What assertion test case can I write for this program? - java

I have written 1 assert test case for my Java program. I need to write one more test case for my program to pass Sonarqube test. I am not sure what other assert test case I can write to pass this sonarqube test.
Here is my code for Tools.java
public class Tools implements Consumer<PMessage> {
private final OptimisticLockmark<Tble> mark;
private final giver giver;
public Tools(
final OptimisticLockmark<Tble> mark,
final giver giver) {
this.mark = mark;
this.giver = giver;
public void accept(PMessage PMessage) {
LOG.info("ignore "+PMessage.getKey());
Here is the test case I wrote for this class
public class DTest
public void setUp()
message = PMessage.builder()
consumer =
new Tools(mark,
public void accept()
assertTrue("Pass", true);
I need some guidance to write one more assert test case to pass sonarqube.

In my opinion, your unit test is complete. The consumer class you are testing is designed to do nothing apart from generate an "info" log message to say it has done nothing.
Since "do nothing" cannot fail, and it is impractical to test that something has NOT "done nothing", you have tested all that you could test.
A pedant might argue that you need to test that the "info" log message is being logged. However, informational logging is not normally considered to be something that you need to test.


Why does this test pass?

I need your help to understand a unit (method) behaviors within a unit test class shown below.
public void updateAccount(Account account) {
if (!accountExists(account.getAccountNo())) {
throw new AccountNotFoundException();
accounts.put(account.getAccountNo(), account);
The method shown above tells me that the exception will be thrown if the account is not found
However the 2nd test ( updateNotExistedAccount) method shown below shows that it's expected that the method above (updateAccount ) should throw an exception to past the test. However, newAccount is already initialized /created within the createNewAccount so it exists already. So I assume that the updateNotExistedAccount will failed the test (because updateAccount won't throw exceptions in that case ), however updateNotExistedAccount passed.
public class InMemoryAccountDaoTests {
private static final String NEW_ACCOUNT_NO = "998";
private Account newAccount;
private InMemoryAccountDao accountDao;
public void init() {
newAccount = new Account(NEW_ACCOUNT_NO, 200);
accountDao = new InMemoryAccountDao();
public void createNewAccount() {
assertEquals(accountDao.findAccount(NEW_ACCOUNT_NO), newAccount); }
#Test(expected = AccountNotFoundException.class)
public void updateNotExistedAccount() { accountDao.updateAccount(newAccount);
Is it wrong if I assume updateNotExistedAccount will fail the test?
Seems like the data are persisted from one test to another.
Try to clean the data after each test.
public void clean(){
// this method will be run after each single #Test method
// you can use this to clean all resoruces after a test. in your case for example
For your test to be complete, and to test the update, I would do something like this:
public void updateExistingAccount() {
dbAccount = accountDao.findAccount(newAccount.getId);
// etc...
dbAccountUpdated = accountDao.findAccount(newAccount.getId);
assertEquals(accountDao.findAccount(dbAccountUpdated.getId()), dbAccount);
Consider also that #Before and #After runs respectively before and after each single test.
#BeforeClass and #AfterClass respectively before and after all tests.
With the use of these 4 methods you can start always the test with the desired dataset, and after the test clean everything as it were.
Please see:
Difference between #Before, #BeforeClass, #BeforeEach and #BeforeAll
To properly check need to look at your newAccount code as well as what all you are Mocking.
Check your #Before method as that will run before every #Test
Check if which test is running first when you run your suite

