Java Criteria builder- how to build a complex join query? - java

I'm new to Criteria API (and JAVA in general, but lets not talk about this).
I'm trying to build a really complex query using it, which goes like this:
SELECT ac.firstName as firstName, ac.lastName as lastName, du.idNumber as idNumber, du.dateOfBirth as dateOfBirth, du.gender as gender, du.settlement as settlement, du.street as street, du.buildingNumber as buildingNumber, as driverID, pa.phoneNumber as phoneNumber, ea.emailAddress as emailAddress
FROM newDB.accounts ac
inner join driver_users du on =
inner join phone_authentications pa on pa.identity_id=ac.identity_id
inner join email_authentications ea on ea.identity_id=ac.identity_id
where du.idNumber=:searchParams.idNumber and emailAddress like searchParams.emailAddress
After a lot of digging I managed to understand the syntx of the Criteria API and how to work with it, but im not sure on few things:
how do I make it pull out of various tables? I saw the "Root" command where you define the root table to pull from, so I guess my case should be Root<DriverSearchResultDto> root = criteriaBuilder.from(DriverSearchResultDto.class);, but is it really the root? Just assumed so because it came after the "from" clause... and what about the inner-joins? how do I add them with the specified join condition?
The DriverSearchResultDto I based my criteria-builder upon is not an entity and not connected directly to a table, its a custom DTO I created to recieve the results from the query. Is it ok? I went through the rest of the code written before I got here, and all the criteria-builders used are actual entities conneted to DB tables, so I wanna make sure I'm using it right (the fields inside has the exact same names tho- e.g firstName, lastName, etc).
how do I make a "like" condition in criteria? couldn't find a lot of info on this as well.
a newbie question about queries- I didn't get to work much on sql DBs lately. I'm not really new to the syntax but just not sure about something: as you can see, all the paramters I wanna pull from the DB are written like ac.lastName as lastName- no change to the name of parameter itself. Is it just the previous programmer being weird, or is it necessary when pulling from few tables at the same time (or on other condition?) to specify paramters name to not include table? will it not know how to parse the response into the results object?
Tnx alot!


How to replace a string in a string with integer type in java?

I have a requirement. The technology is quite old doesn't support spring at all . It is pure java application with jdbc connection.
Requirement is :
select * from employee where empid = <<empid>> and designation = 'Doctor'
I am trying to replace <> with actual int value in java . How I can do it ?
String query = "select * from employee where empid = <<empid>> and designation = 'Doctor'";
/// Here I want to replace <<empid>> with actual int value in java
Any leads will be helpful
The code you didn't paste, that actually executes the SQL is either [A] a massive security leak that needs serious rewrites, or [B] is using PreparedStatement.
Here's the problem: SQL injection. Creating the SQL string by mixing a template or a bunch of string constants together with a bunch of user input is a security leak. For example, if you try to make SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '' by e.g. String sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '" + email + "'";, the problem is, what if the user puts in the web form, in the 'email' field:'; DROP TABLE users CASCADE; EXEC 'FORMAT C: /y /force'; --? Then the SQL becomes:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ''; DROP TABLE users CASCADE; EXEC 'FORMAT C: /y /force'; --';
That is legal SQL and you really, really, really don't want your DB engine to execute it.
Each DB engine has its own ideas on what's actually legal, and may do crazy things such as treating curly quotes as real quotes, etc. So, there is no feasible blacklist or whitelist technology you can think of that will properly cover all the bases: You need to ask your DB engine to do this for you, you can't fix this hole yourself.
Java supports this, via java.sql.PreparedStatement. You instead always pass a fully constant SQL string to the engine, and then fill in the blanks, so to speak:
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?");
ps.setString(1, "");
That's how you do it (and add try-with-resources just like you should already be doing here; statements and resultsets are resources you must always close). Even if you call .setString(1, "'; DROP TABLE users CASCADE; --"), then it'll simply look for a row in the database that has that mouthful in the email field. It will not delete the entire users table. Security hole eliminated (and this is the only feasible way to eliminate it).
So, check out that code. Is it using preparedstatement? In that case, well, one way or another that code needs to be calling:
ps.setInt(1, 999);
Where ps is the PreparedStatement object created with connection.prepareStatement(...) where ... is either an SQL constant or at least your input string where the <<empid>> was replaced with a question mark and never with any string input from an untrusted source. The 1 in ps.setInt(1, 999) is the position of the question mark (1 = the first question becomes 999), and the 999 is your actual number. It may look like:
if (input instanceof String) {
ps.setString(idx++, (String) input);
} else if (input instanceof Integer) {
ps.setInt(idx++, ((Integer) input).intValue());
} ...
etcetera. If you don't see that, find the setInt invoke and figure out how to get there. If you don't see any setInt, then what you want is not possible without making some updates to this code.
If you don't even see PreparedStatement anywhere in the code, oh dear! Take that server offline right now, research if a security leak has occurred, if this server stored european data you have 72 hours to notify all users if it has or you can't reasonably figure out e.g. by inspecting logs that it hasn't, or you're in breach of the GDPR. Then rewrite that part using PreparedStatement to solve the problem.

