How to expose swagger UI interface with jetty server and camel - java

I am doing a camel project with Jetty server using Springboot, I must expose the apis swagger-ui. I have already generated the swager in json format and it can be consulted at localhost:8080/swagger. Using swagger-ui webjars I am trying to see the graphic interface of swagger but this is not generated.
Im using this maven dependencies:
it is suppose that when using webjars the swagger-ui can be consulted in the path /webjars/swagger-ui/index.html, but i get:
Problem accessing /webjars/swagger-ui/index.html. Reason:Not Found
I tried to define a camel route like this: but doesnt work.
.responseMessage().code(200).message("Swagger UI").endResponseMessage()
I was using this example:
but I use Jetty as rest component
How can I expose the swagger Ui Interface?
I hope someone can help me, thank you very much


Spring boot and Zuul proxy DeferringLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction Error

I have a simple app that uses Netflix Zuul as an API gateway
I added the Zuul dependency in the pom.xml file as follows:
and #EnableZuulProxy for the main class of the app
The problem is that whenever I try to run the API, It fails to start and shows in the console:
Consider defining a bean of type
in your configuration.
I couldn't solve the issue, what's the problem?
The issue was solved when I added the following dependency in pom.xml:
and as a result, spring also asked me to add this to my app configuration:
Then my API ran successfully without failing or throwing any exception

Send Apache Camel Actuator Metrics to Prometheus

I am trying to forward/add the Actuator Camel metrics from /actuator/camelroutes (route metrics like number of exchanges/transactions) to the Prometheus Actuator endpoint. Is there a way for me to configure Camel to add those metrics to the PrometheusMeterRegistry?
I have tried adding:
in my according to the documentation here:
But still nothing relating to Apache Camel is displayed in actuator/prometheus
Here are the dependencies I am using with Spring Boot 2.1.9 and Apache Camel 2.24.2:
Got the Camel Routes metrics working in the /actuator/prometheus endpoint.
Use the camel-micrometer-starter dependency as stated by #claus-ibsen 's comment.
Set the following in your properties file:
Then add set the Camel Context to use the MicrometerRouterPolicyFactory and MicrometerMessageHistoryFactory. Code seen below is places in a Configuration class:
public class AppConfig {
public CamelContextConfiguration camelContextConfiguration() {
return new CamelContextConfiguration() {
public void beforeApplicationStart(CamelContext camelContext) {
camelContext.addRoutePolicyFactory(new MicrometerRoutePolicyFactory());
camelContext.setMessageHistoryFactory(new MicrometerMessageHistoryFactory());
public void afterApplicationStart(CamelContext camelContext) {
You need to trigger an exchange in a route for the metrics to appear in /actuator/prometheus.
Here are the metrics made available to Prometheus:
You can use the JMX Exporter jar for Prometheus to get the more detailed metrics from the JMX of Camel. I wanted to avoid this approach as it would mean that for each Camel Spring Boot App I have would use 2 ports; 1 for the JMX Metrics and 1 for the Actuator Metrics.
There is a camel-micrometer-starter dependency you should use instead that integrates with micrometer. And then you can use the micrometer route policy from that dependency to let it monitor all your routes. See the docs at:
I can see the metrics by keeping these dependencies intact
Why dont I see the actual process and bean names rather than like process3, bean1 etc ??
CamelMessageHistory_seconds_sum{camelContext="AppName",nodeId="process3",routeId="AppNameRoute",serviceName="MicrometerMessageHistoryService",} 0.041466
CamelMessageHistory_seconds_count{camelContext="AppName",nodeId="bean1",routeId="AppNameRoute",serviceName="MicrometerMessageHistoryService",} 100.0
CamelMessageHistory_seconds_sum{camelContext="AppName",nodeId="bean1",routeId="AppNameRoute",serviceName="MicrometerMessageHistoryService",} 4.8417576

