How to get the declared variables ANTLR - java

I have the following parser rule
study: 'study' '(' ( assign* | ( assign (',' assign)*) ) ')' NEWLINE;
assign: ID '=' (INT | DATA );
INT : [0-9]+ ;
DATA : '"' ID '"' | '"' INT '"';
ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ;
my problem now how I can retrieve the variables defined in the study in the entryStudy method
public void enterStudy(StudyParser.StudyContext ctx) {
// get the declared variables
// study(hello = "hello",world = "world")
// study(hello = "hello",world = "world",name = "name")

Add the following snippet to your grammar:
#members {
public final java.util.List<java.util.Map.Entry<String, String>> parameters = new java.util.ArrayList<>();
Modify your assign rule:
assign: name=ID '=' value=(INT | DATA ) {
parameters.add(new java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry($name.text, $value.text));
Now you can use StudyParser.parameters field to access required information:
StudyParser parser = ...;;
Also please note that your grammar probably is slightly wrong, because it allows the following input: study(x=1y=2).


Antlr3 grammar generates parsering error on encountering the Pound char

Antlr-3 generating an error on encountering the Pound char ("£") of the French language, which is equivalent char of Hash "#" char of English, even the Unicode value for three special characters #, #, and $ are specified in lexer/parser rule.
FYI: The Unicode value of Pound char (of the French language) = The Unicode value of Hash char (of ENGLISH language).
The lexer/parser rules:
grammar SimpleCalc;
k = 8;
language = Java;
//filter = true;
tokens {
PLUS = '+' ;
MINUS = '-' ;
MULT = '*' ;
DIV = '/' ;
expr : n1=NUMBER ( exp = ( PLUS | MINUS ) n2=NUMBER )*
if ($exp.text.equals("+"))
System.out.println("Plus Result = " + $n1.text + $n2.text);
System.out.println("Minus Result = " + $n1.text + $n2.text);
WHITESPACE : ( '\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n'| '\u000C' )+ { $channel = HIDDEN; } ;
fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9' | '£' | ('\u0040' | '\u0023' | '\u0024');
The text file also reading in UTF-8 as:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
args = new String[1];
args[0] = new String("antlr_test.txt");
SimpleCalcLexer lex = new SimpleCalcLexer(new ANTLRFileStream(args[0], "UTF-8"));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
SimpleCalcParser parser = new SimpleCalcParser(tokens);
catch (Exception e)
The input file is having only 1 line:
£3 + 4£
the error is:
antlr_test.txt line 1:1 no viable alternative at character '£'
antlr_test.txt line 1:7 no viable alternative at character '£'
What is wrong with my approach?
or did I miss something?
I cannot reproduce what you describe. When I test your grammar without modifications, I get a NumberFormatException, which is expected, because Integer.parseInt("£3") cannot succeed.
When I change your embedded code into this:
if ($exp.text.equals("+"))
System.out.println("Result = " + (Integer.parseInt($n1.text.replaceAll("\\D", "")) + Integer.parseInt($n2.text.replaceAll("\\D", ""))));
System.out.println("Result = " + (Integer.parseInt($n1.text.replaceAll("\\D", "")) - Integer.parseInt($n2.text.replaceAll("\\D", ""))));
and regenerate lexer and parser classes (something you might not have done) and rerun the driver code, I get the following output:
Result = 7
Perhaps the pound sign in the grammar is the issue? What if you try:
fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9' | '\u00A3' | ('\u0040' | '\u0023' | '\u0024');
instead of:
fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9' | '£' | ('\u0040' | '\u0023' | '\u0024');

AST how to deal with empty nodes

I am building an expression evaluator using Java, JFlex(lexer gen) and Jacc(parser gen). I need to:
generate the lexer
generate the parser
generate the AST
display the AST graph
evaluate expression
I was able to create the lexer and the parser and the AST. Now I am trying to make the AST graph using the visitor pattern, but this made a problem with my generated AST evident (so to speak). In my calculator I need to handle parentheses and they create empty nodes in my AST (and that makes my parse tree not an AST I suppose). Here is the relevant part of my grammar:
Calc : /* empty */
| AddExpr { ast = new Calc($1); }
AddExpr : ModExpr
| AddExpr '+' ModExpr { $$ = new AddExpr($1, $3, "+"); }
| AddExpr '-' ModExpr { $$ = new AddExpr($1, $3, "-"); }
ModExpr : IntDivExpr
| ModExpr MOD IntDivExpr { $$ = new ModExpr($1, $3); }
IntDivExpr : MultExpr
| IntDivExpr DIV MultExpr { $$ = new IntDivExpr($1, $3); }
MultExpr : UnaryExpr
| MultExpr '*' UnaryExpr { $$ = new MultExpr($1, $3, "*"); }
| MultExpr '/' UnaryExpr { $$ = new MultExpr($1, $3, "/"); }
UnaryExpr : ExpExpr
| '-' UnaryExpr { $$ = new UnaryExpr($2, "-"); }
| '+' UnaryExpr { $$ = new UnaryExpr($2, "+"); }
ExpExpr : Value
| ExpExpr '^' Value { $$ = new ExpExpr($1, $3); }
Value : DoubleLiteral
| '(' AddExpr ')' { $$ = new Value($2); }
DoubleLiteral : DOUBLE { $$ = $1; }
Here is an example expression:
and the resulting image:
This leaves me with Value nodes for each pair of parentheses. I have a few ideas on how to handle this, but I am not sure how to proceed:
Try to handle this in my grammar (not sure how as I am not allowed to use precedence directives)
Handle this in my evaluator
If you don't want Value nodes, then just replace { $$ = new Value($2); } with { $$ = $2; }.