How to query current state of all Objects in a event driven database table?

I am currently implementing a blacklist feature for my application. Therefore I want to use a event based datatable, so I can also track, when a item has been blocked and by whom.
To give you a bit of a context: This is how the table looks like
id|object_id |object_type|change_time |change_type|
0|1234567890|ITEM |2019-04-29 15:12:42|BLACKLISTED|
1|654321 |MATERIAL |2019-04-29 15:14:19|BLACKLISTED|
2|654321 |MATERIAL |2019-04-29 15:14:58|CLEARED |
As I am using spring and spring-data-jpa it is quite easy to get the current state of a single Item when querying for the first result ordered by time.
public interface ItemFilterRepository extends JpaRepository<ItemFilterDpo, Integer> {
ItemFilterDpo findFirstByObjectIdAndObjectTypeOrderByChangeTimeDesc(String objectId, ItemFilterObjectTypeDpo type);
However, I can't find a nice solution for showing all Items that are currently blocked.
So I had a look here in stack overflow and found an answer using subqueries in the sql (SQL Query for current state of all entities in event table).
object_id, object_type, change_time, change_type as last_modified
item_filter ife
ife.change_time = (
select max(ife2.change_time)
from item_filter ife2
where ife.object_id=ife2.object_id
That gives me the following result, which I can filter for BLACKLISTED afterwards:
object_id |object_type|change_time |last_modified|
1234567890|ITEM |2019-04-29 15:12:42|BLACKLISTED |
654321 |MATERIAL |2019-04-29 15:14:58|CLEARED |
To use that with spring-data, my first approach would be to create a view and query from that.
I'd really like to know, whether there is a better approach using spring-data to query the current state of all objects in a event datatable.
If an other framework suites better for my problem, I am happy to know.
Using distinct on feels a bit better, however this doesn't solves my problem with spring-data.
select distinct on (object_id, object_type)
object_id, object_type, change_time, change_type as last_modified
item_filter bl
order by
object_id, object_type, change_time DESC;

Dynamic bind select values in MySQL query jdbi

How can i write dynamic SQL query in Jbdi, like in my project customer will ask some details like first name,last name,mobile. so i will read those values into string and my idea was directly append that to SQL query dynamically like
select first name,last name,mobile from customer
and another user ask only first name then my query will change like
select first name from customer where customer Id=12345
I am doing something similar for dynamically generated search criteria strings in a Dropwizard application using JDBI.
public interface ThingieDao {
Iterator<Thingie> search(#Define("criteria") String criteria);
The defined string "criteria" can then be used in the SQL template:
group ThingieDao;
search(criteria) ::= <<
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE <criteria>
You can use the same technique to insert any string in the SQL, the SELECT column names in your case.
The variable name in the interface does not matter, it is the #Define annotation string that matters.. Assuming Dropwizard doesn't add anything magic, and it usually doesn't, I guess that should work using plain JDBI as well.

Spring JdbcTemplate's queryForList() with many args is not readable; SQLQuery don't give me list with column names

