iText7: How to get the real width of a Paragraph - java

I need to know the width (in point) of a Paragraph before add to the document. I searched here and found Alexey answer about Paragraph's height. So I made it with width, but it doesn't work. Always return the Rectangle's width no matter how long the Paragraph.
I tried this code:
private float getRealParagraphWidth(Document doc, Paragraph paragraph) {
// Create renderer tree
IRenderer paragraphRenderer = paragraph.createRendererSubTree();
// Do not forget setParent(). Set the dimensions of the viewport as needed
LayoutResult result = paragraphRenderer.setParent(doc.getRenderer()).
layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(1000, 100))));
// LayoutResult#getOccupiedArea() contains the information you need
return result.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
So, my question is, what is wrong with this code if it works with height, but not with width?

A friend of mine solved it. The last line of the code should be this one:
private float getRealParagraphWidth(Document doc, Paragraph paragraph) {
// Create renderer tree
IRenderer paragraphRenderer = paragraph.createRendererSubTree();
// Do not forget setParent(). Set the dimensions of the viewport as needed
LayoutResult result = paragraphRenderer.setParent(doc.getRenderer()).
layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(1000, 100))));
// LayoutResult#getOccupiedArea() contains the information you need
//return result.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
return ((ParagraphRenderer) paragraphRenderer).getMinMaxWidth().getMaxWidth();
It result the correct value.


How can I fill the remaining blank portion of the page in Itext5?

As seen above,i used pdfTable as the body part of the page. Now i want to fill the entire body with the border,column,row of the table, if the table does not fill the entire body part.As shown in the picture below.
Thanks very much!
You can sort of cheat to accomplish this if you do it while you are creating the table.
I'll offer a partial solution that takes advantage of one of the complexities tables in PDFs: Tables are just lines in PDFs. They aren't structured content.
You can take advantage of this though- keep track of where you are are drawing vertical lines while rendering the table and simply continue them to the bottom of the page.
Let's create a new cell event. It keeps track of 4 things: left which is the far left x coordinate of the table, right which is the far right x coordinate of the table, xCoordinates which is a set of all the x coordinates we draw vertical lines, and finally cellHeights which is a list off all the cell heights.
class CellMarginEvent implements PdfPCellEvent {
Set<Float> xCoordinates = new HashSet<Float>();
Set<Float> cellHeights = new HashSet<Float>();
Float left = Float.MAX_VALUE;
Float right = Float.MIN_VALUE;
public void cellLayout(PdfPCell pdfPCell, Rectangle rectangle, PdfContentByte[] pdfContentBytes) {
left = Math.min(left,rectangle.getLeft());
right = Math.max(right, rectangle.getRight());
public Set<Float> getxCoordinates() {
return xCoordinates;
We'll then add all of our cells to the table, but not add the table to the document just yet
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(OUTPUT_FILE));;
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(4);
CellMarginEvent cellMarginEvent = new CellMarginEvent();
for (int aw = 0; aw < 320; aw++) {
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell();
cell.addElement(new Paragraph("Cell: " + aw));
No we add get top- the top position of our table, and add the table to the document.
float top = writer.getVerticalPosition(false);
Then we draw the vertical and horizontal lines of the completed table. For the height of each cell I just used the first element in cellHeights.
Set<Float> xCoordinates = cellMarginEvent.getxCoordinates();
//Draw the column lines
PdfContentByte canvas = writer.getDirectContent();
for (Float x : xCoordinates) {
canvas.moveTo(x, top);
canvas.lineTo(x, 0 + document.bottomMargin());
Set<Float> cellHeights = cellMarginEvent.cellHeights;
Float cellHeight = (Float)cellHeights.toArray()[0];
float currentPosition = writer.getVerticalPosition(false);
//Draw the row lines
while (currentPosition >= document.bottomMargin()) {
currentPosition -= cellHeight;
And finally close the document:
Example output:
Note that the only reason I say this is an incomplete examples is because there may be some adjustments you need to make to top in the case of header cells, or there may be custom cell styling (background color, line color, etc) you need to account for yourself.
I'll also note another downfall that I just thought of- in the case of tagged PDFs this solution fails to add tagged table cells, and thus would break compliance if you have that requirement.

