Take screenshot in native java and display this screenshot in flutter - java

Want to take a screenshot of the mobile screen with native Java. Store this screenshot Bitmap in a byte[] array, pass this byte[] array in flutter through platform channel and finally want to display this screenshot in a flutter app.
Native Java Code:
public Bitmap takeScreenshot(){
View rootView = findViewById(android.R.id.content).getRootView();
return rootView.getDrawingCache();
public byte[] bitmapToByte(){
Bitmap bitmap = takeScreenshot();
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, stream);
byte[] array = stream.toByteArray();
Log.i("MyAndroidClass", Arrays.toString(array));
return array;
public File saveBitmap(Bitmap bitmap){
Bitmap bitmap = takeScreenshot();
File imagePath = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/screenshoot.png");
FileOutputStream fos;
fos = new FileOutputStream(imagePath);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Log.e("GREC", e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("GREC", e.getMessage(), e);
return imagePath;
Dart Platform Channel:
Future<Null> _takeScreenShot() async {
Uint8List screenShot;
Uint8List ssView = await platform2.invokeMethod("takeScreenshot");
screenShot = ssView;
setState(() {
byteView = screenShot;
Flutter UI to display screenshot:
child: byteView != null
? Image.memory(
width: 100,
height: 150,
: Container(),
print(screenshot) shows a byte[] array:
[137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82, 0, 0, 4, 56, 0, 0, 7, 128, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0, 164, 3, 112, 93, 0, 0, 0, 3, 115, 66, 73, 84, 8, 8, 8, 219, 225, 79, 224, 0, 0, 32, 0, 73, 68, 65, 84, 120, 156, 236, 221, 187, 138, 20, 81, 20, 64, 209, 115, 155, 198, 119, 160, 129, 162, 160, 32, 38, 130, 255, 228, 159, 248, 165, 134, 26, 136, 10, 130, 207, 81, 25, 186, 12, 156, 25, 17, 140, 237, 13, 179, 86, 80, 20, 197, 13, 78, 186, 57, 69, 213, 122, 254, 98, 46, 172, 53, 107, 247, 251, 110, 0, 0, 0, 254, 135, 109, 102, 102, 14, 115, 216, 254, 60, 219, 255, 227, 208, 58, 63, 10, 0, 0, 112, 12, 103, 161, 178, 109, 51, 219, 28, 182, 57, 28, 102, 89, 167, 0, 0, 0, 255, 215, 90, 179, 214, 204, 58, 235, 145, 243, 141, 202, 54, 223, 79, 230, 219, 167, 249, 246, 249, 252, 220, 113, 198, 3, 0, 0, 46, 163, 171, 55, 230, 230, 237, 185, 118, 99, 214, 110, 102, 155, 253, 110, 205, 54, 115, 216, 230, 235, 199, 121, 251, 106, 222, 191, 58, 246, 128, 0, 0, 192, 229, 115, 231, 254, 60, 120, 50, 87, 174, 206, 126, 63,
Complete Byte[] array didn't pass to flutter from native through the channel.
But it displays a black Image container

An easy way to achieve this would be to save the screenshot as a file on the disk and simply pass the file path to flutter.
Then you load it using Image.file


converting a base64 decoded string to list in python does not produce same result as in Java array output

I have a base64 encoded string pTWlzYwVk74RHlbhrHtYxjlmTpa1KY3LVj3X8o3PHUURfY07Qnk5wFPHP7SHDvoJSaM24DybXt20+ou3evsEmLNQfzsF2A1lfSsG2dIKf5Gmhb1qXVN7C6z1mJIRTWt99ei9A1Ozyc7et2DpKpX0SGIaKPcmf2TomYvt1Q+YWTaabUoue9BgI2VHb3L2f/UdRo5ja6beSeA= forexample, In Java when decoding this base64 decoded I get the correct result but in python different result. Here is the code I used.
