I am trying to learn Java Stream API, I have the following code
List<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>> map2 = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<String, String> innerMap = new HashMap<>();
innerMap.put("a1", "hermione");
innerMap.put("a2", "harry");
innerMap.put("a3", "ron");
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> outermap = new HashMap<>();
outermap.put("friends", innerMap);
List<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>> list = new ArrayList<>();
I want to remove harry from inner map and the same structure ( List<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>) should be retained, how do i achieve that using Streams API?
You really need to use java-stream here as long as you only want to remove a certain map entry while keeping the whole structure:
list.forEach(map -> map.forEach(
(key, value) -> value.entrySet()
.removeIf(entry -> "harry".equals(entry.getValue()))));
If you insist on using Stream API, be prepare for complicated handling with entries and dictionaries themselves as long as the Stream API is suitable to work with collections. Take a look:
List<Map<String, Map<String, String>>> newList = list.stream()
.map(outer -> outer.entrySet().stream()
.map(inner -> new SimpleEntry<>(
.filter(entry -> !"harry".equals(entry.getValue()))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue))))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue)))
Moreover, as already stated, the classes are the way more suitable to represent such complicated data structures.
I have a List<Map<String,String>>
such as:
Map<String, String> m1 = new HashMap<>();
m1.put("date", "2020.1.5");
m1.put("B", "10");
Map<String, String> m2 = new HashMap<>();
m2.put("date", "2020.1.5");
m2.put("A", "20");
Map<String, String> m3 = new HashMap<>();
m3.put("date", "2020.1.6");
m3.put("A", "30");
Map<String, String> m4 = new HashMap<>();
m4.put("date", "2020.1.7");
m4.put("C", "30");
List<Map<String, String>> before = new ArrayList<>();
My expect result is to generate a new List map, which is grouped by date , and all the entry set in the same date would be put together, like:
I tried with the following method, but always not my expect result.
Some Additional Comments for this problem:
I worked this out with for LOOP, but the application hangs when the list size is about 50000, so I seek a better performant way to do this. Java 8 stream flat map is a perhaps way as far as I know.
So the key point is not only to remap this but also with the most performant way to do this.
.collect(Collectors.toMap((m) -> m.get("date"), m -> m, (a,b) -> {
Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<>();
return res;
This is the solution you're looking for.
The toMap function receives 3 parameters:
the key mapper, which in your case is the date
the value mapper, which is the map itself that's being processed
the merge function, which takes 2 maps with the same date and puts all the keys together
[{date=2020.1.5, A=20, B=10}, {date=2020.1.6, A=30}, {date=2020.1.7, C=30}]
You can do this way using groupingBy and Collector.of
List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>(before.stream()
k -> k.get("date"),
Collector.of( HashMap<String,String>::new,
(m,e)-> m.putAll(e),
(map1,map2)->{ map1.putAll(map2); return map1;}
Here, first use Collectors.groupingBy to group by date. Then define custom collector using Collector.of to collect List<Map<String, String>> into Map<String, String>. After create list using map values.
And using Collectors.flatMapping from Java 9
List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>(before.stream()
k -> k.get("date"),
Collectors.flatMapping(m -> m.entrySet().stream(),
Collectors.toMap(k -> k.getKey(), v -> v.getValue(), (a,b) -> a))))
You can achieve the very same result using a certain number of Collectors, orderly:
Collectors.groupingBy to group by the date
Collectors.reducing to merge the Map<String, String> items
Collectors.collectingAndThen to transform the values from Map<String, Optional<Map<String, String>>>, as a result of the previous reducing to the final output List<Map<String, String>>.
List<Map<String, String>> list = before.stream()
m -> m.get("date"),
Collectors.reducing((l, r) -> {
return l; })
o -> o.values().stream()
The list contains what are you looking for:
[{date=2020.1.5, A=20, B=10}, {date=2020.1.6, A=30}, {date=2020.1.7, C=30}]
Important: This solution has two he disadvantages:
It looks clumsy and might not be clear for an independent viewer
It mutates (modifies) the original maps included in the List<Map<String, String>> before.
