UnsopportedOperationException TODO when running R script with renjin in java - java

I'm new to R and Renjin, but I'm trying to run a legacy R script from a spring boot service and I'm getting this Unsupported exception. I've narrowed down the issue on the legacy script to a call made to svymean R function.
I've added details in here https://github.com/bedatadriven/renjin/issues/494
The design is generated with:
svrepdesign(data = svy_data, type = "JK1", weights = ~ weights, repweights = "weights[1-9]+")
What I've tried so far is:
Adding dependencies that could have been missing (matrix, base, stats), this didn't work and in some cases it only generated more problems
Commenting the parameters I'm passing in one by one, this didn't make any difference, the error still appears
I also tried with another similar function svytotal and I'm getting the same error
Could it be that it's just not supported to calculate the mean with replicated weighted? And if so, there is another way to calculate this and still use renjin? And if not, any other recommendation to use instead of renjin to run R legacy code?
The same script with the same parameters is running just fine from within RStudio.


Netlogo Api Controller - Get Table View

I am using Netlogo Api Controller With spring boot
this my code (i got it from this link )
HeadlessWorkspace workspace = HeadlessWorkspace.newInstance();
try {
workspace.command("set number-of-residences 900");
workspace.command("set %-similar-wanted 7");
workspace.command("set count-years-simulated 14");
workspace.command("set number-of-residences 500");
workspace.command("set carbon-tax 13.7");
workspace.command("repeat 10 [ go ]");
catch(Exception ex) {
i got this result in the console:
But I want to get the table view and save to database. Which command can I use to get the table view ?
Table view:
any help please ?
If you can clarify why you're trying to generate the data this way, I or others might be able to give better advice.
There is no single NetLogo command or NetLogo API method to generate that table, you have to use BehaviorSpace to get it. Here are some options, listed in rough order of simplest to hardest.
Option 1
If possible, I'd recommend just running BehaviorSpace experiments from the command line to generate your table. This will get you exactly the same output you're looking for. You can find information on how to do that in the NetLogo manual's BehaviorSpace guide. If necessary, you can run NetLogo headless from the command line from within a Java program, just look for resources on calling out to external programs from Java, maybe with ProcessBuilder.
If you're running from within Java in order to setup and change the parameters of your BehaviorSpace experiments in a way that you cannot do from within the program, you could instead generate experiment XML files in Java to pass to NetLogo at the command line. See the docs on the XML format.
Option 2
You can recreate the contents of the table using the CSV extension in your model and adding a few more commands to generate the data. This will not create the exact same table, but it will get your data output in a computer and human readable format.
In pure NetLogo code, you'd want something like the below. Note that you can control more of the behavior (like file names or the desired variables) by running other pre-experiment commands before running setup or go in your Java code. You could also run the CSV-specific file code from Java using the controlling API and leave the model unchanged, but you'll need to write your own NetLogo code version of the csv:to-row primitive.
globals [
;; your model globals here
to setup
;;; your model setup code here
file-open "my-output.csv"
; the given variables should be valid reporters for the NetLogo model
set output-variables [ "ticks" "current-price" "number-of-residences" "count-years-simulated" "solar-PV-cost" "%-lows" "k" ]
file-print csv:to-row output-variables
to go
;;; the rest of your model code here
file-print csv:to-row map [ v -> runresult v ] output-variables
Option 3
If you really need to reproduce the BehaviorSpace table export exactly, you can try to run a BehaviorSpace experiment directly from Java. The table is generated by this code but as you can see it's tied in with the LabProtocol class, meaning you'll have to setup and run your model through BehaviorSpace instead of just step-by-step using a workspace as you've done in your sample code.
A good example of this might be the Main.scala object, which extracts some experiment settings from the expected command-line arguments, and then uses them with the lab.run() method to run the BehaviorSpace experiment and generate the output. That's Scala code and not Java, but hopefully it isn't too hard to translate. You'd similarly have to setup an org.nlogo.nvm.LabInterface.Settings instance and pass that off to a HeadlessWorkspace.newLab.run() to get things going.

WebSocketGremlinRequestEncoder must produce at least one message - janusgraph-dynamodb using withRemote "sideEffect" doesn't work