python code
decoded = base64.b64decode("pTWlzYwVk74RHlbhrHtYxjlmTpa1KY3LVj3X8o3PHUURfY07Qnk5wFPHP7SHDvoJSaM24DybXt20+ou3evsEmLNQfzsF2A1lfSsG2dIKf5Gmhb1qXVN7C6z1mJIRTWt99ei9A1Ozyc7et2DpKpX0SGIaKPcmf2TomYvt1Q+YWTaabUoue9BgI2VHb3L2f/UdRo5ja6beSeA=")
mylist = list(decoded )
print("mylist", mylist)
output becomes
mylist [165, 53, 165, 205, 140, 21, 147, 190, 17, 30, 86, 225, 172, 123, 88, 198, 57, 102, 78, 150, 181, 41, 141, 203, 86, 61, 215, 242, 141, 207, 29, 69, 17, 125, 141, 59, 66, 121, 57, 192, 83, 199, 63, 180, 135, 14, 250, 9, 73, 163, 54, 224, 60, 155, 94, 221, 180, 250, 139, 183, 122, 251, 4, 152, 179, 80, 127, 59, 5, 216, 13, 101, 125, 43, 6, 217, 210, 10, 127, 145, 166, 133, 189, 106, 93, 83, 123, 11, 172, 245, 152, 146, 17, 77, 107, 125, 245, 232, 189, 3, 83, 179, 201, 206, 222, 183, 96, 233, 42, 149, 244, 72, 98, 26, 40, 247, 38, 127, 100, 232, 153, 139, 237, 213, 15, 152, 89, 54, 154, 109, 74, 46, 123, 208, 96, 35, 101, 71, 111, 114, 246, 127, 245, 29, 70, 142, 99, 107, 166, 222, 73, 224]
and the Java side I have used like this
String str = "pTWlzYwVk74RHlbhrHtYxjlmTpa1KY3LVj3X8o3PHUURfY07Qnk5wFPHP7SHDvoJSaM24DybXt20+ou3evsEmLNQfzsF2A1lfSsG2dIKf5Gmhb1qXVN7C6z1mJIRTWt99ei9A1Ozyc7et2DpKpX0SGIaKPcmf2TomYvt1Q+YWTaabUoue9BgI2VHb3L2f/UdRo5ja6beSeA="
byte[] decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
System.out.println("myarray: "+Arrays.toString(decoded));
and output becomes
[-91, 53, -91, -51, -116, 21, -109, -66, 17, 30, 86, -31, -84, 123, 88, -58, 57, 102, 78, -106, -75, 41, -115, -53, 86, 61, -41, -14, -115, -49, 29, 69, 17, 125, -115, 59, 66, 121, 57, -64, 83, -57, 63, -76, -121, 14, -6, 9, 73, -93, 54, -32, 60, -101, 94, -35, -76, -6, -117, -73, 122, -5, 4, -104, -77, 80, 127, 59, 5, -40, 13, 101, 125, 43, 6, -39, -46, 10, 127, -111, -90, -123, -67, 106, 93, 83, 123, 11, -84, -11, -104, -110, 17, 77, 107, 125, -11, -24, -67, 3, 83, -77, -55, -50, -34, -73, 96, -23, 42, -107, -12, 72, 98, 26, 40, -9, 38, 127, 100, -24, -103, -117, -19, -43, 15, -104, 89, 54, -102, 109, 74, 46, 123, -48, 96, 35, 101, 71, 111, 114, -10, 127, -11, 29, 70, -114, 99, 107, -90, -34, 73, -32]
in comparison, the positive values of the two output is same but negatives the python version is outputting different result. why is that? what am I doing wrong? I saw a similar issue on here on stackoverflow, but Unfortunately does not resolve my issue.
Those result are same.
In java byte is signed type, so values bigger than 127 are considered negatives.
Apparently in python byte is unsigned.

Efficiently compute the hashCode for a BitSet-like implementation of Set<Integer>

I wonder, how to efficiently compute the hashCode for a BitSet-like implementation of Set<Integer>.
The BitSet#hashCode is obviously fast to compute, rather stupid(*) and incompatible with Set#hashCode().
A fast compatible implementation could go like
int hashCode() {
int result = 0;
for (int i=0; i<bits.length; ++i) {
long word = bits[i];
result += 64 * i * Long.bitCount(word) + weightedBitCount(word);
return result;
if there was an efficient implementation of
int weightedBitCount(long word) { // naive implementation
int result = 0;
for (int i=0; i<64; ++i) {
if ((word & (1L << i)) != 0) {
result += i;
return result;
In case most bits are unset, the naive implementation could be improved by testing word==0 or using Long.highestOneBit or alike, but these tricks don't help much and are detrimental in other cases.
Is there a clever trick to significantly speed it up in general?
I guess, some batch computation over multiple words could be more efficient. Computing Set#size at the same time would be a nice bonus.
A note concerning premature optimization: Yes, I know. I'm mostly curious (and it can be useful for things like Project Euler).
(*) There are many bits which gets completely ignored (they get shifted out in the multiplication).
Notwithstanding hardware support (e.g., the x86 popcnt instruction), counting the bits in O(1) time is a rather well-known algorithm, generally communicated as SWAR bitcount.
