Ordering the results of an file with ArrayList and compareTo - java

I have to order an arrayList that contains lines from a file by account ID and then by salary to get this result:
CuentaAhorro : 11111111A (Alicia) Saldo 111,11
CuentaAhorro : 12345678A (Lucas) Saldo 5100,00
CuentaCorriente: 22222222B (Peio) Saldo 222,22
CuentaAhorro : 33333333C (Isabel) Saldo 4433,33
CuentaCorriente: 33333333C (Isabel) Saldo 3333,33
CuentaAhorro : 87654321A (Asier) Saldo 3000,00
My arrayList calls the compareTo method from Bank.java.
public void ordenarCuentas() {
The call is to the method compareTo in an abstract class called Account with the comparable interface:
public int compareTo(Cuenta unaCuenta) {
Cliente unTitular = unaCuenta.titular;
if(unTitular.toString().equals(unaCuenta.titular.toString()) == true) {
return 0;
// if(saldo < unaCuenta.saldo) {
// return -1;
// } else if (saldo > unaCuenta.saldo) {
// return 1;
// } else {
// return 0;
// }
return -1;
I need to check if the object 'Cuenta unaCuenta' passed as a parameter has the same account number as another and then sort by the amount of money in the account, however I am not sure how to get the condition right, as you can see, with the commented if I get the salary in the right descending order but not the account IDs.
The object Cuenta unaCuenta contains titular which contains account number and name.
The object Cliente unTitular contains the account number and name.
Could somebody lend me a hand please?

I am not able understand it very clearly because of language barrier
But if you have a arraylist you can call sort method on it an pass a comparator to get the desired sorting , something like below.
It is just to give you an idea
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.sort(new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
if(o1.account.equals(o2.account)) return 0;
return o1.amount - o2.amount;
as Lambda
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.sort((o1,o2) ->
if(o1.account.equals(o2.account)) return 0;
return o1.amount - o2.amount;

Thank you everyone for the comments. Next time i'll translate the Spanish code to English. I'll post my solution incase someone comes across this question.
(in my case I had to use a comparable interface and a compareTo method).
public int compareTo(Account anAccount) {
String b = this.title.toString();
Client aTitle = anAccount.title;
String c = aTitle.toString();
if(b.compareTo(c) == 0) {
if(balance == anAccount.balance) {
return 0;
} else if (balance < anAccount.balance) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
return b.compareTo(c);
As stated, I had to compare both object values first, if they are the same I then check the condition of the balance to change the order.
-1 = object is less than the parameter.
0 = when both objects are the same.
1 = the object is more than the parameter.
And I called the method from the Bank.java class with:
Where cuentas is the ArrayList.


