Currently trying to use Junit to create some concurrency tests to run in Jmeter
My current project Structure looks like this
From, I'm trying to call a method in and a method in
When I run this as a JUnit Test in eclipse, the methods in CommonMethods and SetUp are called and everything works fine. When I export this to a JAR and run the same in Jmeter, I get an error given below (getProperty is a method inside SetUp )
Trace -- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: utils.SetUp.getProperty
I couldn't find any resources, hence i thought this maybe due to the methods being static, but i tried accessing the method by creating an object too. That Didn't help, got the same error.
Attaching the class CommonMethods for reference :
public class CommonMethods {
public String getProperty (String key) {
// Some code
public void setUrl() {
System.out.println("Hello world");
Calling it as :
CommonMethods cm = new CommonMethods();
I don't understand why Jmeter throws this error and how do i get around it? Thanks!
Hope you are using jpgc-perfmon-2.1. If not zip that into jmeter and then remove plugin cmn jar file from lib and update jmeter-plugins-cmn-jmeter.jar file with the latest version.
Seems like its kind of configuration issue.
I am referencing PlayerUtil.getMovementSpeed(player); in my Speed class, and in my PlayerUtil class, I have the method defined as:
public static double getMovementSpeed(Player player) {
//my code here
But whenever the getMovementSpeed method is referenced in my other classes, it throws this error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.Swedz.util.PlayerUtil.getMovementSpeed(Lorg/bukkit/entity/Player;)D
I thought it may be that Eclipse was exporting incorrectly, but I rebooted it and tried again with no avail.
EDIT: I did try decompiling the exported jar, and the public static double getMovementSpeed(Player player) method does exist in the exported jar.
EDIT: My friend is also having a similar issue, and is using IntelliJ, so Eclipse is not the issue.
EDIT: Class definition for PlayerUtil:
package net.Swedz.util;
public class PlayerUtil implements Listener {
//getMovementSpeed is defined in here
Class definition for Speed:
package net.Swedz.hack.detect.move;
public class Speed implements Hack, Listener {
//my detection methods and method containing PlayerUtil.getMovementSpeed(player);
SOLUTION: I found on my own that I had classes conflicting between two plugins on my server. I had one jar with net.Swedz.util.PlayerUtil and another with net.Swedz.util.PlayerUtil both with different contents. I added my project name in all lower case after the net.Swedz and it seems to have fixed it!
This is a very simple to troubleshoot.
you have used that method and you were able to compile that class which uses this method.
so that means at compile time it reefers the class PlayerUtil which has this method.
But runtime class loader has loaded the class PlayerUtil which doesn't contain this method.
now what you have to do is just find out where that class has been loaded from (at run time)
if you can recreate the problem while it is running using eclipse/IDEA follow these steps.
(if it runs in in application server or standalone application, then start the application server or application with debug enabled.and you can do remote debug from your IDE).
put a break-point where exception was thrown (where you call this method).
start to debug , it will hit the break-point.
then evaluate this expression PlayerUtil.class.getResource("PlayerUtil.class") can find the path where the class was loaded from.
now you have two options , decompile the class and check whether that method is these (same return type, same name , same args).
or in debug , you can evaluate PlayerUtil.class.getDeclaredMethods() to find out.
So you can solve the problem by rectifying the class path entries if it was loaded from a wrong place.
I use soot for instrumenting a java program. I know for adding invocation to specific class in soot, we must set "Soot class-path" to the directory contains that class, .class file. So I do this in main method of main class. I bring the snippet of code bellow
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PackManager.v().getPack("jtp").add(new Transform("jtp.RetIns", new ExIns()));
But when I want to use "Insop" class which resides in classes folder, by following code in Exins method:
static SootClass Ins;
Ins= Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport("Insop");
I get the error
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: couldn't find class: Insop (is your soot-class-path set properly?)
I should mention that I use ubuntu 14.4 32 bit and I run the code on intellij.
I can not find what is my mistake. could you please help me.