However, your algorithm has a custom kernel that adds a different value based on which bit is set:
result += loop_counter_value;
Lacking a pithy algorithm for bit counting with custom kernels, a tried and true methodology is to utilize precalculated results. In this context, a lookup table. Clearly, a lookup table of all combinations of 64 bits (264 combinations!) is unwieldy, but you can split the difference by precalculating each byte of the n-byte variable. For 8 bytes, this is 256*8, or 2KiB of memory. Consider:
int weightedBitCount(long word) {
int result = 0;
int[][] lookups = {
{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28},
{0, 8, 9, 17, 10, 18, 19, 27, 11, 19, 20, 28, 21, 29, 30, 38, 12, 20, 21, 29, 22, 30, 31, 39, 23, 31, 32, 40, 33, 41, 42, 50, 13, 21, 22, 30, 23, 31, 32, 40, 24, 32, 33, 41, 34, 42, 43, 51, 25, 33, 34, 42, 35, 43, 44, 52, 36, 44, 45, 53, 46, 54, 55, 63, 14, 22, 23, 31, 24, 32, 33, 41, 25, 33, 34, 42, 35, 43, 44, 52, 26, 34, 35, 43, 36, 44, 45, 53, 37, 45, 46, 54, 47, 55, 56, 64, 27, 35, 36, 44, 37, 45, 46, 54, 38, 46, 47, 55, 48, 56, 57, 65, 39, 47, 48, 56, 49, 57, 58, 66, 50, 58, 59, 67, 60, 68, 69, 77, 15, 23, 24, 32, 25, 33, 34, 42, 26, 34, 35, 43, 36, 44, 45, 53, 27, 35, 36, 44, 37, 45, 46, 54, 38, 46, 47, 55, 48, 56, 57, 65, 28, 36, 37, 45, 38, 46, 47, 55, 39, 47, 48, 56, 49, 57, 58, 66, 40, 48, 49, 57, 50, 58, 59, 67, 51, 59, 60, 68, 61, 69, 70, 78, 29, 37, 38, 46, 39, 47, 48, 56, 40, 48, 49, 57, 50, 58, 59, 67, 41, 49, 50, 58, 51, 59, 60, 68, 52, 60, 61, 69, 62, 70, 71, 79, 42, 50, 51, 59, 52, 60, 61, 69, 53, 61, 62, 70, 63, 71, 72, 80, 54, 62, 63, 71, 64, 72, 73, 81, 65, 73, 74, 82, 75, 83, 84, 92},
{0, 16, 17, 33, 18, 34, 35, 51, 19, 35, 36, 52, 37, 53, 54, 70, 20, 36, 37, 53, 38, 54, 55, 71, 39, 55, 56, 72, 57, 73, 74, 90, 21, 37, 38, 54, 39, 55, 56, 72, 40, 56, 57, 73, 58, 74, 75, 91, 41, 57, 58, 74, 59, 75, 76, 92, 60, 76, 77, 93, 78, 94, 95, 111, 22, 38, 39, 55, 40, 56, 57, 73, 41, 57, 58, 74, 59, 75, 76, 92, 42, 58, 59, 75, 60, 76, 77, 93, 61, 77, 78, 94, 79, 95, 96, 112, 43, 59, 60, 76, 61, 77, 78, 94, 62, 78, 79, 95, 80, 96, 97, 113, 63, 79, 80, 96, 81, 97, 98, 114, 82, 98, 99, 115, 100, 116, 117, 133, 23, 39, 40, 56, 41, 57, 58, 74, 42, 58, 59, 75, 60, 76, 77, 93, 43, 59, 60, 76, 61, 77, 78, 94, 62, 78, 79, 95, 80, 96, 97, 113, 44, 60, 61, 77, 62, 78, 79, 95, 63, 79, 80, 96, 81, 97, 98, 114, 64, 80, 81, 97, 82, 98, 99, 115, 83, 99, 100, 116, 101, 117, 118, 134, 45, 61, 62, 78, 63, 79, 80, 96, 64, 80, 81, 97, 82, 98, 99, 115, 65, 81, 82, 98, 83, 99, 100, 116, 84, 100, 101, 117, 102, 118, 119, 135, 66, 82, 83, 99, 84, 100, 101, 117, 85, 101, 102, 118, 103, 119, 120, 136, 86, 102, 103, 119, 104, 120, 121, 137, 105, 121, 122, 138, 123, 139, 140, 156},
{0, 24, 25, 49, 26, 50, 51, 75, 27, 51, 52, 76, 53, 77, 78, 102, 28, 52, 53, 77, 54, 78, 79, 103, 55, 79, 80, 104, 81, 105, 106, 130, 29, 53, 54, 78, 55, 79, 80, 104, 56, 80, 81, 105, 82, 106, 107, 131, 57, 81, 82, 106, 83, 107, 108, 132, 84, 108, 109, 133, 110, 134, 135, 159, 30, 54, 55, 79, 56, 80, 81, 105, 57, 81, 82, 106, 83, 107, 108, 132, 58, 82, 83, 107, 84, 108, 109, 133, 85, 109, 110, 134, 111, 135, 136, 160, 59, 83, 84, 108, 85, 109, 110, 134, 86, 110, 111, 135, 112, 136, 137, 161, 87, 111, 112, 136, 113, 137, 138, 162, 114, 138, 139, 163, 140, 164, 165, 189, 31, 55, 56, 80, 57, 81, 82, 106, 58, 82, 83, 107, 84, 108, 109, 133, 59, 83, 84, 108, 85, 109, 110, 134, 86, 110, 111, 135, 112, 136, 137, 161, 60, 84, 85, 109, 86, 110, 111, 135, 87, 111, 112, 136, 113, 137, 138, 162, 88, 112, 113, 137, 114, 138, 139, 163, 115, 139, 140, 164, 141, 165, 166, 190, 61, 85, 86, 110, 87, 111, 112, 136, 88, 112, 113, 137, 114, 138, 139, 163, 89, 113, 114, 138, 115, 139, 140, 164, 116, 140, 141, 165, 142, 166, 167, 191, 90, 114, 115, 139, 116, 140, 141, 165, 117, 141, 142, 166, 143, 167, 168, 192, 118, 142, 143, 167, 144, 168, 169, 193, 145, 169, 170, 194, 171, 195, 196, 220},