CompareTo incorrect return value

First and Foremost, I must mention after reading lots of questions and tutorials and watching some videos, still the problem is not resolved.
I am an intermediate programmer in Java, and I have written some codes for comparing elements in a priority queue, in which elements are kept like [Comparable element, int priority]. Obviously, the higher priority would be popped.
the problem is:
I modified the code to have the first element with highest priority, and it does NOT work! I have narrowed it down that when comparing the first 2 elements, the compareTo method returns 0, which it should NOT, consequently the code fails!
this is the class that has the push of O(1) and Pop of O(n):
public class PriorityQueueU<T>
public class PriorityPair implements Comparable
public Comparable element;
public Comparable priority;
public PriorityPair(Comparable element, int priority){
this.element = element;
this.priority = priority;
public Comparable<T> getElemet(){
return this.element;
public Comparable<T> getPriority(){
return this.priority;
public int compareTo(Comparable a)
PriorityPair p2 = (PriorityPair)a;
return ((Comparable)priority).compareTo(p2.priority);
public String toString(){
String s1 = this.element.toString();
String s2 = this.priority.toString();
String res = "[ " + s1 + ", " + s2 + " ]" ;
return res;
public int compareTo(Object o)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
private LinkedList data;
public PriorityQueueU()
data = new LinkedList();
public void pushUnsorted(Comparable<T> o, int priority)
PriorityPair paired = new PriorityPair(o, priority);
public Comparable popUnsorted()
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.data.size() - 1; i++)
if (((PriorityPair) this.data.get(i)).compareTo(this.data.get(i + 1)) < 0)
index = i + 1;
PriorityPair pp = (PriorityQueueU<T>.PriorityPair) this.data.get(index);
return pp.getElemet();
public String toString(){
return this.data.toString();
and this is the code that would test the behavior:
PriorityQueueU<T> unSortedPQ = new PriorityQueueU<>();
unSortedPQ.pushUnsorted( (Comparable<T>) "a", 1000);
unSortedPQ.pushUnsorted((Comparable<T>) "b", 200);
unSortedPQ.pushUnsorted((Comparable<T>) "j", 900);
unSortedPQ.pushUnsorted((Comparable<T>) "r", 9);
unSortedPQ.pushUnsorted((Comparable<T>) "z", 6);
System.out.println("the UNsorted priority Q: ");
System.out.println("*#------------------END OF PUSH-----------------#*");
System.out.println("the priority Q: " + unSortedPQ);
System.out.println("popped item is: " + unSortedPQ.popUnsorted());
// System.out.println("top of the priority queue is: " + uPriorityQueueU.top());
System.out.println("the UNsorted priority Q: ");
System.out.println("*#------------------END OF POP-----------------#*");
MANY thanks in advance.
P.S. bear in mind that maybe I was wrong and the problem was somewhere else!
current behavior: it pops j, which is the second highest element in the list. I already know that when popping, the element must be deleted as well from the priority queue, which is stored in a linked list. I made sure deletion in linked list is correctly working, but don't hesitate to ask for the code if necessary.
In order for compareTo to work, you should implement the method provided by the Comparable interface.
public interface Comparable<T> {
public int compareTo(T o);
As we see from the code above, Copmarable supports generics. If you do not specify what type of objects you want to compare (leave it as it is), it will default to Object, which it does (that's from your code):
public int compareTo(Object o)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
So you either use generics or write logic for compareTo(Object o).

Arranging by Alphabetical Order

I'm new to Java and I'm trying to arrange an arrayList of terms in alphabetical order. (A term is defined as a char and an int) (e.g. {Term('Z',4),Term('C',3),Term('Q',2) ...} )
My code is as follows:
public Term nextElement()
Term max = terms.get(0);
char maxtest = max.getElement();
for (int i = 1; i < terms.size(); i++){
Term tester = terms.get(i);
char maxtest2 = tester.getElement();
if (maxtest2 > maxtest) {
tester = max;
return max;
Why isn't this working? and how do I accomplish this?
My arrayList is called term filled with type Term
Your problem with this line of Code. Your class is not a Type of Comparable So, On which property or criteria compareTo() method will compare these two objects ???
res = maxtest.compareTo(maxtest2); //Your maxtest object is not Comparable Type.
You must need to make your class Term Comparable type. and , Override the method compareTo() as per your need.
You have not mentioning the variable's or structure of your class Term . So, I am assuming that your class have such kind of Structure .
public class Term implements Comparable<Term> {
private Character alpha;
private int number;
//getter and setters +Constructors as you specified
// Now Set a criteria to sort is the Alphanumeric.
public int compareTo(Term prm_obj) {
if (prm_obj.getAlpha() > this.alpha) {
return 1;
} else if (prm_obj.getAlpha() < this.alpha) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
Now Your Class become a comparable Type. So you may apply Collections.sort(Collection obj) which automatically sort your ArrayList<Term>.
Here I write a demo for this.
public static void main(String... args){
List<Term> obj_listTerm = new ArrayList<>();
//add all the data you given in question
obj_listTerm .add(new Term('Z', 4));
obj_listTerm .add(new Term('Q', 2));
obj_listTerm .add(new Term('c', 3));
// print without Sorting your Term ArrayList.
System.out.println("This is the list unsorted: " + myTermList);
// Sort Using Collections.sort() Method.
// After applying sort() you may see your Sorted ArrayList.
System.out.println("This is the list SORTED: " + myTermList);
You can use the Collection class and sort the list of term you have, you need only to make the class Term comparable
public class Term implements Comparable<Term> {
// .....
// criteria to sort is the char
public int compareTo(Term o) {
if (o.getLetter()> this.letter) {
return 1;
} else if (o.getLetter() < this.letter) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// test
List<Term> myTermList = new ArrayList<>();
myTermList.add(new Term('Z', 4));
myTermList.add(new Term('Q', 2));
myTermList.add(new Term('c', 3));
// check how the look like
System.out.println("This is the list unsorted: " + myTermList);
// now sort them
// check how the look like
System.out.println("This is the list SORTED: " + myTermList);
if you dont want to implement comparable then modify this:
res = maxtest.compareTo(maxtest2);
because this is not valid since maxtest and maxtest2 are primitives and not objects...
use instead
res = Character.compare(maxtest, maxtest2);
and then use the result to verify your logic and make decisions:
if (res >1) {
}else if (res<1) {
}else {

