I have some Java-app and a customer with some UWP-app implemented in C#, distributed through the Windows Store etc., who wants to use some pieces of my app. Those pieces are pretty OS-independent, only parsing of some special binary file formats, applying some business logic configured using YAML files and stuff. No network, GUI, only some accesses to files etc.
We currently use IKVM to make the code of interest available to C# but ran into different problems already. Some were supporting .NET Core, some had to do with the native toolchain in Release etc. While right now things seem to work after applying some workarounds, I'm looking for alternatives to IKVM already a bit.
The only thing I currently use of IKVM is simply creating a DLL of my code using ikvmc, which can then be referenced in the UWP-project. The compiler is summarized like the following:
The ikvmc tool converts Java bytecode to .NET dll's and exe's.
That's where the support to create native Windows images of GraalVM came into my mind. Others seem to already build native binaries for Windows and according to the docs, GraalVM is able to create shared libs using "--shared". From my understanding, IKVM implements a JVM in .NET and maps things as needed and possible. That sounds pretty much like what "Substrate VM" does in case of a native image, doesn't it?
This executable includes the application, the libraries, the JDK and
does not run on the Java VM, but includes necessary components like
memory management and thread scheduling from a different virtual
machine, called “Substrate VM”. Substrate VM is the name for the
runtime components (like the deoptimizer, garbage collector, thread
scheduling etc.).
So, is there any chance that a native image in form of a DLL can replace the DLL created by ikvmc currently? Did anyone try that already and has any experiences? Did anyone try already to create a native DLL and consume that in some other native Windows app? From my understanding UWP "only" applies additional restrictions which one might be able to work around again. Or is this approach totally impossible for some reasons?
Thanks all for your input!
I'm not very familiar with the IKVM project, so this answer is mostly about the generic question:
Can you create a native DLL/shared library and consume that in some other native Windows app?
It should be possible. You can compile Java code into a shared library. The entry points are marked with the #CEntrypoint annotation.
You can then use the generated shared library and the header files to consume your library from a native application.
This way for example GraalVM distributions use the GraalVM JIT compiler by default:
The GraalVM JIT is written in Java
Compiled as a shared library with the native-image
Used in Hotspot.
Here's a page describing how to consume those from Java through the JNI: https://www.graalvm.org/reference-manual/native-image/ImplementingNativeMethodsInJavaWithSVM/
which could be very similar to how would you use a shared library from a C# application.
GraalVM native images are not very flexible, unlike IKVM.NET images. Unless you like writing wrappers and playing with P/Invoke, you should stick to IKVM.NET.
NOTE: I am behind an IKVM.NET fork
I have a device which I want to access from java. The only way to do this is using a dll library provided by the manufacturer. I have read about JNI, JNA etc. and maybe there is a tool outside which analyses the dll and generates the Java classes automatically.
Does anybody know a way of doing this?
You need something like this - JNAerator can "compile" native headers in order to generate JNA mappings, with some limited C++ support.
Finally we used jawin to generate the Java classes for accessing the the .dll. The jawin typebrowser tool was the only one that could handle the C++ .dll we were trying to access.
Unfortunately the jawin project is no longer developed. The last version is dated to early 2005.
We have huge stack of xml files (around 5000+ files) possibly about 80 MB when not compressed) all of them are device configurations used for read & write data & build user interfaces without any language dependencies. These XML files can be ported to any technologies like Android and Apple world. Not all the 5000+ are loaded at one shot to memory, we might load 200 files into memory based on 1 device connected. We have a .NET/WPF based application which is using those XML files to build the UI and access the device information through protocols like Modbus & Hart (Don't bother protocols now). Anywhere we need custom logic, we have written them in DLL's (in .NET) and we use the reflection & IoC to load those DLLs, create object and access them through interfaces at runtime to complete the XML configuration. On desktop, then we build UI and load configuration
Now We need to develop Android app which runs on Phone and tablet as well. I have 1 year experience working lightly in Java. We could write a core modules which can be used for both phone and tablet and UI layer which is just to render our XML as a UI elements. We know to use Java's Class Loader to create instance so that instead of DLL's we could build .jar file in Android world and load them (if possible?) and access via interfaces. When we load our XML, it will consume nearly 80 to 100 MB of RAM (in WPF & .NET).