{0, 32, 33, 65, 34, 66, 67, 99, 35, 67, 68, 100, 69, 101, 102, 134, 36, 68, 69, 101, 70, 102, 103, 135, 71, 103, 104, 136, 105, 137, 138, 170, 37, 69, 70, 102, 71, 103, 104, 136, 72, 104, 105, 137, 106, 138, 139, 171, 73, 105, 106, 138, 107, 139, 140, 172, 108, 140, 141, 173, 142, 174, 175, 207, 38, 70, 71, 103, 72, 104, 105, 137, 73, 105, 106, 138, 107, 139, 140, 172, 74, 106, 107, 139, 108, 140, 141, 173, 109, 141, 142, 174, 143, 175, 176, 208, 75, 107, 108, 140, 109, 141, 142, 174, 110, 142, 143, 175, 144, 176, 177, 209, 111, 143, 144, 176, 145, 177, 178, 210, 146, 178, 179, 211, 180, 212, 213, 245, 39, 71, 72, 104, 73, 105, 106, 138, 74, 106, 107, 139, 108, 140, 141, 173, 75, 107, 108, 140, 109, 141, 142, 174, 110, 142, 143, 175, 144, 176, 177, 209, 76, 108, 109, 141, 110, 142, 143, 175, 111, 143, 144, 176, 145, 177, 178, 210, 112, 144, 145, 177, 146, 178, 179, 211, 147, 179, 180, 212, 181, 213, 214, 246, 77, 109, 110, 142, 111, 143, 144, 176, 112, 144, 145, 177, 146, 178, 179, 211, 113, 145, 146, 178, 147, 179, 180, 212, 148, 180, 181, 213, 182, 214, 215, 247, 114, 146, 147, 179, 148, 180, 181, 213, 149, 181, 182, 214, 183, 215, 216, 248, 150, 182, 183, 215, 184, 216, 217, 249, 185, 217, 218, 250, 219, 251, 252, 284},
{0, 40, 41, 81, 42, 82, 83, 123, 43, 83, 84, 124, 85, 125, 126, 166, 44, 84, 85, 125, 86, 126, 127, 167, 87, 127, 128, 168, 129, 169, 170, 210, 45, 85, 86, 126, 87, 127, 128, 168, 88, 128, 129, 169, 130, 170, 171, 211, 89, 129, 130, 170, 131, 171, 172, 212, 132, 172, 173, 213, 174, 214, 215, 255, 46, 86, 87, 127, 88, 128, 129, 169, 89, 129, 130, 170, 131, 171, 172, 212, 90, 130, 131, 171, 132, 172, 173, 213, 133, 173, 174, 214, 175, 215, 216, 256, 91, 131, 132, 172, 133, 173, 174, 214, 134, 174, 175, 215, 176, 216, 217, 257, 135, 175, 176, 216, 177, 217, 218, 258, 178, 218, 219, 259, 220, 260, 261, 301, 47, 87, 88, 128, 89, 129, 130, 170, 90, 130, 131, 171, 132, 172, 173, 213, 91, 131, 132, 172, 133, 173, 174, 214, 134, 174, 175, 215, 176, 216, 217, 257, 92, 132, 133, 173, 134, 174, 175, 215, 135, 175, 176, 216, 177, 217, 218, 258, 136, 176, 177, 217, 178, 218, 219, 259, 179, 219, 220, 260, 221, 261, 262, 302, 93, 133, 134, 174, 135, 175, 176, 216, 136, 176, 177, 217, 178, 218, 219, 259, 137, 177, 178, 218, 179, 219, 220, 260, 180, 220, 221, 261, 222, 262, 263, 303, 138, 178, 179, 219, 180, 220, 221, 261, 181, 221, 222, 262, 223, 263, 264, 304, 182, 222, 223, 263, 224, 264, 265, 305, 225, 265, 266, 306, 267, 307, 308, 348},
{0, 48, 49, 97, 50, 98, 99, 147, 51, 99, 100, 148, 101, 149, 150, 198, 52, 100, 101, 149, 102, 150, 151, 199, 103, 151, 152, 200, 153, 201, 202, 250, 53, 101, 102, 150, 103, 151, 152, 200, 104, 152, 153, 201, 154, 202, 203, 251, 105, 153, 154, 202, 155, 203, 204, 252, 156, 204, 205, 253, 206, 254, 255, 303, 54, 102, 103, 151, 104, 152, 153, 201, 105, 153, 154, 202, 155, 203, 204, 252, 106, 154, 155, 203, 156, 204, 205, 253, 157, 205, 206, 254, 207, 255, 256, 304, 107, 155, 156, 204, 157, 205, 206, 254, 158, 206, 207, 255, 208, 256, 257, 305, 159, 207, 208, 256, 209, 257, 258, 306, 210, 258, 259, 307, 260, 308, 309, 357, 55, 103, 104, 152, 105, 153, 154, 202, 106, 154, 155, 203, 156, 204, 205, 253, 107, 155, 156, 204, 157, 205, 206, 254, 158, 206, 207, 255, 208, 256, 257, 305, 108, 156, 157, 205, 158, 206, 207, 255, 159, 207, 208, 256, 209, 257, 258, 306, 160, 208, 209, 257, 210, 258, 259, 307, 211, 259, 260, 308, 261, 309, 310, 358, 109, 157, 158, 206, 159, 207, 208, 256, 160, 208, 209, 257, 210, 258, 259, 307, 161, 209, 210, 258, 211, 259, 260, 308, 212, 260, 261, 309, 262, 310, 311, 359, 162, 210, 211, 259, 212, 260, 261, 309, 213, 261, 262, 310, 263, 311, 312, 360, 214, 262, 263, 311, 264, 312, 313, 361, 265, 313, 314, 362, 315, 363, 364, 412},
