Docker files and build command - java

I tried to create a container using dockerfile, but I'm not successful.
For loading the application on the docker what files do I need? And what is the build command?

Docker is a relative new technology and it's quite hard to find suitable documentation for your problem, first of all you will need docker-compose.yaml and Dockerfile, wich are the configuration files. Next you need to access the folder where's your project, and run "docker-compose up --build", for building the project, then "docker-compose down" to stop and "docker-compose up" to start again.

So, basically you'd need the docker installed in your machine, and a Dockerfile in your project.
I would indicate this step-by-step for your first example of a docker container:
Enter a folder that you can start a new project
Execute these command (You will ned git (click here to download it) installed):
git clone -b v1
cd node-bulletin-board/bulletin-board-app
Create a Dockerfile in the current folder
Paste this following piece of code in your new Dockerfile:
FROM node:6.11.5
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
Now you can build and run your all-new container:
docker image build -t bulletinboard:1.0 .
docker container run --publish 8000:8080 --detach --name bb bulletinboard:1.0
So, with these steps, I think you can start to understand how Docker works and how you can introduce this stack in your currently running application.
Please, also check docker-compose docs for reference, it will help you.
Thank you.


How to build spring boot app in Intellij IDEA in a docker image within the IDE?

I need to replicate the build in our CI/CD tool in the dev workstations of the developers by making Intellij IDEA build within a docker container instead of the current system. Is this doable? I find similar threads with launching the app inside (that i don't need), i need it only as a build environment. I already have the Docker plugin installed but i fail to see how to make it as a build environment.
I have installed the docker plugin, prepared the image. I have docker installed on the workstation.
You are expecting something like this?
FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-alpine as build
WORKDIR /workspace/app
COPY mvnw .
COPY .mvn .mvn
COPY pom.xml .
COPY src src
RUN ./mvnw package -DskipTests
FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-alpine
ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar
ARG DEPENDENCY=/workspace/app/target/dependency
COPY --from=build /workspace/app/${JAR_FILE} /app/
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "java ${JAVA_OPTS} -jar /app.jar ${0} ${#}"]
You can use the maven container as a build container to save maven installation time in case it takes.

How to access gradle test reports from a docker container

I'm using a docker container to build and run my java application and I want to see the test results that would usually be available from build/reports/tests/test/index.html.
Here's my Dockerfile:
FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk add gradle openjdk17
WORKDIR /home/proj
COPY . .
RUN gradle build
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "./app/build/libs/app.jar" ]
Here's my docker-compose.yml:
version: "3.8"
build: .
I typically build my container with docker-compose build and run it with docker-compose up and would like this to stay as it is.
I've tried changing my docker-compose.yml to:
version: "3.8"
build: .
- ./tests:/home/proj/app/build/reports/tests/test
But this just creates an empty directory called tests in my project's root directory. I am 100% sure the right path is /home/proj/app/build/reports/tests/test as you can see here:
I've hit this same issue. Unfortunately volumes are only availible to docker run, they aren't part of the docker build portion of the docker compose process.
I even looked into the new RUN --mount=type=bind,source=.,target=./build/reports,rw gradle build and while in the container I can see (with a RUN ls ./build/reports) the reports being generated, but that mount (even as RW) only puts files in the container as a layer and they never appear on the host machine.
There is a hacky way to recover those test results, in the docker output, just above the failure you'll see this line ---> Running in f98e14dd1ee4. This is the layer ID, with that value you can copy from the failed layer to the local machine using
$ docker cp f98e14dd1ee4:/tmp/build/reports ./
$ ls reports/
checkstyle/ jacoco/ tests/
It shouldn't be to difficult to automate this kind of recover but it feels like it would be fragile automated.
I'm very interested if anyone has a better solution to this, even with an alternative to docker. I know I can build the container with gradle but I'd rather everything happens inside the container build process to keep the build environment defined as code.

