JDBI failure case - java

I am looking at some examples of using the JDBI library for Java database access.
One such example is as follows....
List<String> names = mJdbi.withHandle(handle ->
handle.createQuery("select name from test_table")
I am confused as to what happens when this call fails. For example, what if there is no table called test_table. What should I expect the outcome of this code to be in that case?

Well, what should you expect if any call fails in java? Maybe an Exception?
Be happy that jdbi unburdens you from dealing with SQLException directly. Here is what you will be facing https://jdbi.org/apidocs/org/jdbi/v3/core/JdbiException.html (or ady subclass thereof, probably StatementException in your case)
On a side note: it is <5 minutes of work setting up a project with in-mem db to try it out...


How can one see the SQL statements that jOOQ executes at Compile Time?

I use jOOQ to query/insert/update data from/into a table.
Is there a way to see the SQL statements that JOOQ executes at Compile Time instead of Run Time Logging?
The following answer shows them at run time. How can one see the SQL statements that jOOQ executes?
This tool only converts various SQL dialects. https://www.jooq.org/translate/
Statically evaluating a jOOQ query
While it might be possible to build some IDE plugins that are capable of evaluating some static-ish jOOQ statements, remember that in principle and by design, every jOOQ query is a dynamic SQL query. When you write something as simple as:
Result<?> r = ctx.select(T.A, T.B).from(T).fetch();
What the JVM sees (roughly) is:
Field<?> a = T.A;
Field<?> b = T.B;
Field<?>[] select = { a, b };
SelectFromStep<?> s1 = ctx.select(select);
Table<?> t = T;
SelectWhereStep<?> s2 = s1.from(t);
Result<?> r = s2.fetch();
Of course, no one is using jOOQ this way. The DSL was designed to produce call chains that look almost like SQL through its fluent API design. So, your query looks like it's static SQL (which could be evaluated in an IDE), but it is not. And you will often use the dynamic SQL capabilities, e.g.
Result<?> r = ctx
.select(T.A, T.B)
// Dynamic where clause
.where(someCondition ? T.A.eq(1) : T.B.gt(2))
There's no way an IDE could evaluate all this, including all of your SPI implementations, such as the ExecuteListener or the VisitListener, so again, even if it worked for some cases, it would work poorly for many others.
You'll have to execute your query to see the actual SQL (for that specific execution). Or, you put a breakpoint on your fetch() call, and evaluate the query object upon which fetch() is called in the debugger.
The underlying, actual problem
Whenever I see this question, I think there's an underlying actual problem that manifests in this desire of running the jOOQ query outside of your Java code. The problem is that your code seems to be hard to integration test.
This can't be fixed easily, but it is a good reminder that when you start from scratch, you make all of your SQL (jOOQ or not) easily integration testable using:
Something like testcontainers
By separating concerns and moving your SQL logic in an appropriate layer that can be easily integration tested independently of any other logic (UI, etc.)
With such an approach, you will be able to test your jOOQ queries in a much better feedback cycle, in case of which you probably won't even think of running the jOOQ query outside of your Java code again, at least most of the time.

JOOQ - convert fetchOne().into() to fetchValue(query)

In this answer, the author mentions that to avoid NPE the fetchValue(query) method can be used. The problem is that how exactly can the OP's code be converted into a query? I have similar code, pasted below, and would like to turn it into a query also.
return jooqDSLContext.select()
JOOQ is very powerful and has many capabilities, but unfortunately everything I have tried to make a standalone query object with a join does not even compile.
EDIT: The answer provided did help me side-step the need to have a query object. But for those that want to know how to get a query object you can use the getQuery() method... see example below.
SelectQuery<Record1<String>> query = jooqDSLContext.select(USER_LOGIN.ACCOUNT_STATUS)
Observe the signature of the method DSLContext.fetchValue(ResultQuery<R>), where R extends Record1<T>. This means that the expected row type of the query is Record1<T> with any arbitrary <T> type. In other words, you must project exactly one column in your SELECT clause.
You seem to want to project the entire record of type CL_LOGIN, so fetchValue() is not applicable to your use-case.
But note, there's also ResultQuery.fetchOneInto(Table), which is a convenience method wrapping that null check and the into() call. So, just write:
return jooqDSLContext.select()

Having a Column name as Input Parameter of a PreparedStatement

I already used the search here (and other forums as well) but haven't found an answer exacty to what I'm trying to do.
I know that it can easily be done in some other way, and this is just a small sandbox-framework I'm coding for a University course... in a real environment I'd just take Spring, Hibernate etc.
So what I did was coding myself a small generic Data Access Layer with POJOs, working with generic methods to retrieve, check or insert data to the database (Oracle). Most of this is done through PreparedStatements.
This is working as long as I don't have joins... is it possible to put in a Column as parameter?
Table A has Attribute X + others
Table B has Attribute Y + others
PreparedStatement with query SELECT * FROM A,B WHERE "A"."X" = ?
And then fill in "B"."Y" as the parameter...
The database doesn't throw me an error or exception, but the ResultSet returned after executing the statement is empty. Is it just not possible to do, or am I just missing some escaping?
I'm using PreparedStatement.setString(int index, String value) to fill in the parameter... in lack of ideas which other setX method I could use...
Again, in a real project I'd never code that myself, but rather use something like Spring or Hibernate and not re-invent the wheel, but I see it as an interesting exercise to code such a generic small data access layer myself.
No, JDBC does not allow this. Only column values can be set. If you want to make dynamic changes to the sql statement you will have to do it before you create the PreparedStatement.