How to Unit Test a Method that changes data in Java

Suppose I have a code like below
public boolean checkForecastIfCityRaining(String name){
result = WeatherAPICallToSomeVendor(name)
if(result = rain)return true; else return false;
How would I unit test if the result data will change depending
on what the API vendor is providing?
Would i mock a fixed result of every scenario and then unit test
it like so?
A UNIT test should really only test a single method at a time (Isolate other functionality that might be invoked by that method). My current group might achieve that by writing our function like this:
public class WeatherCheck
private ForecastService fs;
public WeatherCheck(ForecastService fs)
forecastService = fs;
public boolean checkForecastIfCityRaining(String name){
result = forecastService.weatherAPICallToSomeVendor(name)
if(result = rain)return true; else return false;
This would allow us to pass a mock forecast service into the constructor. Dependency Injection would be better, but we don't do that yet.
Note: We differentiate between a Unit test and an Integration test. We still might write our Integration tests with Junit, but they have more of a tendency to go out and actually poke the service--this can give you advance warning of a failure. So you might write an integration test for ForecastService that simply calls the weatherAPICallToSomeVendor method of ForecastService and ensures a non-error result (Perhaps no exceptions or doesn't return null...).
I think the function needs to be rewritten as this:
public boolean checkForecastInCityCondition(String city, String condition){
result = WeatherAPICallToSomeVendor(city)
return result == condition;
Now you gain the advantage of exposing clients to care about arbitrary conditions and you can enhance with a new API as needed. From a testing perspective you can now safely write tests like this:
public void testRainingInLancaster() throws Exception{
//your code here
public void testSnowInRedding() throws Exception{
//your code here
And you can determine which pieces need to be mocked for testing.

Spring boot Unit test about best practics and currectli writing tests

I want start write unit test in my project. I tried make this many times. And he always quit, because he could not understand the meaning. because I can not find and form knowledge into a single whole. I read many articles, saw many examples, and they are all different. As a result, I understand why I need write tests, I understand how to write them, but I do not understand how correctly. And I do not understand how to write them so that they are useful. I have some questions:
For example I have service:
public class HumanServiceImpl implements HumanService {
private final HumanRepository humanRepository;
public HumanServiceImpl(HumanRepository humanRepository) {
this.humanRepository = humanRepository;
public Human getOneHumanById(Long id) {
return humanRepository.getOne(id);
public Human getOneHumanByName(String firstName) {
return humanRepository.findOneByFirstName(firstName);
public Human getOneHumanRandom() {
Human human = new Human();
human.setId(Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(new Random(100))));
human.setFirstName("firstName"+ System.currentTimeMillis());
human.setLastName("LastName"+ System.currentTimeMillis());
human.setAge(12);//any logic for create Human
return human;
And I tried write Unit test for this service:
public class HumanServiceImplTest {
private HumanRepository humanRepository;
#MockBean(name = "mockHumanService")
private HumanService humanService;
public void setup() {
Human human = new Human();
public void getOneHumanById() {
Human found = humanService.getOneHumanById(1L);
public void getOneHumanByName() {
Human found = humanService.getOneHumanByName("Bill");
public void getOneHumanRandom() {
I have questions:
1. Where should I fill the objects? I saw different implementations
in #Before like in my example, in #Test, mix implementations - when Human create in #Before and expression
in #Test method
private Human human;
public void setup() {
human = new Human();
public void getOneHumanById() {
Human found = humanService.getOneHumanById(1L);
2. How can I test getOneHumanRandom() method?
Service not use repository when call this method. I can make this method mock, but what will it give?
public void getOneHumanRandom() {
Human found = humanService.getOneHumanRandom();
I just copy the logic from the service in the test class. What is the point of such testing and is it necessary?
1. Where should I fill the objects? I saw different implementations
I would use #Before for any common setup between all / most tests. Any setup that is specific to a certain test should be go into that test method. If there is a common setup between some, but not all, of your tests you can write private setup method(s).
Remember to keep your tests / code DRY (dont repeat yourself!). Tests have a maintenance factor and keeping common code together with help alleviate some headaches in the future.
2. How can I test getOneHumanRandom() method?
You should create a Human toString() method. This method should concat all the properties on your Human object. You can call getOneHumanRandom() twice and assert that they are not equal.
public void getOneHumanRandomTest()
Human one = service.getOneHumanRandom();
Human two = service.getOneHumanRandom();
assertNotEquals("these two objects should not be equal", one.toString(), two.toString())
Hope this helps!