{0, 56, 57, 113, 58, 114, 115, 171, 59, 115, 116, 172, 117, 173, 174, 230, 60, 116, 117, 173, 118, 174, 175, 231, 119, 175, 176, 232, 177, 233, 234, 290, 61, 117, 118, 174, 119, 175, 176, 232, 120, 176, 177, 233, 178, 234, 235, 291, 121, 177, 178, 234, 179, 235, 236, 292, 180, 236, 237, 293, 238, 294, 295, 351, 62, 118, 119, 175, 120, 176, 177, 233, 121, 177, 178, 234, 179, 235, 236, 292, 122, 178, 179, 235, 180, 236, 237, 293, 181, 237, 238, 294, 239, 295, 296, 352, 123, 179, 180, 236, 181, 237, 238, 294, 182, 238, 239, 295, 240, 296, 297, 353, 183, 239, 240, 296, 241, 297, 298, 354, 242, 298, 299, 355, 300, 356, 357, 413, 63, 119, 120, 176, 121, 177, 178, 234, 122, 178, 179, 235, 180, 236, 237, 293, 123, 179, 180, 236, 181, 237, 238, 294, 182, 238, 239, 295, 240, 296, 297, 353, 124, 180, 181, 237, 182, 238, 239, 295, 183, 239, 240, 296, 241, 297, 298, 354, 184, 240, 241, 297, 242, 298, 299, 355, 243, 299, 300, 356, 301, 357, 358, 414, 125, 181, 182, 238, 183, 239, 240, 296, 184, 240, 241, 297, 242, 298, 299, 355, 185, 241, 242, 298, 243, 299, 300, 356, 244, 300, 301, 357, 302, 358, 359, 415, 186, 242, 243, 299, 244, 300, 301, 357, 245, 301, 302, 358, 303, 359, 360, 416, 246, 302, 303, 359, 304, 360, 361, 417, 305, 361, 362, 418, 363, 419, 420, 476}
for (int bite = 0; bite < 8; bite++)
result += lookups[bite][ (int)(word >> (bite * 8)) & 0xff ];
return result;
You might clean that up a bit, move the initialization out of the function, and so on, but this crucially removes the branch from your loop, and reduces your best case of 128 instructions (for all zeros) to 56 instructions (rough numbers). The worst case is a bit more pronounced at 192 instructions to 56. Further, a smart compiler might unroll the loop entirely, reducing to 40 instructions.
I think is also important to have less hash collisions together with the hashing performance. Faster hashing calculation can make your program generally slower, because of big amount of hash misses.
It mind be a better idea to use some generic hash function like MurMur3A from Google Guava, instead of inventing your own.
There are many Benchmark about hashing, for example:
I think you can do some micro-benchmarking using a Google Caliper and check which hash function is better for you case.
BTW. Ask your self why do you need a custom BitSet ?
This is what I did:
int weightedBitCount(long word) {
return (Long.bitCount(word & 0xFFFF_FFFF_0000_0000L) << 5)
+ (Long.bitCount(word & 0xFFFF_0000_FFFF_0000L) << 4)
+ (Long.bitCount(word & 0xFF00_FF00_FF00_FF00L) << 3)
+ (Long.bitCount(word & 0xF0F0_F0F0_F0F0_F0F0L) << 2)
+ (Long.bitCount(word & 0xCCCC_CCCC_CCCC_CCCCL) << 1)
+ (Long.bitCount(word & 0xAAAA_AAAA_AAAA_AAAAL) << 0);
It's pretty simple: With a single bit set, e.g., the bit 10, word looks like 0x0000_0000_0000_0400L and only the masks 0xFF00_FF00_FF00_FF00L and 0xCCCC_CCCC_CCCC_CCCCL produce a bit count of 1, so we get
(0 << 5) + (0 << 4) + (1 << 3) + (0 << 2) + (1 << 1) + (0 << 5) = 10
It needs some 6*4 instructions (maybe 6 cycles on modern Intel) per 64 bits, so it's not really slow, but it's still too slow when compared with the bulk bitset operations which need a single instruction (per 64 bits).
So I'm playing with some batch computation over multiple words.

If loop, error in macro

Hi I am trying to make a macro for imagej.
