How can i get an object like OLAPDataSetInterface in SAS 9.4 - java

I need get an object like OLAPDataSetInterface but without using an OLAP server.
I used to use:
//Connect to OLAP server
OLAPDataSetInterface cube = objectInSession.getOlapDataSet();
//Get the info
I tried use DataSetInterface but doesnt work: ds = null;
//Getting my temporary table
And i do the following:
//BBDD connector
WorkspaceConnector connector = factory.getWorkspaceConnector(0L);
IWorkspace workspace = connector.getWorkspace();
ILanguageService ls = workspace.LanguageService();
//This creates my temporary table in the library WORK (WORK.my_table)
String stmt = "%include \"/saswork/\" ;";
ls.Submit(stmt); ds = null;
//ds = ...

This is in C# but hould help understand the dataset retrieval process. I don't work with SAS OLAP so cannot tellyou how to work that item.
public string GetDataSet(string sasDirectory, string dataset)
Common.Log($"Getting SAS dataset ({dataset}) at {sasDirectory}");
DataTable dt = new DataTable(dataset);
using (var cn = new OleDbConnection($#"Provider=SAS.LocalProvider; Data Source={sasDirectory}"))
var cmd = cn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect;
cmd.CommandText = dataset;
var sas = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);
var ds = new System.Data.DataSet();
sas.Fill(ds, dataset);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
Common.Log($"SAS dataset loaded.");
catch (Exception ex)
string errMessage = "Unable to get the SAS dataset. Library: " + sasDirectory + ", DataSet: " + dataset + ", " +
Common.Log($"SAS Error in {MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}", MessageType.Error, ex);
return dt.ToCsv('\t');


NotesException: A required argument has not been provided

My XPage gathers information which I use to populate a document in a different Domino database. I use a link button (so I can open another XPage after submission). The onClick code is as follows:
var rtn = true
var util = new utilities()
var hostURL = configBean.getValue("HostURL");
var userAttachment;
//set up info needed for checking duplicates
var attachName=getComponent("attachmentIdentifier").getValue();
var serialNbr = getComponent("serialNumber").getValue();
userAttachment = user+"~"+attachName;
var userSerial = user+"~"+serialNbr;
//Done setting info needed
//check for duplicates
rtn = utilBean.checkAttachmentName(userAttachment, userSerial)
var doc:Document = document1;"ALL IS GOOD");
var noteID:String=document1.getNoteID();"Calling saveNewAttachment using NoteID " + noteID )
rtn=utilBean.saveNewAttachment(session,noteID ); //<<< I get error here"rtn = " + rtn)
return "xsp-success";
}else if (rtn==false){
errMsgArray = utilBean.getErrorMessages();
for(err in errMsgArray){
//for (i=0; i < errMsgArray.size(); i++){"err: "+ err.toString());
if (err== "nameUsed"){
//send message to XPXage
facesContext.addMessage(attachmentIdentifier.getClientId(facesContext) , msg(langBean.getValue("duplicateName")));
//send message to XPXage
facesContext.addMessage(serialNumber.getClientId(facesContext) , msg(langBean.getValue("duplicateSerial")));
return "xsp-failure";
And the java code that delivers the error is this
public boolean saveNewAttachment(Session ses, String noteID)
throws NotesException {
debugMsg("Entering saveNewAttachment and NOTEID = "+noteID);
// this is used when the user saves an attachment to to the
// user profiles db
boolean rtn = false;
Document doc;
ConfigBean configBean = (ConfigBean)
String dbName = (String) configBean.getValue("WebsiteDbPath");
Database thisDB = ses.getDatabase(ses.getServerName(), dbName, false);
String value;
try {
debugMsg("noteID: "+noteID);
The next line throws the NotesException error
doc = thisDB.getDocumentByID("noteID");
} catch (Exception e) {
debugMsg("utilitiesBean.saveAttachment: " + e.toString());
System.out.println("utilitiesBean.saveAttachment: " + e.toString());
throw new RuntimeException("utilitiesBean.saveAttachment: "
+ e.toString());
return rtn;
I might be going about this wrong. I want to save the document which the data is bound to the User Profile database but if I submit it I need to redirect it to a different page. That is why I am using a link, however, I am having a hard time trying to get the document saved.
Has document1 been saved before this code is called? If not, it's not in the backend database to retrieve via getDocumentByID().
I'm assuming this line has been copied into here incorrectly, because "noteID" is not a NoteID or a variable holding a NoteID, it's a string.
doc = thisDB.getDocumentByID("noteID");