iText 7: Paragraph height as it would be rendered

I can set the width of a new paragraph as follows, which results in a certain height:
Paragraph p = new Paragraph("some longer text some longer text some longer text");
System.out.println("height " + p.getHeight());
Of course p.getHeight() is null, since the rendered height is calculated during rendering the PDF file. But I need the height before the final rendering. How can I get it most efficiently?
To get the effective width of the paragraph as if it was drawn on a page already, you need to create renderer tree from model element tree, and then layout the topmost renderer. This is how it's done in code:
Paragraph p = new Paragraph("some longer text some longer text some longer text");
// Create renderer tree
IRenderer paragraphRenderer = p.createRendererSubTree();
// Do not forget setParent(). Set the dimensions of the viewport as needed
LayoutResult result = paragraphRenderer.setParent(document.getRenderer()).
layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(100, 1000))));
// LayoutResult#getOccupiedArea() contains the information you need
System.out.println("height " + result.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getHeight());
Please note that the computed dimensions will also include margins (present in a paragraph by default), so if you want to get the height without margins you should first set paragraph margin to 0:

PDFClown: Creating a TextMarkup leads to an inaccurate Box of the TextMarkup

Im working with PDFClown to analyze and work with PDFDocuments. My aim is to highlight all numbers within a table. For all numbers which belong together (For example: All numbers in one column of a table) I will create one TextMarkup with a List of Quads. First of all it looks like everythink work well: All highlights on the left belong to one TextMarkup and all Highlights on the right belong to another TextMarkup.
But when analyzing the size of the TextMarkup the size is bigger than it looks at the picture. So when drawing for example a rectangle arround the left TextMarkup box the rectangle intersects the other column despite no highlight of the left TextMarkup intersects the other column. Is there a way to optimize the Box of the TextMarkup? I think there is a bulbous ending of the box so that the box is intersecting the other TextMarkup
This is the code which creates the TextMarkup:
List<Quad> highlightQuads = new ArrayList<Quad>();
for (TextMarkup textMarkup : textMarkupsForOneAnnotation) {
Rectangle2D textBox = textMarkup.getBox();
Rectangle2D.Double rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(textBox.getX(), textBox.getY(), textBox.getWidth(), textBox.getHeight());
if (highlightQuads.size() > 0) {
TextMarkup _textMarkup = new TextMarkup(pagesOfNewFile.get(lastFoundNewFilePage).getPage(), highlightQuads,"", MarkupTypeEnum.Highlight);
Here is an example file Example
Thank You !!
Your code is not really self contained (I cannot run it as it in particular misses the input data), so I could only do a bit of PDF Clown code analysis. That code analysis, though, did indeed turn up a PDF Clown implementation detail that would explain your observation.
How does PDF Clown calculate the dimensions of the markup annotation?
The markup annotation rectangle must be big enough to include all quads plus start and end decorations (rounded left and right caps on markup rectangle).
PDF Clown calculates this rectangle as follows in TextMarkup:
public void setMarkupBoxes(
List<Quad> value
PdfArray quadPointsObject = new PdfArray();
double pageHeight = getPage().getBox().getHeight();
Rectangle2D box = null;
for(Quad markupBox : value)
NOTE: Despite the spec prescription, Point 3 and Point 4 MUST be inverted.
Point2D[] markupBoxPoints = markupBox.getPoints();
quadPointsObject.add(PdfReal.get(markupBoxPoints[0].getX())); // x1.
quadPointsObject.add(PdfReal.get(pageHeight - markupBoxPoints[0].getY())); // y1.
quadPointsObject.add(PdfReal.get(markupBoxPoints[1].getX())); // x2.
quadPointsObject.add(PdfReal.get(pageHeight - markupBoxPoints[1].getY())); // y2.
quadPointsObject.add(PdfReal.get(markupBoxPoints[3].getX())); // x4.
quadPointsObject.add(PdfReal.get(pageHeight - markupBoxPoints[3].getY())); // y4.
quadPointsObject.add(PdfReal.get(markupBoxPoints[2].getX())); // x3.
quadPointsObject.add(PdfReal.get(pageHeight - markupBoxPoints[2].getY())); // y3.
if(box == null)
{box = markupBox.getBounds2D();}
getBaseDataObject().put(PdfName.QuadPoints, quadPointsObject);
NOTE: Box width is expanded to make room for end decorations (e.g. rounded highlight caps).
double markupBoxMargin = getMarkupBoxMargin(box.getHeight());
box.setRect(box.getX() - markupBoxMargin, box.getY(), box.getWidth() + markupBoxMargin * 2, box.getHeight());
private static double getMarkupBoxMargin(
double boxHeight
{return boxHeight * .25;}
So it takes the bounding box of all the quads and adds left and right margins each as wide as a quarter of the height of this whole bounding box.
What is the result in your case?
While this added margin width is sensible if there is only a single quad, in case of your markup annotation which includes many quads on top of one another, this results in a giant, unnecessary margin.
How to improve the code?
As the added caps depend on the individual caps and not their combined bounding box, one can improve the code by using the maximum height of the individual quads instead of the height of the bounding box of all quads, e.g. like this:
Rectangle2D box = null;
double maxQuadHeight = 0;
for(Quad markupBox : value)
double quadHeight = markupBox.getBounds2D().getHeight();
if (quadHeight > maxQuadHeight)
maxQuadHeight = quadHeight;
double markupBoxMargin = getMarkupBoxMargin(maxQuadHeight);
box.setRect(box.getX() - markupBoxMargin, box.getY(), box.getWidth() + markupBoxMargin * 2, box.getHeight());
If you don't want to patch PDF Clown for this, you can also execute this code (with minor adaptations) after constructing the TextMarkup _textMarkup to correct the precalculated annotation rectangle.
Is this fixing a PDF Clown error?
It is not an error as there is no need for the text markup annotation rectangle to be minimal; PDF Clown could also always use the whole crop box for each such annotation.
I would assume, though, that the author of the code wanted to calculate a somewhat minimal rectangle but only optimized for single line and so in a way did not live up to his own expectations...
Are there other problems in this code?
Yes. The text a markup annotation marks needs not be horizontal, it may be there at an angle, it could even be vertical. In such a case some margin would also be needed at the top and the bottom of the annotation rectangle, not (only) at the left and the right.

