Mockito mock same method calls with different collection-arguments - java

I try to mock same method calls with different collection-arguments.
My problem is that im not getting the correct mocked-answer from Mocked-Call for the input.
public class CollectionTest {
private Controller c;
public void init() {
Collection<String> a = Mockito.anyCollection();
Collection<String> b = Mockito.anyCollection();
public void test() {
assertEquals("a","a"))); // DOESNT'WORK!!! Returns "b" but should "a"
assertEquals("b","b"))); //
public class Controller{
public String run(Collection<String> c) {
return "not-mocked";
I'v got no idea why it doesn't return "a". I tried to change the collection to string but same behaviour.
What are the Steps to do, to get the following behaviour?
public void test() {
assertEquals("a","a"))); // should return "a"
assertEquals("b","b"))); // should return "b"
Im using Java Mockito "3.1" and Spring, but I think Mockito is the important information here.

Your second call - Mockito.when("b");
is overruling our first call so Mockito will therefore always return "b".
If you need multiple answers from the same call, you can use the varags variant:
when("a", "b");
Now the first call to the controller's run method will return "a" and all subsequent calls will return "b". You can provide as many return results as you want and the last one will be repeated from then on as the answer.

Write two tests will show you the results you are expecting.
You are adding to the same Controller two different results so you get only the last one : Mockito.when("b");
Normal. The last mocked expected result in your setUp() will stay in memory.
Previous answer was :
You can use something like junit and mockito to test your spring-web-mvc application.
It looks like that :
#WebMvcTest(controllers = UserController.class)
class UserControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private UserService userService;
private List<User> userList;
void setUp() {
this.userList = new ArrayList<>();
this.userList.add(new User(1L, "", "pwd1","User1"));
this.userList.add(new User(2L, "", "pwd2","User2"));
this.userList.add(new User(3L, "", "pwd3","User3"));
And as an example :
void shouldFetchAllUsers() throws Exception {
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.size()", is(userList.size() )));
Example from #see


How to test a service with two dependencies

I don't know how to test a service with Mockito if it has two dependencies and the second dependency should work with the result of the first.
To better describe my problem, I wrote a small application for this:
With http://localhost:8080/countries one gets the result of three countries from
I would be very happy if you could show me how the unit tests for de.example.mockito.service.CountryService.class would look like.
It feels wrong to continue with the mocked result of this.restCountiesClient.findCountriesByCode(countryCodes) and use it as a parameter in, whose result is also mocked.
class CountryServiceTest {
RestCountriesClient client;
CountryMapper mapper;
CountryService countryService;
List<RestCountry> restCountryList;
List<CountryDto> countryDtoList;
final String COUNTRY_CODES = "pe,at";
void setUp() throws Exception {
countryService = new CountryService(client, mapper);
restCountryList = List.of(
new RestCountry(new RestCountryName("Peru", "Republic of Peru")),
new RestCountry(new RestCountryName("Austria", "Republic of Austria"))
countryDtoList = List.of(
new CountryDto("Peru", "Republic of Peru"),
new CountryDto("Austria", "Republic of Austria")
void getAllCountries() {
List<CountryDto> result = this.countryService.getAllCountries(COUNTRY_CODES);
assertEquals(2, result.size());
assertEquals("Peru", result.get(0).getCommonName());
assertEquals("Republic of Peru", result.get(0).getOfficialName());
assertEquals("Austria", result.get(1).getCommonName());
assertEquals("Republic of Austria", result.get(1).getOfficialName());
void getAllCountries2() {
List<CountryDto> result = this.countryService.getAllCountries2(COUNTRY_CODES);
assertEquals(2, result.size());
assertEquals("Peru", result.get(0).getCommonName());
assertEquals("Republic of Peru", result.get(0).getOfficialName());
assertEquals("Austria", result.get(1).getCommonName());
assertEquals("Republic of Austria", result.get(1).getOfficialName());
void tearDown() throws Exception {
reset(client, mapper);
Updated tests (2):
void getAllCountries() {
verify(client, times(1)).findCountriesByCode(COUNTRY_CODES);
verify(mapper, times(1)).map(restCountryList);
void getAllCountries2() {
List<CountryDto> result = this.countryService.getAllCountries2(COUNTRY_CODES);
assertEquals("Other Name", restCountryList.get(0).getName().getCommon());
verify(client, times(1)).findCountriesByCode(COUNTRY_CODES);
verify(mapper, times(1)).map(restCountryList);
When you are testing getAllCountries you are testing that the data flow works within the method, because the method itself doesn't do anything else but pass data between the dependencies. Therefore you do not need to set up populated objects for that method and you do not need to assert that the returned objects contain any particular populated data. You only need to verify that the expected (mocked) dependencies were called with the expected object references.
Testing the values you set up in th test belong to the unit test that target CountryMapper.
For getAllCountries2 you would have to verify that the value in the test data has changed like you expect, but again no need to verify the values otherwise.