Note: This may be a simple question but I can't find a short way to make it clear. So, sorry for this long question.
In a project I am responsible, I use Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.3.2 as middleware and Oracle database. As database is related to many other projects, some queries as really very complicated and I can't get a solution with Hibernate's solutions (HQL, Criteria, etc...). So I feel more comfortable with JdbcTemplate's queryForX() methods, as an example;
String sql = "select * from myTable";
Sure there are mostly "where" conditions and params indeed:
jdbc.querForList(sql, new Object[]{obj1,obj2,obj3 /* and many more arguments... */})
In this case, I must write question marks "?" for my parameters, so my SQL query string turns out some messy and hard to read; something like this:
select t1.col1, t2.col2, t1.col, --...some cols ,
sum(nvl(some_col1,?)-nvl(other_col2,?)) over (partition by col1,col2,col3,col4) sum_of_cols
from weird_table t1, another_table t2
where t1.col20=? and sum_of_cols>? and t1.col3=t2.col3 --and many ?'s...
and not exists (
select ? from boring_table t3 where -- many ?'s
--group by and order by order by etc
So now, which question mark is for which parameter? It is obvious but hard to read. But there are some other solutions for binded params like:
select * from a_table t where t.col1= :col1 and t.col2= :col2 -- and many more ":param"s
For this type query, we can write if it were Hibernate:
Query q = hibernateTemplate.createQuery();
q.setString("col1","a value");
q.setInteger("col2", 3);
I think it is more readable and easy to understand which value is what. I know I can do this with SQLQuery;
SQLQuery sq = hibernateTemplate.createSQLQuery();
/* same as above setInteger() etc. */
But this sq.list() gives me a list without a column name. so I have a basic array which is difficult to use:
[[1,2,"a"],[1,2,"b"], ...]
But with queryForList() I get better one:
So if I use queryForList(), I must write a very messy params Object;
or I use SQLQuery and then I have to get my list without a map as column names.
Is there a simple solution with mapped list using more readable param setting (like query.setX()) ?
Well you can use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to do just that
Heres a sample
VALUES (:forumId,:forumName,:forumDesc)";
Map namedParameters = new HashMap();
namedParameters.put("forumId", Integer.valueOf(forum.getForumId()));
namedParameters.put("forumName", forum.getForumName());
namedParameters.put("forumDesc", forum.getForumDesc());
namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update(query, namedParameters);
You check the complete example with the source code in the below link
Spring NamedParameterJdbcTemplate Tutorial

