Acessing Navigate Bar in Android With Appium - java

I need to automate a test that consists of simulating the touches on the navigate bar, it cannot be just the command.
I tried to simulate the touch with this:
TouchAction action = new TouchAction(driver);
action.tap(PointOption.point(530, 2400)).perform();
But appears the error that the Coordinate [x=530.0, y=2400.0] is outside of element rectangle.
And it needs to be simulating the touch on the screen.

A friend of mine have achieved the result you are looking for by reading the id for the page you want to tap on, in this case the id it's home
public AppiumWebElement HomeTab => AppiumDriver.FindElementById("com.package.appname/home");
and then using the following HomeTab.Click();


TouchAction class is showing error on press method

this is my first project in appium and very new to this,
my Appium Java client version is 7.1.0,
I am trying to scroll up on a pop up, the issue is if I click outside the pop up which covering only like a small portion of the screen pop up will be closing and I cannot scroll up, so I am trying to touch on the pop up and then scroll, but when I try the below code, it seems like showing a red line and error on .touch function of TouchAction class, please help me with this,
I am using MobileDriver as driver,
attaching the screenshot for reference,
TouchAction actions = new TouchAction(driver);, startY).waitAction(Duration.ofSeconds(2)).moveTo(endX, endY).release().perform();

TestFX clicking menu items

I'm writing a JavaFX application with a menubar. I have given the menu items CSS ids, and I want to use TestFX to click on them. Here's the code:
When I run this I can see my mouse move to the completely wrong place on the screen, and then the test fails saying it couldn't find any elements matching #menu-file-new-project. I'm assuming it can't find them because it's never opening the File menu, because it's clicking in the wrong location.
What should I do about that?
Windows 10, Java 8u120, TestFX 4.0.6.
For the record it fails the same way in monocle headless mode
Okay, this has nothing to do with the scale and I'm not even sure why it works, but overriding the point method as follows in my Test Application instance seems to work for some reason:
public PointQuery point(Node node) {
Point2D topLeftPoint = node.localToScreen(0, 0);
Point2D pos = new Point2D(topLeftPoint.getX(), topLeftPoint.getY());
return super.point(node).atOffset(pos);

moveToElement mouse hovering function in Selenium WebDriver using Java not stable

I'm using Selenium 3.0.1 for running automation tests using TestNG.
In one test I'm trying to hover on an action menu and then click an option in that menu:
Actions builder = new Actions(getWebDriver());
But the test is not stable. I can see the menu opens but immediately closing, so the test fails because it's not finding the option any more.
I'm receiving this error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Must provide a location for a move action.
at org.openqa.selenium.interactions.MoveMouseAction.<init>(
at org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions.moveToElement(
How can I check if the menu is open? the perform() method is returning void.
I notice if I put call the moveToElement twice, than the test is being more stable. Is there any elegant option of doing so?
Actions builder = new Actions(getWebDriver());
This how the menu looks like when we hover over it:
I find this issue:
which explains best my problem. unfortunately, still with no solution.
If it is not necessary for you to open the menu, please try clicking the option using JavascriptExecutor. JavascriptExecutor can click a hidden element as well, all that is necessary for the click to be triggered using JavascriptExecutor is that the element is present on the DOM.
Snippet (Java):
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click()", driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("hiddenOptionFromMenu")));
You can wait for the menu to appear after the hover with a FluentWait, like so:
FluentWait<> wait = new FluentWait<>(getWebDriver())
.withTimeout(driverTimeoutSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.pollingEvery(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
wait.until(x -> { return driver.findElement(menuElementBy); } );
If the mouse hover succeeded - the menu starts appearing - there's no reason you need to call it twice.
It seems like a timing issue.
If the menu has a transition effect, then add a delay of the duration of the effect:
new Actions(driver)
.pause(100) // duration of the transition effect in ms
You could also wait for the targeted element to become visible and steady (same position returned twice in a row).

appium : webview : selenium : How to automate touchend event on a div?

