I want to remove [ ] braces from the below string-
"[maths=100, english=20]"
I have tried doing it in following ways but in both the trials it is not removing the end ] brace.
Approach 1:
String[] metrics= "[maths=100, english=20]";
String[] value = metrics[1].split("\\[");
String[] finalValue = value[1].split("\\]");
System.out.println(finalValue[0]); // this should give string as maths=100, english=20
Approach 2:
String[] metrics= "[maths=100, english=20]";
String[] value = metrics[1].split("\\[\\]");
System.out.println(finalValue[1]); // this should give string as maths=100, english=20
Can anyone guide me where i am doing it wrong?
Try this code
String metrics= "[maths=100, english=20]";
String[] split = metrics.split("\\[|]");
it prints
"maths=100, english=20"
Or you can simply replace all [ and ] character
String metrics = "[maths=100, english=20]";
metrics = metrics.replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
If you simply want to trim and clean your data then you can do a simple check and substring.
String input = ...;
String cleanedInput = input.trim();
if (cleanedInput.startsWith("[") && cleanedInput.endsWith("]")) {
cleanedInput = cleanedInput.substring(1, cleanedInput.length() - 1);
If you're wanting to match and capture from a larger set of data then you can use RegEx patterns with capture groups to match and capture the data you want.
For parsing a proper document structure though you should try to use a real parser but if you truly are just trying to match and capture some simple data then RegEx will often be ok.
String input = ...;
// RegEx pattern "\[([^\[\]]*)\]" anything inside braces except other braces
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\[([^\\[\\]]*)\\]");
Matcher matcher = pattern .matcher(input);
while (matcher.find()) {
String data = matcher.group(1);
You can simply replace the braces like this:
String s = "[maths=100, english=20]";
s = s.replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
String: [img border=0]/scm/images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]
Result I Want: [img border=0]images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img] without /scm/ text.
Issue: Text scm is not static, could be any other text in data.
What I want: Have a look to this string
[img border=0]/scm/images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]
Regex which can fetch a text between ] and images/bbcode/ so the regex will detect the \scm\ text and then can remove this \scm\ from String data and end result will look like
[img border=0]images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]
PS: I am implementing this logic in Java.
you can reach the goal without using regex, too.
since you said that the other parts are static, try this:
String myStr = "[img border=0]/scm/images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]";
myStr = "[img border=0]" + myStr.substring(myStr.indexOf("images"));
and the output will be:
[img border=0]images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]
I have captured text between '] and /images..' and replace this text with "". Check the following demo:
String s = "[img border=0]/scm/images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]";
s = s.replaceAll("(?<=])/[^/]+/","");
if [img border=0] dynamic, you can take all except /scm/
some demo
String input = "[img border=0]/scm/images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(^.*\\])\\/.*?\\/(.*$)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
if (m.find()) {
String output = m.replaceFirst("$1$2");
// -> [img border=0]images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]
I found one more way to solve this same problem
String pattereString = "].*/images";
String maineString = "[img border=0]/scm/images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]";
maineString = maineString.replaceAll(pattereString, "images");
[img border=0]images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img]
I have the follow urls.
Foreach url, I need to extract the sheet id: 1mrsetjgfZI2BIypz7SGHMOfHGv6PTKTzY0xOM5c6TXY into a java String.
I am thinking of using split but it can't work with all test cases:
String string = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mrsetjgfZI2BIypz7SGHMOfHGv6kTKTzY0xOM5c6TXY/edit#gid=1842172258";
String[] parts = string.split("/");
String res = parts[parts.length-2];
Log.d("hello res",res );
How can I that be possible?
You can use regex \/d\/(.*?)(\/|$) (regex demo) to solve your problem, if you look closer you can see that the ID exist between d/ and / or end of line for that you can get every thing between this, check this code demo :
String[] urls = new String[]{
String regex = "\\/d\\/(.*?)(\\/|$)";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
for (String url : urls) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url);
while (matcher.find()) {
it looks like the id you are looking for always follow "/spreadsheets/d/" if it is the case you can update your code to that
String string = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mrsetjgfZI2BIypz7SGHMOfHGv6kTKTzY0xOM5c6TXY/edit#gid=1842172258";
String[] parts = string.split("spreadsheets/d/");
String result;
String[] parts2 = parts[1].split("/");
result = parts2[0];
System.out.println("hello "+ result);
Using regex
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=\\/d\\/)[^\\/]*");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url);
Using Java
String result = url.substring(url.indexOf("/d/") + 3);
int slash = result.indexOf("/");
result = slash == -1 ? result
: result.substring(0, slash);
Google use fixed lenght characters for its IDs, in your case they are 44 characters and these are the characters google use: alphanumeric, -, and _ so you can use this regex:
regex = "([\w-]){44}"
match = re.search(regex,url)
I am getting a piece of JSON text from a url connection and saving it to a string currently as such:
...//setting up url and connection
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String str = in.readLine();
When I print str, I correctly find the data {"build":{"version_component":"1.0.111"}}
Now I want to extract the 111 from str, but I am having some trouble.
