.xml, uses spring boot maven plugin to build the application:

org.jolokia:docker-maven-plugin:0.10.4:push (code: 500, Internal Server Error)

When trying to push a docker image, using
mvn deploy
I receive following exception:
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.jolokia:docker-maven-plugin:0.10.4:push (push) on project my_app: Error while pushing image 'd-docker.image' (code: 500, Internal Server Error)
my pom.xml looks like this:
<command>java -jar /maven/${}.jar</command>
The thing is, that pushing the docker image manually works perfect
docker push docker.image:latest
I don't know if it is important, but as OS I'm using Arch Linux.
can somebody give me a hint please?

How to switch conf tomcat with maven

I have ,in a java high envirgure project using Maven, to add integrations test. To do that, I must add a new test's database (minimalist true copy of the database). Until then it's good.
By against the problem is that I have two differents configurations in my file:
So I always put a ressource in a comment.
exemple of ressource :
auth = "jdbc / soarepo"
driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
logAbandoned = "true"
maxActive = "32"
maxIdle = "32"
maxWait = "10000"
name = "jdbc / soarepo"
password = "..."
username = "..."
removeAbandoned = "true"
removeAbandonedTimeout = "60"
type = "javax.sql.DataSource"
url = "jdbc: oracle: thin: # ..."
Q: How do I switch from one to another ressource with Maven?
I already use a profile for integration tests. So I have to change what resources when the profile is called ?
If you are using the Maven Tomcat Plugin to run your web application, you can specify the path of a custom server-dependent deployment descriptor, context.xml, using the contextFile property:
.. Other profiles ..

exec-maven-plugin says cannot run specified program, even though it is on the PATH

Edit 20140716:
Solution found
tl;dr = exec-maven-plugin does not recognise .cmd files, but only .bat files, as executable scripts. Rename grunt.cmd --> grunt.bat, bower.cmd --> bower.bat, etc. as a workaround.
Having done npm install -g grunt-cli on my system, grunt is most certainly on the PATH
When I run maven install however, this doesn't seem to register.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
(build-spa-bower) on project foobar: Command execution failed.
Cannot run program "grunt" (in directory "C:\workspace\foobar\src\main\spa"):
CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified -> [Help 1]
Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
(build-spa-bower) on project foobar: Command execution failed.
Just to be sure, in the same terminal, I have executed this
cd C:\workspace\foobar\src\main\spa
grunt build
... in the same terminal as I issued the maven command above, and grunt executes just fine.
Does exec-maven-plugin use the PATH environment variable, or does it need to be told that this executable exisst in some other way?
This documentation suggests that executables on PATH should be found, so it stumps me further.
I dug into the source code of exec-maven-plugin and found this snippet.
From the source of ExecMojo#getExecutablePath:
CommandLine toRet;
if ( OS.isFamilyWindows() && exec.toLowerCase( Locale.getDefault() ).endsWith( ".bat" ) )
toRet = new CommandLine( "cmd" );
toRet.addArgument( "/c" );
toRet.addArgument( exec );
toRet = new CommandLine( exec );
I compared this to another plugin that ran grunt tasks from maven, and found this
if (isWindows()) {
command = "cmd /c " + command;
... and that worked for me. So essentially the latter worked because all commands in WIndows were prepended with cmd /c,
whereas the exec-maven-plugin did not, because it only did so for file ending in .bat.
Looking in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\npm, I see:
node_modules (folder)
grunt (unix script file)
grunt.cmd (windows script file)
When I rename grunt.cmd --> grunt.bat, this solves the problem, and exec-maven-plugin is able to run this command.
(this also applies to other executables created using npm install -g, such as bower and yo)
In addition to bguiz' answer, which would be the best solution, I've created a workaround using Maven profiles, bypassing the problem.
This is a temporary solution, until the maven-exec-plugin's bug gets fixed.
Please upvote the bug report here:
Edit: The bug is resolved, you can point to 1.4-SNAPSHOT to fix it.
I had the same issue with 1.5.0 of the plugin.
The cause in my case was spaces in my user name resulting in a grunt path:
C:\Users\My name with spaces\AppData\Roaming\npm.
When I moved the contents of the npm directory to a path without spaces, it worked.

How m2eclipse create a new domain by maven-glassfish-plugin?

version is glassfish v3
I want to trying maven-glassfish-plugin but I don't know how to create a new domain.
You can use the create-domain command. Either pass parameters on the command line or follow the interactive steps:
$ asadmin create-domain
But the Maven GlassFish Plugin (once properly configured) can also create a domain with the following goal:
glassfish:create-domain Create a new Glassfish domain. (Creating an existing domain will cause it to be deleted and recreated.)
Here is a configuration sample (inspired by the Fairly Complete Configuration Example):
<!-- <passwordFile>path/to/asadmin/passfile</passwordFile> -->