initialise a service for mocking in java with mockito and junit 5

I'm trying to learn some integration testing whilst creating a project to make a game database, and have got a class that calls a service within it's methods
public DigitalGame findDigitalGameByTitleAndPlatform(DigitalGame digitalGame){
if(digitalGame == null){
return null;
return GamesJPAService.iDigitalGameRepository.findDigitalGameByTitleAndPlatform(digitalGame.getTitle(), digitalGame.getPlatform());
The GamesJpaService as shown below, is initialised as an #Service when the project is started as an application. But is not initialised within the test class, no matter whether it is autowired,newed up, or any other method I have spotted to try and initialise it. for example using the #InjectMocks annotation
public class GamesJPAService implements IJpaServices {
public static IDigitalGameRepository iDigitalGameRepository;
private IDigitalGameRepository iDigitalGameRepo;
public void init(){
iDigitalGameRepository = this.iDigitalGameRepo;
The IDigitalGameRepository that it calls looks like:
public interface IDigitalGameRepository extends JpaRepository<DigitalGame, String> {
DigitalGame findDigitalGameByTitleAndPlatform(String title, Platform platform);
I have ommited some methods from the proceeding code. My test class also looks like (at the moment)
#DisplayName("Digital Games Dao Test")
class DigitalGamesDaoTest {
Set<Peripheral> compatiblePeriphs = new HashSet<>();
Set<SupportedLanguages> supportedLanguages = new HashSet<>();
List<Mods> mods = new ArrayList<>();
List<DLC> dlc = new ArrayList<>();
DigitalGame olliolli = new DigitalGame("olliolli", "", "sports", "olliolli", new ReleaseDate(), new Platform(), compatiblePeriphs, new Developer(), new Publisher(), new Region(), supportedLanguages, new NoneEnglish(), mods, dlc, "", new SpecialEdition(), true, new Platform());
private IDigitalGamesDao digitalGamesDao;
GamesJPAService gamesJpaService;
void setUp() {
digitalGamesDao = new DigitalGamesDao();
#DisplayName("insertDigitalGame should return false when digital game already in database")
public void insertDigitalGameShouldReturnFalseWhenDigitalGameInDatabase(){
EntityManager mockEntityManager = mock(EntityManager.class);
when(GamesJPAService.iDigitalGameRepository.findDigitalGameByTitleAndPlatform(olliolli.getTitle(), olliolli.getPlatform())).thenReturn(olliolli);
#DisplayName("insertDigitalGame should return true when digital game added to database")
public void insertDigitalGameShouldReturnTrueWhenDigitalGameNotInDatabase(){
and I am getting a null pointer exception,
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "," because "" is null
As GamesJPAService is not being tested I need to know how to skip it and just return the value. So I need help to find a way for either, doing a component scan from my test class, or importing the GamesJPAService into it in a useable manner.
You need to annotate your test class with some think like that to make injection works
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { SpringTestConfiguration.class })
DisplayName("Digital Games Dao Test")
class DigitalGamesDaoTest {
But you have a nullpointer because GamesJPAService.iDigitalGameRepository is null. That's a static property and the instance of GamesJPAService is a mock so the init() method is never call.

Mockito, how to verify if the method of the tested class was called?