Now I have as input a vector Array1y about 300 elements. If I would like to subdivide the vector in subvectors, how can i do? If for example I want 100 subvectors, so a step of 30, I was thinking to something like that
step= Array1y.length/w
for (i=0; i<Array1y.length; i+=(w+1))
for (j=w; j<Array1y.length ; j+=w)
a(i)= Array.slice(Array1y,i,w)
Array.print a(i)
what's wrong?
Can it work if I have no 300 elements but less, let's say 268 and I want as well a step of 30 (so I have the last subvector that is not made by 30 elements?)
I'm not sure what you're trying to do, or if it is actually java, but here's what I think you asked for :
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] vector = new int[268];
IntStream.range(0, vector.length).forEach(i -> vector[i] = i); // to fill the vector
int subvectorSize = 30;
int[][] subvectors = new int[vector.length/subvectorSize+1][subvectorSize]; // array of arrays
for(int i=0; i< vector.length; i++){ // iterate over vector
int x = i/subvectorSize; // get quotient (xth subvector)
int y = i%subvectorSize; // get reminder (index y of subvector)
subvectors[x][y] = vector[i];
That outputs :
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59], [60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89], [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119], [120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149], [150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179], [180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209], [210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239], [240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 0, 0]]

Repeating number in an array

we are given a read only array of n integers from 1 to n. Each integer appears exactly once except A which appears twice and B which is missing.
Return A and B.
I know my solution is not space efficient but i am wondering why i am getting wrong output for cases like:
389, 299, 65, 518, 361, 103, 342, 406, 24, 79, 192, 181, 178, 205, 38, 298, 218, 143, 446, 324, 82, 41, 312, 166, 252, 59, 91, 6, 248, 395, 157, 332, 352, 57, 106, 246, 506, 261, 16, 470, 224, 228, 286, 121, 193, 241, 203, 36, 264, 234, 386, 471, 225, 466, 81, 58, 253, 468, 31, 197, 15, 282, 334, 171, 358, 209, 213, 158, 355, 243, 75, 411, 43, 485, 291, 270, 25, 100, 194, 476, 70, 402, 403, 109, 322, 421, 313, 239, 327, 238, 257, 433, 254, 328, 163, 436, 520, 437, 392, 199, 63, 482, 222, 500, 454, 84, 265, 508, 416, 141, 447, 258, 384, 138, 47, 156, 172, 319, 137, 62, 85, 154, 97, 18, 360, 244, 272, 93, 263, 262, 266, 290, 369, 357, 176, 317, 383, 333, 204, 56, 521, 502, 326, 353, 469, 455, 190, 393, 453, 314, 480, 189, 77, 129, 439, 139, 441, 443, 351, 528, 182, 101, 501, 425, 126, 231, 445, 155, 432, 418, 95, 375, 376, 60, 271, 74, 11, 419, 488, 486, 54, 460, 321, 341, 174, 408, 131, 115, 107, 134, 448, 532, 292, 289, 320, 14, 323, 61, 481, 371, 151, 385, 325, 472, 44, 335, 431, 187, 51, 88, 105, 145, 215, 122, 162, 458, 52, 496, 277, 362, 374, 26, 211, 452, 130, 346, 10, 315, 459, 92, 531, 467, 309, 34, 281, 478, 477, 136, 519, 196, 240, 12, 288, 302, 119, 356, 503, 527, 22, 27, 55, 343, 490, 127, 444, 308, 354, 278, 497, 191, 294, 117, 1, 396, 125, 148, 285, 509, 208, 382, 297, 405, 245, 5, 330, 311, 133, 274, 275, 118, 463, 504, 39, 99, 442, 337, 169, 140, 104, 373, 221, 499, 413, 124, 510, 159, 465, 80, 276, 83, 329, 524, 255, 387, 259, 397, 491, 517, 23, 4, 230, 48, 349, 412, 142, 114, 487, 381, 164, 35, 67, 498, 73, 440, 108, 226, 96, 132, 144, 207, 235, 33, 69, 128, 236, 364, 198, 475, 173, 493, 150, 90, 515, 111, 68, 232, 340, 112, 526, 492, 512, 495, 429, 146, 336, 17, 350, 251, 7, 184, 76, 380, 359, 293, 19, 49, 345, 227, 212, 430, 89, 474, 279, 201, 398, 347, 273, 37, 185, 177, 102, 304, 295, 422, 94, 426, 514, 116, 183, 180, 494, 42, 305, 152, 390, 30, 247, 451, 32, 388, 331, 78, 424, 368, 394, 188, 306, 449, 8, 214, 120, 179, 280, 511, 409, 338, 153, 507, 370, 461, 217, 161, 483, 147, 242, 86, 417, 268, 71, 462, 420, 167, 513, 379, 307, 522, 435, 113, 296, 457, 525, 45, 529, 423, 427, 2, 438, 64, 316, 46, 40, 13, 516, 367, 233, 110, 318, 250, 283, 216, 186, 310, 237, 377, 365, 175, 479, 378, 66, 414, 473, 165, 210, 50, 348, 372, 363, 339, 20, 168, 284, 415, 505, 206, 53, 223, 434, 202, 123, 399, 400, 135, 269, 428, 219, 456, 28, 464, 267, 489, 98, 391, 195, 366, 300, 484, 533, 229, 213, 149, 160, 256, 303, 530, 301, 29, 404, 344, 401, 220, 287, 9, 407, 170, 450, 523, 249, 72, 410, 3, 21, 200, 260
Expected Output:
213 87
Actual Output :
213 3
Java Code What I have Tried so far
public class Solution {
public ArrayList<Integer> repeatedNumber(final List<Integer> a) {
int n=a.size();
int rep=0,b=0;
int[] arr= new int[n+1];
for(int i=0;i<n+1;i++) //value i is at index i
for(int val : a)
for(int i=0; i<n+1; i++)
ArrayList<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<Integer>();
return ans;
You find a mistake like this by reasoning that you need one complete pass over the array to detect a missing value. You may stop earlier for the duplicate.