Removing Duplicate Entries in Array - Java

For Java practice, I am trying to create a method inside my EmployeesDirectory Class that:
Removes Duplicate entries from the array
The array should be the same length after removing duplicates
Non-Empty entries should be making a contiguous sequence at the beginning of the array - and the actualNum should keep a record of the entries
Duplicate Means: Same Name, Position and Salary
Here is my Current Code:
I am unsure on how to implement this - any help would be appreciated
class EmployeeDirectory {
private Employee dir[];
private int size;
private int actualNum;
public EmployeeDirectory(int n) {
this.size = n;
dir = new Employee[size];
public boolean add(String name, String position, double salary) {
if (dir[size-1] != null) {
dir[actualNum] = new Employee(name, position, salary);
return true;
} else {
return false;
I'd rather you did not write a distinct method for removing duplicates. If I were you, I would search for duplicates in add method and then instantly decide whether I need to add Employee.
Also, why don't you use Sets (link for HashSet) instead of arrays for your purpose? Sets by their own definition disallow adding duplicates, so they seem to be appropriate as a solution
First of all, Override equals and hashCode methods in Employee class as follow
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if(this == other) return true;
if(other == null || (this.getClass() != other.getClass())){
return false;
Employee guest = (Employee) other;
return Objects.equals(guest.name, name)
&& Objects.equals(guest.position, position)
&& Objects.equals(guest.salary, salary);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] {
Then you can use Stream API distinct method to remove duplicates
Returns a stream consisting of the distinct elements (according to
Object.equals(Object)) of this stream.
You can do it like so
Employee e1 = new Employee("John", "developer", 2000);
Employee e2 = new Employee("John", "developer", 2000);
Employee e3 = new Employee("Fres", "designer", 1500);
Employee[] allEmployees = new Employee[100];
allEmployees[0] = e1;
allEmployees[1] = e2;
allEmployees[2] = e3;
allEmployees = Arrays.asList(allEmployees).stream().distinct()
Output: (keeping both empty and non-empty entries)
John developer 2000.0
Fres designer 1500.0
Unfortunately, I have not got the Employee class to verify my code, but try this:
void removeDuplicates() {
int length = dir.length;
HashSet set = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(dir));
dir = new Employee[length];
Employee[] temp = (Employee[]) set.toArray();
for (int index = 0; index < temp.length; index++)
dir[index] = temp[index];
The code must remain the size of array after deletion the duplicates. At the beginning of array there must be valid Employees, at the end - nulls.
And don't forget to add this at the beginning of your .java file
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
If your task states as "remove duplicates from array" (i. e. you cannot use ArrayList or control when adding items), you can use the following approach:
public void removeDuplicates() {
Set<Employee> d = new HashSet<>(); // here to store distinct items
int shift = 0;
for (int i = 0; i > dir.length; i++) {
if (d.contains(dir[i])) { // duplicate, shift += 1
} else { // distinct
d.add(dir[i]); // copy to `d` set
dir[i - shift] = dir[i]; // move item left
for (int i = d.size(); i < dir.length; i++)
dir[i] = null; // fill rest of array with nulls
actualNum = d.size();
Here, shift variable stores number of duplicates found in the array so far. Every distinct item is moved to shift positions left in order to make sequence continuous while keeping initial ordering. Then remaining items are altered to nulls.
To make hash-based collections work with Employee instances correctly, you also need to override hashCode() and equals() methods as follows:
public class Employee {
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(name, position, salary);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null) return false;
if (!o.getType().equals(this.getType()) return false;
Employee e = (Employee) o;
return Objects.equals(e.name, name)
&& Objects.equals(e.position, position)
&& Objects.equals(e.salary, salary); // or e.salary == salary, if it primitive type