When I use gremlin-server connection using gremlin-driver in Java, I am not able to use "sideEffect" of GraphTraversal.
graph = EmptyGraph.instance()
cluster = Cluster.open("conf/remote-objects.yaml");
graphTraversalSource = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster));
My query that uses sideEffect looks like:
AtomicLong level1 = new AtomicLong(0);
.has("uuid", "1234")
.sideEffect(it -> it.get().property("level", level1.getAndIncrement())).emit().repeat(in())
.until(loops().is(5)).valueMap("uuid", "name", "level");
This query used to work when I was using janusgraph-dynamodb-storage-backend as dependency and running gremlin server within Java application and connecting to dyamodb. When i switched to using remote connection to gremlin server running in EC2, i started getting below error message:
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: WebSocketGremlinRequestEncoder must produce at least one message., took 3.895 sec
If I remove the sideEffect part from the above query, it works fine. I really need to add a custom property during traversal and include that in results without saving it in the database.
You have a few problems. The first problem is that you are trying to remote a lambda in the sideEffect() Lambdas can't be serialized to Gremlin bytecode - at least not in the form you've provided. However, you can do this:
gremlin> cluster = Cluster.open("conf/remote-objects.yaml")
gremlin> g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster))
==>graphtraversalsource[emptygraph[empty], standard]
gremlin> g.addV('person').as('p').addE('link').to('p')
gremlin> g.V().sideEffect(Lambda.function("it.get().property('level',1)")).valueMap()
Note that I had to import import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.* to the console to make that last line work there - That will be fixed for 3.2.7/3.3.0.
So, you could pass your lambda that way, but:
I don't think your traversal will work as before because you are referencing a variable local to the client with level1 - the server is not going to know anything about that.
TinkerPop generally recommends that you avoid lambdas.
I don't quite follow what your Gremlin is doing to provide a suggestion on how to resolve this. You do give this hint:
I really need to add a custom property during traversal and include that in results without saving it in the database.
...but the Gremlin above does write the value of level1 to the database so I'm not sure of what you are after.

Error debugging CGLIB FastClass on eclipse

I'm trying to debug an java eclipse project with some problem!
I'm starting using CGLIB to make faster reflection calls using the index metod.
FastClass fastClass = FastClass.create(getClass());
int index = fastClass.getIndex("methodName", new Class[] { Object.class });
fastClass.invoke(index, this, new Object[] { obj } );
now when i try to put a breakpoint into a class that is called by fastreflection method this is the eclipse output.
I try to change compiler option on generate line number with no results.
I also upload an eclipse project (built with Juno version) that replicates the problem!!
I "resolved"(understand) the problem, but it is not a problem with Eclipse. When you launch
the program this line: FastClass.create(ReflectionTarget.class); ends up
creating an entirely new version of the compiled class removing all
non-essential stuff from the classfile to make it "fast" - that includes all
the line number / debug infos, which means the breakpoint cannot be set in it.
There's no javadoc and you need to read the source but now i understand this is not a
problem but a feature of this method to make fast reflection!

Using Inline::Java in perl with threads

I am writing a trading program in perl with the newest Finance::InteractiveBrokers::TWS
module. I kick off a command line interface in a separate thread at the
beginning of my program but then when I try to create a tws object, my program
exits with this message:
As of Inline v0.30, use of the Inline::Config module is no longer supported or
allowed. If Inline::Config exists on your system, it can be removed. See the
Inline documentation for information on how to configure Inline. (You should
find it much more straightforward than Inline::Config :-)
I have the newest versions of Inline and Inline::Java. I looked at TWS.pm and it doesn't seem to be using Inline::Config. I set 'SHARED_JVM => 1' in the 'use Inline()' and 'Inline->bind()' calls in TWS.pm but that did not resolve the issue...
My Code:
use Finance::InteractiveBrokers::TWS;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
our $callback;
our $tws;
my $interface = UserInterface->new();
my $t = threads->create(sub{$interface->runUI()});
$callback= TWScallback->new();
$tws = Finance::InteractiveBrokers::TWS->new($manager); #This is where the program fails
So is Inline::Config installed on your system or not? A cursory inspection of the code is not sufficient to tell whether Perl is loading a module or not. There are too many esoteric ways (some intentional and some otherwise) to load a package or otherwise populate a namespace.
The error message in question comes from this line of code in Inline.pm:
croak M14_usage_Config() if %main::Inline::Config::;
so something in your program is populating the Inline::Config namespace. You should do what the program instructs you to do: find out where Inline/Config.pm is installed on your system (somewhere in your #INC path) and delete it.

Problem loading R own created libraries in Java/JRI code

I created my own new R library (called "Media"). There is no problem when I try to load it with RGui, and I can call the functions defined in the new package. This is how I load it:
> library(Media)
But, I'm also trying to call that functions from Java/JRI code, and when I load the new R package, Java doesn't seem to find the pacakge, throwing the message "Error in library(Media) : object 'Media' not found"
This is my current code using JRI:
REXP rexpSetFolder = re.eval("setwd('C:/Users/Albert/Documents')");
REXP rexpFolder = re.eval("getwd()");
REXP rexpLoad = re.eval("library(Media)"); // fails
It also fails without the 'setwd' command, and simple calls to existing R functions work fine. I'm using R 2.10 and the latest JRI 0.5-0 under Windows.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you very much.
The parameter lib.loc seems to work, at least this sentence does not return an error:
library("Media", lib.loc = "c:/Users/Albert/Documents")
But after that, calling a function in the package with re.eval("myfunction()"); still fails, as the function is not properly found.
You can modify the library path - see ?.libPaths in R, you simply want to add your private library to the path. The GUI does that for you, but if you are outside it doesn't happen. For example:
Then load your package.
Did you install the library properly first? You might want to try using the lib.loc parameter.
library("Media", lib.loc = "c:/Users/Albert/Documents")
My work-around was to copy the package from my personal library (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\R) to the global library (%R_HOME%\library).
It's not the best because this requires Administrator privileges which not all users will have...