Using JOOQ just to store table/column names and types with no regard to Record types

I'm currently evaluating JOOQ because I believe I started reinventing the wheel which looks very close to part of JOOQ :)
Now, while digging in great JOOQ documentation I've found that my use case lies somewhere between Using JOOQ as SQL Builder and Using JOOQ as SQL Builder with Code generation i.e. I would like to:
Create plain SQL strings like it is shown in Using JOOQ as SQL Builder part
Instead of using hard-coded DSL.fieldByName("BOOK","TITLE") constructs, I prefer storing name of a table along with it's column names and types like it's shown in Using JOOQ as SQL Builder with Code generation part
I prefer not to use code generation (at least not on regular basis), but rather creating TableImpl myself when new table is needed.
While digging in manual, I've found how table implementation should look like in chapter Generated tables. However, TableImpl class as well as Table interface should be parameterized with record type and the same goes for TableField class. I believe this is done for easier type inference when directly querying database and retrieving results, though I may be mistaken.
So my questions are:
Is there a guide in manual on how to create Table and TableField implementations? Or I can simply generate them once for my database schema and use generated code as a guideline?
How can I gracefully "discard" record type parameters in implemented classes? First, I thought about using java.lang.Void class as type parameter but then I noticed that only subclasses of Record are allowed... The reason is that I don't need record types at all because I plan to use generated by JOOQ SQL queries in something like Spring JdbcTemplate so mapping is done by myself.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Given your use-case, I'm not sure why you'd like to roll your own Table and TableField implementations rather than using the ones generated by jOOQ. As you stated yourself, you don't have to regenerate that code every time the DB schema changes. Many users will just generate the schema once in a while and then put the generated artefacts under version control. This will help you keep track of newly added changes.
To answer your questions:
Yes, there are some examples around the use of CustomTable. You may also find some people sharing similar experiences on the user group
Yes you can just use Record. Your minimal custom table type would then be:
class X extends TableImpl<Record> {
public X() {
Note that you will be using jOOQ's internal API (TableImpl), which is not officially supported. While I'm positive that it'll work, it might break in the future, e.g. as the super constructor signature might change.

Java Programming - Spring and JDBCTemplate - Use query, queryForList or queryForRowSet?

My Java (JDK6) project uses Spring and JDBCTemplate for all its database access. We recently upgraded from Spring 2.5 to Spring 3 (RC1). The project does not use an ORM like Hibernate nor EJB.
If I need to read a bunch of records, and do some internal processing with them, it seems like there are several (overloaded) methods: query, queryForList and queryForRowSet
What should be the criteria to use one instead of the other? Are there any performance differences? Best practices?
Can you recommend some external references for further research on this topic?
I find that the standard way to access as list is via the query() methods rather than any of the other approaches. The main difference between query and the other methods is that you'll have to implement one of the callback interfaces (either RowMapper, RowCallbackHandler, or ResultSetExtractor) to handle your result set.
A RowMapper is likely what you'll find yourself using most of the time. It's used when each row of the result set corresponds to one object in your list. You only have to implement a single method mapRow where you populate the type of object that goes in your row and return it. Spring also has a BeanPropertyRowMapper which can populate the objects in a list via matching the bean property names to the column names (NB this class is for convenience not performance).
A RowCallbackHandler is more useful when you need your results to be more than just a simple list. You'll have to manage the return object yourself you are using this approach. I usually find myself using this when I need a map structure as my return type (i.e. for grouped data for a tree table or if I'm creating a custom cache based of the primary key).
A ResultSetExtractor is used when you want to control the iteration of the results. You implment a single method extractData that will be the return value of the call to query. I only find myself using this if I have to build some custom data structure that is more complex to build using either of the other callback interfaces.
The queryForList() methods are valuable in that you don't have to implement these callback methods. There are two ways use queryForList. The first is if you're only querying a single column from the database (for example a list of strings) you can use the versions of the method that takes a Class as an argument to automatically give you a list of only objects of those classes.
When calling the other implementations of queryForList() you'll get a list back with each entry being a map of for each column. While this is nice in that you are saved the expense of writing the callback methods, dealing with this data structure is quite unwieldy. You'll find yourself doing a lot of casting since the map's values are of type Object.
I've actually never seen the queryForRowSet methods used in the wild. This will load the entire result of the query into a CachedRowSet object wapped by a Spring SqlRowSet. I see a big downside in using this object in that if you're passing the SqlRowSet around to the other layers of your application, you're coupling those layers to your data access implementation.
You shouldn't see any huge performance differences between any of these calls except as I mentioned with the BeanPropertyRowMapper. If you're working with some complex manipulation of a large result set, you might be able to get some performance gains from writing an optimized ResultSetExtractor for your specific case.
If you want to learn more I would consult the Spring JDBC documentation and the JavaDoc for the classes I've mentioned. You can also take a look at some of the books on the Spring Framework. Though it's a bit dated Java Development with the Spring Framework has a very good section on working with the JDBC framework. Most of all, I would say just try writing some code with each method and see what works best for you.
Since you are in the wonderful Generics land, what you may really want to do is to use SimpleJdbcTemplate and use its query() methods for Lists of objects and queryForObject() for individual objects. Reasoning for this simply is that they're even easier to use than the ones in JdbcTemplate.
One small addition to the excellent answers above: additional methods, like queryForInt, queryForLong, queryForMap, queryForObject, etc. might seem like good options at times if you're running a simple query and expect a single row.
However, if you could get 0 or 1 rows back, the queryForList method is generally easier, otherwise you'd have to catch IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException. I learned that the hard way.
