I'm a beginner in Android. I'm trying to communicate using Retrofit. The problems I faced were as follows. You are trying to send multiple queries to the server as follows: Other queries fly well, but the hashmaps do not deliver normally. Please help me to solve the problem that I've encountered.Help Me!
android retrofit.java code
Call<ResponseBody> request_detail_category_product_information1(
#Query("option") String filter_option,
#Query("page") String page,
#Query("fitme") String fitme,
#Query("body_information") Map<String, String>HashMap
php code
$option = $_GET['option'];
$now_page = $_GET['page'];
$fitme = $_GET['fitme'];
$body_information = $_GET['body_information'];
$shoulder = $body_information['shoulder'];
$chest = $body_information['chest'];
$waist = $body_information['waist'];
$hip = $body_information['hip'];
$thigh = $body_information['thigh'];
You can use multiple query params with #QueryMap annotation instead of #Query.
#QueryMap Map<String, String> queryParams
Then you can access it in php.
I tried to get product from API with some parameters. I used WooCommerce API Java Wrapper. REST API with OAuth 1.0. Simple getAll method return list of one page (10 products). To get all i must set how much products must be in one page and use offset. To get third page must send this parameters: "per_page=10&offset=20". I test with query in get&post programm - all work. In Java, when i added parameters - i got error (401)- "Invalid signature - the provided signature did not match".
I changed WooCommerceAPI class:
private static final String API_URL_FORMAT = "%s/wp-json/wc/v2/%s";
private static final String API_URL_ONE_ENTITY_FORMAT = "%s/wp-json/wc/v2/%s/%d";
private HttpClient client;
private OAuthConfig config;
public List getAll(String endpointBase) {
String url = String.format(API_URL_FORMAT, config.getUrl(), endpointBase) + "?per_page=10&offset=20";
String signature = OAuthSignature.getAsQueryString(config, url, HttpMethod.GET);
String securedUrl = String.format("%s&%s", url, signature);
return client.getAll(securedUrl);
But I have got the same error.
I've just released a new version of wc-api-java library (version 1.2) and now you can use the method getAll with params argument where you can put additional request parameters. For example:
// Get all with request parameters
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
List products = wooCommerce.getAll(EndpointBaseType.PRODUCTS.getValue(), params);
As you noticed, you changed URL_SECURED_FORMAT from "%s?%s" to "%s&%s", as soon as you added query params. But problem is that signature is generated based on all query params, not only oauth_*, and your params offset and per_page are ignored while generating signature (as soon as lib author did not expect additional params).
Think that you need to modify this lib to support signature based on all params.
I am messing around with RapidAPI and i dont undertand the code they give.
Could someone give me a teardown? It says in order to access api i have to write the following code
Map<String, Argument> body = new HashMap<String, Argument>();
body.put("ParameterKey1", new Argument("data", "ParameterValue1"));
body.put("ParameterKey2", new Argument("data", "ParameterValue2"));
try {
Map<String, Object> response = connect.call("APIName", "FunctionName", body);
if(response.get("success") != null) { }
what are parameter keys 1 and 2, the data, and the parameter values
edit1:this is the code snippet i want to use in android studio
HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.get("https://spoonacular-recipe-
.header("X-Mashape-Host", "spoonacular-recipe-food-nutrition-
Your example code is using this https://github.com/zeeshanejaz/unirest-android. If you want to use that snippet you could start with that.
I have java web application (servlet) that does user authentication using SalesForce Server OAuth Authentication Flow. This OAuth Authentication provides "state" query parameter to pass any data on callback. I have a bunch of parameters that I want to pass through this "state" query param. What is the best way to do it? In java in particularly?
Or in other words, what is the best way to pass an array or map as a single http query parameter?
You can put all in json or xml format or any other format and then encode in base64 as a one large string. Take care that params can impose some hard limit on some browser/web server.
So, I have done it this way. Thank you guys! Here are some code snippets to illustrate how it works for me:
// forming state query parameter
Map<String, String> stateMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
stateMap.put("1", "111");
stateMap.put("2", "222");
stateMap.put("3", "333");
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(stateMap);
String stateJSON = jsonObject.toString();
System.out.println("stateJSON: " + stateJSON);
String stateQueryParam = Base64.encodeBase64String(stateJSON.getBytes());
System.out.println("stateQueryParam: " + stateQueryParam);
// getting map from state query param
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
stateMap = objectMapper.readValue(Base64.decodeBase64(stateQueryParam.getBytes()), LinkedHashMap.class);
System.out.println("stateMap: " + stateMap);
Here is output:
stateJSON: {"1":"111","2":"222","3":"333"}
stateQueryParam: eyIxIjoiMTExIiwiMiI6IjIyMiIsIjMiOiIzMzMifQ==
stateMap: {1=111, 2=222, 3=333}
I am learning Amazon Cloud Search but I couldn't find any code in either C# or Java (though I am creating in C# but if I can get code in Java then I can try converting in C#).