When looking into Android world, I could not decide whether to go with Scala or Java. We do not have any Java expert to advise us. Having worked on Python, I feel like Scala is modern & good choice. Also I read that Android apps compiled using Scala is fat(big), take long time to boot up.
But coming from Visual Studio background, we are much sophisticated development team expect everything to run through IDE. Also team has to learn Java/Scala whatever our choice from start.
If we choose to work on Scala on Android, do we except the memory efficiency is near to Java? Also do we have sufficient IDE support (Eclipse or NetBeans or IdeaJ) for Scala?
I am specifically looking for Memory footprint (internals) and IDE support for building Android application. No discussion on performance or productivity..
My Scala IDE is Maven in one terminal window and Vim in another. The browser serves up help documentation. If you can base your build process on Maven, then any IDE should do fine. And since you are working a lot with XML files, I suggest that you do base your build process on Maven rather than SBT.
Of course, there is Eclipse support for Scala, Intellij supports it, there is a Netbeans plugin for Scala, even a Komodo language extension for Scala. Lots of IDE choices to try out. Only the developer knows what works for them.
Make half a dozen identical VMs. Install one IDE on each one of them. Get the developers (end users of the IDE) to test them and choose the one that they want. Do all of the build and continuous integration with SVN and Maven. Make that the boundary between the developers'personal toolset (the IDE or Emacs or Vim) and the supported development tools.
If you're coming from C#, I'd advice choosing Scala. That way you could actually preserve some of your business logic, because good C# code might probably look a bit like things are done in Scala, too. E. g. LINQ in C# and Scala's collection classes (v.s Java collections).
The syntax is a bit different compared to Java/C#, but syntax is hardly a real problem these days.
Java's IDE support is pretty good, but if you're coming from Visual Studio, Intellij (or Eclipse) + Scala plugin might be good enough for you.
If you program the same code in Java and Scala, memory consumption should be pretty the same.
You should keep in mind that you should use ProGuard to keep the size of the Android application manageable.
I have a Java application that runs on BlackBerry (JDE 4.5). I want to port this application to Android, and be able to maintain the 2 applications simultaneously. I may also want to port this application to other Java platforms (J2ME ?).
I understand that a good part of the code will have to be specific to each platform (UI and other stuff). But I also feel that a lot of the code could (should) be shared (domain related classes).
What is the best way to achieve this, and what are the pitfalls to avoid?
I have been able so far to create a JAR with all my shared classes, that I have been able to integrate into my BlackBerry application (using preverify and rapc). But:
The JAR is a J2SE library. How can I make sure that it will run (or even compile) on BlackBerry, Android or J2ME?
I am also using a JSON library targeting J2ME (https://github.com/upictec/org.json.me/). This library seems to make use of some kind of preprocessing directives (CLDC, see https://github.com/upictec/org.json.me/blob/master/src/main/java/org/json/me/JSONObject.java#L392). How can I use (or convert) this library using the right preprocessing definitions?
This is likely to be difficult:
As you have already identified, the UI code will have to be different for each platform.
There are major differences between Java SE / Android and Java ME-based platforms. For example, ME doesn't have the Collections framework, or the java.io or java.nio stacks.
It is hard to predict from the information you've provided, but there's a fair chance that you'll spend more time fighting the platform dependencies than you are saving by sharing the code-base.
These days, the biggest stumbling block to sharing code this way is that the BlackBerry VM and Android VM both support different versions of the Java language. BlackBerry uses a subset of Java 1.3, Android uses a subset of Java 1.5. (As an aside, neither platform implements a Java VM, both use their own VMs. Java is used as the programming language. Java bytecodes must be transformed to the appropriate native VM format before they can run on the platform.)
