Having trouble using the compareTo method - java

Hey all I've recently been trying to learn the compareTo method but this is extremely confusing.
The goal of this program was to hardcode information into a array of objects and sort it by the test score. The problem is compareTo method which I'm having trouble creating since the book I'm using doesn't go in to detail about this method. Here is the code so far.
public class janesj_Lab7 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CS_UnderGradStudent no1 = new CS_UnderGradStudent(101,"Nancy","Brown","abc#kean.edu",70.0);
CS_UnderGradStudent no2 = new CS_UnderGradStudent(102,"John", "May","def#kean.edu",90);
CS_GradStudent no3 = new CS_GradStudent(103,"William","Smith","xyz#kean.edu",70,"Database");
Object[] arrays = new Object[3];
arrays[0] = no1;
arrays[1] = no2;
arrays[2] = no3;
int x = (int)Student.getGrade();
for(int i = 0;i<arrays.length;i++) {
public static abstract class Student implements Comparable<Student>{
public static int studentId;
public static String firstName;
public static String lastName;
public static String email;
public static double testScore;
public static String STUDENT_TYPE;
public static double getGrade(){
return testScore;
public static String getStudent() {
public Student(int id,String fname, String lname, String email, double testScore){
this.studentId = id;
this.firstName = fname;
this.lastName = lname;
this.email =email;
this.testScore = testScore;
public String toString() {
String x = Double.toString(testScore);
return "\tStudent ID: " + studentId + " name: "+ firstName + ","+ lastName + " Email: " + email + " testScore: " + x;
public abstract String computeGrade();
public static class CS_UnderGradStudent extends Student implements Comparable<Student>{
String STUDENT_TYPE ="CS_UnderGradStudent";
public CS_UnderGradStudent(int id,String fname, String lname, String email, double testScore) {
public String computeGrade() {
if( testScore>=70) {
return "Pass";
else {
return "Fail";
public String toString(){
String x = Double.toString(testScore);
return"student type: " + STUDENT_TYPE + "\n" + super.toString() + "\n\t" + "Grade: " + computeGrade();
public static class CS_GradStudent extends Student implements Comparable<Student>{
String STUDENT_TYPE = "CS_GradStudent";
String researchTopic;
public CS_GradStudent(int id,String fname, String lname, String email, double testScore,String r) {
researchTopic = r;
public String computeGrade() {
if(testScore>= 80) {
return "Pass";
else {
return "Fail";
public String toString() {
String x = Double.toString(testScore);
return"student type: " + STUDENT_TYPE + "\n" + super.toString() + "\n" + "Grade: " + computeGrade() + "\nResearch Topic: " + researchTopic;


I can not increase the studentid value in For

I am doing some coding in Java, but it doesn't work:
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String [] studentId = new String [3];
Student name;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
System.out.print("Enter Name => ");
name = new Student(input.next());
studentId[i] = name.toString();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
public class Student
private static int studentId;
private String name;
public Student(String name)
public int getStudentId()
return studentId;
public void setStudentId(int studentId)
this.studentId = studentId;
public String toString()
return (this.studentId +" "+ "student is "+ " " + "(" + this.studentId + ")"+ this.name);
I need to auto-increment the Id when a new entry is created.
I try everything but still cant increased it.
You are using a static variable for everyone's Ids. You need a separate, non-static field to store each individual Id.
public class Student
private static int nextAvailableStudentId = 1;
private String name;
private int studentId;
public Student(String name)
public int getStudentId()
return studentId;
public void setStudentId(int studentId)
this.studentId = studentId;
public String toString()
return (this.studentId +" "+ "student is "+ " " + "(" + this.studentId + ")"+ this.name);
In constructor it should be:
public Student(String name)
setStudentId(studentId + 1);

Converting Paypal Checkout Transaction to a Java Object?

