I'm trying to have a implement a simple producer-consumer using Java and Redis.
The flow is this: the producer pushes items into Redis. The consumer reads the items from Redis. In order to make the consumer more efficient - it will not read every item alone, but instead will read batch of items. For that, I'm using this flow:
Producer push the item to a pending set in Redis.
When the set count exceeds a given threshold, the items are packed into a batch (using JSON) and being saved into a "ready hashmap".
The consumer reads the ready hashmap and evaluate its content.
The consumer removes the items it consumed from the hashmap.
As these operations might cause race conditions, I looked into transactional operations. I understood that the best way to achieve it is with Lua, as redis-lua scripting is atomic.
The script I wrote is this:
local toJsonList = function(items)
local jsonList = '[' .. table.concat(items, ', ') .. ']'
return cjson.encode(jsonList)
-- Get the batch size (the threshold)
local batchSize = tonumber(ARGV[1])
-- Add the new item
redis.call('SADD', KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
-- Get the number of pending items in Redis
local currentPendingQueueItems = redis.call('SCARD', KEYS[1])
-- Should we move the items from the pending queue to the ready queue?
if currentPendingQueueItems < batchSize then
return 1
-- Fetch the items stored in the pending queue
local pendingItems = redis.call('SMEMBERS', KEYS[1])
-- Store the items in the ready queue hash map
redis.call('HSET', KEYS[3], cjson.encode(KEYS[4]), toJsonList(pendingItems))
-- Remove the pending queue
redis.call('DEL', KEYS[1])
return 1
The execution is like so:
$ redis-cli --eval addAndSync.lua "pending-queue-key" "ready-queue-key" "unique-key-for-batch" , $THRESHOLD "item to add"
I started by testing it out individually, and it indeed works fine. The ready queue is synced correctly. I even wrote this script:
for i in $(seq 1 $END);
do redis-cli --eval syncReadyQueue.lua "pending" "ready" "ready${i}" , "3" "${i}" &
Which I ran with END=100 to test some insertions at once.
My issue is, after integrating it with Java, I started to stress test it. When stress testing and few threads fired at the same time to handle the produced content - each of then ran addAndSync.lua. I inspected the ready queue after insertion of even only 30 records and noticed that there are duplicates in the ready queue.
That's unexpected to me, as Redis guaranteed that Lua scripts will block any other client call.
My expected behaviour is that every Lua call will block the access to Redis until it will commit its results, and thus the ready queue will have unique items.
I'd love to get any help in understanding what am I missing.
AWS newbie here.
I have a DynamoDB table and 2+ nodes of Java apps reading/writing from/to it. My use case is as follow: the app should fetch N numbers of items every X seconds based on a timestamp, process them, then remove them from the DB. Because the app may scale, other nodes might be reading from the DB in the same time and I want to avoid processing the same items multiple times.
The questions is: is there any way to implement something like a poll() method that fetches the item and immediately removes it (atomic operation) as if the table was a queue. As far as I checked, delete item methods that DynamoDBMapper offers do not return removed items data.
Consistency is a weak spot of DDB, but that's the price to pay for its scalability.
You said it yourself, you're looking for a queue, so why not use one?
I suggest:
Create a lambda that:
Reads the items
Publishes them to an SQS FIFO queue with message deduplication
Deletes the items from the DB
Create an EventBridge schedule to run the Lambda every n minutes
Have your nodes poll that queue instead of DDB
For this to work you have to consider a few things regarding timings:
DDB will typically be consistent in under a second, but this isn't guaranteed.
SQS deduplication only works for 5 minutes.
EventBridge only supports minute level granularity, not seconds.
So you can run your Lambda as frequently as once a minute, but you can run your nodes as frequently (or infrequently) as you like.
If you run your Lambda less frequently than every 5 minutes then there is technically a chance of processing an item twice, but this is very unlikely to ever happen (technically this could still happen anyway if DDB took >10 minutes to be consistent, but again, extremely unlikely to ever happen).
My understanding is that you want to read and delete an item in an atomic manner, however, we are aware that is not possible with DynamoDB.
