I want to return a string consisting of those digits (in ascending order) that do not appear in any of the argument numbers. I don't know how this should be done, but I would like to use the long as a comparator to find out the missing digits in IntStream.
For example, if numeros = [1201, 23045], I must return "6789"
My code:
public static String digitosQueNoEstanEn(List<Long> numeros)
long n = 1234567890;
IntStream numStream = numeros.stream()
.map(c -> c.toString())
.flatMapToInt(c -> c.chars())
There are many solutions to this problem, one of which is a simple set removal. You essentially want to remove all used digits from the set of valid digits, and store the result as a String. That can be done with the following:
public static String digitosQueNoEstanEn(List<Long> numeros) {
Set<Integer> usedDigits = numeros.stream()
.map(c -> Character.digit(c, 10))
return IntStream.range(0, 10)
.filter(i -> !usedDigits.contains(i))
When invoked with your example of [1201L, 23045L], the output is what you expect:
Andy Turner also mentioned that using a BitSet may be a viable solution. If you choose to use one, your solution may look like the following:
public static String digitosQueNoEstanEn(List<Long> numeros) {
BitSet bitSet = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] { 0b0011_1111_1111 });
.map(c -> Character.digit(c, 10))
return bitSet.stream()
Here is what I came up with.
public static String digitosQueNoEstanEn(List<Long> numeros) {
String digits = "0123456789";
return numeros.stream()
.reduce(digits, (dgts,d)->dgts.contains(d) ? dgts.replace(d,"") : dgts);
List<Long> numeros = List.of(1201L, 23045L);
Basically I flatten the list of supplied numbers to digits and then just remove them in a reducing operation. What is left are the digits that were not in the original numbers.
public static int construction(String myString) {
Set<Character> set = new HashSet<>();
int count = myString.chars() // returns IntStream
.mapToObj(c -> (char)c) // Stream<Character> why is this required?
.mapToInt(c -> (set.add(c) == true ? 1 : 0)) // IntStream
return count;
The above code will not compile without:
.mapObj(c -> (char)c)
// <Character> Stream<Character> java.util.stream.IntStream.mapToObj(IntFunction<? extends Character> mapper)
If i remove it, I get the following error
The method mapToInt((<no type> c) -> {}) is undefined for the type IntStream
Can someone explain this? It seems like I am starting with and IntStream, converting to a Stream of Characters and then back to IntStream.
The method CharSequence::chars returns the IntStream, which of course doesn't provide any method converting to int, such as mapToInt, but mapToObj instead. Therefore the method IntStream::map(IntUnaryOperator mapper) which both takes returns int as well shall be used since IntUnaryOperator does the same like Function<Integer, Integer> or UnaryOperator<Integer>:
int count = myString.chars() // IntStream
.map(c -> (set.add((char) c) ? 1 : 0)) // IntStream
long count = myString.chars() // IntStream
.filter(c -> set.add((char) c)) // IntStream
Also, using Set<Integer> helps you to avoid conversion to a Character:
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
int count = myString.chars() // IntStream
.map(c -> (set.add(c) ? 1 : 0)) // IntStream
long count = myString.chars() // IntStream
.filter(set::add) // IntStream
However, regardless of what you try to achieve, your code is wrong by principle. See the Stateless behaviors. Consider using the following snippet which lambda expressions' results are not dependent on the result of a non-deterministic operation, such as Set::add.
Stream pipeline results may be nondeterministic or incorrect if the behavioral parameters to the stream operations are stateful.
long count = myString.chars() // IntStream
.distinct() // IntStream
You can also collect to a set and then take the size without using an explicit map.
It does not require using external state to contain the characters.
long count = str.chars().boxed().collect(Collectors.toSet()).size();
But imho, the more direct approach which was already mentioned is cleaner in appearance and the one I would prefer to use.
long count = str.chars().distinct().count();
Because String.chars() is already returning an IntStream and IntStream does not have mapToInt function
You could use a filter instead then count:
int count = myString.chars()
.filter(c -> set.add(c) == true)
I admit that I made this so slubby last midnight!
As mentioned by the comments, here is the required fixes.
Thank you for mentioning.
long count = myString.chars()
.filter(c -> set.add((char)c))
I'm trying to write a method that will validate String. If string has same amount of every char like "aabb", "abcabc", "abc" it is valid or if contains one extra symbol like "ababa" or "aab" it is also valid other cases - invalid.
