How to create a test for a custom ParameterResolver implementation? - java

I've created a ParameterResolver implementation in order to inject a parameter into my test methods.
I have a scenario where the instantiation of the parameter object could fail without some proper parameters defined by the correspondent annotation and an exception is thrown.
#TestScenario(homeDirName = "")
void ensureFailingWithoutProperHomeDirectory(LauncherRuntime launcher) {
() ->;
But this test is failing even before starting to run, with a ParameterResolutionException.
I would like to know how can I test it.

Since you want to test your ParameterResolver implementation and not the JUnit engine the entry point of your Unit test should be the provideArguments method of your implementation. JUnit catches every exception that is thrown by this method and adds it as cause for a new ParameterResolutionException. There are two possible approaches:
If your implementation should call multiple methods of ExtensionContext then mock these methods together with your annotation. And call the provideArguments of your implementation.
If your implementation should use the ExtensionContext only to get the annotation and does nothing more with it that is worth for testing, then move main functionality into an own method (e.g. accept(MyAnnotation)) and test this method. See for example here how the JUnit developers to this for the CVSSource annotation.
Here's an example test case for my ResourceFilesArgumentsProvider / ResourceFilesSource annotation:
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
class ResourceFilesArgumentsProviderTest {
public void nonExistingDirectory() throws Exception {
ResourceFilesSource annotation = resourceFiles("/non-existing-dir");
AnnotatedElement annotatedElement = mock(AnnotatedElement.class);
ExtensionContext context = mock(ExtensionContext.class);
assertThrows(NoSuchFileException.class, () -> provideArguments(context));
private Stream<Object[]> provideArguments(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
ResourceFilesArgumentsProvider provider = new ResourceFilesArgumentsProvider();
return provider.provideArguments(context).map(Arguments::get);
private ResourceFilesSource resourceFiles(String directory) {
/* mock the annotation with Mockito, or alternatively create
* an anonymous class with new ResourceFileSource() { ... }
ResourceFilesSource annotation = mock(ResourceFilesSource.class);
return annotation;


How to mock a newly created object for AWSLambda/AWSStepFunctions that uses ClientBuilders?

I have a class that I'm trying to test where it creates a new object of type AWSStepFunctions, and I'm trying to mock it to return a mock of the same type. I cannot change this original line of code, I can only add tests, so I was wondering how I could go about mocking it.
The class looks looks this --
Class class{
public Object handleRequest(Object object, Context context) {
AWSStepFunctions client = AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.standard().withClientConfiguration(new ClientConfiguration()).build();
The testing code looks like this -
public class ClassTest {
public void testHandlerRequest() {
mockStatic(AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.class); //mockStatic() and when() from PowerMockito
AWSStepFunctions awsStepFunctionsMock = mock(AWSStepFunctions.class);
AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder awsStepFunctionsClientBuilder = mock(AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.class);
ClientConfiguration configuration = mock(ClientConfiguration.class);
... more when-thenreturns
I'm running into errors such as NoSuchMethodError for the clientBuilder's mock.
I tried to use PowerMockito's whenNew to mock the creation of the new object of type AWSStepFunctions - PowerMockito.whenNew(AWSStepFunctions.class).withAnyArguments().thenReturn(awsStepFunctionsMock), but that doesn't seem to work as well. Is there a way to return this mock correctly?
You can directly mock static methods with Mockito and Junit5 without using Powermock.
void test() throws IOException {
try (MockedStatic<AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder> awsMock = Mockito.mockStatic(AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.class, Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS)) {
AWSStepFunctions awsStepFunctionsMock = mock(AWSStepFunctions.class);
// You can mock methods chaining when you specify Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS
awsMock.when(() -> AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.standard().withClientConfiguration(Mockito.any()).build()).thenReturn(awsStepFunctionsMock);
You can read this post for more explanation about MockedStatic:
And this one about Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS:
Don't forget to configure Mockito to handle static mock :

