I want to have a list with almost all the values from an enum. I tried to do that with the help of stream but I don't know why it is not working.
For example I am trying to do like this:
SortingType.stream() //
.filter(d -> !d.getName().equals(SortingType.UNKNOWN.getName()))
.forEach(u -> {
sortingList.add(createSortingBE(locale, u, u.name().equalsIgnoreCase(sortingType.name())));
.stream() appears with red and I receive this message : " Cannot resolve method 'stream' in 'SortingType' "
Sorting Type
public enum SortingType {
DISTANCE("DISTANCE", 101, "Sorting POIs by distance"),
PRICE("PRICE", 104, "Sorting POIS by price"),
UNKNOWN("UNKNOWN", 000, "Unknown sorting option");
private String name;
private Integer identifier;
private String description;
SortingType(final String name, final Integer identifier, final String description) {
this.name = name;
this.identifier = identifier;
this.description = description;
public static SortingType getByName(final String name) {
return Stream.of(values()).filter(u -> u.name.equalsIgnoreCase(name)).findFirst().orElse(SortingType.UNKNOWN);
public static SortingType getByIdentifier(final Integer identifier) {
return Stream.of(values()).filter(u -> u.identifier.equals(identifier)).findFirst().orElse(SortingType.UNKNOWN);
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public Integer getIdentifier() {
return identifier;
public String getName() {
return name;
You should simply add the stream() method like this.
public enum SortingType {
// .....
public static Stream<SortingType> stream() {
return Stream.of(values());
public enum MyType {
Type2("C","D" );
private List<String> value;
MyType(String... value) {
this.value = Arrays.asList(value);
public static Optional<MyType> fromString(String type) {
return Arrays.stream(MyType.values())
.filter(typ -> MyType.getValue().contains(typ)).findFirst();
private List<String> getValue() {
return value;
I want the enum Type1 , and Type 2 to have a description as well
MyType1.fromString("A") will return Optional .I want a method to return value "Type1"
If you want a "description" you can add one, but since you have a vararg it must be the first argument. Also, your fromString method ignores the type argument (so you should fix that too). Something like,
public enum MyType {
Type1("Type1 Description", "A", "B"), Type2("Type2 Description", "C", "D");
private String description;
private List<String> value;
MyType(String description, String... value) {
this.description = description;
this.value = Arrays.asList(value);
public static Optional<MyType> fromString(String type) {
return Arrays.stream(MyType.values())
.filter(typ -> typ.getValue().contains(type)).findFirst();
private List<String> getValue() {
return value;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
As you can see below, I have three declared enums, and each class has a method called getEnumByName() which revives a name and returns the enum which has that name.
I have noticed that I am duplicating the same functionality of this method on each enum.
Is there any way to change this method to a generic one, which receives the given enum's type and does the same logic?
public class Enums {
public enum A {
APPLY("Apply", "abcde");
private String id;
private String name;
A(String name, String id) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
public static A getEnumByName(String name) throws Exception {
for (A instance : A.values()) {
if (instance.getName().equals(name)) return instance;
throw new Exception("There is no operations matches :" + name);
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public enum B {
APPLY("Apply", "1"),
SAVE("Save", "2"),
REVERT("Revert", "2"),
REVERT_CHILD("Revert->Revert", "4"),
REVERT_APPLY("Revert->Revert Apply", "5"),
SYNC("Sync", "6"),
OPERATIONS("Operations", "7"),
IMPORT("Import", "8"),
EXPORT("Export", "9"),
DIFF("Diff", "10");
private String id;
private String name;
B(String name, String id) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
public static B getEnumByName(String name) throws Exception {
for (B instance : B.values()) {
if (instance.getName().equals(name)) return instance;
throw new Exception("There is no operations matches :" + name);
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public enum C {
UPDATE_POLICES("Update Policies", "A"),
OPERATIONS("Operations", "B"),
IMPORT_CONFIGURATION_FILE("Import Configuration File", "c"),
EXPORT_CONFIGURATION_FILE("Export Configuration File", "d"),
EXPORT_LOG_SUPPORT_FILE("Export Log Support File", "f"),
EXPORT_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT_FILE("Export Technical Support File", "g"),
UPDATE_SOFTWARE_VERSION("Update Software Version", "g"),
UPDATE_SECURITY_SINGAUTES("Update Security Signatures", "h"),
DIFF("Diff", "k");
private String id;
private String name;
C(String name, String id) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
public static C getEnumByName(String name) throws Exception {
for (C instance : C.values()) {
if (instance.getName().equals(name)) return instance;
throw new Exception("There is no operations matches :" + name);
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getId() {
return id;
One option is to have them all implement a common interface called, say, Named:
interface Named {
String getName();
Now you can create a generic method like this:
static <E extends Enum<E> & Named> E getEnumByName(Class<E> enumClass, String name) throws Exception {
return Arrays.stream(enumClass.getEnumConstants())
.filter(e -> e.getName().equals(name))
.orElseThrow(() -> new Exception("There is no operations matches :" + name));
And call it like this:
A a = getEnumByName(A.class, "Apply");
Consider using the static Enum valueOf() method. You can call it generically as follows or just call it directly. See this answer for details.