This is just 1 code I found in C#: https://github.com/Sitefinity-SDK/amazon-cloud-search-sample/tree/master/SitefinityWebApp.
This is 1 method i found in this code:
public IResultSet Search(ISearchQuery query)
AmazonCloudSearchDomainConfig config = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainConfig();
config.ServiceURL = "http://search-index2-cdduimbipgk3rpnfgny6posyzy.eu-west-1.cloudsearch.amazonaws.com/";
AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient domainClient = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient("AKIAJ6MPIX37TLIXW7HQ", "DnrFrw9ZEr7g4Svh0rh6z+s3PxMaypl607eEUehQ", config);
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
List<string> suggestions = new List<string>();
StringBuilder highlights = new StringBuilder();
if (query == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("query");
foreach (var field in query.HighlightedFields)
if (highlights.Length > 2)
highlights.Append(", \'");
highlights.Append("\':{} ");
SuggestRequest suggestRequest = new SuggestRequest();
Suggester suggester = new Suggester();
suggester.SuggesterName = field.ToUpperInvariant() + "_suggester";
suggestRequest.Suggester = suggester.SuggesterName;
suggestRequest.Size = query.Take;
suggestRequest.Query = query.Text;
SuggestResponse suggestion = domainClient.Suggest(suggestRequest);
foreach (var suggest in suggestion.Suggest.Suggestions)
if (query.Filter != null)
searchRequest.FilterQuery = this.BuildQueryFilter(query.Filter);
if (query.OrderBy != null)
searchRequest.Sort = string.Join(",", query.OrderBy);
if (query.Take > 0)
searchRequest.Size = query.Take;
if (query.Skip > 0)
searchRequest.Start = query.Skip;
searchRequest.Highlight = highlights.ToString();
searchRequest.Query = query.Text;
searchRequest.QueryParser = QueryParser.Simple;
var result = domainClient.Search(searchRequest).SearchResult;
//var result = domainClient.Search(searchRequest).SearchResult;
return new AmazonResultSet(result, suggestions);
I have already created domain in Amazon Cloud Search using AWS console and uploaded document using Amazon predefine configuration option that is movie Imdb json file provided by Amazon for demo.
But in this method I am not getting how to use this method, like if I want to search Director name then how do I pass in this method as because this method parameter is of type ISearchQuery?
I'd suggest using the official AWS CloudSearch .NET SDK. The library you were looking at seems fine (although I haven't look at it any detail) but the official version is more likely to expose new CloudSearch features as soon as they're released, will be supported if you need to talk to AWS support, etc, etc.
Specifically, take a look at the SearchRequest class -- all its params are strings so I think that obviates your question about ISearchQuery.
I wasn't able to find an example of a query in .NET but this shows someone uploading docs using the AWS .NET SDK. It's essentially the same procedure as querying: creating and configuring a Request object and passing it to the client.
Since you're still having a hard time, here's an example. Bear in mind that I am unfamiliar with C# and have not attempted to run or even compile this but I think it should at least be close to working. It's based off looking at the docs at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkfornet/v3/apidocs/
// Configure the Client that you'll use to make search requests
string queryUrl = #"http://search-<domainname>-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.us-east-1.cloudsearch.amazonaws.com";
AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient searchClient = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient(queryUrl);
// Configure a search request with your query
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
searchRequest.Query = "potato";
// TODO Set your other params like parser, suggester, etc
// Submit your request via the client and get back a response containing search results
SearchResponse searchResponse = searchClient.Search(searchRequest);
I am trying to retrieve my SMS log using the REST api but I can't figure out how to filter DateSent to be >= or <= than given date.
TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN);
Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>();
filters.put("DateSent", "2014-04-27");
filters.put("To", "+XXXXXXXXX");
MessageList messages = client.getAccount().getMessages(filters);
According to documentation here https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/message#list-get-filters you are allowed to send >= or <=, but can't figure out where to put the inequality.
That Twilio documentation certainly is incomplete and confusing.
Try this: filters.put("DateSent>", "2014-04-27");
You can even pass two parameters to retrieve messages between dates:
filters.put("DateSent>", "2014-04-20");
filters.put("DateSent<", "2014-04-27");