Java Unittest Mocked Unittest Not working

I'm trying to create a unittest for the method below (myHostClient), but I'm having some problems with it:
public class MyClass {
private String materialValue
private static final SERVICEBUILDER = new ServiceBuilder()
#Bean public MyHostServiceClient myHostClient(
#Value(${qualifier_one}) final String qualiferOne,
#Value(${use_service}) final boolean useService) {
if(useService) {
.withCall(new CallerAttach(Caller.retro(defaultStrategy())), // Error Line2 Here
new SigningVisitor(new CredentialsProvider(materialValue))),
call -> call.doSomeStuff(StuffObject.getStuffInstance()))
#Bean DefaultStrategy<Object> defaultStrategy() {
final int valueA = 1;
final int valueB = 2;
return new DoSomeThingsBuilder()
And here is my latest unsuccessful attempt at writing a unittest for it:
import org.mockito.Mock
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times
public class MyClassTest {
private SERVICEBUILDER serviceBuilder;
private MyClass myClass;
private String qualifierOne = "pass"
void setUp() {
myClass = new MyClass();
public void test_myHostClient() {
boolean useService = true;
final MyHostServiceClient result = myclass.myHostClient(qualifierOne, useService); // Error Line1 here
verify(serviceBuilder, times(1));
I have been trying to mock SERVICEBUILDER and verify that the mocked object is called one time but no luck so far. Right now I'm getting this error:
IllegalArgumentException: Material Name cannot be null
And it points to these lines in my code.
In the Test:
final MyHostServiceClient result = myclass.myHostClient(qualifierOne, useService);
Which points to this line in the module:
.withCall(new CallerAttach(Caller.retro(defaultStrategy())),
Anyone know how I can fix my unittest or write a working one from scratch?
I would say the design of MyClass is quite wrong because it looks like a Spring configuration but apparently it's not. If it is really supposed to be a configuration then I wouldn't even test it like this because it would rather be an integration test. Of course, even in integration tests you can mock dependencies. But the test itself would run differently and you would have to spin up a suitable Spring context, etc.
So given the above, I would rather make MyClass some sort of MyHostServiceClientFactory with removing all of the Spring annotations and then fix the following problems in your code.
SERVICEBUILDER is hardcoded.
SERVICEBUILDER is static final and its value is hardcoded into MyClass. You will not be able to reassign that field with the mocked version. It can still be final but not static then and it's better to use dependency injection here by passing the value through the MyClass constructor.
SERVICEBUILDER will still be not mocked even if you fix the above.
To really mock SERVICEBUILDER by using the #Mock annotation in the test you should enable Mockito annotations.
If you are using JUnit5 then you should annotate your test class like this:
public class MyClassTest {
If you are stuck with JUnit4 then you should use another combination:
public class MyClassTest {
Once you've done that the SERVICEBUILDER will be mocked but now you will have to configure the behaviour of that mock, like what is going to be returned by the SERVICEBUILDER methods. I can see 4 methods in total, namely remote, withConfig, withCall, and makeClient. You will have to do Mockito's when/thenReturn configurations.
MyClass.materialValue is null.
But even when your mock will be properly configured you will still encounter the original IllegalArgumentException: Material Name cannot be null. This is because MyClass.materialValue will still be null and looks like CredentialsProvider cannot accept that. As I can see, that field is supposed to be injected by Spring using the #Value annotation, but remember this class no longer contains anything from Spring. As in problem 1, you have to pass the value through the MyClass constructor.
Once all of these problems are solved you can introduce a thin Spring configuration like MyHostServiceClientConfiguration (or whatever name suits you) that would serve as a provider of necessary properties/dependencies for MyHostServiceClientFactory (existing MyClass) and then this factory can provide you with a MyHostServiceClient bean through a method like MyHostServiceClientConfiguration#myHostServiceClient annotated with #Bean.
Conceptually your MyHostServiceClientFactory will look like this:
public class MyHostServiceClientFactory {
private final String materialValue;
private final ServiceBuilder serviceBuilder;
public MyHostServiceClientFactory(String materialValue, ServiceBuilder serviceBuilder) {
this.materialValue = materialValue;
this.serviceBuilder = serviceBuilder;
public MyHostServiceClient myHostClient(String qualiferOne, boolean useService) {
if(useService) {
return serviceBuilder
.withCall(new CallerAttach(Caller.retro(defaultStrategy())), // Error Line2 Here
new SigningVisitor(new CredentialsProvider(materialValue))),
call -> call.doSomeStuff(StuffObject.getStuffInstance()))
// can also be injected as a dependency rather than being hardcoded
DefaultStrategy<Object> defaultStrategy() {
final int valueA = 1;
final int valueB = 2;
return new DoSomeThingsBuilder()