static <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnumByName(Class<E> enumClass, String name) {
return Enum.valueOf(enumClass, name);
I have a POJO class A with the below structure
class A{
private String var1;
private int var2;
private String var3;
I have two ArrayList<A> List1 and List2 with different size. I want to remove all elements in List1 which are already present in List2 and this equality needs to be checked with respect to the value stored in var2.
I have already checked making the List a Hashset and using removeAll(). But this wont give the desired output since for the same var2, var1 values differ.
Please help me solve this problem.
Edit 1 - Requested by Murat
public class HistoryDto implements Serializable,Comparable<HistoryDto> {
private Integer id;
private String sId;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
public String getSId() {
return sId;
public void setSId(String sId) {
this.sId = sId;
public String getTrackName() {
return trackName;
public void setTrackName(String trackName) {
this.trackName = trackName;
public String getTrackDescription() {
return trackDescription;
public void setTrackDescription(String trackDescription) {
this.trackDescription = trackDescription;
public Integer getUsedNo() {
return usedNo;
public void setUsedNo(Integer usedNo) {
this.usedNo = usedNo;
public String getExtraInfo() {
return extraInfo;
public void setExtraInfo(String extraInfo) {
this.extraInfo = extraInfo;
public String getImageUrl() {
return imageUrl;
public void setImageUrl(String imageUrl) {
this.imageUrl = imageUrl;
public Integer getPartyId() {
return partyId;
public void setPartyId(Integer partyId) {
this.partyId = partyId;
private String trackName;
private String trackDescription;
private Integer usedNo;
private String extraInfo;
private String imageUrl;
private Integer partyId;
public int compareTo(HistoryDto other) {
return this.sId.compareTo(other.sId);
Removing Items
ListA.removeAll(new HashSet(listB));
You need 2 loops nested.
for each in A do
for each in B do
if (current item of A equals to current item of B)
say yes!
You just need to translate it to Java.
You may do it using the Stream API:
Set<Integer> var2 = list2.stream()
.map(a -> a.var2)
.filter(a -> !var2.contains(a.var2))
This question already has answers here:
How to retrieve Enum name using the id?
(11 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
i dont know how to effective get name of my enum type in java
I have:
public enum EventType{
event_one(1, "ONE"), event_two(2, "TWO");.........
private final int value;
private final String eventName;
private EventType(int EventType, String name) {
this.value = EventType;
this.eventName = name;
public String getEventName() {
return eventName;
public int getValue() {
return this.value;
And now, i want get eventName by id.. enum.get(1); //ONE
What is best way? For loop? Or is there any other way?
