This is my json:
"taggedEntries": {
"user/f8cf24ef-4bd0-846f-a11a781ce81a/tag/TEST": [
"user/f8cf24ef-4bd0-846f-a11a781ce81a/tag/global.unsaved": [
"user/f8cf24ef-4bd0-846f-a11a781ce81a/tag/286f1f46-911c-4bc2-4b028b0d7ed0": [
How can I parse it?
I would like to get the following structure
TaggedEntries<String, Array<String>>
1 argument is tag name, 2 argument is ids tag
Tag name is a dynamic string. I can't get as static element of json.
Any idea?
Thanks for help :)
Parse to Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> then call get("taggedEntries") to get the Map<String, List<String>> value you're looking for.
In your TaggedEntries class you should have HashMap>. I think your argument without POJO is hard or messy I think. You'll play with alot of JsonObject / JsonArray.
My solution:
val obj = JsonParser().parse(jsonStr).asJsonObject.getAsJsonObject("taggedEntries")
val entries = obj.entrySet() //will return members of your object
val data = mutableMapOf<String,ArrayList<String>>()
for ((key) in entries) {
val ids: JsonArray = obj.getAsJsonArray(key)
val listIdTags = arrayListOf<String>()
// Print Data
data.forEach(){ key, value ->
println("Key: $key")
println( it)
Maybe there is a better solution but I haven't found it. If you have a solution I'd like to hear it.
When you need some special things, you may need some special handiwork to be done and this isn't a rocket science, really :) For example, using a tiny JSON parser
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class ParseMyJson {
private static final String myJson = "{" +
"\"taggedEntries\": {" +
"\"user/f8cf24ef-4bd0-846f-a11a781ce81a/tag/TEST\": [" +
"\"20HQtzLrqRe8xz8tybYf2aS087xS92Zi_1719877dbea:8e4:6eb16f2b\"]," +
"\"user/f8cf24ef-4bd0-846f-a11a781ce81a/tag/global.unsaved\": [" +
"\"360ebRQH+hi4mCv/YibdkukUtv175h4JfU23PTw2O8M=_171888f776b:69cb:f8e58482\"," +
"\"20HQtzL4prqRe8xz8tybYf2aS087xS92Zi+zuo=_171987c5e49:8ed:6eb16f2b\"," +
"\"20HQtzL4rqRe8xz8tybYf2aS087xS92Zi+zuo=_171987d5d3d:8ee:6eb16f2b\"," +
"\"20HQtzL4q9uNe8xz8tybYf2aS087xS92Zi+zuo=_1719854c09a:8bd:6eb16f2b\"" +
"]," +
"\"user/f8cf24ef-4bd0-846f-a11a781ce81a/tag/286f1f46-911c-4bc2-4b028b0d7ed0\": [" +
"\"v1I7ZIsSoGZxr80NFebazQf2J2QviXCcdot3TOU=_1717e68bf58:fcd1:75b51987\"," +
"\"360ebRQH+hibdkukUtv175h4JfU23PTw2O8M=_171888f776b:69cb:f8e58482\"," +
"\"20HQtzL4q9uqRe8xz8tybYf2aS087xS92Zi+zuo=_171983b3399:8b7:6eb16f2b\"" +
"]" +
"}" +
public static void main(String[] args) {
final TaggedEntries<String, String> result = new TaggedEntries<>();
final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
new JsonParserListenerAdaptor() {
private String lastPropertyName = null;
private boolean inArray = false;
public boolean onObjectMember(final CharSequence name) {
lastPropertyName = name.toString();
return true;
public boolean onArrayStarted() {
inArray = true;
return true;
public boolean onArrayEnded() {
inArray = false;
return true;
public boolean onStringValue(final CharSequence data) {
if (inArray) {
return true;
public static class TaggedEntries<T, V> {
private final Map<T, List<V>> allEntries = new HashMap();
private List<V> currentTagValues;
public TaggedEntries() {
public void onTag(final T tag) {
currentTagValues = new ArrayList<>();
allEntries.put(tag, currentTagValues);
public void onValue(final V value) {
if (currentTagValues == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("onTag must be called before");
public List<V> tagValues(final T tag) {
return allEntries.get(tag);
public Set<T> tags() {
return allEntries.keySet();
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("TaggedEntries{\n");
allEntries.forEach((t, vs) -> {
vs.forEach(v -> result.append("\t\t").append(v).append('\n'));
return result.toString();
I have a properties file like this.
How to read this file as a list of objects of a class {name, value} in plain java program using ResourceBundle or Properties?
Here is the class.
public class XYZ {
private String name;
private String value;
// Getters & Setters
I need to get like this.
ArrayList<XYZ> propertiesList = SomeUtility.getProperties("property", XYZ.class);
Utility class might be like this.
public class SomeUtility {
public static ArrayList getProperties(String key, Class cls) {
I might not understand exactly what you want so feel free to correct me and give me more constraints to work with but here is a simple way to read a Properties file located somewhere in your project:
private static void readPropertiesFile(String path) throws IOException {
java.util.Map<String, String> map = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<>();
Properties properties = new Properties();
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(path);
for (String name : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
map.put(name, properties.getProperty(name));
for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
System.out.printf("Property Key: %s, Property Value: %s%n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
Property Key: property[0].name, Property Value: A
Property Key: property[1].name, Property Value: B
Property Key: property[0].value, Property Value: 1
Property Key: property[1].value, Property Value: 2
Property Key: property[2].name, Property Value: C
Property Key: property[2].value, Property Value: 3
This is the solution I wrote, but it involves Reflect and Gson. Is there any better way to do this? Anything already available which is fine tuned like Apache's.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;
public class ListResourceBundle {
public static final Gson gson = new Gson();
private final ResourceBundle bundle;
public ListResourceBundle(ResourceBundle bundle) {
this.bundle = bundle;
public List<?> getProperties(String key, Class<?> cls) {
final int maxArraySize = getMaxArraySize(key, getMatchingKeys(key));
final List<String> fields = getFields(cls);
final List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < maxArraySize; i++) {
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
for (String field : fields) {
jsonObject.addProperty(field, getStringOrNull(key + "[" + i + "]." + field));
result.add(gson.fromJson(jsonObject, cls));
System.out.println("result.toString() = " + result.toString());
return result;
public List<String> getMatchingKeys(String key) {
Enumeration<String> keys = bundle.getKeys();
List<String> matchingKeys = new ArrayList<>();
while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String k = keys.nextElement();
if(k.startsWith(key)) {
return matchingKeys;
public int getMaxArraySize(String key, List<String> matchingKeys) {
int maxArraySize = 0;
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
boolean indexAvailable = false;
for (String matchingKey : matchingKeys) {
if(matchingKey.startsWith(key + "[" + i + "]")) {
indexAvailable = true;
if(indexAvailable) {
} else {
return maxArraySize;
public String getStringOrNull(String key) {
try {
return bundle.getString(key);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
return null;
public List<String> getFields(Class<?> cls) {
final List<String> fields = new ArrayList<>();
for (Field field : cls.getDeclaredFields()) {
return fields;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.example.application.resources.Resource");
ListResourceBundle applicationResourceBundle = new ListResourceBundle(bundle);
applicationResourceBundle.getProperties("property", ReportParam.class);
result.toString() = [
ReportParam{name='A', value='1'},
ReportParam{name='B', value='2'},
ReportParam{name='C', value='3'}]
Process finished with exit code 0
I know it's bit late of an answer, but if I understand your problem statement correctly, you can use :
to get your job done.
Here is my spring-boot example with a YAML file for the sake of convenience (same can be achieved through properties file as well).
xyzprops :
name: cbc
value: 441
name: obc
value: 443
XYZ class:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "xyz")
public class XYZ{
private List<XYZProps> xyzprops;
public List<XYZProps> getXyzprops() {
return xyzprops;
public void setXyzprops(List<XYZProps> xyzprops) {
this.xyzprops = xyzprops;
public class XYZProps{
String name;
String value;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
And then #Autowire XYZ where you want to use it.
I would use JSON:
in your file:
and then deserialize it using (or any other) library:
ArrayList<XYZ> propertiesList;
propertiesList = new gsonbuilder().create().fromjson(property, propertiesList.class);
NOTE: I haven't tested this code, and i'm not very familiar with java so i am sure there is a better,cleaner way to implement this.
I have three HashMap of this generic type HashMap<String,Server> but I want to combine the data of all the HashMap based on my unique key. But only Server pojo has different data.
So first hashmap has some servers information like ip_address and server name therefore I have both values in map and ip_address as key. Then I have some other hardware spec stored in other map and ip_address as key and so same in third map.
Therefore, combining all POJO based on key I will get complete server information with corresponding ip_address.
I don't know how to do it without doing nested operation
Here is a way to do this. I have shown the example code using only two Map collections, and, the third can be applied in similar way.
I am using Map's computeIfPresent method to "merge" the values of the two maps. The BiFunction (the argument for the computeIfPresent) need to take care of the "merging" aspect - any validations, etc., presently not known (to me). Also, see the note below on computeIfPresent.
Example code:
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
public class CombiningMaps {
private static Map<String, ServerInfo> map1 = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<String, ServerInfo> map2 = new HashMap<>();
private static BiFunction<String, ServerInfo, ServerInfo> combineWithMap2 =
(k, v) -> {
if (map2.get(k) != null) {
ServerInfo v2 = map2.get(k);
// combine values of map1 and map2
return v;
public static void main(String [] args) {
// Add some test data to map 1
map1.put("serv1", new ServerInfo("0A", "a1", "",""));
map1.put("serv2", new ServerInfo("0B", "b1", "",""));
map1.put("serv3", new ServerInfo("0C", "c1", "",""));
// Add some data to map 2
map2.put("serv1", new ServerInfo("0A", "", "a2",""));
map2.put("serv2", new ServerInfo("0B", "", "b2",""));
map2.put("serv3", new ServerInfo("0C", "", "c2",""));
// Update map1 with map 2's info
map1.forEach((k,v) -> map1.computeIfPresent(k, combineWithMap2));
class ServerInfo {
private String ipAddr;
private String hw1; // hw stands for hardware related info
private String hw2;
private String hw3;
public ServerInfo(String ipAddr, String hw1, String hw2, String hw3) {
this.ipAddr = ipAddr;
this.hw1 = hw1;
this.hw2 = hw2;
this.hw3 = hw3;
public String getIpAddr() {
return ipAddr;
public String getHw1() {
return hw1;
public void setHw1(String s) {
hw1 = s;
public String getHw2() {
return hw2;
public void setHw2(String s) {
hw2 = s;
public String getHw3() {
return hw3;
public void setHw3(String s) {
hw3 = s;
public String toString() {
return ipAddr + ":" + hw1 + "-" + hw2 + "-" + hw3;
The output:
{serv2=0B:b1--, serv3=0C:c1--, serv1=0A:a1--}
{serv2=0B:-b2-, serv3=0C:-c2-, serv1=0A:-a2-}
{serv2=0B:b1-b2-, serv3=0C:c1-c2-, serv1=0A:a1-a2-}
How the computeIfPresent behaves (some scenarios):
Consider a Map<String, Integer> map with keys and values: {four=4, one=1, ten=10, two=2, three=3, five=5, eleven=11, twelve=null}
(1) updates the mapping with new value (note the lambda is a BiFunction returning a newly computed value):
map.computeIfPresent("ten", (k, v) -> new Integer(100));
(2) the function returns a null, the existing mapping is removed:
map.computeIfPresent("eleven", (k, v) -> null);
(3) the mapping is not added, as there is no existing mapping:
map.computeIfPresent("twenty", (k, v) -> new Integer(20));
(4) the existing value is null, so there is no change:
map.computeIfPresent("twelve", (k, v) -> new Integer(12));
After getting all values in three maps I used finalMap to combine values. Here is the working for it since the key is same in all map therefore getting key of map using key of
map1 was a good idea.
Set<Map.Entry<String, Server>> set1 = map.entrySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, Server> me : set1) {
Server server=new Server();
finalMap.put(me.getKey(), server);
Set<Map.Entry<String, Server>> set2 = finalMap.entrySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, Server> me : set2) {
System.out.println(" ServerIP : "+ me.getValue().getIp_Address()+"\t"+" Server Name :"+me.getValue().getServerName()+"\t \t"+" Hardware Capacity :"+me.getValue().getHardDiskCapacity()+"\t"+" Average CPU Utlization: "+me.getValue().getAvgCPUtilization());
Use putAll():
Map<String, Server> all = new HashMap<>();
If you want a one-liner:
Map<String, Server> all = Stream.of(map1, map2, map3)
.reduce(new HashMap<>(), (a, b) -> {a.putAll(b); return a;});
Collisions result in replacement.
Your problem it to merge two POJO classes.
For example
class Server {
private String ipAddr;
private String hw1;
private String hw2;
private String hw3;
//Getter and Setters
Server s1 = new Server("0A", "a1", null, null);
Server s2 = new Server("0A", null, "b2", null);
So the merged pojo should be like this.
Server merged = merge(s1, s2);// Server{ipAddr=0A, hw1=a1, hw2=b2, hw3=null}
The merge function looks like this...
public static Server merge(Server s1, Server s2) throws Exception {
Server merged = new Server();
for (Field field : Server.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
Object getS1 = field.get(s1);
Object getS2 = field.get(s2);
if(getS1 == null && getS2 != null) {
field.set(merged, getS2);
} else if (getS1 != null && getS2 == null) {
field.set(merged, getS1);
} else { //equal values
field.set(merged, getS1);
return merged;
Here is the example code to merge three maps, Its kinda quick and dirty but works well.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
class MergeMaps {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Map<String, Server> map1 = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Server> map2 = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Server> map3 = new HashMap<>();
// Add some test data to map 1
map1.put("serv1", new Server("0A", "a1", null, null));
map1.put("serv2", new Server("0B", "b1", null, null));
// Add some data to map 2
map2.put("serv1", new Server("0A", null, "a2", null));
map2.put("serv2", new Server("0B", null, "b2", null));
map2.put("serv3", new Server("0C", null, "c2", null));
// Add some data to map 3
map3.put("serv1", new Server("0A", null, null, "a3"));
map3.put("serv2", new Server("0B", null, null, "b3"));
map3.put("serv3", new Server("0C", null, null, "c3"));
map3.put("serv4", new Server("0D", null, null, "d4"));
Map<String, Server> resultingMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Server> entry : map2.entrySet()) {
if (resultingMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
Server s = resultingMap.get(entry.getKey());
Server t = entry.getValue();
Server merged = merge(s, t);
resultingMap.put(entry.getKey(), merged);
} else {
resultingMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
for (Map.Entry<String, Server> entry : map3.entrySet()) {
if (resultingMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
Server server1 = resultingMap.get(entry.getKey());
Server server2 = entry.getValue();
Server merged = merge(server1, server2);
resultingMap.put(entry.getKey(), merged);
} else {
resultingMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
public static Server merge(Server s1, Server s2) throws Exception {
Server merged = new Server();
for (Field field : Server.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
Object getS1 = field.get(s1);
Object getS2 = field.get(s2);
if (getS1 == null && getS2 != null) {
field.set(merged, getS2);
} else if (getS1 != null && getS2 == null) {
field.set(merged, getS1);
} else {
field.set(merged, getS1);
return merged;
class Server {
private String ipAddr;
private String hw1;
private String hw2;
private String hw3;
public Server() {
public Server(String ipAddr, String hw1, String hw2, String hw3) {
this.ipAddr = ipAddr;
this.hw1 = hw1;
this.hw2 = hw2;
this.hw3 = hw3;
//Getter and setters
public String toString() {
return "Server{" + "ipAddr=" + ipAddr + ", hw1=" + hw1 + ", hw2=" + hw2 + ", hw3=" + hw3 + '}';
The output looks like this..
{serv2=Server{ipAddr=0B, hw1=b1, hw2=null, hw3=null}, serv1=Server{ipAddr=0A, hw1=a1, hw2=null, hw3=null}}
{serv2=Server{ipAddr=0B, hw1=null, hw2=b2, hw3=null}, serv3=Server{ipAddr=0C, hw1=null, hw2=c2, hw3=null}, serv1=Server{ipAddr=0A, hw1=null, hw2=a2, hw3=null}}
{serv2=Server{ipAddr=0B, hw1=null, hw2=null, hw3=b3}, serv3=Server{ipAddr=0C, hw1=null, hw2=null, hw3=c3}, serv4=Server{ipAddr=0D, hw1=null, hw2=null, hw3=d4}, serv1=Server{ipAddr=0A, hw1=null, hw2=null, hw3=a3}}
{serv2=Server{ipAddr=0B, hw1=b1, hw2=b2, hw3=b3}, serv3=Server{ipAddr=0C, hw1=null, hw2=c2, hw3=c3}, serv4=Server{ipAddr=0D, hw1=null, hw2=null, hw3=d4}, serv1=Server{ipAddr=0A, hw1=a1, hw2=a2, hw3=a3}}
I have MaterailInfo and StyleInfo, I want to set styleDescription based on StyleNumber matching with materialNumber. I am using 2 for loops, is there any alternative solution?
class MaterailInfo {
private String materialNumber;
private String materialDescription;
public MaterailInfo(String materialNumber, String materialDescription) {
this.materialNumber = materialNumber;
this.materialDescription = materialDescription;
// getter setter methods
class StyleInfo {
private String StyleNumber;
private String styleDescription;
public StyleInfo(String styleNumber, String styleDescription) {
StyleNumber = styleNumber;
this.styleDescription = styleDescription;
// getter setter toString methods
public class TEst12 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<MaterailInfo> mList = new ArrayList<MaterailInfo>();
mList.add(new MaterailInfo("a", "a-desc"));
mList.add(new MaterailInfo("b", "b-desc"));
mList.add(new MaterailInfo("c", "c-desc"));
List<StyleInfo> sList = new ArrayList<StyleInfo>();
sList.add(new StyleInfo("a", ""));
sList.add(new StyleInfo("b", ""));
sList.add(new StyleInfo("c", ""));
for (MaterailInfo m : mList) {
for (StyleInfo s : sList) {
if (s.getStyleNumber().equals(m.getMaterialNumber())) {
If you use a Map instead of a List to store your data, you can get away with doing only a single loop:
Map<String, String> mMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
mMap.put("a", "a-desc");
mMap.put("b", "b-desc");
mMap.put("c", "c-desc");
Map<String, String> sMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
sMap.put("a", "");
sMap.put("b", "");
sMap.put("c", "");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mMap.entrySet()) {
sMap.put(entry.getKey(), mMap.get(entry.getKey());
This code will leave the style description empty if the style number does not match any known material number.
If your numbers can't have duplicates, using a HashMap instead of classes can be a bit faster.
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HashMap<String, String> mList = new HashMap();
HashMap<String, String> sList = new HashMap();
mList.put("a", "a-desc");
mList.put("b", "b-desc");
mList.put("c", "c-desc");
sList.put("a", "");
sList.put("b", "");
sList.put("c", "");
Iterator entries = sList.entrySet().iterator();
while (entries.hasNext()) {
Entry entry = (Entry);
if (mList.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
sList.put((String) entry.getKey(), mList.get(entry.getKey()));
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sList.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());
You can do this using one for loop like this
for (int i = 0; i < mList.size(); i++) {
Note: i am assuming you have balanced lists in term of size.