It can be done as follows:
List<Map<String, String>> remapped = before.stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(m -> m.get("date")))
.map(e -> e.stream()
.flatMap(m -> m.entrySet().stream())
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (x1, x2) -> x1)))
{date=2020.1.5, A=20, B=10}
{date=2020.1.6, A=30}
{date=2020.1.7, C=30}
I am retrieving results from DB Query as List<Map<String, Object>> format, can you suggest, How to convert it to List<Map<String, String>>.
Iterate the list, transforming each of the maps in turn:
.map(map ->
Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue().toString())))
A simple for-each iteration over the list items and its map entries does the trick:
List<Map<String, Object>> list = ...
List<Map<String, String>> newList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map<String, Object> map: list) {
Map<String, String> newMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Object> entry: map.entrySet()) {
newMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); // mapping happens here
In my opinion, this is the optimal solution and the most readable solution. The java-stream is not suitable much for working with dictionaries (although you always get a collection from it).
I have a nested String HashMap and a List of object. The object has a String property to be matched against the values of the inner HashMap.
I'm trying to find a single liner using stream() and Collectors for the below java code
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>PartDetailsHMap=new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>()
List<Part> partList=new ArrayList<Part>();
for(int i=0;i<partList.size();i++)
String partId = partList.get(i).getPropertyValue("part_id");
for(HashMap< String, String> PartPropsHMap:PartDetailsHMap.values())
collectingPartMap.put(partList.get(i), PartPropsHMap);
If needed I can extract String property in a List<String>.
Looking for a one liner using stream().
Something like this should work:
Map<String, Map<String, String>> PartDetailsHMap = new HashMap<>();
List<Part> partList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Part, Map<String, String>> collectingPartMap = partList.stream()
.map(part -> PartDetailsHMap.values()
.filter(partPropsHMap -> partPropsHMap.containsValue(part.getPropertyValue("part_id")))
.map(partPropsHMap -> new SimpleEntry<Part, Map>(part, partPropsHMap))
.collect(toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
I've used SimpleEntry class in AbstractMap to carry the context of Part along with the map that we've found to the next operation - collect.
Caveat: I feel if the option without streams is cleaner and does the job, I would go with that. Given that the manipulation you need here is fairly involved, it would benefit in the long run to keep it readable, than something clever.
An alternate approach slightly improving the current answer could be to not perform a get without an isPresent check. This could be achieved by using filter and map
Map<Part, Map<String, String>> collectingPartMap = partList.stream()
.map(part -> partDetailsHMap.values().stream()
.filter(innerMap -> innerMap.containsValue(part.getPartId())) // notice 'getPartId' for the access
.map(firstInnerMap -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(part, firstInnerMap)))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
I have a collection of maps:
Collection<Map<String,Double>> myCol = table.values();
I would like to transform this into a Map
Map<String, Double>
such that, for a matching key, values are summed up. Using a for loop, it is rather simple:
Map<String, Double> outMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map<String, Double> map : myCol) {
outMap = mergeMaps(outMap, map);
and mergeMaps() is defined as
mergeMaps(Map<String, Double> m1, Map<String, Double> m2){
Map<String, Double> outMap = new TreeMap<>(m1);
m2.forEach((k,v) -> outMap.merge(k,v,Double::sum)); /*sum values if key exists*/
return outMap;
However, I would like to use streams to get a map from collection. I have tried as follows:
Map<String, Double> outMap = new HashMap<>();
myCol.stream().forEach(e-> outMap.putAll(mergeMaps(outMap,e)));
return outMap;
This works without a problem. However, can I still improve it? I mean, how can I use collectors in it?
From your input, you can fetch the stream of maps and then flatmap it to have a Stream<Map.Entry<String, Double>>. From there, you collect them into a new map, specifying that you want to sum the values mapped to the same key.