I want to check if toDishResponseDTO was called during a method execution. But it's not possible since this is a method of the class being tested. How can this be done?
class DishServiceTest {
DishRepository dishRepository;
RestaurantRepository restaurantRepository;
DishService dishService;
Method under test
public List<DishResponseDTO> getAll() {
List<Dish> dishlsit = dishRepository.findAll();
void shouldCallFindAllReturnDto_whenV() {
Mockito.verify(dishRepository, times(1)).findAll();
Mockito.verify(dishService times(6)).toDishResponseDTO(any()); // compile error, because verify can be called only on mocks
You won't be able to use Mockito to verify that method is called, but you can verify the output from the getAll() method given that you've mocked out the response to dishRepository.findAll(). So, in effect, just add some assertions after your verify calls that match your expected data with the actual data, I assume that this::toDishResponseDTO just return a Dish.
void shouldCallFindAllReturnDto_whenV() {
List<Dish> dishes = dishService.getAll();
Mockito.verify(dishRepository, times(1)).findAll();
assertThat(dishes, is(notNullValue());
assertThat(dishes.get(0).getSomeField, is(equalTo("someValue")));

Mocking a ListState in Apache Flink 1.4

I am writing some test code for a processElement function in Apache Flink 1.4:
public class ProcessFunctionClass {
public void processElement(Tuple2<String, String> tuple2, Context context, Collector<Tuple2<String, String>> collector) {
// if the state is empty, start a timer
if (listState.get().iterator().hasNext() == false)
// ...
public class ProcessFunctionClassTest {
private ProcessFunctionClass processFunctionClass;
private ListState<String> listState;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
processFunctionClass = new ProcessFunctionClass();
public void testProcessElement() {
ListState mockListState = mock(ListState.class);
Iterable mockIterable = mock(Iterable.class);
Iterator mockIterator = mock(Iterator.class);
processFunctionClass.processElement(tuple2, context, collector);
// verify(...)
When I debug using my IDE, just before I step into the processElement() method, listState is not null and appears to have been mocked successfully, but as soon as I get to listState.get().iterator().hasNext(), listState is null and I get a NullPointerException. What am I doing wrong here?
In ProcessFunctionClass you have a private listState variable.
In your test you create a completely unrelated mockListState variable and set some expectations on it.
For your test to work, you must provide a way (constructor or setter) to set ProcessFunctionClass.listState to desired value (your mocked list state)
On top of that, MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); seems to do nothing in your example: you haven't shown us any fields annotated with #Mock or #InjectMocks
You are misusing #Mock annotation.
You should place it in the test class, not in class under test.
When placed in the test class, after a call to initMocks, the filed will be initialized with a mock of an appropriate type.
What you should fo instead:
remove MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);, you are creating all the mocks manually.
add a constructor in ProcessFunctionClass
public ProcessFunctionClass(ListState<String> listState) {
this.listState = listState
use this constructor in your test
var mockListState = mock(ListState.class);
var processFunctionClass = new ProcessFunctionClass();

Decoupling a Mockito test from a specifc test value?

I am trying to test the method findById() method in the class below that reads data from my Database using the CrudRepository:
Class under test:
public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Integer>
Person findById(String id);
Below is my test class, the test is currently passing but I would like to change it so that if the id "1" I am testing with is removed from my database, I can still run my test. I.e. do not rely on data within the database.
How can I do so?
Test Class:
public class PersonRepositoryTest {
private PersonRepository personRepository;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
//Initialize the mocked class and ensure that it is not null
assertThat(personRepository, notNullValue());
public void testFindById() throws ParseException {
//test string
String id = "1";
//when it is called, return
when(personRepository.findById(anyString())).thenReturn(new Person());
Person person = personRepository.findById(id);
assertThat(person, notNullValue());
As mentioned in the Post comments by #Thomas, you are just mocking the database. I'm assuming you want to write a negative test case when the ID is 1.
You can just return null, instead of person Object. Instead of Matchers, pass a specific value to differentiate your positive and negative test cases.
Positive Case -
when(personRepository.findById(2)).thenReturn(new Person());
Negative Case -