I've been working on a Paypal JSON to Java object converter, using Gson. But, it doesn't generate a full Java object. Seems like this conversion would have already been done, but I couldn't find anything.
My technique is to take the Paypal JSON, do replacements of their non-Java element names, then parse that into a Java object that I've defined.
Here's what the Gson looks like:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().serializeNulls().create();
JSONObjFromPaypalTrx jsonPaypalTrx = gson.fromJson(paypalTrx, JSONObjFromPaypalTrx.class);
logger.debug("jsonPaypalTrx: " +jsonPaypalTrx);
paypalTrx is the Paypal JSON after the element names are replaced:
paypalTrx: {"id":"PAYID-LXJIHMI92J52777N04488909","intent":"Sale","state":"approved","cart":"25M35194DL227451S","createTime":"2019-11-18T11:42:41Z","Payer":{"paymentMethod":"paypal","status":"VERIFIED","PayerInfo":{"email":"sb-cject591397#personal.example.com","firstName":"John","middleName":"John","lastName":"Doe","payerId":"5V25373K45VBE","countryCode":"US","ShippingAddress":{"recipientName":"John Doe","line1":"1 Main St","city":"San Jose","state":"CA","postalCode":"95131","countryCode":"US"}}},"Transactions":[{"Amount":{"total":"199.99","currency":"USD","Details":{"subtotal":"199.99","shipping":"0.00","handlingFee":"0.00","insurance":"0.00","shippingDiscount":"0.00"}},"ItemList":{},"RelatedResources":[{"Sale":{"id":"80E26736585579458","state":"completed","paymentMode":"INSTANT_TRANSFER","protectionEligibility":"ELIGIBLE","parentPayment":"PAYID-LXJIHMI92J52777N04488909","createTime":"2019-11-18T11:43:00Z","updateTime":"2019-11-18T11:43:00Z","Amount":{"total":"199.99","currency":"USD","Details":{"subtotal":"199.99","shipping":"0.00","handlingFee":"0.00","insurance":"0.00","shippingDiscount":"0.00"}}}}]}]}
Here's the Java object I've defined:
package com.example;
import java.util.List;
* This JSON Object was derived from a Paypal transaction string.
public class JSONObjFromPaypalTrx{
private String id;
private String intent;
private String state;
private String cart;
private String createTime;
private Payer payer;
private List<Transactions> transactions;
public JSONObjFromPaypalTrx() {
public String getId(){
return id;
public void setId(String input){
this.id = input;
public String getIntent(){
return intent;
public void setIntent(String input){
this.intent = input;
public String getState(){
return state;
public void setState(String input){
this.state = input;
public String getCart(){
return cart;
public void setCart(String input){
this.cart = input;
public String getCreateTime(){
return createTime;
public void setCreateTime(String input){
this.createTime = input;
public Payer getPayer(){
return payer;
public void setPayer(Payer input){
this.payer = input;
public List<Transactions> getTransactions(){
return transactions;
public void setTransactions(List<Transactions> input){
this.transactions = input;
public static class ShippingAddress{
private String recipientName;
private String line1;
private String city;
private String state;
private String postalCode;
private String countryCode;
public ShippingAddress() {
public String getRecipientName(){
return recipientName;
public void setRecipientName(String input){
this.recipientName = input;
public String getLine1(){
return line1;
public void setLine1(String input){
this.line1 = input;
public String getCity(){
return city;
public void setCity(String input){
this.city = input;
public String getState(){
return state;
public void setState(String input){
this.state = input;
public String getPostalCode(){
return postalCode;
public void setPostalCode(String input){
this.postalCode = input;
public String getCountryCode(){
return countryCode;
public void setCountryCode(String input){
this.countryCode = input;
public String toString() {
return "ShippingAddress [recipientName: " + recipientName + ", line1: " + line1 + ", city: " + city
+ ", state: " + state + ", postalCode: " + postalCode + ", countryCode: " + countryCode + "]";
public static class PayerInfo{
private String email;
private String firstName;
private String middleName;
private String lastName;
private String payerId;
private String countryCode;
private ShippingAddress shippingAddress;
public PayerInfo() {
public String getEmail(){
return email;
public void setEmail(String input){
this.email = input;
public String getFirstName(){
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String input){
this.firstName = input;
public String getMiddleName(){
return middleName;
public void setMiddleName(String input){
this.middleName = input;
public String getLastName(){
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String input){
this.lastName = input;
public String getPayerId(){
return payerId;
public void setPayerId(String input){
this.payerId = input;
public String getCountryCode(){
return countryCode;
public void setCountryCode(String input){
this.countryCode = input;
public ShippingAddress getShippingAddress(){
return shippingAddress;
public void setShippingAddress(ShippingAddress input){
this.shippingAddress = input;
public String toString() {
return "PayerInfo [email: " + email + ", firstName: " + firstName + ", middleName: " + middleName
+ ", lastName: " + lastName + ", payerId: " + payerId + ", countryCode: " + countryCode
+ ", shippingAddress: " + shippingAddress + "]";
public static class Payer{
private String paymentMethod;
private String status;
private PayerInfo payerInfo;
public Payer() {
public String getPaymentMethod(){
return paymentMethod;
public void setPaymentMethod(String input){
this.paymentMethod = input;
public String getStatus(){
return status;
public void setStatus(String input){
this.status = input;
public PayerInfo getPayerInfo(){
