Maven copy only specific dependencies - java

I'm developping an OSGI email client with Maven following component-based software engineering. I must make sure that the dependencies between all my components are resolved inside of the OSGI container, so I cannot copy the dependencies inside the generated JARs, otherwise there would be no point using OSGI. But there is one dependency I really have to copy inside of the JAR, it's javax.mail, because I cannot find any OSGI-compatible bundle that does emailing.
To do that, I have seen this page:
So I edited my pom.xml:
<plugin> <!-- to edit the MANIFEST.MF, required for OSGI -->
... OSGI instructions ...
<plugin> <!-- to copy the dependencies -->
But the <artifactItems> tag doesn't seem to work. When I mvn install, it copies ALL the dependencies into a dependency/ folder and not a lib/ folder. How can I do to copy only the javax.mail JAR into a folder named lib/?
Thank you for your help.

The maven-bundle-plugin allows to embed dependencies:

You mixed up the goals copy-dependencies and copy. Replace copy-dependencies by copy.


Spring Boot Layered jar: Extract layers.xml to separate dependency

I'm starting to catch up on the capabilities of the repackage goal in spring-boot-maven-plugin.It looks promising, but I need to fine-tune it a little.
I can easily do that by creating a layers.xml file somewhere in my project, but the problem is that I don't only have 1 project, but rather half a dozen. All of the projects need the same kind of layering, but I don't really want to copy the same configuration for every project I want to use it on.
A nice-looking solution would be to extract that configuration file into a separate jar for example and have the plugin take the config file from there, but I see no way of doing it. Is there any other solution that doesn't involve me copying the configuration file to every project I have?
Unfortunately, even though the projects I have use the same parent, but are not in the same multi-module project.
I managed to work out a solution.
Before asking the question my spring-boot-mave-plugin config looked something like this:
<configuration><!-- something like classpath:layers.xml --></configuration>
The solution becomes one step more convoluted, by bringing in the maven-dependency-plugin, which downloads the before mentioned dependency and unpacks it in the build folder with this configuration:
In turn, the line <configuration><!-- something like classpath:layers.xml --></configuration> becomes <configuration>${}/layers/layers.xml</configuration>.
The documentation for Spring Boot Maven Plugin states you can set the path to the layers.xml manually, so why not have all pom.xml point to the same location?
The /../ means one level higher from the project directory. So say you have a bunch of projects in one directory, put the layers.xml there and it'll work.
Another approach could be to reuse the Maven Plugin declaration by moving it to a so-called parent POM. This is a technique where the common/shared parts of the POM files of a series of projects is moved to a single POM file (the parent POM). Here's an example

How can I get class files from Maven dependency into the target\classes folder

Is there any sort of Maven plugin that allows me to copy the class files for a dependency into the target\classes folder for my project? Currently I have to manually open the jar file that has the dependencies extract the package that I need to copy over and then copy it into the target\class folder for my project.
I need a way to do those ideally within the pom.xml file but I haven't been able to find a solution that works. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
This sounds like a terrible idea. If you want to include unpacked dependencies into your project, use the maven assembly plugin or the maven shade plugin.
Use the maven-dependency-plugin. Here is an example of how you can extract the content of a dependency JAR:
below is the example to use of assembly pulgin and it works for me
below is the child pom plugin
<mainClass>my parent package statup class</mainClass>
Parent pom plugin

How to unjar, and edit source and jar it back using maven?

I have a situation where i need to Unpack a spring jar and replace a file in that package with my .class file and repackage it back as jar. I understood that this can be done in Maven. So i created a maven project and i added the .java(to be replace in the Spring jar) to it . Here is my Project structure.
here is my pom.xml
<!-- Unpacking -->
<!-- Packing -->
<!-- <plugin>
I am able to unpack the spring jar using maven dependency plugin and i figured out how to pack it back to a jar using maven-jar-plugin. The part i am struggling to understand 1) how convert my .java file into a .class file. As the packaging is pom type <packaging>pom</packaging> I am not able to compile the java file( if successful in creating the class file 2) How to replace this .class file into unpacked spring jar as the file i need to replace is inside the sub directory of /springpackage
You don't have to. Spring is an open source project just clone its source code and update the code and create a package using simple mvn package command

Unpack Maven dependency into classes, keeping transitive dependencies

I am trying to unpack a maven dependency jar's contents into my classes folder, and at the same time include the transitive dependencies. I also don't want to unpack all of my project's dependencies. Only one would be good, even better if I could do this to a list of them. Found similar solutions but nothing addressing my exact issue.
Example Main Project Pom:
Example second-dependency Pom:
I want second-dependency to be unpacked into my classes folder nested under target and also want any of the artifacts (third-dependency, fourth-dependency) it depends on to still be included in my lib folder (not unpacked).
I tried the following (without including the the artifact in my dependencies):
And this did include the contents of second-dependency in my classes folder, but did not include third-dependency or fourth-dependency in my main projects lib directory.
Any ideas?
Try to use following plugin configuration, based on the described parameters of dependency:unpack-dependencies, instead:
Im not sure about your use case.
But if you want to build jar, that sounds like a use case for the maven-shade-plugin. This plugin is able to package the classes and resources of the project itself as well as of a specified set of artifacts (dependencies) into one jar.
Just define the artifact itself ("${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId}") and the "second dependency" to be included.

How to move (or copy) a war's jar to another war's folder?

I have maven prj with 2 modules: a JAR and a WAR that depends on the JAR.
after the MAVEN INSTALL I have into a WAR the classic WEB-INF/lib folder that contains all the jar dependencies(including the first module's JAR).
I need the first module's JAR is moved to another folder, for example WEB-INF/resources.
as I can?
I was able to move the jar but only within the TARGET, the WAR remains the same.
I used the following plugin:
For now, I surrendered.
I could not move this JAR from WEB-INF/lib to WEB-INF/services of the EAR.
The workaround I used is to say MODULE1 to copy its JAR in the WEB-INF/services of MODULE2. Consequently, the JAR will be present in the WEB-INF/services of the sources folders, in the WEB-INF/services of the TARGET folders and in the end in the WEB-INF/services of the EAR.
i used:
into MODULE1 pom.
I had to give up to make module1 independent module2 ;(
i hope i will found a clean solution..
Maybe this will help:
