Loading a datePattern from application-properties file in Logback and Spring Boot - java

In my logback-spring.xml file, I have a defined a timestamp like so:
<timestamp key="date" datePattern="yyyyMMdd"/>
I wanted to know if it is possible to load this datePattern value from my application-properties file. I have defined a property logging.date.format=yyyyMMdd which I am using in other parts of the code and it would be really helpful if I could use this in my logback file as well so that I have to only make changes in a single place.

I pass properties to logback in my application. In my webapp initializer obtain the LoggerContext and input the properties. I reset the context because I change some other settings, don't know if it is required.
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
JoranConfigurator jc = new JoranConfigurator();
context.putProperty("prop-name", "prop-value");
In logback file, you can then use the properties line any other


capture logs in a test

I'm trying to capture bean allocation logs in a test - I've got code that I've tested, and will successfully capture logs from my classes - but when I try to do it on spring classes it is seemingly not working - here is the code I use to try and capture:
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) (LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory());
Logger log = context.getLogger("org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory");
MyAppender appender = new MyAppender();
appender.setContext( context);
log.addAppender( appender );
SpringApplication newApplication = new SpringApplication( Application.class);
newApplication.run( new String [] {});
Now if I trace in and look at the logger that spring is using - it looks like a completely different style of logger - (its hooked to a logmanager, not a loggercontext) - and go into that and it seems like it might be a different context?
Any idea what I'm doing wrong, and how I can in a unit test capture spring bean creation logs?
Spring boot is using Logback logger by default
It uses LogbackLoggingSystem implementation which
extends from AbstractLoggingSystem
Spring boot LoggingSystem runs before context is initialized
To override default properties you can define logback.xml or logback-spring.xml
Or you can use application.yml or properties file to define log configurations :
logging.level.* : It is used as prefix with package name to set log level.
logging.file : It configures a log file name to log message in file. We can also configure file name with absolute path.
logging.path : It only configures path for log file. Spring boot creates a log file with name spring.log
logging.pattern.console : It defines logging pattern in console.
logging.pattern.file: It defines logging pattern in file.
logging.pattern.level: It defines the format to render log level. Default is %5p.
As documentation says:
You can force Spring Boot to use a particular logging system by using the org.springframework.boot.logging.LoggingSystem system property. The value should be the fully qualified class name of a LoggingSystem implementation. You can also disable Spring Boot’s logging configuration entirely by using a value of none.
If you use static Loggers in your Class under Test, you could use Powermock to mock the logger and assert the output, as descirbed in this question.
We use it in our Spring-Tests and formatting and style is the same.
for anyone interested - this finally worked for me:
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(
logger.addHandler( this );
logger.setLevel( java.util.logging.Level.FINE);
_logger = logger;
now I can capture, trace and time all bean allocations.

Equivalent programmatic logger initialization for log4j to log4j2 migration

I am trying to understand the programmatic side of log4j2, as I am migrating a lot of log4j 1.2 code. The following seems to be very different and more complicated to accomplish:
org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(new ConsoleAppender(new PatternLayout(PatternLayout.TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN), "System.err"));
Can someone with plenty of log4j2 experience explain to me what the simple way to migrate the 2 above lines is?
EDIT: This is what I have so far:
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
Configuration config = context.getConfiguration();
PatternLayout patternLayout = PatternLayout.createLayout(PatternLayout.TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN, config, null, null, true, true, null, null);
Layout<? extends Serializable> layout = patternLayout;
ConsoleAppender consoleAppender = ConsoleAppender.createAppender(layout , null, "SYSTEM_ERR", "System.err", null, null);
There is no way it is that complicated, right?
Unfortunately creating programmatic configuration wasn't the main concern of Log4j2. You may check on their AbstractConfiguration class sources line 580 to see how default configuration is set programmatically internally.
Log4j2 library have good support for different types of configuration files (xml, json, properties, yaml) or you can build composite configuration out of several sources. Also it tracks configuration files and is capable of dynamic reloading.
I would remmend you evaluating features mentioned above to update configuration from code. E.g.
final URL log4j = Resources.getResource("log4j2-test.xml");
ConfigurationSource configurationSource = new ConfigurationSource(
Resources.asByteSource(log4j).openStream(), log4j);
LoggerContext context = LoggerContext.getContext(false);
XmlConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XmlConfiguration(context, configurationSource);
Seem easier to manage than programmatic way with larger configurations.

Logback: Load groovy config

How can I programmatically load custom named groovy config (logback-config.groovy) config?
When I tries:
LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator();
Got expt:
ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.JoranException: Problem parsing XML
document. See previously reported errors.
What's wrong?
The issue here is that the JoranConfigurator is specific only for XML configurations; for Groovy config files, logback uses a different class GafferConfigurator. (Unfortunately, the logback documentation does not do a good job of advertising this fact.) But rather than reference the GafferConfigurator directly, it would be better to use the ContextInitializer class instead:
LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
new ContextInitializer(loggerContext).configureByResource(this.getClass().getResource("/logback-config.groovy"));
This allows you to handle both XML and Groovy filetypes simultaneously, as well as take advantage of some of logback's built-in error checking.

What is an equivalent of LoggerRepository in log4j2

I want to migrate from Log4j 1.x to log4j2 so I read this article:
In our application we are using LoggerRepository:
what is the equivalent of this piece of code in log4j2. Because in article they said we can't access to this method but they don't mention how should I replace it
If I understand your need correctly, you can go via LogManager to get the LoggerContext's configuration and retrieve the Loggers from that:
LoggerContext ctx = LogManager.getContext();
Configuration cfg = ctx.getConfiguration();
Map<String, LoggerConfig> loggers = cfg.getLoggers();

What is getCurrentLoggers's analog in log4j2

How can i get all loggers used used in log4j2? In log4j i could use getCurrentLoggers like described here: Number of loggers used
get all loggers used in log4j2:
LoggerContext logContext = (LoggerContext) LogManager
Map<String, LoggerConfig> map = logContext.getConfiguration()
use org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext
not org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.LoggerContext
looks like i've found the way:
File configFile = new File("c:\\my_path\\log4j2.xml");
LoggerContext loggerContext = Configurator.initialize("my_config", null, configFile.toURI());
Configuration configuration = loggerContext.getConfiguration();
Collection<LoggerConfig> loggerConfigs = configuration.getLoggers().values();
YuriR's answer is incomplete in that it does not point that LoggerConfig objects are returned, not Logger. This is the fundamental difference between Log4j1 and Log4j2 - Loggers cannot be dirrectly manipulated in Log4j2. See Log4j2 Architecture for details.
If you are running in a web app, you may have multiple LoggerContexts.
Please take a look at how LoggerConfigs are exposed via JMX in the org.apache.logging.log4j.core.jmx.Server class.
LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
Collection<? extends Logger> loggers = ctx.getLoggers();
It's important to note that LoggerConfig objects are being returned by getLoggers() and NOT the loggers themselves. As vacant78 pointed out, this is only good for setting the configuration for loggers that have yet to be instantiated. If you already have a bunch of loggers already instantiated, changing the configuration using this method does no good.
For example, to change the level of logging at runtime, refer to this link, which utilizes an undocumented API within Apache (no surprise there) that will change all your currently instantiated logger levels: Programmatically change log level in Log4j2