return payerInfo;
public void setPayerInfo(PayerInfo input){
this.payerInfo = input;
public String toString() {
return "Payer [paymentMethod: " + paymentMethod + ", status: " + status + ", payerInfo: " + payerInfo + "]";
public static class Amount{
private String total;
private String currency;
private Details details;
public Amount() {
public String getTotal(){
return total;
public void setTotal(String input){
this.total = input;
public String getCurrency(){
return currency;
public void setCurrency(String input){
this.currency = input;
public Details getDetails(){
return details;
public void setDetails(Details input){
this.details = input;
public String toString() {
return "Amount [total: " + total + ", currency: " + currency + ", details: " + details + "]";
public static class ItemList{
public ItemList() {
public static class Details{
private String subtotal;
private String shipping;
private String handlingFee;
private String insurance;
private String shippingDiscount;
public Details() {
public String getSubtotal(){
return subtotal;
public void setSubtotal(String input){
this.subtotal = input;
public String getShipping(){
return shipping;
public void setShipping(String input){
this.shipping = input;
public String getHandlingFee(){
return handlingFee;
public void setHandlingFee(String input){
this.handlingFee = input;
public String getInsurance(){
return insurance;
public void setInsurance(String input){
this.insurance = input;
public String getShippingDiscount(){
return shippingDiscount;
public void setShippingDiscount(String input){
this.shippingDiscount = input;
public String toString() {
return "Details [subtotal: " + subtotal + ", shipping: " + shipping + ", handlingFee: " + handlingFee
+ ", insurance: " + insurance + ", shippingDiscount: " + shippingDiscount + "]";
public static class Sale{
private String id;
private String state;
private String paymentMode;
private String protectionEligibility;
private String parentPayment;
private String createTime;
private String updateTime;
private Amount amount;
public Sale() {
public String getId(){
return id;
public void setId(String input){
this.id = input;
public String getState(){
return state;
public void setState(String input){
this.state = input;
public String getPaymentMode(){
return paymentMode;
public void setPaymentMode(String input){
this.paymentMode = input;
public String getProtectionEligibility(){
return protectionEligibility;
public void setProtectionEligibility(String input){
this.protectionEligibility = input;
public String getParentPayment(){
return parentPayment;
public void setParentPayment(String input){
this.parentPayment = input;
public String getCreateTime(){
return createTime;
public void setCreateTime(String input){
this.createTime = input;
public String getUpdateTime(){
return updateTime;
public void setUpdateTime(String input){
this.updateTime = input;
public Amount getAmount(){
return amount;
public void setAmount(Amount input){
this.amount = input;
public String toString() {
return "Sale [id: " + id + ", state: " + state + ", paymentMode: " + paymentMode + ", protectionEligibility: "
+ protectionEligibility + ", parentPayment: " + parentPayment + ", createTime: " + createTime
+ ", updateTime: " + updateTime + ", amount: " + amount + "]";
public static class RelatedResources{
private Sale sale;
public RelatedResources() {
public Sale getSale(){
return sale;
public void setSale(Sale input){
this.sale = input;
public String toString() {
return "RelatedResources [sale: " + sale + "]";
public static class Transactions{
private Amount amount;
private ItemList itemList;
private List<RelatedResources> relatedResources;
public Transactions() {
public Amount getAmount(){
return amount;
public void setAmount(Amount input){
this.amount = input;
public ItemList getItemList(){
return itemList;
public void setItemList(ItemList input){
this.itemList = input;
public List<RelatedResources> getRelatedResources(){
return relatedResources;
public void setRelatedResources(List<RelatedResources> input){
this.relatedResources = input;
public String toString() {
return "Transactions [amount: " + amount + ", itemList: " + itemList + ", relatedResources: "
+ relatedResources + "]";
public String toString() {
return "JSONObjFromPaypalTrx [id: " + id + ", intent: " + intent + ", state: " + state + ", cart: " + cart
+ ", createTime: " + createTime + ", payer: " + payer + ", transactions: " + transactions + "]";
Here's a log of jsonPaypalTrx:
jsonPaypalTrx: JSONObjFromPaypalTrx [id: PAYID-LXJIHMI92J52777N04488909, intent: Sale, state: approved, cart: 25M35194DL227451S, createTime: 2019-11-18T11:42:41Z, payer: null, transactions: null]
Is the incomplete jsonPaypalTrx due to my use of inner classes inside JSONObjFromPaypalTrx? Splitting each inner class into separate Java files would be awkward for me to do.
Thanks for helping.
Given JSON payload uses mixed naming convention: camel case and UPPER_CAMEL_CASE for JSON Objects. So, you need to implement your own FieldNamingStrategy:
class PayPalFieldNamingStrategy implements FieldNamingStrategy {
public String translateName(Field f) {
return f.getType() == String.class ? f.getName() : FieldNamingPolicy.UPPER_CAMEL_CASE.translateName(f);
And register it like below:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.setFieldNamingStrategy(new PayPalFieldNamingStrategy())
Or, for each object declare name like below:
private Payer payer;
Make your member classes static so that they don't need an outer class reference when they're constructed.
Like: public static class ShippingAddress.
Gson likely doesn't know how to constructor inner classes, but it will know how to construct static member classes.

