Why am I getting the RabbitMQ exchange exception? - java

Here are my queues setting for tests, they are incorrect but they work:
username: guest
password: guest
host: localhost
vhost: /
exchangeName: igSmev3Listener
queueName: igSmev3-ListenerQueue
routingKey: igSmev3-Listener
vhost: /
exchangeName: igSmev3Producer
queueName: igSmev3-ProducerQueue
routingKey: igSmev3-Producer
If I set
vhost: /
exchangeName: igSmev3Producer
queueName: igSmev3ProducerQueue
routingKey: igSmev3Producer
I will get an error:
Caused by: com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException: channel error; protocol method: #method<channel.close>(reply-code=406, reply-text=PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'type' for exchange 'igSmev3Listener' in vhost '/': received 'fanout' but current is 'direct', class-id=40, method-id=10)
What's wrong?

inequivalent arg 'type' for exchange 'igSmev3Listener' in vhost '/': received 'fanout' but current is 'direct'
You have already an igSmev3Listener exchange on the broker and its type is fanout, but you provide the same name and with default type - direct.
Consider to remove that exchange before starting your application.
This feels like a Deja Vu with this similar question with similar properties: How to set x-dead-letter-exchange in Rabbit?


Custom DLX options in rabbitmq binder

I'm using spring-cloud-stream for communicating between microservices. I have the following predefined setup in the rabbit mq broker.
"first" -> exchange of type Topic which is bound to Queue (name="user.create",x-dead-letter-exchange="first.dlx")
"first.dlx" -> dead letter exchange of type Topic
and the following configuration file:
group: user.create
destination: first
contentType: application/json
binder: rabbit
type: rabbit
acknowledgeMode: manual
declareExchange: false
queueNameGroupOnly: true
bindQueue: false
deadLetterExchange: first.dlx
autoBindDlq: true
deadLetterRoutingKey: user.create.dlq
and when I start the application says :
[AMQP Connection] ERROR o.s.a.r.c.CachingConnectionFactory - Channel shutdown: channel error; protocol method: #method<channel.close>(reply-code=406, reply-text=PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'type' for exchange 'first.dlx' in vhost '/': received 'direct' but current is 'topic', class-id=40, method-id=10)
because rabbit mq try to declare dlx of type "direct". Here is the link of the repo.
so my question ... is there any way to tell rabbit mq to declare dlx of other type than "direct" something like property name: "deadLetterExchangeType: topic"? or not to declare dlx at all.
Any other suggestion will be very helpful.
It is not currently possible to define the DLX exchange type or prevent its declaration. Please open an issue against the binder.
Just allowing the type to be specified might not be enough, since it might have other incompatible arguments. We should probably add declareDlx, similar to declareExchange.

How to add feature "x-delayed-type: direct" in a queue in RabbitMQ using Spring Cloud Stream?

Here it is my part of application properties:
But it appears that in the RabbitMQ Admin page, it does not have x-delayed-type: direct in the Args in feature of my queue. I am referencing to this Spring Cloud Stream documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/Elmhurst.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance :D
I just tested it and it worked fine.
Did you enable the plugin? If not, you should see this in the log...
2018-07-09 08:52:04.173 ERROR 156 --- [] o.s.a.r.c.CachingConnectionFactory : Channel shutdown: connection error; protocol method: #method(reply-code=503, reply-text=COMMAND_INVALID - unknown exchange type 'x-delayed-message', class-id=40, method-id=10)
See the plugin documentation.
Another possibility is the exchange already existed. Exchange configuration is immutable; you will see a message like this...
2018-07-09 09:04:43.202 ERROR 3309 --- [] o.s.a.r.c.CachingConnectionFactory : Channel shutdown: channel error; protocol method: #method(reply-code=406, reply-text=PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'type' for exchange 'so51244078' in vhost '/': received ''x-delayed-message'' but current is 'direct', class-id=40, method-id=10)
In this case you have to delete the exchange first.
By the way, you will need a routing key too; by default the queue will be bound with the topic exchange wildcard #.

Kafka broker throwing ConfigException Invalid value configuration log.segment.bytes: Not a number of type INT

I have a single node kafka broker and single node zookeeper with the server.properties like below
The zookeeper.properties looks like below
But whenever I am starting the broker I am getting exception like below
FATAL [2018-02-19 17:01:10,772] kafka.Kafka$:[Logging$class:fatal:113] - [main] -
org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigException: Invalid value 10737418240 for configuration log.segment.bytes: Not a number of type INT
at org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.parseType(ConfigDef.java:670)
at org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.parse(ConfigDef.java:418)
at org.apache.kafka.common.config.AbstractConfig.<init>(AbstractConfig.java:55)
at kafka.server.KafkaConfig.<init>(KafkaConfig.scala:759)
at kafka.server.KafkaConfig$.fromProps(KafkaConfig.scala:743)
at kafka.server.KafkaConfig$.fromProps(KafkaConfig.scala:740)
at kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable$.fromProps(KafkaServerStartable.scala:28)
at kafka.Kafka$.main(Kafka.scala:58)
at kafka.Kafka.main(Kafka.scala)
Kafka Server 0.10.1 running on Ubuntu 14.
Can someone let me know what is going wrong?
The value of Int.MaxInt is 2147483647 as discussed here . 10737418240 is crossing the maximum allowable value.