Move an element up in the list using Comparator

I have an ArrayList in Java :
{"PatMic", "PatientDoc", "Phram", "Patnet", "PatientA"}
All the elements have a number assigned : PatMic = 20, PatientDoc = 30, Phram = 40, Patnet = 50, PatientA = 60.
And my current Comparator :
Comparator<String> comparator = new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(final String o1, final String o2) {
final int numbr1 = getElementNumber(); //Returns element's number in a list
final int numbr2 = getElementNumber();
if (numbr1 > numbr2 ) {
return 1;
} else if (numbr1 < numbr2 ) {
return -1;
return 0;
Collections.sort(strings, comparator);
I do not want to change the assigned numbers to each element but would want to move the element PatientA in between PatMic and PatientDoc so the modified list should look like :
{"PatMic", "PatientA" "PatientDoc", "Phram", "Patnet"}
Could someone please suggest how to achieve this? I tried many ways to modify the existing Comparator logic but in vain. Thank you.
You are trying to sort based on some inherent value associated with a String. Therefore, sorting on a String itself is probably not correct. What you probably want to use is either a custom object (implement equals, hashCode and the interface Comparable), or an enum type. This will allow you to change the internal state of these objects explicitly, which will manifest itself naturally when using a Comparator. For example, using a class:
class MyClass implements Comparable
private String name;
private int value;
public MyClass(String s, int v)
name = s;
value = v;
//Getters and setters
//Implement comparing method
Then you can use these objects in place of your Strings:
MyClass patMic = new MyClass("PatMic", 20);
// So on..
First, you should give you comparator sufficient knowledge about what it should do. I mean you should have some data available to comparator that says something like "okay, sort them all by associated number except this one - place it right here". "Right here" could be anything that points exact position, I gonna choose "before that element".
So here we go
public void sortWithException(List<String> data, final Map<String, Integer> numbers, final String element, final String next) {
Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String first, String second) {
if (first.equals(element) || second.equals(element)) { //the exception
Integer nextNumber = numbers.get(next);
Integer firstNumber = numbers.get(first);
Integer secondNumber = numbers.get(second);
if (first.equals(element)) {
if (next == null) // placing the exception after ANY element
return 1;
return secondNumber >= nextNumber ? -1 : 1; //placing the element before next and after all next's predecessors
} else { // second.equals(element)
if (next == null)
return -1;
return firstNumber >= nextNumber ? 1 : -1;
} else { //normal sort
return numbers.get(first) - numbers.get(second);
and call it like sortWithException(data, numbers, "PatientA", "PatientDoc")
Note that i used Map for associated numbers, you should probably use your own method to get those numbers.