Getting Error:(20, 44) java: constructor XXX cannot be applied to given types;

getting this error which I don't understand.
I have made constructors to the best of my knowledge.
Error:(12, 46) java: constructor FitnessEmployees in class com.company.FitnessEmployees cannot be applied to given types;
required: java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,double,java.lang.String,java.lang.String
found: no arguments
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
My Class:
package com.company;
public class FitnessEmployees {
private String Name;
private String CPR;
private int Hours;
private double Salary;
private String Vacation;
private String EmployeeType;
public FitnessEmployees(String name, String CPR, int hours, double salary, String vacation, String employeeType) {
this.Name = name;
this.CPR = CPR;
this.Hours = hours;
this.Salary = salary;
this.Vacation = vacation;
this.EmployeeType = employeeType;
public String getName() {
return Name;
public void setName(String name) {
Name = name;
public String getCPR() {
return CPR;
public void setCPR(String CPR) {
this.CPR = CPR;
public int getHours() {
return Hours;
public void setHours(int hours) {
Hours = hours;
public double getSalary() {
return Salary;
public void setSalary(double salary) {
Salary = salary;
public String getVacation() {
return Vacation;
public void setVacation(String vacation) {
Vacation = vacation;
public String getEmployeeType() {
return EmployeeType;
public void setEmployeeType(String employeeType) {
EmployeeType = employeeType;
public String toString() {
return "FitnessEmployees{" +
"Name='" + Name + '\'' +
", CPR='" + CPR + '\'' +
", Hours=" + Hours +
", Salary=" + Salary +
", Vacation=" + Vacation +
", EmployeeType='" + EmployeeType + '\'' +
My Main:
package com.company;
public class FitnessMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int Salaryadmin = 23000;
int SalaryInstructor = 456;
FitnessEmployees FitnessEmployees1 = new FitnessEmployees();
String Name1 = "Claus";
String CPR1 = "221175-1011";
int Hours1 = 37;
double Salary1 = Salaryadmin;
String Vacation1 = "5";
String EmployeeType1 = "Administrative";
FitnessEmployees ObjectEmployee2 = new FitnessEmployees();
String Name2 = "Tove";
String CPR2 = "011080-1014";
int Hours2 = 20;
double Salary2 = (SalaryInstructor * Hours2);
String Vacation2 = " ";
String EmployeeType2 = "Instructor";
FitnessEmployees ObjectEmployee3 = new FitnessEmployees();
String Name3 = "Anna";
String CPR3 = "011080-1012";
int Hours3 = 37;
double Salary3 = Salaryadmin;
String Vacation3 = "5";
String EmployeeType3 = "Administrative";
FitnessEmployees ObjectEmployee4 = new FitnessEmployees();
String Name4 = "Henning";
String CPR4 = "011080-1014";
int Hours4 = 20;
double Salary4 = (SalaryInstructor * Hours2);
String Vacation4 = " ";
String EmployeeType4 = "Instructor";
Just add a default constructor as mentioned in the comments by #BugsForBreakfast
package com.company;
public class FitnessEmployees {
private String Name;
private String CPR;
private int Hours;
private double Salary;
private String Vacation;
private String EmployeeType;
public FitnessEmployees(){
public FitnessEmployees(String name, String CPR, int hours, double salary, String vacation, String employeeType) {
this.Name = name;
this.CPR = CPR;
this.Hours = hours;
this.Salary = salary;
this.Vacation = vacation;
this.EmployeeType = employeeType;
public String getName() {
return Name;
public void setName(String name) {
Name = name;
public String getCPR() {
return CPR;
public void setCPR(String CPR) {
this.CPR = CPR;
public int getHours() {
return Hours;
public void setHours(int hours) {
Hours = hours;
public double getSalary() {
return Salary;
public void setSalary(double salary) {
Salary = salary;
public String getVacation() {
return Vacation;
public void setVacation(String vacation) {
Vacation = vacation;
public String getEmployeeType() {
return EmployeeType;
public void setEmployeeType(String employeeType) {
EmployeeType = employeeType;
public String toString() {
return "FitnessEmployees{" +
"Name='" + Name + '\'' +
", CPR='" + CPR + '\'' +
", Hours=" + Hours +
", Salary=" + Salary +
", Vacation=" + Vacation +
", EmployeeType='" + EmployeeType + '\'' +
FitnessEmployees ObjectEmployee1 = new FitnessEmployees();
FitnessEmployees ObjectEmployee2 = new FitnessEmployees();
FitnessEmployees ObjectEmployee3 = new FitnessEmployees();
FitnessEmployees ObjectEmployee4 = new FitnessEmployees();
These objects call the default constructor of your FitnessEmployees class. All you need to do is add default constructor :
public FitnessEmployees {