java mysql load data local infile return errors

I'm currently trying to load a csv file into MySQL database via entity manager.
Please see code below:
public void CsvLoad(String name, Environment env) throws SQLException {
int r = getEntityManager(env).createNativeQuery("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '" + name + "' INTO TABLE gabstar.tblladetails FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (#UPRN, #Address, #PostCode, #Lat_Long, #region, #Scheme, #Estate, #LocalAuthority, #Bedrooms, #PropertyType, #AssetType, #TenureType, #HousingOffice, #EmptyDays, #Date, #Month, #Year, #GrantLiability, #RentperWeek, #BookValue, #BudgetIncome, #BudgetVoids, #BudgetMajorRepair, #BudgetMaintenance, #BudgetServiceCharge, #BudgetBadDebt, #BudgetManagementCost) \n" +
"SET ID = NULL, \n" +
"UPRN = #UPRN, Address = #Address, PostCode = #PostCode, Lat_Long = #Lat_Long, region = #region, Scheme = #Scheme, LocalAuthority = #LocalAuthority, Bedrooms = #Bedrooms, PropertyType = #PropertyType, AssetType = #AssetType, TenureType = #TenureType,HousingOfficer = #HousingOfficer, EmptyDays = #EmptyDays, Date = #Date, Month = #Month, Year = #Year, GrantLiability = #GrantLiability, RentperWeek = #RentperWeek, BookValue = #BookValue, BudgetIncome = #BudgetIncome, BudgetVoids = #BudgetVoids, BudgetMajorRepair = #BudgetMajorRepair, BudgetMaintenance = #BudgetMaintenance, BudgetServiceCharge = #BudgetServiceCharge, BudgetBadDebt = #BudgetBadDebt, BudgetManagementCosts = #BudgetManagementCosts"
).executeUpdate() ;
Now the issue I have is I'm trying to return error messages that come from the file but it does create any exception even though I know the CSV file is incorrect.
How can I do this?
I basically would like the error message that you get with MySQL workbench.