Invoke other method instead

I have two methods and one of them with an annotation, let's say:
public void foo() { ... }
public void bar { ... }
Is it possible to invoke bar instead of foo whenever foo is called, without jumping into the body of foo? I did some research on this and were not able to set a return value via reflections. Any suggestions?
You can achieve this using Aspect Oriented Programming, e.g. with Spring AOP. I don't think you can change method implementation in pure Java without AOP.
Let me give you an example how to achieve what you asked for with Spring AOP. First, define your annotation:
public #interface ReplacingMethod {
String value();
Then define an aspect that will do the actual replacing of method:
#Aspect // aspect is a module encapsulating your replacing functionality
public class ReplacingAspect {
// pointcut gives an expression selecting the "joint points" to be intercepted
public void methodToBeReplaced() { }
// advice defining the code executed at joint points selected by given pointcut;
// in our case #Around is executed instead of the method call selected by pointcut methodToBeReplaced()
public void replaceMethodCall(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
// get reference to the method to be replaced
MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) pjp.getSignature();
Method method = signature.getMethod();
// extract the name of the method to be called from ReplacingMethod annotation
ReplacingMethod replacingMethodAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(ReplacingMethod.class);
String methodToCallName = replacingMethodAnnotation.value();
// use reflection to call the method
Method methodToCall = pjp.getTarget().getClass().getMethod(methodToCallName);
Now, assuming you have class TestClass where you have applied your #ReplacingMethod annotation,
public class TestClass {
public void foo() { System.out.println("foo"); }
public void bar() { System.out.println("bar"); }
the last missing piece is to get create your instance of TestClass with AOP enabled and your ReplacingAspect applied:
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(TestConfiguration.class); // create Spring context that enables AOP under the hood
TestClass testObject = context.getBean(TestClass.class); // we get reference to TestClass instance from context; calling on a plain new instance wouldn't work; // prints "bar" !
#EnableAspectJAutoProxy // enables AOP support
public static class TestConfiguration {
#Bean public TestClass testClass() { return new TestClass(); }
#Bean public ReplacingAspect aspect() { return new ReplacingAspect(); } // enables our ReplacingAspect
You can check out the whole working example at GitHub.
Reflection cannot change the schema of a class and not its behaviour. It can only call (possibly hidden) features.
If you want to replace a method call by another try out a byte code library as asm or javassist. These tools allow you to change class definitions and behaviour (even at runtime with some restrictions).
The approach with AOP is easier, but it is not as flexible and its classpath footprint is larger.

Mockito: How to replace method of class which is invoked by class under test?