Update: sorry, I forget to mention such cases like abcabcab -> a-3, b-3, c-2 -> 2 extra symbols (a, b) -> invalid. And my code doesn't cover such cases.
Space is a symbol, caps letters are different from small letters. Now I have this, but it looks ambiguous (especially last two methods):
public boolean validate(String line) {
List<Long> keys = countMatches(countChars(line));
int matchNum = keys.size();
if (matchNum < 2) return true;
return matchNum == 2 && Math.abs(keys.get(0) - keys.get(1)) == 1;
Counting unique symbols entry I'd wish to get List<long>, but I don't know how:
private Map<Character, Long> countChars(String line) {
return line.chars()
.mapToObj(c -> (char) c)
.collect(groupingBy(Function.identity(), HashMap::new, counting()));
private List<Long> countMatches(Map<Character, Long> countedEntries) {
return new ArrayList<>(countedEntries.values()
.collect(groupingBy(Function.identity(), HashMap::new, counting()))
How can I optimize a method above? I need just List<Long>, but have to create a map.
As I could observe, you are looking for distinct frequencies using those two methods. You can merge that into one method to use a single stream pipeline as below :
private List<Long> distinctFrequencies(String line) {
return line.chars().mapToObj(c -> (char) c)
Of course, all you need to change in your validate method now is the assignment
List<Long> keys = distinctFrequencies(line);
With some more thought around it, if you wish to re-use the API Map<Character, Long> countChars somewhere else as well, you could have modified the distinct frequencies API to use it as
private List<Long> distinctFrequencies(String line) {
return countChars(line).values()
you could perform an evaluation if every char in a string has the same occurence count using the stream api like this:
boolean valid = "aabbccded".chars()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()))
.reduce((a, b) -> a == b ? a : -1L)
.map(v -> v > 0)
after reading the comments, I now believe to have understood the requirement.
a string is considered valid if all chars in it have the same occurrence count like aabb
or if there is a single extra character like abb
the string abcabcab is invalid as it has 3a 3b and 2c and thus, it has 1
extra a and 1 extra b, that is too much. hence, you can't perform the validation with a frequency list, you need additional information about how often the char lengths differ -> Map
here is a new trial:
TreeMap<Long, Long> map = "abcabcab".chars()
.collect(groupingBy(Function.identity(), counting()))
.collect(groupingBy(Function.identity(), TreeMap::new, counting()));
boolean valid = map.size() == 1 || // there is only a single char length
( map.size() == 2 && // there are two and there is only 1 extra char
((map.lastKey() - map.firstKey()) * map.lastEntry().getValue() <= 1));
the whole validation could be executed in a single statement by using the Collectors.collectingAndThen method that #Nikolas used in his answer or you could use a reduction as well:
boolean valid = "aabcc".chars()
.collect(groupingBy(Function.identity(), counting()))
.collect(groupingBy(Function.identity(), TreeMap::new, counting()))
.reduce((min, high) -> {
min.setValue((min.getKey() - high.getKey()) * high.getValue()); // min.getKey is the min char length
return min; // high.getKey is a higher char length
// high.getValue is occurrence count of higher char length
}) // this is always negative
.map(min -> min.getValue() >= -1)
Use Collector.collectingAndThen that is a collector that uses a downstream Collector and finisher Function that maps the result.
Use the Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.counting to get the frequency of each character in the String.
// Results in Map<Integer, Long>
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())
Use the map -> new HashSet<>(map.values()).size() == 1 that checks whether all frequencies are equal - if so, there is one distinct value.
Wrapping these two in Collector.collectingAndThen looks like:
String line = "aabbccdeed";
boolean isValid = line.chars() // IntStream of characters
.boxed() // boxed as Stream<Integer>
.collect(Collectors.collectingAndThen( // finisher's result type
Collectors.groupingBy( // grouped Map<Integer, Integer>
Function.identity(), // ... of each character
Collectors.counting()), // ... frequency
map -> new HashSet<>(map.values()).size() == 1 // checks the frequencies
// aabbccded -> false
// aabbccdeed -> true
You can do like this:
first count every character occurrence.
then find min value for occurrence.
and at the last step sum all values that the difference with the smallest value(minValue) is less than or equal to one.