CommandTable Cystal Report Error

I have a Crystal Report that was written using a complex SQL and I'm trying to invoke that using the Crystal Report Java API. This report has a Command object associated with it.
I load the report and set the connection parameters.
Then I try to set the Connection information to the current JDBC Profile. Meaning Test Environment credentials.
I get an exception. I tried with Version 11. Version 12 both. None of them seems to be working.
I'm getting the exception when I invoke the following piece of code. This piece of code works just fine with reports without "Command" sqls.
origTable, newTable);
}catch(Exception ex){
See below for the entire code. Please reply if anyone knows how to work around this.
private static void changeDataSource(ReportClientDocument clientDoc,
String reportName, String tableName, String username,
String password, String connectionURL, String driverName,
String jndiName) throws ReportSDKException {
PropertyBag propertyBag = null;
IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = null;
ITable origTable = null;
ITable newTable = null;
// Declare variables to hold ConnectionInfo values.
// Below is the list of values required to switch to use a JDBC/JNDI
// connection
String TRUSTED_CONNECTION = "false";
String USE_JDBC = "true";
String DATABASE_DLL = "crdb_jdbc.dll";
String JNDI_OPTIONAL_NAME = jndiName;
String CONNECTION_URL = connectionURL;
String DATABASE_CLASS_NAME = driverName;
// Declare variables to hold database User Name and Password values
String DB_USER_NAME = username;
String DB_PASSWORD = password;
System.out.println("Trusted_Connection:" + TRUSTED_CONNECTION);
System.out.println("Server Type:" + SERVER_TYPE);
System.out.println("Use JDBC:" + USE_JDBC);
System.out.println("Database DLL:" + DATABASE_DLL);
System.out.println("JNDIOptionalName:" + JNDI_OPTIONAL_NAME);
System.out.println("Connection URL:" + CONNECTION_URL);
System.out.println("Database Class Name:" + DATABASE_CLASS_NAME);
System.out.println("DB_USER_NAME:" + DB_USER_NAME);
System.out.println("DB_PASSWORD:" + DB_PASSWORD);
// Obtain collection of tables from this database controller
if (reportName == null || reportName.equals("")) {
Tables tables = clientDoc.getDatabaseController().getDatabase()
for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
origTable = tables.getTable(i);
if (tableName == null || origTable.getName().equals(tableName)) {
newTable = (ITable) origTable;
connectionInfo = newTable.getConnectionInfo();
// Set new table connection property attributes
propertyBag = new PropertyBag();
// Overwrite any existing properties with updated values
propertyBag.put("Trusted_Connection", TRUSTED_CONNECTION);
propertyBag.put("Server Type", SERVER_TYPE);
propertyBag.put("Use JDBC", USE_JDBC);
propertyBag.put("Database DLL", DATABASE_DLL);
propertyBag.put("JNDIOptionalName", JNDI_OPTIONAL_NAME);
propertyBag.put("Connection URL", CONNECTION_URL);
propertyBag.put("Database Class Name", DATABASE_CLASS_NAME);
// Update the table information
origTable, newTable);
}catch(Exception ex){
// Next loop through all the subreports and pass in the same
// information. You may consider
// creating a separate method which accepts
if (reportName == null || !(reportName.equals(""))) {
IStrings subNames = clientDoc.getSubreportController()
for (int subNum = 0; subNum < subNames.size(); subNum++) {
Tables tables = clientDoc.getSubreportController()
for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
origTable = tables.getTable(i);
if (tableName == null
|| origTable.getName().equals(tableName)) {
newTable = (ITable) origTable;
// Change connection information properties
connectionInfo = newTable.getConnectionInfo();
// Set new table connection property attributes
propertyBag = new PropertyBag();
// Overwrite any existing properties with updated values
propertyBag.put("Server Type", SERVER_TYPE);
propertyBag.put("Use JDBC", USE_JDBC);
propertyBag.put("Database DLL", DATABASE_DLL);
propertyBag.put("JNDIOptionalName", JNDI_OPTIONAL_NAME);
propertyBag.put("Connection URL", CONNECTION_URL);
propertyBag.put("Database Class Name",
// Update the table information
.setTableLocation(origTable, newTable);
Add after this line of yours
//This will add connection parameters to the new table
Instead of
clientDoc.getDatabaseController().setTableLocation(origTable, newTable);
replace this with
clientDoc.getDatabaseController ().setTableLocation (newTable, tables.getTable(i));

List all attachments stored in cloudant with java

I'm developing a demo and I'm stuck with this.
I want to list in a java web app all the attachments (PDFs for example), but a I am not able to retrieve and list them.
I'm only able to retrieve common data (String, Ints).
Is there a standard way to retrieve and show ?
I been reading all the posts but nothing seems to work.
Here is where I add the vendor, with the attachment:
public void addVendor(final Vendor vendor, final InputStream inputStream, final long size, final String contentType)
final Database db = getDb();
final int id = Integer.valueOf(vendor.get_id()) + 1;
final Response r1 = db.saveAttachment(inputStream, vendor.getName() + ".txt", contentType, String.valueOf(id), null);
final Response r =;
System.out.println("Vendor created successfully. Id: " + r.getId() + ", rev: " + r.getRev());
System.out.println("File created successfully. Id: " + r1.getId() + ", rev: " + r1.getRev());
Here I where I try to retrive the data:
public List<Vendor> getAllVendors()
List<Vendor> Vendors = new ArrayList<Vendor>();
final List<Vendor> vend2 = new ArrayList<Vendor>();
//Get db
final Database db = getDb();
final InputStream s = null;
//Get all documents
Vendors = db.view("_all_docs").includeDocs(true).query(Vendor.class);
final Database db1 = getDb();
for (final Vendor vend : Vendors) {
final Response r1 = vend.getAttachment();
final int id = Integer.valueOf(vend.get_id()) + 1;
// Here I am look to the attachment with the _ID and _REV
final InputStream in = db1.find(r1.getId(), r1.getRev()); vend.setInput(in); vend2.add(vend);
return Vendors;
I this last code, I intended to create a new list with all my Vendor data plus the blob.
When I add the vendor ( in the first part ) , I saved the " response " of the attachement in the vendor object, SO when I tried to retrive I have the data to work with ( _id and _rev ) .
I'm assuming you want to list all documents that contain attachments. If so, you can create a MapReduce view similar to this:
function(doc) {
if (doc._attachments) {
emit(doc._id, null);
You would then call the view using something like this to get a list of document ids of documents that contain attachments:
GET /dbname/_design/designdocname/_view/docswithattachments
The above GET request would look something like this in Java:
List<Foo> list = db.view("designdocname/docswithattachments")