You don't really need an "id". Use enum.ordinal() instead. Then you can just do something like this:
public String getEventName(int id) { return EventType.values[id].getName(); }
You can use EventType.values()[position-1].getEventName() if your values are in order. Second approach is to use Map and get the Enum by code and retrieve event Name. Below is an example of the 2 approaches mentioned.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
enum EventType {
event_one(1, "ONE"), event_two(2, "TWO");
private final int value;
private final String eventName;
private EventType(int EventType, String name) {
this.value = EventType;
this.eventName = name;
public String getEventName() {
return eventName;
public int getValue() {
return this.value;
static Map<Integer, EventType> map = new HashMap<>();
static {
for (EventType catalog : EventType.values()) {
map.put(catalog.value, catalog);
public static EventType getByCode(int code) {
return map.get(code);
public static EventType getByPosition(int positionCode) {
return EventType.values()[positionCode - 1];
public static void main(String[] args) {
String name = EventType.getByCode(1).getEventName();
How can I get the name of a Java Enum type given its value?
I have the following code which works for a particular Enum type, can I make it more generic?
public enum Category {
private final String identifier;
private Category(String identifier) {
this.identifier = identifier;
public String toString() {
return identifier;
public static String getEnumNameForValue(Object value){
Category[] values = Category.values();
String enumValue = null;
for(Category eachValue : values) {
enumValue = eachValue.toString();
if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
return eachValue.name();
return enumValue;
You should replace your getEnumNameForValue by a call to the name() method.
Try below code
public enum SalaryHeadMasterEnum {
BASIC_PAY("basic pay"),
MEDICAL_ALLOWANCE("Medical Allowance");
private String name;
private SalaryHeadMasterEnum(String stringVal) {
public String toString(){
return name;
public static String getEnumByString(String code){
for(SalaryHeadMasterEnum e : SalaryHeadMasterEnum.values()){
if(e.name.equals(code)) return e.name();
return null;
Now you can use below code to retrieve the Enum by Value
SalaryHeadMasterEnum.getEnumByString("Basic Pay")
Use Below code to get ENUM as String
Use below code to get string Value for enum
Try, the following code..
public String toString() {
return this.name();
Here is the below code, it will return the Enum name from Enum value.
public enum Test {
PLUS("Plus One"), MINUS("MinusTwo"), TIMES("MultiplyByFour"), DIVIDE(
private String operationName;
private Test(final String operationName) {
public String getOperationName() {
return operationName;
public void setOperationName(final String operationName) {
this.operationName = operationName;
public static Test getOperationName(final String operationName) {
for (Test oprname : Test.values()) {
if (operationName.equals(oprname.toString())) {
return oprname;
return null;
public String toString() {
return operationName;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test = Test.getOperationName("Plus One");
switch (test) {
case PLUS:
case MINUS:
In such cases, you can convert the values of enum to a List and stream through it.
Something like below examples. I would recommend using filter().
Using ForEach:
List<Category> category = Arrays.asList(Category.values());
category.stream().forEach(eachCategory -> {
String name = eachCategory.name();
Or, using Filter:
When you want to find with code:
List<Category> categoryList = Arrays.asList(Category.values());
Category category = categoryList.stream().filter(eachCategory -> eachCategory.toString().equals("3")).findAny().orElse(null);
System.out.println(category.toString() + " " + category.name());
When you want to find with name:
List<Category> categoryList = Arrays.asList(Category.values());
Category category = categoryList.stream().filter(eachCategory -> eachCategory.name().equals("Apple")).findAny().orElse(null);
System.out.println(category.toString() + " " + category.name());
Hope it helps! I know this is a very old post, but someone can get help.
I believe it's better to provide the required method in the enum itself. This is how I fetch Enum Name for a given value. This works for CONSTANT("value") type of enums.
public enum WalletType {
private String walletType;
WalletType(String walletType) {
this.walletType = walletType;
public String getWalletType() {
return walletTypeValue;
public WalletType getByValue(String value) {
return Arrays.stream(WalletType.values()).filter(wallet -> wallet.getWalletType().equalsIgnoreCase(value)).findFirst().get();
e.g. WalletType.getByValue("google-pay").name()
this will give you - GPAY
enum MyEnum {
private String name;
private static final Map<String,MyEnum> unmodifiableMap;
MyEnum (String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
static {
Map<String,MyEnum> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MyEnum>();
for (MyEnum instance : MyEnum.values()) {
unmodifiableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
public static MyEnum get (String name) {
return unmodifiableMap.get(name.toLowerCase());
Now you can use below code to retrieve the Enum by Value