I have a Rectangle on a GridPane and after adding KeyEvent, it doesn't fire.
this is my code:
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();
//add key event
System.out.println("TYPED - Character: "+event.getCharacter()+
", Code: " + event.getCode() +
", Text: " +event.getText());
GridPane.setRowIndex(rectangle, 0);
GridPane.setColumnIndex(rectangle, 0);
Pressing any key does not print anything. What could be wrong with my code?
The problem is that the Rectangle doesn't have focus and KeyEvents doesn't trigger on Nodes which doesn't have focus. You can ask for focus by invoking rectangle.requestFocus().
It seems by simply clicking on it wont get focus so you have to give it "manually".
If you don't want to get on click you can decide when do you want to get the Rectangle the focus and after it gets the focus, it would trigger the keyEvents too.
The onClick I mentioned would look like this:
rectangle.setOnMouseClicked(event -> rectangle.requestFocus());
I have several JtextPanes and I want to create a method that set the value of a variable to the name of the TextPane which has been clicked because another methond is going to use it. There's also a button that adds a new jTextPane when the user clicks on it and I want those new TextPanes to inherit that method. Or if you know a simpler way to achieve that I'm open to read you. Let me know if you need more information or more code.
static JTextPane focus;
private void redColorActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { //Ths is the method that works with the focus variable. It changes the color of the text in the clicked textpane.
TextEditor.cambiarColor(new java.awt.Color(255, 0, 0), focus);
It sound like you want to know the current Swing JTextPane component under the current mouse position? Then try to
Get current Mouse position
Point position = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();
Get the component under the mouse location
Component c = SwingUtilities.getDeepestComponentAt(
if (c instanceof JTextPane) {
// do your logic
In JavaFX, how can I fire an event when the mouse enters a node and the primary button is pressed? MOUSE_ENTERED doesn't work here as it doesn't fire an event when the mouse buttons are pressed. I am new in JavaFX and didn't find anything useful googling.
The MOUSE_ENTERED event is not triggered since a Click + Move counts as a drag. The MOUSE_DRAGGED event however is only triggered on the source of the drag. So the only way I can think of achieving this would be to listen to drag events on your scene, and filtering according to your criteria:
Button button = new Button("MyButton");
StackPane sp = new StackPane(button);
scene = new Scene(sp, 600, 600);
scene.setOnMouseDragged(ev -> {
if (ev.getButton() != MouseButton.PRIMARY) return;
if (ev.getPickResult().getIntersectedNode() != button && !button.getChildrenUnmodifiable().contains(ev.getPickResult().getIntersectedNode())) return;
System.out.println("Hovered over the button while mouse button is pressed!");
The getPickResult().getIntersectedNode() returns the node which your drag intersects with right now. However depending on where you drag, this would not be the button but the text on the button. That's why I included the children as well.
Overall seems a bit hacky, but should do the trick.
I can't just know which button is clicked because all below methods are returning false. I am trying to grab the click type on a HBox control and using the code below. How to differentiate right and left click?
hb.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, event ->
System.out.println("Meta Down?" + event.isMetaDown());
System.out.println("Middle Down?" + event.isMiddleButtonDown());
System.out.println("Primary Down?" + event.isPrimaryButtonDown());
System.out.println("Secondary Down?" + event.isSecondaryButtonDown());
System.out.println("Synthesized?" + event.isSynthesized());
Meta Down?false
Middle Down?false
Primary Down?false
Secondary Down?false
The reason none of them are down is because MouseClicked gets called when a mouse button is pressed and then released, in other words, it's a Mouse Pressed event followed by a Mouse Released event.
If you need to know what triggered it, look at the event.getButton() and see if it is any of the MouseButtons. Try changing your code to something like this:
hb.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, event ->
System.out.println("Middle Clicked?" + event.getButton()== MouseButton.MIDDLE);
System.out.println("Primary Clicked?" + event.getButton()== MouseButton.PRIMARY);
System.out.println("Secondary Clicked?" + event.getButton()== MouseButton.SECONDARY);
System.out.println("None Clicked?" + event.getButton()== MouseButton.NONE);
I am a bit confused regarding a situation I have. I created a ListModel extending DefaultListModel and ListRenderer implementing ListCellRenderer for displaying a custom cell in a JList. The cells are some objects created from a class extending JPanel, that contain a JLabel and a JButton.
My issue is related to the mouse events: I want to trigger a certain event when clicking on the JButton inside a cell of the JList, yet I can not figure out how to match the mouse source point to that of the JButton from the respective index. More exactly, I added a mouse listener to the list, but I want it to trigger something if the mouse point is located inside the bounds of the JButton, and another action if it's on the data item. I added some prints to find out the cause of this, but before that some code to highlight the structure:
public WifiGuiHandler(JButton reference) {
btnReference = reference;
wifiListener = new WifiListener();
wifiPopupContainer = new JScrollPopupMenu("Connections.");
connectionsHolder = new ArrayList<>();
listOfConnections = new JList();
listOfConnectionsModel = new ListModel(connectionsHolder);
listOfConnectionsRenderer = new ListRenderer();
Here, the constructor for the class that takes a JButton and adds a mouse listener to it, that triggers the appearance of a JPopupMenu, which has only one component, the JList that hold the entire data. Also, links the ArrayList with the data items to the ListModel.
public void initializeTestVariables() {
for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
WifiItem item = new WifiItem("Connection number " + i + ".", i);
Setting up the data items.