Import static jQuery JS file using Webjars and Spark

I'm using Spark as framework to build a Java web server and rely on Bootstrap and jQuery for frontend. I'm using Webjars to bring dependencies in my pom.xml.
The problem omes with importing static files. While importing Bootstrap's CSS and JS files works well, it doesn't for jQuery JS file. I import the static files using staticFileLocation("/META-INF/resources"); and HTML header contains:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="webjars/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="webjars/jquery/2.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="webjars/bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
webjars/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css and webjars/bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.min.js routes work well but webjars/jquery/2.2.1/jquery.min.js answers 404.
Somehow, it looks like jQuery JS file isn't present in classpath. Any clue what I'm missing ?
The pom.xml dependencies are the following:
Edit 2:
I also call staticFileLocation() two times in my controller:
The two calls seem to conflict with each other.
The jquery version 2.2.1 dependency is probably being overridden via a transitive dependency on jquery in bootstrap. You can either set an exclusion in the bootstrap dependency:
Or you can remove the explicit dependency on jquery and use the transitive one which is 1.11.1 per the bootstrap pom.xml.
I've found that if you run Spark from an IDE which is used mvn exec:exec to run project then you get only bootstrap in /META-INF/resources/webjars.
But if you make a jar-with-dependencies first and then run it with java -jar <your-project-name-and-version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar you'll get whole set of resources (both bootstrap and jquery in your case).
Actually you can easily check available resources with this code:
get("/list", (req, res) -> {
Resource resource = Resource.newClassPathResource("/META-INF/resources");
return resource.getListHTML("/", true);
Accessing /list you will get whole list of available resources.
Diving into Spark's source code, I found that one can refer to only one static folder location. Hence, only one webjar can be used at the same time and it will make Spark to ignore any CSS or JS file in any other location.

can not find addListener method from javax.servlet.ServletContext

I am trying to change spring xml settings to pure code based setting.
So I read official documents and some posts from blogs.
An I made a code like ...
public class TestInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext container)
throws ServletException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("on Startup method has called.");
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
//container.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(ctx));
A problem here. In those pages, they use addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(ctx)) method to set context. However my eclipse can not find that method from container variable.
I do not know any clue why my container variable(javax.servlet.ServletContext instance) can not read this method.
Thanks for your answer:D
My spring version is 4.1.6.RELEASE and I include servlet3.0, spring-context, spring-webmvc on pom.xml.
Maybe I got some communication problem, So I summarize this :D
javax.servlet.ServletContext doc clearly state that it has method
addListener >>
have to use Spring WebApplicationInitializer.onStartup(ServletContext) to set basic setting via Java source code, not XML
Can not load addListener from ServletContext class.
Edit. This is not error on console. However it is the only message I got.
It is from eclipse toolkit.
The method addListener(ContextLoaderListener) is undefined for the type ServletContext
than recommendation is Add cast to 'container'
To follow up on what #JuneyoungOh has commented, turns out that the problem is because of conflicting dependency. And these are the ways to solve this problem :
* make version 3.0.1 and artifactId 'javax.servlet-api' or
* add tomcat(in my case 7.0) to project build path and remove servlet dependency.
In my case the problem was because of Spring-Support which is depended on "javax.servlet" and I just excluded it:
In my case there was:
notice, that artifactId is servlet-api, not javax.servlet-api.
I have created a legacy MVC project, that's why I had this package. When I tried to convert .xml configuration to Java, I came across this problem.
Certainly it's not the same as in the question, but it shows up as the first result in google search.
In my case I just had to comment out the javax.servlet:servlet-api dependency as depicted here:
<!-- dependency>
</dependency -->
This looks like the same idea presented here:

ClassNotFound exception using Jackson ObjectMapper

I have a Spring 3 MVC app that I am setting up some ajax actions for.
My controller action looks like this:
#RequestMapping(value="add", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody Plan addPlan(#RequestBody Plan plan, Principal principal) {
//Save the plan
When I post the Plan data from my browser the app throws a ClassNotFound exception:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.joda.time.ReadableInstant not found by jackson-mapper-asl [176]
at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation(
at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.access$400(
at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
The Plan object itself does not contain any joda-date types. Though it contains a collection of objects that do. Originally I was pulling in the joda-date jar via my DOA jar but the error persists even if I add a direct dependency to my web project's pom.xml. I'm using the joda classes elsewhere in this project without any issue.
Additional information
Here are the relevant dependencies from my web pom.xml:
I somehow came across this question: Apache FTP server is not seeing a logging jar package that exists in the class path
Their solution of setting <class-loader delegate="false"> in glassfish-web.xml seems to have fixed my issues.
I've reported this on Glassfish JIRA