Can someone please explain iTexts canvas drawing order?

I try to draw some nested tables in iText as i thought it would be the easiest way to position everything.
So i have multiple tables inside another table who all have background color and/or strokes (via PdfPCellEvents). Unfortunately the strokes of the outer table are overlapping the background of the inner table.
I assume that comes from a wrong order of applying or some wrong set saveState or restoreState in my PdfPCellEvents.
Can anyone explain the right usage of saveState and restoreState to me and give me a hint how to apply backgrounds and strokes the right way?
Here is my code for adding a striped background cell:
PdfPCell scaleBackground = new PdfPCell();
scaleBackground.setCellEvent(new StripedScaleBackground(max, scaleHeight));
cellLayout method of StripedScaleBackground:
public void cellLayout(PdfPCell cell, Rectangle rect, PdfContentByte[] canvases)
PdfContentByte canvas = canvases[PdfPTable.LINECANVAS];
float llx = rect.getLeft();
float lly = rect.getBottom();
float urx = rect.getRight();
float ury = rect.getTop();
// Light scale lines with padding from left
float paddingLeft = 22f;
for (int i = 0; i <= this.maxValue; i++)
canvas.moveTo(llx + paddingLeft, lly + (this.scaleHeight * (i + 1)));
canvas.lineTo(urx, lly + (this.scaleHeight * (i + 1)));
// Vertical line
canvas.moveTo(llx + (((urx - llx) + paddingLeft) / 2), ury);
canvas.lineTo(llx + (((urx - llx) + paddingLeft) / 2), lly);
// Fat line left and right
canvas.moveTo(llx, ury);
canvas.lineTo(llx, lly);
canvas.moveTo(urx, ury);
canvas.lineTo(urx, lly);
The bar charts are tables where each cell has a cell event for gradient and border. The bar charts are added to the scaleBackground PdfPCell of the first piece of code and have following PdfPCellEvents (example of black part of the chart):
public void cellLayout(PdfPCell cell, Rectangle rect, PdfContentByte[] canvases)
PdfContentByte backgroundCanvas = canvases[PdfPTable.BACKGROUNDCANVAS];
float llx = rect.getLeft();
float lly = rect.getBottom();
float urx = rect.getRight();
float ury = rect.getTop();
// Draw background
// Define shading with direction and color
PdfShading shading = PdfShading.simpleAxial(this.writer,
llx, ury,
llx, lly,
PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(shading);
// Draw shape with defined shading
backgroundCanvas.moveTo(llx, ury);
backgroundCanvas.lineTo(llx, lly);
backgroundCanvas.lineTo(urx, lly);
backgroundCanvas.lineTo(urx, ury);
backgroundCanvas.lineTo(llx, ury);
// Draw border
PdfContentByte lineCanvas = canvases[PdfPTable.LINECANVAS];
float lineWidth = Constants.BORDER_WIDTH_THIN;
lineCanvas.moveTo(llx, ury - lineWidth);
lineCanvas.lineTo(llx, lly);
lineCanvas.lineTo(urx, lly);
lineCanvas.lineTo(urx, ury - lineWidth);
This is the order of the different direct content layers:
PdfPtable.BASECANVAS—Anything placed here will be under the table.
PdfPtable.BACKGROUNDCANVAS—This is the layer where the backgrounds are
PdfPtable.LINECANVAS—This is the layer where the lines are drawn.
PdfPtable.TEXTCANVAS—This is the layer where the text goes. Anything placed
here will cover the table.
This was taken from the book "iText in Action - Second Edition."
You also ask about saveState() and restoreState(). This is explained in Chapter 2 of the iText 7 tutorial:
First we save the current graphics state with the saveState() method, then we change the state and draw whatever lines or shapes we want to draw, finally, we use the restoreState() method to return to the original graphics state. All the changes that we applied after saveState() will be undone. This is especially interesting if you change multiple values (line width, color,...) or when it's difficult to calculate the reverse change (returning to the original coordinate system).
Your code was too long for me to inspect, but I highly doubt that saveState()/restoreState() would be the cause of your problem.
I would try to avoid nesting tables as much as possible. It is usually much easier (and more efficient) to use colspan and rowspan.
If this doesn't solve your problem, please explain your problem in one sentence.