public static boolean validate(String line) {
Map<Character, Long> map = line.chars()
.mapToObj(c -> (char) c)
.collect(groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));
long minValue = map.values().stream().min(Long::compareTo).orElse(0l);
return map.values().stream().mapToLong(a -> Math.abs(a - minValue)).sum() <= 1;
I want to convert a List<String> to an IntStream. Suppose that my list is like ["abc", "de", "fghi"]. Then the IntStream that I want is like 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3. (The number of occurrences of a number i in the IntStream depends on the length of ith string in the given list)
I wrote the following method for that (it won't compile):
private static IntStream getSingleIntStream(List<String> list) {
final AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger();
return list.stream()
.map(str -> {
return IntStream.range(0, str.length())
.map(i -> atomicInteger.get());
}); // Now I don't understand how can I convert this Stream<IntStream> to a single IntStream
But I don't understand how can I convert can I convert a Stream<IntStream> to a single IntStream. (My guess is that we can use flatMap somehow, but I don't exactly get how to use it.)
I'm using IntStream instead of Stream<Integer> to avoid auto-boxing and make my whole system more efficient.
The other solution would be like this:
IntStream result = IntStream.range(0,list.size())
.flatMap(i-> IntStream.range(0, list.get(i)
Expanding over the comment of #JB_Nizet
The method that I need to use is flatMapToInt.
private static IntStream getSingleIntStream(List<String> list) {
final AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger();
return list.stream()
.flatMapToInt(str -> {
return IntStream.range(0, str.length())
.map(i -> atomicInteger.get());
The solution would be to use flatMapToInt:
private static IntStream getSingleIntStream(List<String> list) {
final AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger();
return list.stream()
.flatMapToInt(str -> {
return IntStream.range(0, str.length())
.map(i -> atomicInteger.get());
but I'd rethink what you'd like to achieve here. Now, each String in the initial list will be replaced with a number taken from AtomicInteger (and this will be repeated String.length() times for each String):
getSingleIntStream(Arrays.asList("a", "bc")).forEach(System.out::println); // 1 2 2
I assume you wanted to number each char from every String:
private static IntStream getSingleIntStream(List<String> list) {
AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger();
return list.stream()
.flatMapToInt(str -> IntStream.range(0, str.length())
.map(i -> atomicInteger.incrementAndGet()));
// 1 2 3
You are absolutely correct about flatMap, as Hadi J already shows in a good answer. I just wanted to offer my variant of the same:
private static IntStream getSingleIntStream(List<String> list) {
return IntStream.rangeClosed(1, list.size())
.flatMap(i -> list.get(i - 1).chars().map(ch -> i));
You may find this version more natural or concise. In any case both versions have the advantage of avoiding the AtomicInteger and the side effect of the stream pipeline on it. A stream pipeline should be free from side effects.
Let’s also see it in action:
List<String> list = List.of("abc", "de", "fghi");
int[] nums = getSingleIntStream(list).toArray();
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
When you need the index of an element inside a stream, the general trick is to start out from an IntStream of the indices and inside your stream pipeline make the lookup of the elements from the indices (list.get(i - 1)). In this case I am (unconventionally) using 1-based indices because you wanted your resulting numbers to start from 1. So we need to subtract 1 in the list lookup.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
HashSet set = new HashSet<String>();
set.add("{a, b}");
set.add("{a, c}");
public static void sortedSet(HashSet set)
List<String> setList = new ArrayList<String>(set);
List<String> orderedByAlpha = new ArrayList<String>(set);
//sort by alphabetical order
orderedByAlpha = (List<String>) setList.stream()
.sorted((s1, s2) -> s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2))
I am trying to sort alphabetically but the output I get is this :
[{a, b}, {a, c}, {a}, {b}, {}]
but it should be:
[{a}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b}, {}]
You're output doesn't match your code. You are showing 2D array lists, but your converting to a 1D arraylist, doesn't make sense.
public static void main(String[] args)
test(Arrays.asList("a", "d", "f", "a", "b"));
static void test(List<String> setList)
List<String> out = setList.stream().sorted((a, b) -> a.compareToIgnoreCase(b)).collect(Collectors.toList());
This is properly sorting 1D arrays, so you're correct there.
You'll probably need to implement your own comparator to compare the 2D array lists to sort them.
instead of having the source as a List<String> I'd recommend you have it as a List<Set<String>> e.g.