The biggest difference you will find as a library implementor is that the BlackBerry lacks the things that were introduced in 1.5, very important things like generics and enums. Even worse, the Collections classes are missing from the BlackBerry. It is unfortunate, but that is the way it has been for a long time now.
This means that to be truly portable you have to write to the lowest-common denominator, which means using (very) old-style classes like Hashtable and Vector, not having generics, rolling your own enums (as in the 1st edition of Effective Java) and so on.
Or you build two libraries, a modern version for Android and a stripped-down version (with just the bare stuff you need) for the BlackBerry.
Hard to say what`s right for you.
Rather than prepackage your shared library, I would consider sharing the library project and having it as a dependency in your mobile applications' build process. That would allow you to share the code base, but have it built by the appropriate builders for your target devices. With a bit of IDE magic and some attention to detail, you should be able to pick up errors before anything is shipped out.
Alternatively, set up your library project to use two separate builders to pick up errors. That would allow cleaner distribution, but you may run into problems trying to convince your IDE to treat the project as being device specific in order to identify problem areas.
It would be likely that you would end up supporting the lowest common denominator device (cough Blackberry), and forgoing the additional facilities of the more extensive Java implementation on Android.
Unfortunately the answer will be one of experimentation. Try it and see what happens.
The article Porting Android code to BlackBerry has some good detail on how to work with code shared between the two platforms.
it will be very difficult to create shared library for blackberry and android.
if you want simple method, create your application as web app.
phonegap with jQtouch
Is there a Java library to access the native Windows API? Either with COM or JNI.
You could try these two, I have seen success with both.
The Java/Win32 integration project
(Jawin) is a free, open source
architecture for interoperation
between Java and components exposed
through Microsoft's Component Object
Model (COM) or through Win32 Dynamic
Link Libraries (DLLs).
JNA provides Java programs easy access
to native shared libraries (DLLs on
Windows) without writing anything but
Java code—no JNI or native code is
required. This functionality is
comparable to Windows' Platform/Invoke
and Python's ctypes. Access is dynamic
at runtime without code generation.
JNA allows you to call directly into
native functions using natural Java
method invocation. The Java call looks
just like it does in native code. Most
calls require no special handling or
configuration; no boilerplate or
generated code is required.
Also read up here:
The Java Native Interface (JNI) is a
programming framework that allows Java
code running in a Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) to call and to be called1 by
native applications (programs specific
to a hardware and operating system
platform) and libraries written in
other languages, such as C, C++ and
Java Native Access provides Java
programs easy access to native shared
libraries without using the Java
Native Interface. JNA's design aims to
provide native access in a natural way
with a minimum of effort. No
boilerplate or generated glue code is
JNA is pretty nice. I'm just a beginner and I found it very easy. Works not only for the Win32 API but for almost any other DLL.
Jacob is quite good on the COM side (but it's real COM - like you write in C++ - if you are familiar with true COM programming, then Jacob is a snap to use)
JNIWrapper or ConfyJ from from TeamDev.
One more option is WinRun4J. It has a native binding layer that aims to be compatible with pinvoke.net (the native binding format used in dot net). See examples for more information. Its a little early days so YMMV.
(full disclosure: i work on the project).
Yet another option is JFFI - this is used in jruby and jython to interact with native libraries.
Check out Waffle
I've been interested in doing some work on a desktop application for while now and my most proficient language is Java. Due to wanting to be able to compile down to a native executable, does anyone have any experience they would like to share about using gcj to compile, and CNI for libraries? I was hoping to use of of the native toolkits, not just Swing/SWT.
As Eclipse has been sucessfully compiled natively (see http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7413) I would say it's possible.
I used GCJ to embed Java code into an C++ application, but I would not use it for a UI application. I would go pure Java there (probably Eclipse RCP based) as that is where I have experience.
Have fun experimenting!
I haven't used gcj for compiling to a native executable but for interfacing to native libraries I've found JNA to be a very nice way to do it as you don't have to write any native code at all to make native calls. Note that doing it this way does result in a performance penalty so it probably wouldn't be an option if you're calling into native code in a tight loop where performance is likely to be an issue.