Using toString() method from child class

Hi I am writing a code using polymorphism and I would like to print List on the screen but when I am using my code it run toString method from parent class only. How can I fix it?
public class HospitalApp {
public static void main(String[] main){
Hospital hospital = new Hospital();
List<Person> lista = new ArrayList<>();
lista = hospital.showList();
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(Person person : lista){
public class Hospital{
List<Person> lista = new ArrayList<>();
Person doktor = new Doctor("All", "Bundy",100, 99999);
Person nurse = new Nurse("Iga", "Lis",160, 10);
Person nurse_1 = new Nurse("Magda", "Andrych",160, 20);
public List showList(){
return lista;
public class Person{
private String imie;
private String nazwisko;
private double wyplata;
public Person(){}
public Person(String imie, String nazwisko, double wyplata){
this.imie = imie;
this.nazwisko = nazwisko;
this.wyplata = wyplata;
public void setImie(String imie){
this.imie = imie;
public String getImie(){
return imie;
public void setNazwisko(String nazwisko){
this.nazwisko = nazwisko;
public String getNazwisko(){
return nazwisko;
public void setWyplata(double wyplata){
this.wyplata = wyplata;
public double getWyplata(){
return wyplata;
public String toString(){
return getImie() + " " + getNazwisko() + " " + getWyplata();
public class Nurse extends Person{
private int nadgodziny;
public Nurse(){}
public Nurse(String imie, String nazwisko, double wyplata, int nadgodziny){
super(imie, nazwisko, wyplata);
this.nadgodziny = nadgodziny;
public void setNadgodziny(int nadgodziny){
this.nadgodziny = nadgodziny;
public int getNadgodziny(){
return nadgodziny;
String toString(){
return getImie() + " " + getNazwisko() + " " + getWyplata() + " " + getNadgodziny();
public class Doctor extends Person {
private double premia;
public Doctor(){}
public Doctor(String imie, String nazwisko, double wyplata , double premia){
super(imie, nazwisko, wyplata);
this.premia = premia;
public double getPremia(){
return premia;
public void setPremia(double premia){
this.premia = premia;
String toString(){
return getImie() + " " + getNazwisko() + " " + getWyplata() + " " + getPremia();
Can someone help me solve this problem?
The problem lies here, in the Person and Doctor class:
String toString(){
return ...;
you are missing the public specifier. There should be an error / warning about that. Apply it to the method signatures and your code will work as you expect it to.
probably you should add to the List not a Person (object) but a value returned by its toString method:
for(Person person : lista){