I finally find the problem. I don't know why, but I should set "soot class-path" with relative path. For my project for example it should set as follow:
I'm struggling to create a test to verify a ServletListener that loads a properties file. I've tested when running the application that it works fine and it finds the file in the classpath. But I don't know how to create a test for it. My idea is to create a temp file with a test property and then verify the property is put into the System properties. But I always fail to create the file in the right place.
I've tried creating the file in /target/test-classes or directly in the root of the application but it never finds it. Any idea?
This is the code I'm trying to test:
public class PropertyReadingListener implements ServletContextListener {
public static final String PROFILES_PROPERTIES = "";
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
Properties propsFromFile = new Properties();
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
log.warn("Unable to find {}, using default profile", PROFILES_PROPERTIES);
.filter(prop -> System.getProperty(prop) == null)
.forEach(prop -> System.setProperty(prop, propsFromFile.getProperty(prop)));
Assuming that you are using maven, put your properties file here:
The maven resources plugin will place the (possibly filtered) copy of the file in
The test-classes directory is on the classpath, so you reference the file like this (note the slash in front of the file name):
... getResourceAsStream("/");
Where is getResourceAsStream("file") searching when running from a test?
Assuming that you are talking about JUnit ....
Unless you have done something funky, your unit tests will be loaded by the default classloader, and that means that the normal JVM classpath with be searched.
(Junit 4 allows you to use a different classloader: see
But I always fail to create the file in the right place.
It seems that your real problem is understanding how the Java classpath and classpath searching works. If you understand that (and you know what JUnit runner's actual classpath is) then it should be obvious where to put the properties file so that the classloader can find it.
See Different ways of loading a file as an InputStream
Basically when you do a getClass().getResourceAsStream it looks in the package of that class for the file.. so if your PropertyReadingListener is in then it will look in com/company/listeners for the property file.
For testability, I would pass in an InputStream into the listener that way the test can create the input stream in a convienent way and the actual user of the class in code can pass in the InputStream returned from getResourceAsStream
I create simple java class and export it to jar:
package test;
public class Test {
public Test() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
Jar file add to lib folder in Pentaho (there are many jar files)
Next step I want to use my class in Pentaho Data Integration so I created User Defined Java Class:
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException
test.Test t = new test.Test();
return true;
When I click Test class I get the following information:
Line 3, Column 12: Class "test.Test" not found
So I have a question: Where is the mistake and why is the class not found?
Try checking the file inside the /design-tools/data-integration/launcher folder. Make sure that the classpath and the libraries are having the path of the jar defined. Since you have placed your JAR file inside the lib folder, look for that.
Restart the Spoon after editing and it would work ideally.
I have placed the code inside the libext folder, so i have added :../libext to the classpath and libraries. And below is the code snip:
In case it still throws an error, try checking the Java code again. I assume something might have gone wrong there.
Also documented the above in here.
Hope it helps :)
I am trying to open a URL with the default Windows browser, in Java. Unfortunately, I cannot use the Desktop class utilities since the code has to be compatible with 1.5.
As a solution, I am calling ShellExecute by using a native method:
public class ShellExec {
public native int execute(String document);
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
new ShellExec().execute("");
I put the DLL file in the Eclipse project root which apparently is included in java.library.path .
Everything works just perfect if ShellExec is in the default package, but if I move it in any other package, the native call fails with:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: apackage.ShellExec.execute(Ljava/lang/String;)I
at apackage.ShellExec.execute(Native Method)
at apackage.ShellExec.main(
Anybody has any ideea why? I am using the DLL from
..later edit:
Eventually this class, and others, will be utility classes in an Eclipse RCP application, and all the external DLLs will be placed in a common lib folder to which the java.library.path will point to. The DLLs are seen, but I get the same type of errors as the simple example from above.
pass the VM argument -Djava.library.path=<path-to-dll-folder> to your project launch configuration.
The block you are loading the library in is not static to the class, just defined as an anonymous block in an instance of ShellExec. Since you never create an instance of ShellExec, the anonymous block never gets called and the library never gets loaded.
Instead you should have
static {
I think that will solve your problem.