IBM MQ - Java api - PCFMessageAgent - connection fails

I changed the MQIVP sample in MQ with a server connection channel of my own local.server.con and it is working fine. But I tried connecting to the same channel with PCFMessageAgent and the connection is failing with errors in MQ log. What is the relation between my channel and SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE which gives the error.
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Tools\wmqjava\samples>java -Djava.library.path="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\java\lib" MQIVPMod
Websphere MQ for Java Installation Verification Program
5724-B4 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Please enter the IP address of the MQ server :
Please enter the port to connect to : (1414)1415
Please enter the server connection channel name :local.server.con
Please enter the user name (or RETURN for none) :test
Please enter the password for the user :test123
Please enter the queue manager name :local
Success: Connected to queue manager.
Success: Put a message to SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE
Success: Got a message from SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE
Success: Disconnected from queue manager
Tests complete -
SUCCESS: This MQ Transport is functioning correctly.
Press Enter to continue ...
My PCFMessageAgent code and error:
new PCFMessageAgent(host, Integer.parseInt(port), channelName); // connect
com.ibm.mq.MQException: MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2035'.
at com.ibm.mq.MQDestination.open(MQDestination.java:323)
at com.ibm.mq.MQQueue.<init>(MQQueue.java:236)
at com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManager.accessQueue(MQQueueManager.java:2674)
at com.ibm.mq.pcf.PCFAgent.open(PCFAgent.java:448)
at com.ibm.mq.pcf.PCFAgent.open(PCFAgent.java:394)
at com.ibm.mq.pcf.PCFAgent.connect(PCFAgent.java:287)
at com.ibm.mq.pcf.PCFAgent.<init>(PCFAgent.java:190)
at com.ibm.mq.pcf.PCFMessageAgent.<init>(PCFMessageAgent.java:157)
at test.wmq.PCFTest.main(PCFTest.java:49)
And the MQ log :
5/2/2017 14:01:31 - Process(6048.60) User(MUSR_MQADMIN) Program(amqzlaa0.exe)
Host(BLR_SWG_N09505) Installation(Installation1)
VRMF( QMgr(local)
AMQ8077: Entity 'test#blr_swg_n09505' has insufficient authority to access
The specified entity is not authorized to access the required object. The
following requested permissions are unauthorized: get
Ensure that the correct level of authority has been set for this entity against
the required object, or ensure that the entity is a member of a privileged
----- amqzfubn.c : 518 --------------------------------------------------------
5/2/2017 14:01:32 - Process(8004.41) User(MUSR_MQADMIN) Program(amqrmppa.exe)
Host(BLR_SWG_N09505) Installation(Installation1)
VRMF( QMgr(local)
AMQ9208: Error on receive from host BLR_SWG_N09505 (
An error occurred receiving data from BLR_SWG_N09505 ( over TCP/IP.
This may be due to a communications failure.
The return code from the TCP/IP recv() call was 10054 (X'2746'). Record these
values and tell the systems administrator.
----- amqccita.c : 4076 -------------------------------------------------------
5/2/2017 14:01:32 - Process(8004.41) User(MUSR_MQADMIN) Program(amqrmppa.exe)
Host(BLR_SWG_N09505) Installation(Installation1)
VRMF( QMgr(local)
AMQ9999: Channel 'local.server.con' to host '' ended abnormally.
The channel program running under process ID 8004(7988) for channel
'local.server.con' ended abnormally. The host name is ''; in some
cases the host name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
Look at previous error messages for the channel program in the error logs to
determine the cause of the failure. Note that this message can be excluded
completely or suppressed by tuning the "ExcludeMessage" or "SuppressMessage"
attributes under the "QMErrorLog" stanza in qm.ini. Further information can be
found in the System Administration Guide.
----- amqrmrsa.c : 930 --------------------------------------------------------
You need to go and read up on MQ permissions (i.e. authorizations). It is best to do permissions on the group rather than principle (UserId).
setmqaut -m {QM_NAME} -n SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE -t queue -g {GROUP} +put +inq +dsp
setmqaut -m {QM_NAME} -n SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE -t queue -g {GROUP} +get +inq +dsp
There is no relation between channels and model queues.
But I think, that the PCFMessageAgent is trying to create a dynamic queue to use as a ReplyToQ to receive responses, and it seems it tries to create the dynamic queue by opening the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE.

ActiveMQ timeout at connection

I have the following problem:
I try to connect to an ActiveMQ broker (which is now down) using the following piece of code
connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(this.url + "?timeout=2000");
connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
LOGGER.info("Connected to " + this.url);
The problem is that the timeout does not have any effect
is blocked forever.
I inspected ActiveMQ log and found the following info:
2013-12-20 01:49:03,149 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Task-1] (FailoverTransport.java:786) - urlList connectionList:[tcp://localhost:61616?timeout=2000], from: [tcp://localhost:61616?timeout=2000]
2013-12-20 01:49:03,149 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Task-1] (FailoverTransport.java:1040) - Connect fail to: tcp://localhost:61616?timeout=2000, reason: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid connect parameters: {timeout=2000}
The timeout parameter is specified here http://activemq.apache.org/cms/configuring.html
Has anybody any idea how to pass timeout argument to ActiveMQConnectionFactory?
Or how to set a timeout for connection.start() ?
Thank you!
Update: I found this on Stackoverflow: ActiveMQ - CreateSession failover timeout after a connection is resumed . I tried it but the following exception is thrown:
javax.jms.JMSException: Could not create Transport. Reason: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid connect parameters: {transport.timeout=5000}
at org.apache.activemq.util.JMSExceptionSupport.create(JMSExceptionSupport.java:35)
I use ActiveMQ 5.8.0 from maven repo
It appears that your url is invalid still in both cases when attempting to set the timeout property.
If you're trying to have a failover URL, which it looks like you are since it is getting in to the Failover code then you're probably looking for initialReconnectDelay (and possibly maxReconnectAttempts which would throw an exception if the server is still down after the number of attempts is reached).
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("failover://(tcp://localhost:61616)?initialReconnectDelay=2000&maxReconnectAttempts=2");