Cleanest way to build an SQL string in Java

I want to build an SQL string to do database manipulation (updates, deletes, inserts, selects, that sort of thing) - instead of the awful string concat method using millions of "+"'s and quotes which is unreadable at best - there must be a better way.
I did think of using MessageFormat - but its supposed to be used for user messages, although I think it would do a reasonable job - but I guess there should be something more aligned to SQL type operations in the java sql libraries.
Would Groovy be any good?
First of all consider using query parameters in prepared statements:
PreparedStatement stm = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE user_table SET name=? WHERE id=?");
stm.setString(1, "the name");
stm.setInt(2, 345);
The other thing that can be done is to keep all queries in properties file. For example
in a file can place the above query:
update_query=UPDATE user_table SET name=? WHERE id=?
Then with the help of a simple utility class:
public class Queries {
private static final String propFileName = "";
private static Properties props;
public static Properties getQueries() throws SQLException {
InputStream is =
Queries.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + propFileName);
if (is == null){
throw new SQLException("Unable to load property file: " + propFileName);
if(props == null){
props = new Properties();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SQLException("Unable to load property file: " + propFileName + "\n" + e.getMessage());
return props;
public static String getQuery(String query) throws SQLException{
return getQueries().getProperty(query);
you might use your queries as follows:
PreparedStatement stm = c.prepareStatement(Queries.getQuery("update_query"));
This is a rather simple solution, but works well.
For arbitrary SQL, use jOOQ. jOOQ currently supports SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, and MERGE. You can create SQL like this:
String sql1 = DSL.using(SQLDialect.MYSQL)
.select(A, B, C)
String sql2 = DSL.using(SQLDialect.MYSQL)
.values(A, 1)
.values(B, 2)
String sql3 = DSL.using(SQLDialect.MYSQL)
.set(A, 1)
.set(B, 2)
Instead of obtaining the SQL string, you could also just execute it, using jOOQ. See
(Disclaimer: I work for the company behind jOOQ)
One technology you should consider is SQLJ - a way to embed SQL statements directly in Java. As a simple example, you might have the following in a file called TestQueries.sqlj:
public class TestQueries
public String getUsername(int id)
String username;
select username into :username
from users
where pkey = :id
return username;
There is an additional precompile step which takes your .sqlj files and translates them into pure Java - in short, it looks for the special blocks delimited with
and turns them into JDBC calls. There are several key benefits to using SQLJ:
completely abstracts away the JDBC layer - programmers only need to think about Java and SQL
the translator can be made to check your queries for syntax etc. against the database at compile time
ability to directly bind Java variables in queries using the ":" prefix
There are implementations of the translator around for most of the major database vendors, so you should be able to find everything you need easily.
I am wondering if you are after something like Squiggle (GitHub). Also something very useful is jDBI. It won't help you with the queries though.
I would have a look at Spring JDBC. I use it whenever I need to execute SQLs programatically. Example:
int countOfActorsNamedJoe
= jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(0) from t_actors where first_name = ?", new Object[]{"Joe"});
It's really great for any kind of sql execution, especially querying; it will help you map resultsets to objects, without adding the complexity of a complete ORM.
I tend to use Spring's Named JDBC Parameters so I can write a standard string like "select * from blah where colX=':someValue'"; I think that's pretty readable.
An alternative would be to supply the string in a separate .sql file and read the contents in using a utility method.
Oh, also worth having a look at Squill:
I second the recommendations for using an ORM like Hibernate. However, there are certainly situations where that doesn't work, so I'll take this opportunity to tout some stuff that i've helped to write: SqlBuilder is a java library for dynamically building sql statements using the "builder" style. it's fairly powerful and fairly flexible.
I have been working on a Java servlet application that needs to construct very dynamic SQL statements for adhoc reporting purposes. The basic function of the app is to feed a bunch of named HTTP request parameters into a pre-coded query, and generate a nicely formatted table of output. I used Spring MVC and the dependency injection framework to store all of my SQL queries in XML files and load them into the reporting application, along with the table formatting information. Eventually, the reporting requirements became more complicated than the capabilities of the existing parameter mapping frameworks and I had to write my own. It was an interesting exercise in development and produced a framework for parameter mapping much more robust than anything else I could find.
The new parameter mappings looked as such:
select as "App",
${optional(" app.owner as "Owner", "):showOwner} as "Server", sum(act.trans_ct) as "Trans"
from activity_records act, servers sv, applications app
where act.server_id =
and act.app_id =
and = ${integer(0,50):serverId}
and in ${integerList(50):appId}
group by, ${optional(" app.owner, "):showOwner}
order by,
The beauty of the resulting framework was that it could process HTTP request parameters directly into the query with proper type checking and limit checking. No extra mappings required for input validation. In the example query above, the parameter named serverId
would be checked to make sure it could cast to an integer and was in the range of 0-50. The parameter appId would be processed as an array of integers, with a length limit of 50. If the field showOwner is present and set to "true", the bits of SQL in the quotes will be added to the generated query for the optional field mappings. field Several more parameter type mappings are available including optional segments of SQL with further parameter mappings. It allows for as complex of a query mapping as the developer can come up with. It even has controls in the report configuration to determine whether a given query will have the final mappings via a PreparedStatement or simply ran as a pre-built query.
For the sample Http request values:
showOwner: true
serverId: 20
appId: 1,2,3,5,7,11,13
It would produce the following SQL:
select as "App",
app.owner as "Owner", as "Server", sum(act.trans_ct) as "Trans"
from activity_records act, servers sv, applications app
where act.server_id =
and act.app_id =
and = 20
and in (1,2,3,5,7,11,13)
group by, app.owner,
order by,
I really think that Spring or Hibernate or one of those frameworks should offer a more robust mapping mechanism that verifies types, allows for complex data types like arrays and other such features. I wrote my engine for only my purposes, it isn't quite read for general release. It only works with Oracle queries at the moment and all of the code belongs to a big corporation. Someday I may take my ideas and build a new open source framework, but I'm hoping one of the existing big players will take up the challenge.
Why do you want to generate all the sql by hand? Have you looked at an ORM like Hibernate Depending on your project it will probably do at least 95% of what you need, do it in a cleaner way then raw SQL, and if you need to get the last bit of performance you can create the SQL queries that need to be hand tuned.
You can also have a look at MyBatis ( . It helps you write SQL statements outside your java code and maps the sql results into your java objects among other things.
Google provides a library called the Room Persitence Library which provides a very clean way of writing SQL for Android Apps, basically an abstraction layer over underlying SQLite Database. Bellow is short code snippet from the official website:
public interface UserDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM user")
List<User> getAll();
#Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid IN (:userIds)")
List<User> loadAllByIds(int[] userIds);
#Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE first_name LIKE :first AND "
+ "last_name LIKE :last LIMIT 1")
User findByName(String first, String last);
void insertAll(User... users);
void delete(User user);
There are more examples and better documentation in the official docs for the library.
There is also one called MentaBean which is a Java ORM. It has nice features and seems to be pretty simple way of writing SQL.
Read an XML file.
You can read it from an XML file. Its easy to maintain and work with.
There are standard STaX, DOM, SAX parsers available out there to make it few lines of code in java.
Do more with attributes
You can have some semantic information with attributes on the tag to help do more with the SQL. This can be the method name or query type or anything that helps you code less.
You can put the xml outside the jar and easily maintain it. Same benefits as a properties file.
XML is extensible and easily convertible to other formats.
Use Case
Metamug uses xml to configure REST resource files with sql.
If you put the SQL strings in a properties file and then read that in you can keep the SQL strings in a plain text file.
That doesn't solve the SQL type issues, but at least it makes copying&pasting from TOAD or sqlplus much easier.
How do you get string concatenation, aside from long SQL strings in PreparedStatements (that you could easily provide in a text file and load as a resource anyway) that you break over several lines?
You aren't creating SQL strings directly are you? That's the biggest no-no in programming. Please use PreparedStatements, and supply the data as parameters. It reduces the chance of SQL Injection vastly.