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.groupingBy;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.summingDouble;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;
Map<String, Double> outMap =
.flatMap(m -> m.entrySet().stream())
.collect(toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, Double::sum));
Alternatively, you can use groupingBy instead of toMap:
.collect(groupingBy(Map.Entry::getKey, summingDouble(Map.Entry::getValue)));
.flatMap(x -> x.entrySet().stream())
Well, the other proposed solutions show that a pure stream solution is short, but if you wanted to use your existing mergeFunction (because in other cases it is more complex for example), you could just hand it over to Stream.reduce:
Optional<Map<String, Double>> outMap = myCol.stream().reduce((m1, m2) -> mergeMaps(m1, m2));
Your initial approach with the forEach is pretty much a streamyfied for loop and violates the concept of functions having no side effects. The reduce (or the above collects) handles all the data merging internally, without changing the input collection.
With streams:
Map<String, Double> outMap = myCol.stream()
.flatMap(map -> map.entrySet().stream())
Map.Entry::getKey, // key of the result map
Map.Entry::getValue, // value of the result map
Double::sum, // how to merge values for equal keys
TreeMap::new)); // the type of map to be created
This uses Collectors.toMap to create the result TreeMap.
You can do it without streams, though. I think your version is a little bit complicated, you could refactor it as follows:
Map<String, Double> outMap = TreeMap<>();
myCol.forEach(map -> map.forEach((k, v) -> outMap.merge(k, v, Double::sum)));
Which is shorter, easy and most readable.
I have a list of maps.
List<Map<Integer, String>>
The values in the list are, for example
<1, String1>
<2, String2>
<1, String3>
<2, String4>
As an end result, I want a Map>, like
<1, <String1, String3>>
<2, <String2, String4>>
How can I achieve this in Java.
List<Map<Integer, String>> genericList = new ArrayList<Map<Integer,String>>();
for(TrackActivity activity : activityMajor){
Map<Integer, String> mapIdResponse = activity.getMapIdResponse();
Now this genericList is the input and from this list, based on the same ids I want a
Map<Integer, List<String>> mapIdResponseList
Basically, to club the responses which are String based on the ids, grouping the responses with same id in a list and then creating a new map with that id as the key and the list as its value.
You can do it the following with Java 8:
private void init() {
List<Map<Integer, String>> mapList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Integer, String> map1 = new HashMap<>();
map1.put(1, "String1");
Map<Integer, String> map2 = new HashMap<>();
map2.put(2, "String2");
Map<Integer, String> map3 = new HashMap<>();
map3.put(1, "String3");
Map<Integer, String> map4 = new HashMap<>();
map4.put(2, "String4");
Map<Integer, List<String>> response = mapList.stream()
.flatMap(map -> map.entrySet().stream())
response.forEach((i, l) -> {
System.out.println("Integer: " + i + " / List: " + l);
This will print:
Integer: 1 / List: [String1, String3]
Integer: 2 / List: [String2, String4]
Explanation (heavily warranted), I am afraid I cannot explain every single detail, you need to understand the basics of the Stream and Collectors API introduced in Java 8 first:
Obtain a Stream<Map<Integer, String>> from the mapList.
Apply the flatMap operator, which roughly maps a stream into an already existing stream.
Here: I convert all Map<Integer, String> to Stream<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> and add them to the existing stream, thus now it is also of type Stream<Map.Entry<Integer, String>>.
I intend to collect the Stream<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> into a Map<Integer, List<String>>.
For this I will use a Collectors.groupingBy, which produces a Map<K, List<V>> based on a grouping function, a Function that maps the Map.Entry<Integer, String> to an Integer in this case.
For this I use a method reference, which exactly does what I want, namely Map.Entry::getKey, it operates on a Map.Entry and returns an Integer.
At this point I would have had a Map<Integer, List<Map.Entry<Integer, String>>> if I had not done any extra processing.
To ensure that I get the correct signature, I must add a downstream to the Collectors.groupingBy, which has to provide a collector.
For this downstream I use a collector that maps my Map.Entry entries to their String values via the reference Map.Entry::getValue.
I also need to specify how they are being collected, which is just a Collectors.toList() here, as I want to add them to a list.
And this is how we get a Map<Integer, List,String>>.
Have a look at guavas MultiMap. Should be exactly what you are looking for: