Getting more data during a Post request using Spring / Thymeleaf - java

I'm not really sure how to ask the question, but I'm going to try here.
I've got a list of actions that could happen to a subject. The user of my system needs to approve these actions and does so by selecting (checkboxes) these actions and then clicking the Approve button. Some of these action might require extra data, so a new page is presented to the user. The user enters that new data. Then the backend sends the whole package off to the endpoint for modification on the database. Once completed, it will reload the page they were just on.
So this is how I have it setup:
Approve button jumps to the following method:
public RedirectView approveActions(ModelandView mav, #ModelAttribute("pendingActions") PendingActionsForm pendingActions) {
boolean needsDetails = false;
ActionForm actionForm = new ActionForm();
// parse through each of the actions
pendingActions.forEach(action -> {
// verify if the action has been selected by the user.
if (action.isSelected()) {
// if needsDetails hasn't been set to true,
if (!needsDetails) {
// check to see if it is one of the special actions that needs more info
needsDetails = ActionTypes.NeedsDetails(action.typeId());
// build the data for the endpoint
if (needsDetails) {
// load the new page
return rv; // This is not right, but it does get me to the new page.
// get data
// return to this point with that new data
RedirectView rv = new RedirectView();
rv.setUrl("/subjects/" + pendingActions.getSubjectId() + "#actions-pending");
return rv;
The problem I'm having is I don't know how to do that part with // load the new page get data and return to this point with that new data. I've got the extra-details.jsp page built out. And it's controller can be called. Does this question make sense? Are there any tutorials out there that address this situation?


How do I authenticate with my Google Cloud Function when using my Firebase App with Google Sign In?

I am a newbie (6 months going or so) and creating an app on Android (Java) that utilizes FireBase Auth with Google Sign In. (with only a few days of NodeJS exposure now) In other words my end user signs in with the Google Account. That part (I think) works pretty well so far. I use the Firestore Database heavily for a lot of things in the app.
So now I've gotten to the point where I want to use (Callable) Cloud Functions with HTTP Triggers. (never having done any of this before) I'm trying to get a proof of concept working at this time. The actual function works and I can trigger it from my app.
It appears that I cannot figure out how to make the function "private" though; as in "adding proper Members" to the Cloud function who have the right to invoke the function.
I have tried a few different things by trial error, but first let me show what I have.
This is the Cloud Function and I'm passing in an arbitrary String as a test, works nicely: (as long as "allUsers" have the role/right to invoke the function; in other words when the function is public.
exports.createTest = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const text = data.text;
const uid = context.auth.uid;
const name = || null;
const email = || null;
console.log('UID: ', uid);
console.log('Name: ', name);
console.log('Email: ', email);
console.log('Message: ', text);
The above function gets triggered in my Android/Java code like this: (I think this code came from Google Doc/Sample/Example
private FirebaseFunctions mFunctions;
private void testing() {
mFunctions = FirebaseFunctions.getInstance();
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Testing executed!");
String testMessage = "Hello Hello Testing 123 Mic Check";
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<String>() {
public void onComplete(#NonNull Task<String> task) {
if (!task.isSuccessful()) {
Exception e = task.getException();
if (e instanceof FirebaseFunctionsException) {
FirebaseFunctionsException ffe = (FirebaseFunctionsException) e;
FirebaseFunctionsException.Code code = ffe.getCode();
Object details = ffe.getDetails();
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "FFE: " + ffe.getMessage() );
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Code: " + code);
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Details:" + details);
// ...
// ...
private Task<String> createTest(String text) {
// Create the arguments to the callable function.
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("text", text);
data.put("push", true);
return mFunctions
.getHttpsCallable("createTest") //this is the function name
.continueWith(new Continuation<HttpsCallableResult, String>() {
public String then(#NonNull Task<HttpsCallableResult> task) throws Exception {
// This continuation runs on either success or failure, but if the task
// has failed then getResult() will throw an Exception which will be
// propagated down.
String result = (String) task.getResult().getData();
if (result != null) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Result: " + result);
return result;
Only when I have "allUsers" added with the role/right to "invoke Cloud Function" then I get this working. My understanding of HTTP Requests and such is pretty limited, which is not making things easier.
I tried using the "allAuthenticatedUsers" options, which I figured would do the trick, because I actually authenticate my Users in the app through Firebase/Google Sign In. This Cloud Function shall only be available to either a) authenticated users or b) users of a specific domain. (I have a domain, let's say Or if I can identify my particular app (api key?) then that would work, too.
The moment I add a member "allAuthenticatedUsers" with role to invoke the function (and remove "allUsers) nothing happens. I also tried adding the entire domain, but that wouldn't work. (duh) Also tried adding my service account (trial and error at this point) and didn't seem to work.
In my Node JS code I am actually receiving the UID of the authenticated user, so it appears that some kind of user authentication information is already being exchanged.
With that knowledge, I can (successfully tried this) get the UID and cross check that against my database and verify a user that way, but seems unnecessary and I should be able to make the permissions work. (lock the function down entirely) Plus this took a really long time just finish this cross check. Or is this pretty standard procedure to do?
Like this-->
const usersRef = admin.firestore().collection('users').doc(uid)
.then((docSnapshot) => {
if (docSnapshot.exists) {
usersRef.onSnapshot((doc) => {
console.log('User Type logged in: ',
console.log('User Title: ',
} else {
console.log('User does not exist')
So while not having figured out how to shut down the function entirely, I did discover that instead of cross checking my users, I can simple check for auth like this:
if (context.auth){
//user is auth'd
} else {
//no auth
That's a little bit better, I guess. (but still doesn't technically prevent access to the function?!)
Thank you so much for any help. Much appreciated.
Here is a screensshot of the area in the cloud console (for cloud function roles/privileges) that I am referring to:
With a Callable Cloud Function, if you want to ensure that only authenticated users can trigger it's business logic, you actually don't need to configure any extra "cloud function roles/privileges" as shown at the bottom of your question.
By default, with a Callable Cloud Function you will get, when available, "Firebase Authentication and FCM tokens automatically included in requests" and it will "automatically deserializes the request body and validates auth tokens", as explained in the doc.
So you just have to follow the doc and use the context parameter. As you have mentioned in your question, you can check the user is authenticated by doing:
if (context.auth) {
If you want to verify the user email, you would do:
exports.addMessage = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const uid = context.auth.uid;
return admin.auth().getUser(uid)
.then(userRecord => {
const userEmail =;
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Error fetching user data:', error);
// Send back an error to the front end
// See
You will find more examples on how to "work with" users with the Admin SDK here in the doc.

Generate a download or show an error message in Wicket

I'm using the following code to dynamically generate a download in Wicket, using the ResourceLink approach (since the download is not a static file, it needs to be generated on the fly, and I was told this was the correct approach):
IResource res = new AbstractResource() {
protected ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(Attributes attributes) {
ResourceResponse resourceResponse = new ResourceResponse();
resourceResponse.setWriteCallback(new WriteCallback() {
public void writeData(Attributes attributes) throws IOException {
OutputStream outputStream = attributes.getResponse().getOutputStream();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
//Generation failed... Here I'd like to either show a popup message or alter the current page to show an error somewhere in the page
return resourceResponse;
ResourceLink<Void> resLink = new ResourceLink<Void>("resLink", res);
The comment in the code above shows where I'm having trouble. If the generation of the download fails (which can happen, if certain conditions are not met) I'd like to show an error message, either by showing a popup or altering the page to show some error text (but in either case I want to avoid leaving/reloading the entire page)
Is this possible?
Here's the link with the answer:
Don't forger to use a try/catch with an error(e.getMessage()) inside the catch and a target.add(feedbackPanel) after catching the error.
I am not sure this is possible because you need to use non-Ajax request to be able to download as ATTACHMENT. But since it is non-Ajax request you will need to either reload the current page or redirect to another page in case of an error.

Tapestry5 : URL Re-writing : Pass parameters to transformPageRenderLink method

I am upgrading tapestry from 5.2.4 to 5.3.8 and am stuck at re-implementing the URL re-writing part.
In my application a user account can have multiple data stores. User can have same page of different stores active at the same time. Hence I need to put the storeId in page links and event links URLs. So What is done is as follows.
I register MyLinkTransformerClass in AppModule as follows.
public static void provideURLRewriting( OrderedConfiguration<PageRenderLinkTransformer> configuration){
"Faces", MyLinkTransformer.class);
Following is the MyLinkTransformer class which implements PageRenderLinkTransformer
public PageRenderRequestParameters decodePageRenderRequest(
Request request) {
// for incoming requests - remove the store id from URL and
// save into Request as an attribute
String path = request.getPath();
if (path.equals("/")) {
// Redirect to accounts page
return new PageRenderRequestParameters("account", new EmptyEventContext(), false);
else {
String start = path.split("/")[1];
if (!ignoredRewriteSet.contains(start) && !start.startsWith("account")) {
String storePath = path.substring(1).substring(path.indexOf("/"));
int idx = storePath.indexOf("/");
if (idx < 0) idx = storePath.length();
String storeId = storePath.substring(0, idx).trim();
RequestHelper.setStoreId(request, storeId);
EventContext urlEventContext = new URLEventContext(contextValueEncoder, new String[]{storeId});
EventContext arrayEventContext = new ArrayEventContext(typeCoercer, "foo");
return new PageRenderRequestParameters(storePath.substring(idx), arrayEventContext, false);
//return new PageRenderRequestParameters(storePath.substring(idx), new EmptyEventContext(), false);
return null;
public Link transformPageRenderLink(
Link defaultLink,
PageRenderRequestParameters parameters) {
// for outgoing requests- This is where I want to access the store Id
// which is stored in Request class of Tapestry as an attribute and
// add it to the URL
return null;
So, the idea is to remove storeId from URL in decodePageRenderRequest method and save it in the Request class of Tapestry as an attribute. And while creating outgoing URLs of page link and event link, I want to access the storeId which was saved in Request and inject it to the URL which will be rendered in method transformPageRenderLink.
But I don't know how to pass parameters to transformPageRenderLink method or access Request instance there.
I am following example.
I am new to URL Rewriting, any help with this will be appreciated.
You will probably be interested in the ModeComponentEventLinkEncoder here. It removes a "mode" from the URL and puts it onto the Environment before passing it on to the normal tapestry URL processing.
It's a two way process so the "mode" is included in any links generated on the page.
Note: This is applied as a decorator here

Wicket trigger request after another request

I try my best to describe my situation.
My wicket site contains list wicket component, where every list element has another list. Each element in lowest level list has ajax wicket link to download some file. All this works fine. I used to this AjaxBehaviour. Method startDownload of this behaviour is invoked within link onClick method.
public void startDownload(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.appendJavaScript("window.location.href='" + getCallbackUrl() +"'");
Method onRequest of this behaviour is:
public void onRequest() {
IRequestHandler fileTarget = new IRequestHandler() {
public void respond(IRequestCycle requestCycle) {
if (null != file) {
try {
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
WebResponse resp = (WebResponse) requestCycle.getResponse();
String contentType = FileUtils.getFileType(fileName);
if (contentType != null) {
resp.setHeader("Pragma", "anytextexeptno-cache");
resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=0");
Streams.copy(inputStream, requestCycle.getResponse().getOutputStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
Now i need to reload model and refresh some components in the page after download file action. I tried to add entire page to the AjaxRequestTarget in method onclick, after code invoked startDownload method. Reload page works fine but window with file to download doesn`t show.
I think that i have to do reload page in other, separate request (maybe i'm mistaken? ), because in this request i call 'window.location.href=....', but i don`t know how i can to enforce second request to reload page.
Does have someone some ideas what I do wrong ? And how can I resolve my problem ?
Seems you need something like this:
It seems that my implementation is simmilar to this from website. In onRequest method i used getComponent().getRequestCycle().scheduleRequestHandlerAfterCurrent(handler), and despite of this doesn`t work.
Is possible that reason of this is component, which cause request is added to target (because i add to target entire page and component - ajaxLink in this example, is child of this page)

How to restrict a user to login in only one tab/window using java and javascript?

My requirement is to give access like one login per user, For that I have updated the login Status to true in db when user login, and false when user logout.
But the problem is when user close the window without logout.
To handle window close I have implemented the following js code
var validNavigation = false;
function wireUpEvents() {
var dont_confirm_leave = 0;
var leave_message = 'You sure you want to leave?'
function goodbye(e) {
if (!validNavigation) {
if (dont_confirm_leave!==1) {
if(!e) e = window.event;
//e.cancelBubble is supported by IE - this will kill the bubbling process.
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = leave_message;
//e.stopPropagation works in Firefox.
if (e.stopPropagation) {
//return works for Chrome and Safari
return leave_message;
window.location = "logout.jsp";
// Attach the event keypress to exclude the F5 refresh
$(document).bind('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 116){
validNavigation = true;
// Attach the event click for all links in the page
$("a").bind("click", function() {
validNavigation = true;
// Attach the event submit for all forms in the page
$("form").bind("submit", function() {
validNavigation = true;
// Attach the event click for all inputs in the page
$("input[type=submit]").bind("click", function() {
validNavigation = true;
// Attach the event click for all inputs in the page
$("input[type='button']").bind("click", function() {
validNavigation = true;
// Wire up the events as soon as the DOM tree is ready
$(document).ready(function() {
Here it works for window close, means if user close the window it goes to logout page, but problem is it was going to logout page when user reloads the page.
So I need bind the reload event also like the above js code for f5, submit and anchor tags.
Pleae help me in this regard.
Thanks in Advance...
Two things came into my mind:
First of all the fact that the user is logged in, doesnt mean that theres any activity going on, some people leave there pc turned on with the browser running.
Second is that even if the user closes a page it doesnt necesserly means that he/she wanted to logout and its especially true if the user use two tab to navigate on your site.
So instead of trying to check when they close the tab I suggest considering the idea of logging them out only when they login from somewhere else and/or setting up a timer that automatically log them out after a certain amount of inactivity.