for(int val : a){
} else {
///////////////// Omit: break;
Later Basically the same idea but using a bit more of Java, making it shorter:
int dup = 0;
int abs = 0;
BitSet present = new BitSet( a.size() + 1 );
for( int x: a ){
if( present.get( x ) ){
dup = x;
} else {
present.set( x );
abs = present.nextClearBit( 1 );
If you may modify the original array (or list), you can avoid using some extra storage:
int dup = 0;
int abs = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i ){
if( a[i] <= 0 ) continue;
int val = a[i];
a[i] = 0;
while( true ){
if( a[val-1] == -val ){
dup = val;
} else {
int h = a[val-1];
a[val-1] = -val;
if( h == 0 ) break;
val = h;
for( int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i ){
if( a[i] >= 0 ){
abs = i+1;
I would begin by using List.toArray(T[]) to get an array, sorting the array and then iterating the sorted array once. Something like,
public ArrayList<Integer> repeatedNumber(final List<Integer> a) {
Integer[] arr = a.toArray(new Integer[0]);
Integer[] r = new Integer[2];
for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
int prev = arr[i - 1];
if (prev == arr[i]) {
r[0] = prev;
} else if (prev != arr[i] - 1) {
r[1] = prev + 1;
return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(r));
which I tested with your input and got (as requested)
[213, 87]
Here is a solution that doesn't alter the original list and finds the missing one using only maths.
public static void main(String[] args) {
find(new int[]{389, 299, 65, 518, 361, 103, 342, 406, 24, 79, 192, 181, 178, 205, 38, 298, 218, 143, 446, 324, 82, 41, 312, 166, 252, 59, 91, 6, 248, 395, 157, 332, 352, 57, 106, 246, 506, 261, 16, 470, 224, 228, 286, 121, 193, 241, 203, 36, 264, 234, 386, 471, 225, 466, 81, 58, 253, 468, 31, 197, 15, 282, 334, 171, 358, 209, 213, 158, 355, 243, 75, 411, 43, 485, 291, 270, 25, 100, 194, 476, 70, 402, 403, 109, 322, 421, 313, 239, 327, 238, 257, 433, 254, 328, 163, 436, 520, 437, 392, 199, 63, 482, 222, 500, 454, 84, 265, 508, 416, 141, 447, 258, 384, 138, 47, 156, 172, 319, 137, 62, 85, 154, 97, 18, 360, 244, 272, 93, 263, 262, 266, 290, 369, 357, 176, 317, 383, 333, 204, 56, 521, 502, 326, 353, 469, 455, 190, 393, 453, 314, 480, 189, 77, 129, 439, 139, 441, 443, 351, 528, 182, 101, 501, 425, 126, 231, 445, 155, 432, 418, 95, 375, 376, 60, 271, 74, 11, 419, 488, 486, 54, 460, 321, 341, 174, 408, 131, 115, 107, 134, 448, 532, 292, 289, 320, 14, 323, 61, 481, 371, 151, 385, 325, 472, 44, 335, 431, 187, 51, 88, 105, 145, 215, 122, 162, 458, 52, 496, 277, 362, 374, 26, 211, 452, 130, 346, 10, 315, 459, 92, 531, 467, 309, 34, 281, 478, 477, 136, 519, 196, 240, 12, 288, 302, 119, 356, 503, 527, 22, 27, 55, 343, 490, 127, 444, 308, 354, 278, 497, 191, 294, 117, 1, 396, 125, 148, 285, 509, 208, 382, 297, 405, 245, 5, 330, 311, 133, 274, 275, 118, 463, 504, 39, 99, 442, 337, 169, 140, 104, 373, 221, 499, 413, 124, 510, 159, 465, 80, 276, 83, 329, 524, 255, 387, 259, 397, 491, 517, 23, 4, 230, 48, 349, 412, 142, 114, 487, 381, 164, 35, 67, 498, 73, 440, 108, 226, 96, 132, 144, 207, 235, 33, 69, 128, 236, 364, 198, 475, 173, 493, 150, 90, 515, 111, 68, 232, 340, 112, 526, 492, 512, 495, 429, 146, 336, 17, 350, 251, 7, 184, 76, 380, 359, 293, 19, 49, 345, 227, 212, 430, 89, 474, 279, 201, 398, 347, 273, 37, 185, 177, 102, 304, 295, 422, 94, 426, 514, 116, 183, 180, 494, 42, 305, 152, 390, 30, 247, 451, 32, 388, 331, 78, 424, 368, 394, 188, 306, 449, 8, 214, 120, 179, 280, 511, 409, 338, 153, 507, 370, 461, 217, 161, 483, 147, 242, 86, 417, 268, 71, 462, 420, 167, 513, 379, 307, 522, 435, 113, 296, 457, 525, 45, 529, 423, 427, 2, 438, 64, 316, 46, 40, 13, 516, 367, 233, 110, 318, 250, 283, 216, 186, 310, 237, 377, 365, 175, 479, 378, 66, 414, 473, 165, 210, 50, 348, 372, 363, 339, 20, 168, 284, 415, 505, 206, 53, 223, 434, 202, 123, 399, 400, 135, 269, 428, 219, 456, 28, 464, 267, 489, 98, 391, 195, 366, 300, 484, 533, 229, 213, 149, 160, 256, 303, 530, 301, 29, 404, 344, 401, 220, 287, 9, 407, 170, 450, 523, 249, 72, 410, 3, 21, 200, 260});
public static void find(int[] numbers){