Unfortunately the Mockito documentation lacks of exhaustive information, it's difficult to find the proper way how to create the following setup.
I have a class "ResourceManager" which should be tested. This class instantiates another class "JerseyClient" which has a method called "get". I want "ResourceManager" to not invoke the real "JerseyClient" but a mock (or a stub?) from it (It's already unclear to me what is the difference between mocking and stubbing or mocks and spies in Mockito context).
My attempts are to #Mock (or #Spy?) JerseyClient, or at least one method of it:
public class ResourceManagerTest
private JerseyClient jerseyClient;
public void testResultHandling() throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException, ResourceException
TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity();
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
// doReturn("{\"get\":true,\"testAttribute\":\"2ndTest\",\"message\":\"success\"}").when(jerseyClient).get(anyString());
TestEntity result = (TestEntity)resourceManager.execute(testEntity, TestEntity.class);
assertThat(result, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(result.getMessage(), is("success"));
assertThat(result.getTestAttribute(), is("2ndTest"));
As you can see, I tried to mock jerseyClient.get() method to return a predefined JSON string:
But none of them work. That means that the real JerseyClient.get method is invoked, because it tries to make a HTTP request with the real JerseyClient.
What is the solution and what is this what I want to do here? Is it spying on a real object or mocking an object where I want to mock a method of it, and when can I replace methods, only on mocks or only on spies?
I found the answer on my own. I need to add
private ResourceManager resourceManager;
Then I need to run the test with this instance:
public class ResourceManagerTest
private JerseyClient jerseyClient;
private ResourceManager resourceManager;
public void testResultHandling() throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException, ResourceException
TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity();
TestEntity result = (TestEntity)resourceManager.execute(testEntity, TestEntity.class);
assertThat(result, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(result.getMessage(), is("success"));
assertThat(result.getTestAttribute(), is("2ndTest"));
And I can also use the "doReturn...when" pattern.

External Mocked method returns Null in the Actual Class

When I am testing the Mocked external call, I am not seeing the mocked value of report instead it is Null and my testing is failing. I can see the Mocked value (of report) in the Test Class but not in BusinessServiceImpl class and Application(Method Return) is not modified as I expected.
My Expectation: When I mock the External call in Impl class, mocked value should be available there and rest everything else happen as if real method was called to complete the Unit Testing.
Implementation code:
public class BusinessServiceImpl implements BusinessService { // Actual Impl Class
private PaymentBusinessService paymentBusinessService = PluginSystem.INSTANCE.getPluginInjector().getInstance(PaymentBusinessService.class);
#Transactional( rollbackOn = Throwable.class)
public Application applicationValidation (final Deal deal) throws BasePersistenceException {
Application application = (Application) ApplicationDTOFactory.eINSTANCE.createApplication();
//External Call we want to Mock
String report = paymentBusinessService.checkForCreditCardReport(deal.getId());
if (report != null) {
application.settingSomething(true); //report is Null and hence not reaching here
return application;
The test code:
#Test(enabled = true)// Test Class
public void testReCalculatePrepaids() throws Exception {
PaymentBusinessService paymentBusinessService = mock(PaymentBusinessService.class);
//Mocking External Call
when(paymentBusinessService.checkForCreditCardReport( String ("Decline by only Me"));
String report = paymentBusinessService.checkForCreditCardReport(;
// Mocked value of report available here
//Calling Impl Class whose one external call is mocked
//Application is not modified as expected since report is Null in Impl class
Application sc = BusinessService.applicationValidation(;
The main purpose of Mockito is to isolate the tests. As in, when you are testing your BusinessServiceImpl you should mock all its dependencies.
This is exactly what you are trying to do with your example above. Now for the mocking to work, the mocked object has to be injected into the class you are trying to test, in this case the BusinessServiceImpl.
One way of doing this is by passing the dependecy by the contructor of the class, dependency injection. Or you could look at how it can be done with Spring and ReflectionTestUtils.
I got it done and I am successfully able to get the Mocked value without touching the BusinessServiceImpl class at all. Steps I followed are:
1. #Mock PaymentBusinessService paymentBusinessService = mock(PaymentBusinessService.class);
2. #InjectMocks private PaymentBusinessService paymentBusinessService = PluginSystem.INSTANCE.getPluginInjector().getInstance(PaymentBusinessService.class);
And then simply ran the above test and I could see the value of report as "Decline by only Me" in the BusinessServiceImpl and my test case passed