Antlr parser rule fails to match either of specified lexer rules

I have a small work-in-progress Antlr grammar that looks like:
filterExpression returns [ActivityPredicate pred]
if ($PACE != null) {
$pred = new SingleActivityPredicate($NAME.text, Operator.fromCharacter($OPERATOR.text), $PACE.text);
} else {
$pred = new SingleActivityPredicate($NAME.text, Operator.fromCharacter($OPERATOR.text), $NUMBER.text);
OPERATOR: ('>' | '<' | '=') ;
NAME: ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z')+ ;
NUMBER: ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)? ;
PACE: ('0'..'9')('0'..'9')? ':' ('0'..'5')('0'..'9');
WS: (' ' | '\t' | '\r'| '\n')+ -> skip;
Hoping to parse things like:
distance = 4 or pace < 8:30
However, both of those inputs result in null for both the PACE and NUMBER, while trying to parse either:
However, dropping the option and just picking PACE works fine (it also works fine the other way, opting for NUMBER):
filterExpression returns [ActivityPredicate pred]
Why is it that when I provide the option, they're both null?
Try this.
filterExpression returns [ActivityPredicate pred]
if ($PACE != null) {
$pred = new SingleActivityPredicate(
$n.text, Operator.fromCharacter($o.text), $p.text);
} else {
$pred = new SingleActivityPredicate(
$n.text, Operator.fromCharacter($o.text), $i.text);

Parsing a String with a specified grammar

How do I parse a String in Java with a specified grammar?
Let's say I have this eBNF grammar:
object = "O:", natural_number, ":", value, ":", natural_number, ":{", { element }, "}";
value = '"' , character , { character } , '"';
element = string | boolean | array | empty_element, ";" ;
empty_element = "N" ;
string = "s:", natural_number, ":", value ;
boolean = "b:". "0" | "1" ;
array = "a:" ;
etc. etc. won't specify it in full here
How do I let Java handle parsing such a String into a usable tree?
Use ANTLR to parse eBNF, do not bother yourself to write it.

How to handle escape sequences in string literals in ANTLR 3?

I've been looking through the ANTLR v3 documentation (and my trusty copy of "The Definitive ANTLR reference"), and I can't seem to find a clean way to implement escape sequences in string literals (I'm currently using the Java target). I had hoped to be able to do something like:
: '\\' '\'' { setText("'"); }
: '\'' (ESCAPE_SEQUENCE | ~('\'' | '\\'))* '\''
// strip the quotes from the resulting token
setText(getText().substring(1, getText().length() - 1));
For example, I would want the input token "'Foo\'s House'" to become the String "Foo's House".
Unfortunately, the setText(...) call in the ESCAPE_SEQUENCE fragment sets the text for the entire STRING token, which is obviously not what I want.
Is there a way to implement this grammar without adding a method to go back through the resulting string and manually replace escape sequences (e.g., with something like setText(escapeString(getText())) in the STRING rule)?
Here is how I accomplished this in the JSON parser I wrote.
#init{StringBuilder lBuf = new StringBuilder();}
( escaped=ESC {lBuf.append(getText());} |
normal=~('"'|'\\'|'\n'|'\r') {lBuf.appendCodePoint(normal);} )*
: '\\'
( 'n' {setText("\n");}
| 'r' {setText("\r");}
| 't' {setText("\t");}
| 'b' {setText("\b");}
| 'f' {setText("\f");}
| '"' {setText("\"");}
| '\'' {setText("\'");}
| '/' {setText("/");}
| '\\' {setText("\\");}
For ANTLR4, Java target and standard escaped string grammar, I used a dedicated singleton class : CharSupport to translate string. It is available in antlr API :
STRING : '"'
| ~('"'|'\\'|'\n'|'\r')
'"' {
As I saw in V4 documentation and by experiments, #init is no longer supported in lexer part!
Another (possibly more efficient) alternative is to use rule arguments:
#init { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); }
| i = ~( '\\' | '"' ) { buf.appendCodePoint(i); }
{ setText(buf.toString()); };
fragment ESCAPE[StringBuilder buf] :
( 't' { buf.append('\t'); }
| 'n' { buf.append('\n'); }
| 'r' { buf.append('\r'); }
| '"' { buf.append('\"'); }
| '\\' { buf.append('\\'); }
| 'u' a = HEX_DIGIT b = HEX_DIGIT c = HEX_DIGIT d = HEX_DIGIT { buf.append(ParserUtil.hexChar(a, b, c, d)); }
I needed to do just that, but my target was C and not Java. Here's how I did it based on answer #1 (and comment), in case anyone needs something alike:
QUOTE : '\'';
#init{ pANTLR3_STRING unesc = GETTEXT()->factory->newRaw(GETTEXT()->factory); }
: QUOTE ( reg = ~('\\' | '\'') { unesc->addc(unesc, reg); }
| esc = ESCAPED { unesc->appendS(unesc, GETTEXT()); } )+ QUOTE { SETTEXT(unesc); };
ESCAPED : '\\'
( '\\' { SETTEXT(GETTEXT()->factory->newStr8(GETTEXT()->factory, (pANTLR3_UINT8)"\\")); }
| '\'' { SETTEXT(GETTEXT()->factory->newStr8(GETTEXT()->factory, (pANTLR3_UINT8)"\'")); }