List<Set<String>> setList = new ArrayList<>();
setList.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a","b")));
setList.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a","c")));
setList.add(new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("a")));
setList.add(new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("b")));
setList.add(new HashSet<>());
Then apply the following comparator along with the mapping operation to yield the expected result:
List<String> result =
.sorted(Comparator.comparing((Function<Set<String>, Boolean>) Set::isEmpty)
.thenComparing(s -> String.join("", s),
and this prints:
[[a], [a, b], [a, c], [b], []]
note that, currently the result is a list of strings where each string is the string representation of a given set. if however, you want the result to be a List<Set<String>> then simply remove the map operation above.
Managed to get a solution working based on your initial idea....
So, first, you need a completely new comparator instead of just (s1, s2) -> s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2) as it will not suffice.
Given the input:
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
set.add("{a, b}");
set.add("{a, c}");
and the following stream pipeline:
List<String> result = set.stream()
.map(s -> s.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z]+", ""))
.map(s -> Arrays.stream(s.split(""))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "{", "}")))
Then we would have a result of:
[{a}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b}, {}]
Well, as #Aomine and #Holger noted already, you need a custom comparator.
But IMHO their solutions look over-engineered. You don't need any of costly operations like split and substring:
String.substring creates a new String object and calls System.arraycopy() under the hood
String.split is even more costly. It iterates over your string and calls String.substring multiple times. Moreover it creates an ArrayList to store all the substrings. If the number of substrings is big enough then your ArrayList will need to expand its capacity (perhaps not only once) causing another call of System.arraycopy().
For your simple case I would slightly modify the code of built-in String.compareTo method:
Comparator<String> customComparator =
(s1, s2) -> {
int len1 = s1.length();
int len2 = s2.length();
if (len1 == 2) return 1;
if (len2 == 2) return -1;
int lim = Math.min(len1, len2) - 1;
for (int k = 1; k < lim; k++) {
char c1 = s1.charAt(k);
char c2 = s2.charAt(k);
if (c1 != c2) {
return c1 - c2;
return len1 - len2;
It will compare the strings with complexity O(n), where n is the length of shorter string. At the same time it will neither create any new objects nor perform any array replication.
The same comparator can be implemented using Stream API:
Comparator<String> customComparatorUsingStreams =
(s1, s2) -> {
if (s1.length() == 2) return 1;
if (s2.length() == 2) return -1;
return IntStream.range(1, Math.min(s1.length(), s2.length()) - 1)
.map(i -> s1.charAt(i) - s2.charAt(i))
.filter(i -> i != 0)
You can use your custom comparator like this:
List<String> orderedByAlpha = setList.stream()
A take on it (slightly similar to the answer by Aomine) would be to strip the strings of the characters that makes String#compareTo() fail, in this case ('{' and '}'). Also, the special case that an empty string ("{}") is to be sorted after the rest needs to be taken care of.
The following code implements such a comparator:
static final Comparator<String> COMPARE_IGNORING_CURLY_BRACES_WITH_EMPTY_LAST = (s1, s2) -> {
Function<String, String> strip = string -> string.replaceAll("[{}]", "");
String strippedS1 = strip.apply(s1);
String strippedS2 = strip.apply(s2);
return strippedS1.isEmpty() || strippedS2.isEmpty() ?
strippedS2.length() - strippedS1.length() :
Of course, this is not the most efficient solution. If efficiency is truly important here, I would loop through the characters, like String#compareTo() does, as suggested by ETO.
Let's say I have a list
ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("N1", "N2", "N3", "N5"));
How do I find "N4", I mean, how I find that the missing integer is 4?
What I've tried so far
Integer missingID = arr.stream().map(p -> Integer.parseInt(p.substring(1))).sorted()
.reduce((p1, p2) -> (p2 - p1) > 1 ? p1 + 1 : 0).get();
This doesn't work because reduce is not intended to work in the way I need in this situation, actually, I have no idea how do that.
If there's no missing number, than the next must be "N6" - or just 6 - (in this example)
It must be done with java standard stream's library, no use of third parties.