NullPointerException when adding Object to ArrayList

I'm very new to Java and have been trying to set-up an ArrayList CustomerList that takes object Customer, where Customer has attributes from class IAddress. When calling the .add method in my main code however, I am given a NullPointerException error, which I assume is being given because my method isn't receiving anything to add to the ArrayList. I thought it was an issue with the attributes being initialised to empty strings, but when editing them to contain some information, the error still occured.
The ArrayList CustomerList
public class CustomerList {
public ArrayList<Customer> Clients;
public CustomerList() {
Clients = new ArrayList<>();
public void add(Customer src) {
public void remove(Customer src) {
public void Display(JTextArea jClientsTextArea) {
for (int i = 0; i < Clients.size(); i++) {
Receives Customer from this class
public class Customer {
private String FirstName;
private String Surname;
private IAddress HomeAddress;
public String DOB;
public Customer() {
FirstName = "";
Surname = "";
DOB = "01/01/1900";
HomeAddress = new IAddress();
public void Display(javax.swing.JTextArea jAddressTextArea) {
jAddressTextArea.append("First Name: " + FirstName + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("Surname: " + Surname + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("DOB:" + DOB + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("Street: " + HomeAddress.getStreet() + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("House Name: " + HomeAddress.getHouseName() + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("House Number: " + HomeAddress.getHouseNo() + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("Area: " + HomeAddress.getArea() + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("Postcode: " + HomeAddress.getPostCode() + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("Town: " + HomeAddress.getTown() + "\n");
jAddressTextArea.append("Country: " + HomeAddress.getCountry() + "\n");
public void Edit(String strfirstname, String strsurname, String strDOB, String strStreet, String strHouseName, String strHouseNo, String strHouseArea, String strPostCode, String strTown, String strCountry) {
FirstName = strfirstname;
Surname = strsurname;
DOB = strDOB;
Which receives attributes from IAddress
public class IAddress {
private String Name;
private String Street;
private String HouseNo;
private String HouseName;
private String Area;
private String PostCode;
private String Town;
private String Country;
public IAddress() {
Name = "";
Street = "";
HouseNo = "";
HouseName = "";
Area = "";
PostCode = "";
Town = "";
Country = "";
public void setName(String strName) {
Name = strName;
public void setStreet(String strStreet) {
Street = strStreet;
public void setHouseNo(String strHouseNo) {
HouseNo = strHouseNo;
public void setHouseName(String strHouseName) {
HouseName = strHouseName;
public void setArea(String strArea) {
Area = strArea;
public void setPostCode(String strPostCode) {
PostCode = strPostCode;
public void setTown(String strTown) {
Town = strTown;
public void setCountry(String strCountry) {
Country = strCountry;
I've been banging my head against this problem for hours and am ready for it to be something stupidly simple. Thank you.
In your code above the only reason why calling myCustomerList.add(...) could throw is that myCustomerList itself is null. This is because the Clients inside it is initialized in the constructor, and never set to null again. The value of src does not matter as well - the call to Clients.add(src) would succeed even if src is null.
You need to make sure that in your main you do initialize your customer list, like this:
CustomerList list = new CustomerList();