Return ArrayList from ArrayList method type

I'm making a little card deck program that uses an ArrayList for the deck. One of the limitations set upon me is that the method in which I "deal" the cards must be an Arraylist type. The problem I'm running into is that I don't know how to return just a specific index value from the ArrayList. See below.
public ArrayList deal(int n, boolean up){
Card card0 = new Card();
boolean cardFace = card0.state(up);
return al.get(0); //<-- This doesn't work, Netbeans says that it is a string type
//not an ArrayList type. The only thing it will actually
//allow me to return is:
return.al; // But this doesn't work, I don't need to return the whole list,
// just the first element, but Netbeans calls that a String type, not
// ArrayList
So how can I return the first item of the List and still have it be the correct type? The rest of the code doesn't matter, just the Method type and return statement.
EDIT: As requested
package deckofcards;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Deck{
ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<>();
public void shuffle(){
public String displayDeck(){
String returnDeck = "";
for(int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++){
String printDeck = al.get(i);
returnDeck += printDeck;
return returnDeck;
public ArrayList deal(int n, boolean up){
Card card0 = new Card();
boolean cardFace = card0.state(up);
return al.get(0);
public void populate(){
al.add(0, "Ace of Spades");
al.add(1, "Two of Spades");
al.add(2, "Three of Spades");
//yadaa yadaa
If you cannot change the signature and it is mandatory to return an arraylist, then you can create an arraylist with just one element and return it. Something like this:
ArrayList returnList = new ArrayList();
return returnList;
Does not look great to me :-(
In your specific case, al is an ArrayList<String>. That means al.get(...) returns a String. However, your method is declared as returning an ArrayList, which is not a String. You will either need to change your method return type to String, or you will need to construct a new ArrayList and add your single string to it and return that.
Your declared return type needs to match the object you are returning. So for example:
ArrayList<String> al = ...;
String getSingleItem (int index) {
return al.get(index);
ArrayList<String> getSingleItemAsArrayList (int index) {
ArrayList<String> single = new ArrayList<String>();
return single;
ArrayList<String> getItems () {
return al;
By the way, it's generally better to specify the type parameter to ArrayList, e.g. ArrayList<Whatever>, as this can save you a lot of casting things around / unchecked conversions and will give you compile-time checking of types.
Is there a reason that you have to return an ArrayList? Essentially, you are trying to create a method that takes a deck, picks a card, and then returns a deck. You could try and use the subList method someone mentioned above. You could create a new ArrayList containing only the card you want, but that's not very efficient. Or, if your goal is to actually return the whole deck, but with the correct card on top (aka in the first position of the ArrayList), there's lots of info about rearranging values in an ArrayList online.
EDIT: Based on your full code, it looks like the goal is to flip the first card face up. You should do that (not gonna do your homework for you!) and then return the ArrayList that the method took in. IRL, imagine handing someone a deck, they flip the first card face up, then hand the deck back to you.
//ADDING AND deleting employees
//Displaying employee list
public class EployeeDB {
static ArrayList e = new ArrayList<>();
public static boolean addEmployee(Employee e1) {
System.out.println("Employee added");
return true;
public static boolean deleteEmployee(int ecode) {
int temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < e.size(); i++) {
if (e.get(i).getID() == ecode) {
temp = temp + 1;
if (temp == 1)
System.out.println("Emp deleted");
System.out.println("Deletion unsuccessful, check ecode again");
return true;
public static String showPaySlip(int ecode) {
double salary = 0;
int temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < e.size(); i++) {
if (e.get(i).getID() == ecode) {
temp = temp + 1;
salary = e.get(i).getSalary();
if (temp == 1)
return "Salary is" + salary;
return "No employye found with the specified ecode";
public static ArrayList<Employee> listAll() {
return e;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Employee e1 = new Employee();
Employee e2 = new Employee();
for (int i = 0; i < e.size(); i++)
listAll().get(i).getID() + " " + listAll().get(i).getName() + " " + listAll().get(i).getSalary());