int sum = 0;
int duplicate = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
sum += numbers[i];
if(duplicate == -1) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < numbers.length; j++) {
if(numbers[i] == numbers[j]){
duplicate = numbers[i];
int missing = triangle(numbers.length) - (sum - duplicate);
System.out.println(duplicate + " " + missing);
public static int triangle(int amount) {
return (int) ((Math.pow(amount, 2) + amount) / 2);
I would suggest a better approach to do this. Here is logical steps that you need to follow.
I am explaining with an Example
ex:- incorrect Array => {20,30,40,40} and Correct Array => {20,30,40,60}
First Calculate Sum of correct Array and incorrect Array.
incorrect Array sum => 130 and Correct Array => 150.
Calculate the difference between the sum of these two Arrays.
Difference will be -20(Negative).
Then Find the Integer value which is Repeated.
Using loop Iteration find out the Number which is getting RepeatedFrom Incorrect Array. So Repeated Number will be 40.
Now Substract this Repeated Number with Difference You Found (Between the two Sum).
(-20)-(-40) = -60 You Got Your Missing Number .
Finally You will got your Missing Number in Negative. it is more efficient way to do this.
Note :- If you Iterate throughout one Incorrect array (n) in (n*n) in Nested Loops and again in Nested Loop Iterate throughout Correct array (n) in (n*n) So, Total will be (n*n*n*n). Its very hectic actually. In Solution which is given by me will max upto ((n*n)+n+n). So Definitely

Convert byte array (byte[]) to Image in Java

I have a byte[] that I want to convert to an Image and display the image in a label.
The byte[] is of a jpeg 2000 format.
I have tried the code below but it returns null:
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytearray);
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(in);
The image value comes back as null.
I want to be able to display the image in a label like below:
jLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(image));
To convert an array of bytes, i.e. byte[] into an Image, use getImage(). Probably the easiest way to do this is to instantiate an ImageIcon using the ImageIcon(byte[]) constructor, and then call getImage(). This is illustrated in the method below, particularly the last line:
public Image createImage(){
byte[] b = {-119, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82,
0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 15, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0, 59, -42, -107,
74, 0, 0, 0, 64, 73, 68, 65, 84, 120, -38, 99, 96, -64, 14, -2,
99, -63, 68, 1, 100, -59, -1, -79, -120, 17, -44, -8, 31, -121, 28, 81,
26, -1, -29, 113, 13, 78, -51, 100, -125, -1, -108, 24, 64, 86, -24, -30,
11, 101, -6, -37, 76, -106, -97, 25, 104, 17, 96, -76, 77, 97, 20, -89,
109, -110, 114, 21, 0, -82, -127, 56, -56, 56, 76, -17, -42, 0, 0, 0,
0, 73, 69, 78, 68, -82, 66, 96, -126};
return new ImageIcon(b).getImage();
I think this can by used for png, gif, bmp, and jpg images. Also the byte array does not have to be hard-coded, as in this example.
If you want an ImageIcon instead of an Image, don't call getImage():
public ImageIcon createImageIcon(){
byte[] b = {-119, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82,
0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 15, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0, 59, -42, -107,
74, 0, 0, 0, 64, 73, 68, 65, 84, 120, -38, 99, 96, -64, 14, -2,
99, -63, 68, 1, 100, -59, -1, -79, -120, 17, -44, -8, 31, -121, 28, 81,
26, -1, -29, 113, 13, 78, -51, 100, -125, -1, -108, 24, 64, 86, -24, -30,
11, 101, -6, -37, 76, -106, -97, 25, 104, 17, 96, -76, 77, 97, 20, -89,
109, -110, 114, 21, 0, -82, -127, 56, -56, 56, 76, -17, -42, 0, 0, 0,
0, 73, 69, 78, 68, -82, 66, 96, -126};
return new ImageIcon(b);
Then you can call jlabel.setIcon(createIconImage());.
ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
The above is how its worked for me in the past where user has a profile picture simply stored in a byte array. The servlet realizes this and outputs the image.