Docker image does not rebuild after code change

I am playing around with a docker project that builds and starts with
docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /$(pwd)/example/proto:/proto <image-name>
Inside it is a gradle based java application, about which I would like to get to know somewhat more, so I started to modify its source, adding some logs etc.
I tried to rebuild and rerun the docker image the above way but the results of my modifications don't seem to visible, the logs aren't printed etc.
I removed the image with docker rmi, but after every rebuild it seems to be the same image is being created. docker images always shows it is created 3 weeks ago and the image id is always the same
Checking on the application level the build directory contains the newly compiled java classes, so apparently on that level my changes are in effect, but it seems docker still uses the old code
Any help would be appreciated
Updated: Dockerfile
FROM gradle:7.0.0-jdk11 as cache
RUN mkdir -p /home/gradle/cache_home
RUN mkdir -p /proto
RUN touch /proto/any.proto
ENV GRADLE_USER_HOME /home/gradle/cache_home
COPY build.gradle /home/gradle/java-code/
COPY /home/gradle/java-code/
WORKDIR /home/gradle/java-code
RUN gradle build -i --no-daemon || return 0
FROM gradle:7.0.0-jdk11 as runner
COPY --from=cache /home/gradle/cache_home /home/gradle/.gradle
COPY . /usr/src/java-code/
WORKDIR /usr/src/java-code
ENTRYPOINT ["gradle", "bootRun", "-i"]
A docker build will send your local changes to your local docker deamon to be built into an image.
cd projectWithDockerfile
docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t me/gradlethingy .
docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /$(pwd)/example/proto:/proto me/gradlethingy
Without the build I'm guessing you are pulling in their <image-name> from the net each time.

Unable to access jarfile from docker run command for java maven project

Build docker images using docker file for maven project
When try running docker run getting error saying Unable to access jarfile.
Can some one assist on whats wrong with .
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine as release
RUN addgroup -g 1001 -S user1 && user1 -u 1001 -S user1 -G user1
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY --from=builder /home/app/service-1.0.0.jar .
RUN chown -R user1:user1 /home/app
USER user1
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar" ,"/home/app/service-1.0.0.jar"]
but when i go for docker run with local config files as build mount
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=D:/Java/service/docker/config,target=/home/app services
Unable to access jarfile /home/app/service-1.0.0.jar
Can someone assist on this or is something wrong i did??
I am not sure if you are looking for multistage docker build. If not, you need not use "COPY --from=builder" as it tires to copy the build artifact from your previous stage to this new stage. If it is a single stage docker build, you might just use the copy as follows -
COPY /home/app/service-1.0.0.jar .
Able to resolve the same, Issue was due to mound of config files not happened properly.
instead of docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=D:/Java/service/docker/config,target=/home/app services changes it to docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=D:/Java/service/docker/config/app.config,target=/home/app services which made service to load and work

gu No such file or directory

I'm building a docker image out of a micronaut application.
But whenever I run the docker build command
docker build -f Dockerfile -t micronaut .
I get this error
/bin/sh: /bin/gu: No such file or directory
Here's the content of my docker file anyway:
FROM oracle/graalvm-ce:20.0.0-java11 as graalvm
RUN $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/gu install native-image
COPY . /home/app/micronautguide
WORKDIR /home/app/micronautguide
RUN $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/native-image --no-server -cp build/libs/complete-*-all.jar
FROM frolvlad/alpine-glibc
RUN apk update && apk add libstdc++
COPY --from=graalvm /home/app/micronautguide/micronautguide /micronautguide/micronautguide
ENTRYPOINT ["/micronautguide/micronautguide", "-Xmx68m"]
Though by running gu command from the terminal works.
Your context does not contain RUN $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/gu . What is $GRAAL_VM_HOME? Whatever this variable is, it is set as null. Also, $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/gu needs to be part of docker image.
$GRAALVM_HOME does not exists in the oracle/graalvm-ce:20.0.0-java11 container. Thus, make suer to specify the right path. In this case it is /bin/gu
I think $GRAALVM_HOME is a variable you use in the local machine and gu tool is already installed and available at /bin in the docker image. So I have kept the $GRAALVM_HOME unchanged in the second build stage.
So, the Dockerfile should be like below,
FROM oracle/graalvm-ce:20.0.0-java11 as graalvm
RUN /bin/gu install native-image
COPY . /home/app/micronautguide
WORKDIR /home/app/micronautguide
RUN /bin/native-image --no-server -cp build/libs/complete-*-all.jar
FROM frolvlad/alpine-glibc
RUN apk update && apk add libstdc++
COPY --from=graalvm /home/app/micronautguide/micronautguide /micronautguide/micronautguide
ENTRYPOINT ["/micronautguide/micronautguide", "-Xmx68m"]