I want to automate a hybrid app using appium.
My app uses touchend events instead of click events for div
How do I automate this touchend events in appium?
For simple click I can find an element and then perform click by simply doing;
How to fire an event for touchend?
I have spend the last few days looking into this same issue. Eventually what I have found is that the Appium touch actions only work on the NATIVE context. However when you are testing/automating a web application you are in WEBVIEW context. So you have to switch to NATIVE, perform the touch actions, then switch back.
Ok, so that doesn't sound to bad. But they can't let it be that simple. So you can not use your Selenium WebElement as an argument in the Touch Actions. You will either have to re-find it using the NATIVE context, or use the elements location and dimensions to calculate a touch position and use that. However, the X and Y coordinates in the NATIVE context are different than those in the WEBVIEW context. So if you need them to be exact, then you have to translate them.
Well, at least that is where I am now. Perhaps someone else can provide some more or better details.
Here is some sample code for a tap which ignores the pixel translation issue. I have only tested this with iOS, but it should work with Android as well.
private void tapElement(AppiumDriver appiumDriver, WebElement element) {
// Locate center of element
Point location = element.getLocation();
Dimension size = element.getSize();
int tapX = location.getX() + (size.getWidth() / 2);
int tapY = location.getY() + (size.getHeight() / 2);
// Execute tap
String originalContext = appiumDriver.getContext();
TouchAction action = new TouchAction(appiumDriver);
action.tap(tapX, tapY).perform();
Have you looked through documentation?

Robotium - Trying to click home button in app

I'm new to robotium and i'm trying to write a quick and dirty script to run through all screens in an app.
The problem i have mainly with the 'home button' in the app. I've tried lots of options but i cant seem to get it to click there except with index, which is not what i want.
When i check out the button with the hierarchyviewer it looks like this:
However when i try for example:
"Wait for text (id: failed.",
solo.waitForImageById("", 20000));
solo.clickOnImage((ImageView) solo.findViewById(""));
It fails at the waitForImageByID line. Ive tried multiple options like waitForImageButton etc, but i just cant seem to get it clicked. What am i missing here?
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: View with id: '0' is not found!
at com.bitbar.recorder.extensions.OtherUtils.a(
at com.bitbar.recorder.extensions.OtherUtils.b(
at com.bitbar.recorder.extensions.v.a(
at com.bitbar.recorder.extensions.ExtSolo.waitForImageButtonById(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at android.test.InstrumentationTestCase.runMethod(
at android.test.InstrumentationTestCase.runTest(
at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(
at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(
at android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner.onStart(
Use the following line to press the home button in the action bar
The issue is that the id that it is referring is not in your application, it is in androids default R file, try and it should work fine. It is worth noting though that if your application uses action bar sherlock to support the action bar pre 4.0 that this will have a different ID there and you will have to handle this in your test.
You can see this for yourself looking at:
When you are using ActionBarSherlock there are two different Ids you have to check, for API-Level>11 and abs__home for lower levels (provided by ActionBarSherlock):
View homeButton = activity.findViewById(;
if (homeButton == null) {
homeButton = activity.findViewById(;
What about this code:
ArrayList<LinearLayout> ll = solo.getCurrentViews(LinearLayout.class);
//You can change 1 with the ordinal number of LinearLayout you want to click.
or also
ArrayList<ImageView> iv = solo.getCurrentViews(ImageView.class);
//You can change 0 with the ordinal number of Image you want to click.
I think if you identify the correct id for view or linear layout or image view it should work.
Dave C's answer was working only partially for me. The button was clicked but before the preceding screen was loaded assertions had started and thus were always false. The solution is to run "home click" on the main thread (Robotium 5.2.1):
getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
From your question I can see that it is an image view. You can click on any view using the following piece of code.
View view = solo.getView("View_name_from_hierachy_viewer");
View_name_from_hierachy_viewer in your case will be "home".
Let me know if this does not work.