public void initializeListeners() {
listOfConnections.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
int index = listOfConnections.locationToIndex(e.getPoint());
if (index >= 0) {
WifiItem item = (WifiItem) ((ListModel) listOfConnections.getModel()).getElementAt(index);
System.out.println("Button of " + item.getConnectionName() + " is at location :" + item.getButton().getLocation());
System.out.println("Button has the bounds : " + item.getButton().getBounds());
System.out.println("MouseEvent detected on : " + e.getPoint().getLocation());
if (item.getButton().getBounds().contains(e.getPoint())) {
if (item.getButton().isVisible()) {
System.out.println("Set expanded on : " + item.getConnectionName());
listOfConnectionsModel.fireContentsChanged(item, index, index);
} else {
System.out.println("Set expanded on : " + item.getConnectionName());
listOfConnectionsModel.fireContentsChanged(item, index, index);
btnReference.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
And this is where the confusion arises. I correctly get the data item( WifiItem) from the mouse event location/point, but when I click on the JButton of the WifiItem, it doesn't trigger that method, like it doesn't seem to detect that the JButton actually is there. I also set up the prints, and what is strange, the Point for the JButton is always the same, even though it actually is different, and this seems to be the problem. More exactly, from the output of the program:
Button of Connection number 2. is at location :java.awt.Point[x=137,y=33]
Button has the bounds : java.awt.Rectangle[x=137,y=33,width=90,height=26]
MouseEvent detected on : java.awt.Point[x=172,y=125]
Button of Connection number 3. is at location :java.awt.Point[x=137,y=33]
Button has the bounds : java.awt.Rectangle[x=137,y=33,width=90,height=26]
MouseEvent detected on : java.awt.Point[x=172,y=125]
The above mouse events points were actually located on the JButton itself, only it didn't get that. As another strange fact, only if I click the JButton of the FIRST element of the list does it trigger the required mouse action.
Another print revealed that all the JButtons have the same Point and Rectangle, and I don't get it. There are 10 items in the JList, each displayed properly, how can all their JButtons have the same location? I must be missing some key element here. I looked at other posts and tried other recommendations: converting the point with SwingUtilities, removing all the mouse listeners from the JList and adding them to the data items.
To sum it up,the issue is that the list triggers the events for the correct data item in it(meaning, I do get the correct index for the item located there), but if the mouse event happens on the JButton of any data item inside the list, it doesn't trigger the required effect (the point is not withing the bounds of the button, even though it should be).
More exactly, I added a mouse listener for the list, but I want it to trigger something if the mouse point is located inside the bounds of the JButton, and another action if it's on the data item.
An easier solution would be to use a JTable. The data is separated into columns and the JTable has an API to let you know which row/column was selected.
You can use the Table Button Column as your renderer/editor for the button.
only if I click the JButton of the FIRST element of the list does it trigger the required mouse action
Sounds like your conversion of the mouse point is off.
, how can all their JButtons have the same location?
Again, the button location is releative to the renderer panel. The panel itself is relative to the row in the JList. So I would guess you need to need the row index and add the height of each of the previous rows to your calculation.
I'm developing a touch based windows 7 app using a tuio client-server setup and a touch library that extends multitouch 4 java.
One of the functionality I'm struggling with is to enable text highlighting when using touch.
I display a simple txt file using a JTextPane to display the text, the highlighting is done by through a drag action.
I get the clicked position where the drag event starts and then when it stops and tried to convert those coordinates to the text panel's space but I get different values from the ones that I should have, usually before the actual text.
The code I'm using to display the document is the following:
//Create the JDialog that is the container of it
window = new JDialog(parent);
//Create the JTextPane
text = new JTextPane();
//ScrollPane that will be used to display the text
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(text);
scroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 700));
window.getContentPane().add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Where the JDialog parent is the main display component used in my app.
The drag is handled as follows:
public boolean processGestureEvent(GestureEvent ge) {
if((ge instanceof DragEvent) && this.component.isHighlight())
//do highlighting
DragEvent drag = (DragEvent) ge;
switch (drag.getId()) {
case GestureEvent.GESTURE_STARTED:
Point start = drag.getFrom();
Point calcStart = new Point(start.x - compPosition.x, start.y - compPosition.y);
startPos = this.textDisplay.viewToModel(calcStart);
case GestureEvent.GESTURE_ENDED:
Point end = drag.getTo();
Point calcEnd = new Point(end.x - compPosition.x, end.y - compPosition.y);
endPos = this.textDisplay.viewToModel(calcEnd);
System.out.println("I have this positions:" + startPos + "/" + endPos);
System.out.println("Should have " + this.textDisplay.getSelectionStart() + "/" + this.textDisplay.getSelectionEnd());
System.out.println("And the text is: " + this.textDisplay.getText().substring(startPos, endPos));
case GestureEvent.GESTURE_CANCELED:
startPos = 0;
endPos = 0;
return true;
In which the compPosition is the JDialog's position that holds the text pane. I'm simulating touch with the mouse so the correct text position for the highlighting I'm getting from the built-in highlighting functionality of the text pane with mouse.
Is the problem because of the JDialog and the JScroll pane that somehow skews the conversion?
The coordinate system for the point's I get from the touch are with the origin in the top left corner of the screen and the text pane's coordinate system origin is in the same top lef corner.
Any ideas on how can I solve the problem? Any suggestions are appreciated.
I was doing something wrong in that I was adding the gesture processor when I initialized the component and it's position was (0,0) and only afterwards I moved it where I wanted to.
I changed the position calculations as follows:
Point calcStart = new Point(start.x - this.component.getLocation().x, start.y -this.component.getLocation().y);
passing instead a reference to the actual component and getting the location when needed.
try instead of
Point calcStart = new Point(start.x - compPosition.x, start.y - compPosition.y);
to use
Point calcStart = new Point(start.x, start.y);
i wonder how it gonna end, so give us some value of what you get