How to add text to an image?

In my project I use iText to generate a PDF document.
Suppose that the height of a page measures 500pt (1 user unit = 1 point), and that I write some text to the page, followed by an image.
If the content and the image require less than 450pt, the text preceded the image.
If the content and the image exceed 450pt, the text is forwarded to the next page.
My question is: how can I obtain the remaining available space before writing an image?
First things first: when adding text and images to a page, iText sometimes changes the order of the textual content and the image. You can avoid this by using:
If you want to know the current position of the "cursor", you can use the method getVerticalPosition(). Unfortunately, this method isn't very elegant: it requires a Boolean parameter that will add a newline (if true) or give you the position at the current line (if false).
I do not understand why you want to get the vertical position. Is it because you want to have a caption followed by an image, and you want the caption and the image to be at the same page?
In that case, you could put your text and images inside a table cell and instruct iText not to split rows. In this case, iText will forward both text and image, in the correct order to the next page if the content doesn't fit the current page.
Based on the extra information added in the comments, it is now clear that the OP wants to add images that are watermarked.
There are two approaches to achieve this, depending on the actual requirement.
Approach 1:
The first approach is explained in the WatermarkedImages1 example. In this example, we create a PdfTemplate to which we add an image as well as some text written on top of that image. We can then wrap this PdfTemplate inside an image and add that image together with its watermark using a single document.add() statement.
This is the method that performs all the magic:
public Image getWatermarkedImage(PdfContentByte cb, Image img, String watermark) throws DocumentException {
float width = img.getScaledWidth();
float height = img.getScaledHeight();
PdfTemplate template = cb.createTemplate(width, height);
template.addImage(img, width, 0, 0, height, 0, 0);
ColumnText.showTextAligned(template, Element.ALIGN_CENTER,
new Phrase(watermark, FONT), width / 2, height / 2, 30);
return Image.getInstance(template);
This is how we add the images:
PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContentUnder();
document.add(getWatermarkedImage(cb, Image.getInstance(IMAGE1), "Bruno"));
document.add(getWatermarkedImage(cb, Image.getInstance(IMAGE2), "Dog"));
document.add(getWatermarkedImage(cb, Image.getInstance(IMAGE3), "Fox"));
Image img = Image.getInstance(IMAGE4);
img.scaleToFit(400, 700);
document.add(getWatermarkedImage(cb, img, "Bruno and Ingeborg"));
As you can see, we have one very large image (a picture of my wife and me). We need to scale this image so that it fits the page. If you want to avoid this, take a look at the second approach.
Approach 2:
The second approach is explained in the WatermarkedImages2 example. In this case, we add each image to a PdfPCell. This PdfPCell will scale the image so that it fits the width of the page. To add the watermark, we use a cell event:
class WatermarkedCell implements PdfPCellEvent {
String watermark;
public WatermarkedCell(String watermark) {
this.watermark = watermark;
public void cellLayout(PdfPCell cell, Rectangle position,
PdfContentByte[] canvases) {
PdfContentByte canvas = canvases[PdfPTable.TEXTCANVAS];
ColumnText.showTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_CENTER,
new Phrase(watermark, FONT),
(position.getLeft() + position.getRight()) / 2,
(position.getBottom() + position.getTop()) / 2, 30);
This cell event can be used like this:
PdfPCell cell;
cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(IMAGE1), true);
cell.setCellEvent(new WatermarkedCell("Bruno"));
cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(IMAGE2), true);
cell.setCellEvent(new WatermarkedCell("Dog"));
cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(IMAGE3), true);
cell.setCellEvent(new WatermarkedCell("Fox"));
cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(IMAGE4), true);
cell.setCellEvent(new WatermarkedCell("Bruno and Ingeborg"));
You will use this approach if all images have more or less the same size, and if you don't want to worry about fitting the images on the page.
Obviously, both approaches have a different result because of the design choice that is made. Please compare the resulting PDFs to see the difference: watermark_template.pdf versus watermark_table.pdf