Unit testing when part of the class needs to be mocked

I have a class that I am trying to unit test. This class extends another class that I am not interested in unit testing at this time.
The following code is an over simplification of the code I am trying to test.
package com.example.somePackage;
public class ApiBase {
protected <T extends SomeClass> t getApi(Class<T> apiClass) {/* some logic*/}
package com.example.anotherPackage;
public MagicApiImpl extends ApiBase {
private final MagicApiHandler apiHandler = new MagicApiHandler();
public String doSomeStuff(String someString) {
final BookApi bookApi = getApi(BookApi.class);
// some logic
return apiHandler.someMethod(bookApi, someString);
I would like to test doSomeStuff() on MagicApiImpl The part I would like to mock is what comes back in getApi().
At first go I tried simply creating an Instance of MagicApiImpl and setting all the behind the scenes things that happen but that started to become over complex for the scenario I want to test and the number of times I need to test it in other classes. I will handle the testing of the logic in getApi() in a test of its own.
It would be helpful to use EasyMock to test this as it is what a majority of the tests for this project are written in but I would not be overly apposed to using mockito.
Okay I was reading about the Mockito.spy() That would have been wonderful but sadly getApi is protected and in another package. Worst case I could fall back on placing all the tests in that package but that makes it difficult track code.
Using Easymock partial mocks your test should look like this:
public void test() {
MagicApiImpl impl = EasyMock.createMockBuilder(MagicApiImpl.class)
EasyMock.expect(impl.getApi(BookApi.class)).andReturn(/**Wharever you need*/);
String input = "INPUT";
String output = impl.doSomeStuff(input);
System.out.println("The OUTPUT is: " + output);
//Run asserts here
Reference: http://easymock.org/user-guide.html#mocking-partial

Passing JUnit data between tests

I just discovered when creating some CRUD tests that you can't set data in one test and have it read in another test (data is set back to its initialization between each test).
All I'm trying to do is (C)reate an object with one test, and (R)ead it with the next. Does JUnit have a way to do this, or is it ideologically coded such that tests are not allowed to depend on each other?
Well, for unit tests your aim should be to test the smallest isolated piece of code, usually method by method.
So testCreate() is a test case and testRead() is another. However, there is nothing that stops you from creating a testCreateAndRead() to test the two functions together. But then if the test fails, which code unit does the test fail at? You don't know. Those kind of tests are more like integration test, which should be treated differently.
If you really want to do it, you can create a static class variable to store the object created by testCreate(), then use it in testRead().
As I have no idea what version of Junit you talking about, I just pick up the ancient one Junit 3.8:
Utterly ugly but works:
public class Test extends TestCase{
static String stuff;
public void testCreate(){
stuff = "abc";
public void testRead(){
assertEquals(stuff, "abc");
JUnit promotes independent tests. One option would be to put the two logical tests into one #Test method.
TestNG was partly created to allow these kinds of dependencies among tests. It enforces local declarations of test dependencies -- it runs tests in a valid order, and does not run tests that depend on a failed test. See http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#dependent-methods for examples.
JUnit is independent test. But, If you have no ways, you can use "static" instance to store it.
static String storage;
public void method1() {
storage = "Hello"
public void method2() {
Assert.assertThat(something, is(storage));
How much processing time do these tests take? If not a lot, then why sweat it. Sure you will create some object unnecessarily, but how much does this cost you?
void testCreateObject() {
Object obj = unit.createObject();
void testReadObject() {
Object obj = null;
try {
obj = unit.createObject(); // this duplicates tests aleady done
} catch (Exception cause) {
in this basic example, the variable is changed in the test A, and can be used in the test B
public class BasicTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 {
public BasicTest() throws ClassNotFoundException {
super(TARGET_PACKAGE_ID, launcherActivityClass);
public static class MyClass {
public static String myvar = null;
public void set(String s) {
myvar = s;
public String get() {
return myvar;
private MyClass sharedVar;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
sharedVar = new MyClass();
public void test_A() {
Log.d(S,"run A");
public void test_B() {
Log.d(S,"run B");
Log.i(S,"sharedVar is: " + sharedVar.get());
output result is:
run A
run B
sharedVar is: blah