The algorithm to implement here is based from this one: to find the missing number in a sequence of integers, the trick is to:
calculate the sum of the elements in the sequence.
calculate the sum of the elements the sequence would have with the missing number: this is easy to do since we can determine the minimum, the maximum and we know that the sum from a sequence of integer going from min to max is max*(max+1)/2 - (min-1)*min/2.
find the difference between those two sums: that's our missing number
In this case, we can collect statistics on our Stream by first mapping to an IntStream formed by only the numbers themselves and then calling summaryStatistics(). This returns a IntSummaryStatistics that has all the values we want: min, max and sum:
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> arr = Arrays.asList("N3", "N7", "N4", "N5", "N2");
IntSummaryStatistics statistics =
.mapToInt(s -> Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1)))
long max = statistics.getMax();
long min = statistics.getMin();
long missing = max*(max+1)/2 - (min-1)*min/2 - statistics.getSum();
System.out.println(missing); // prints "6" here
If there is no missing number, this will print 0.
Here's the solution involving the pairMap operation from my free StreamEx library. It prints all the missing elements of the sorted input:
ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("N1", "N2", "N3", "N5"));
StreamEx.of(arr).map(n -> Integer.parseInt(n.substring(1)))
.pairMap((a, b) -> IntStream.range(a+1, b))
The pairMap operation allows you to map every adjacent pair of the stream to something else. Here we map them to the streams of the skipped numbers, then flatten these streams.
The same solution is possible without third-party library, but looks more verbose:
ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("N1", "N2", "N3", "N5"));
IntStream.range(0, arr.size()-1)
.flatMap(idx -> IntStream.range(
If there's only ONE missing number in the array, and if all numbers are positive, you could use the XOR algorithm, as explained in this question and its answers:
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("N5", "N2", "N3", "N6");
int xorArray = list.stream()
.mapToInt(p -> Integer.parseInt(p.substring(1)))
.reduce(0, (p1, p2) -> p1 ^ p2);
int xorAll = IntStream.rangeClosed(2, 6)
.reduce(0, (p1, p2) -> p1 ^ p2);
System.out.println(xorArray ^ xorAll); // 4
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to use extra data structures, all you need is a couple of ints.
EDIT as per #Holger's comments below:
This solution requires you to know the range of the numbers in advance. Although on the other hand, it doesn't require the list and stream to be sorted.
Even if the list wasn't sorted, you could still get min and max (hence, the range) with IntSummaryStatistics, but this would require an extra iteration.
You could create a state object which is used to transform a single input stream into multiple streams of missing entries. These missing entry streams can then be flat mapped to produce a single output:
public class GapCheck {
private String last;
public GapCheck(String first) {
last = first;
public Stream<String> streamMissing(String next) {
final int n = Integer.parseInt(next.replaceAll("N", ""));
final int l = Integer.parseInt(last.replaceAll("N", ""));
last = next;
return IntStream.range(l + 1, n).mapToObj(Integer::toString);
final List<String> arr = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("N1", "N3", "N5"));
.flatMap(new GapCheck(arr.get(0))::streamMissing)
This is more work than you might expect, but it can be done with a collect call.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("N1", "N2", "N3", "N5", "N7", "N14"));
Stream<Integer> st = arr.stream().map(p -> Integer.parseInt(p.substring(1))).sorted();
Holder<Integer> holder = st.collect(() -> new Holder<Integer>(),
(h, i) -> {
Integer last = h.getProcessed().isEmpty() ? null : h.getProcessed().get(h.getProcessed().size() - 1);
if (last != null) {
while (i - last > 1) {
(h, h2) -> {});
private static class Holder<T> {
private ArrayList<T> processed;
private ArrayList<T> missing;
public Holder() {
this.processed = new ArrayList<>();
this.missing = new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList<T> getProcessed() {
return this.processed;
public ArrayList<T> getMissing() {
return this.missing;
This prints
Note that this sort of thing isn't really a particularly strong fit for Streams. All of the stream processing methods will tend to pass you each item exactly one time, so you need to handle all runs of missing numbers at once, and in the end, you're writing kind of a lot of code to avoid just writing a loop.
Here is one solution using pure streams, albeit not very efficient.
public void test() {
List<String> arr = new ArrayList(
Arrays.asList("N1", "N2", "N3", "N5", "N7"));
List<Integer> list = IntStream
.range(1, arr.size())
.mapToObj(t -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, Integer>(
extract(arr, t), extract(arr, t) - extract(arr, t - 1)))
.filter(t -> t.getValue() > 1)
.map(t -> t.getKey() - 1)
private int extract(List<String> arr, int t) {
return Integer.parseInt(arr.get(t).substring(1));
Major performance block will be because of repeated parsing of list elements. However, this solution will be able to provide all missing numbers.