Fetch a Filenet document with Properties

I'm trying to do a test program deal with Filenet Documents. I know how to get a document Instance with Object Id or path like ,
doc = Factory.Document.fetchInstance(os,ID,null);
doc = Factory.Document.fetchInstance(os,path,null);
but I like to add more finding options so I can fetch,
Document with name or a custom property . I am trying out this search as a approach to that:
String mySQLString = "SELECT * FROM DEMO WHERE DocumentTitle LIKE '"+prp+"'";
SearchSQL sqlObject = new SearchSQL();
// System.out.println(mySQLString);
SearchScope searchScope = new SearchScope(os);
RepositoryRowSet rowSet = searchScope.fetchRows(sqlObject, null, null, new Boolean(true));
Iterator ppg = rowSet.iterator();
if (ppg.hasNext()) {
RepositoryRow rr = (RepositoryRow);
Properties properties = rr.getProperties();
String ID = properties.getStringValue("ID");
doc = Factory.Document.fetchInstance(os,ID,null);
But ID is not a Document property , it's a System property. How can I get the document? How can I get the path or id with a Search and fetch this document ? Is there a fast way ?
After few little changes I have made it work. Following is the code
String mySQLString = "SELECT ID FROM Document WHERE DocumentTitle LIKE '"+prp+"'";
SearchSQL sqlObject = new SearchSQL();
SearchScope searchScope = new SearchScope(os);
RepositoryRowSet rowSet = searchScope.fetchRows(sqlObject, null, null, new Boolean(true));
Iterator ppg = rowSet.iterator();
if (ppg.hasNext()) {
RepositoryRow rr = (RepositoryRow);
Properties properties = rr.getProperties();
String ID = properties.getIdValue("ID").toString();
doc = Factory.Document.fetchInstance(os,ID,null);
now with few changes this can be use to get any document with property.
You can iterate through all the documents. Take a look at this:
public void iterateThruAllDocs(ObjectStore os, String foldername) {
Folder folder = Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(os, foldername, null);
Document doc = Factory.Document.getInstance(os, null, foldername);
DocumentSet docset = folder.get_ContainedDocuments();
Iterator<DocumentSet> docitr = docset.iterator();
while (docitr.hasNext()) {
doc = (Document);
String mydocid = doc.get_Id().toString();
Document mydoc = Factory.Document.fetchInstance(os, mydocid, null);
AccessPermissionList apl = mydoc.get_Permissions();
Iterator ite = apl.iterator();
while (ite.hasNext()) {
Properties documentProperties = doc.getProperties();
String DateCreated = documentProperties.getDateTimeValue("DateCreated").toString();
String DateLastModified = documentProperties.getDateTimeValue("DateLastModified").toString();
Permission permission = (Permission);
String docTitle = doc.getProperties().getStringValue("DocumentTitle");
System.out.println("Document Title for document with DocumentID \"" + mydoc.get_Id() + "\" is \"" + docTitle + "\"");
//String someprop = documentProperties.getStringValue("someprop");
System.out.println("Document was Created on :: " + DateCreated);
System.out.println("Document was Last Modified on :: " + DateLastModified);
System.out.println("Grantee Name :: " + permission.get_GranteeName());
//if (permission.get_GranteeName().equals(groupname/username)) {
// System.out.println("Security REMOVED for document....");
// Go Nuts on Documents Here......