I tried
String afterLastDot = inputLine.substring(inputLine.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
but I end up with 111"}}
I need a solution that is generic so that if I have String str = {"build":{"version_component":"1.0.111111111"}}; the solution still works and extracts 111111111 (ie, I don't want to hard code extract the last three digits after the decimal point)
If you cannot use a JSON parser then you can this regex based extraction:
String lastNum = str.replaceAll("^.*\\.(\\d+).*", "$1");
RegEx Demo
^.* is greedy match that matches everything until last DOT and 1 or more digits that we put in group #1 to be used in replacement.
Find the start and the end indexes of the String you need and substring(start, end) :
// String str = "{"build":{"version_component":"1.0.111"}};" cannot compile without escaping
String str = "{\"build\":{\"version_component\":\"1.0.111\"}}";
int start = str.lastIndexOf(".")+1;
int end = str.lastIndexOf("\"");
String substring = str.substring(start,end);
just use JSON api
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(str);
String versionComponent= obj.getJSONObject("build").getString("version_component");
Then just split and take the last element
Please, your can try the following code :
int index = inputLine.lastIndexOf(".")+1 ;
String afterLastDot = inputLine.substring(index, index+3);
With Regular Expressions (Rexp),
You can solve your problem like this ;
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("111") ;
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str) ;
System.out.println(matcher.start()+" "+matcher.end());
System.out.println(str.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end()));
In debug mode I can see that locator of one of the element on the page is: By.name: NameOfMyElement_123.
The question is, how can I parse the following string (By.name: NameOfMyElement_123) in Java in order to have the type of my locator (name) and value (NameOfMyElement_123) ?
String[] split = "By.name: NameOfMyElement_123".split(" ");
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([\\w.]*): ([\\w]*_[\\d]*)");
Matcher m = p.matcher("By.name: NameOfMyElement_123");
while (m.find()){
You could use split(). In this case, it's best to split with :
String[] splittedText = element.split(':');
String type = splittedText[0].trim();
String value = splittedText[1].trim();
Nothing fancy is necessary, two split() methods are enough:
String[] firstSplit = element.split(':');
String[] secondSplit = firstSplit[0].split('.');
String type = secondSplit[1].trim(); // will result in "name"
String value = firstSplit[1].trim(); // will result in "NameOfMyElement_123"
I am trying parse out 3 pieces of information from a String.
Here is my code:
text = "H:7 E:7 P:10";
String pattern = "[HEP]:";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
String[] attr = p.split(text);
I would like it to return:
String[0] = "7"
String[1] = "7"
String[2] = "10"
But all I am getting is:
String[0] = ""
String[1] = "7 "
String[2] = "7 "
String[3] = "10"
Any suggestions?
A not-so-elegant solution I just devised:
String text = "H:7 E:7 P:10";
String pattern = "[HEP]:";
text = text.replaceAll(pattern, "");
String[] attr = text.split(" ");
From the javadoc, http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html#split(java.lang.CharSequence) :
The array returned by this method contains each substring of the input
sequence that is terminated by another subsequence that matches this
pattern or is terminated by the end of the input sequence.
You get the empty string first because you have a match at the beginning of the string, it seems.
If I try your code with String text = "A H:7 E:7 P:10" I get indeed:
A 7 7 10
Hope it helps.
I would write a full regular expression like the following:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("H:(\\d+)\\sE:(\\d+)\\sP:(\\d+)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("H:7 E:7 P:10");
if (!matcher.matches()) {
// What to do!!??
String hValue = matcher.group(1);
String eValue = matcher.group(2);
String pValue = matcher.group(3);
Basing on your comment I take it that you only want to get the numbers from that string (in a particular order?).
So I would recommend something like this:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
Matcher m = p.matcher("H:7 E:7 P:10");
while(m.find()) {