However, what is possible is deleting the item and being returned the value, which is more likened to a delete then read. As you correctly pointed out, the Mapper client does not support ReturnValues however the low level clients do.
Key keyToDelete = new Key().withHashKeyElement(new AttributeValue("214141"));
DeleteItemRequest dir = new DeleteItemRequest()
More info here DeleteItemRequest
I have a SQS which will receive a huge number of messages. The messages keep coming to the queue.
And I have a use case where if the number of messages in a queue reaches X number (such as 1,000), the system needs to trigger an event to process 1,000 at a time.
And the system will make a chunk of triggers. Each trigger has a thousand messages.
For example, if we have 2300 messages in a queue, we expect 3 triggers to a lambda function, the first 2 triggers corresponding to 1,000 messages, and the last one will contain 300 messages.
I'm researching and see CloudWatch Alarm can hook up to SQS metric on "NumberOfMessageReceived" to send to SNS. But I don't know how can I configure a chunk of alarms for each 1,000 messages.
Please advice me if AWS can support this use case or any customize we can make to achieve this.
So after going through some clarifications on the comments section with the OP, here's my answer (combined with #ChrisPollard's comment):
Achieving what you want with SQS is impossible, because every batch can only contain up to 10 messages. Since you need to process 1000 messages at once, this is definitely a no-go.
#ChrisPollard suggested to create a new record in DynamoDB every time a new file is pushed to S3. This is a very good approach. Increment the partition key by 1 every time and trigger a lambda through DynamoDB Streams. On your function, run a check against your partition key and, if it equals 1000, you run a query against your DynamoDB table filtering the last 1000 updated items (you'll need a Global Secondary Index on your CreatedAt field). Map these items (or use Projections) to create a very minimal JSON that contains only the necessary information. Something like:
"key": "my-amazing-key",
"bucket": "my-super-cool-bucket"
A JSON like this is only 87 bytes long (if you take the square brackets out of the game because they won't be repeated, you're left out with 83 bytes). If you round it up to 100 bytes, you can still successfully send it as one event to SQS, as it will only be around 100KB of data.
Then have one Lambda function subscribe to your SQS queue and then finally concatenate the 1 thousand files.
Things to keep in mind:
Make sure you really create the createdAt field in DynamoDB. By the time it hits one thousand, new items could have been inserted, so this way you make sure you are reading the 1000 items that you expected.
On your Lambda check, just run batchId % 1000 = 0, this way you don't need to delete anything, saving DynamoDB operations.
Watch out for the execution time of your Lambda. Concatenating 1000 files at once may take a while to run, so I'd run a couple of tests and put 1 min overhead on top of it. I.e, if it usually takes 5 mins, set your function's timeout to 6 mins.
If you have new info to share I am happy to edit my answer.
You can add alarms at 1k, 2k, 3k, etc...but that seems clunky.
Is there a reason you're letting the messages batch up? You can make this trigger event-based (when a queue message is added fire my lambda) and get rid of the complications of batching them.
I handled a very similar situation recently, process-A puts objects in an S3 bucket and every time it does it puts a message in the SQS, with the key and bucket details, I have a lambda which is triggered every hour, but it can be any trigger like your cloud watch alarm. Here is what you can do on every trigger:
Read the messages from the queue, SQS allows you to read only 10 messages at a time, and every time you read the messages, keep adding them to some list in your lambda, you also get a receipt handle for every message , you can use it to delete the messages and repeat this process until you read all 1000 messages in your queue. Now you can perform whatever operations are required on your list and feed it to process B in a number of different ways , like a file in S3 and/or a new queue that process B can read from.
Alternate approach to reading messages: SQS allows you to read only 10 messages at a time, you can send an optional parameter 'VisibilityTimeout':60 that hides the messages from the queue for 60 seconds and you can recursively read all the messages until you dont see any messages in the queue, all while adding them to a list in lambda to process them, this can be tricky since you have to try out different values for visibility time out based on how long it takes to read 1000 messages. Once you know you read all the messages, you can simply have the receipt handles and delete all of them. You can also purge the queue but , you may delete some of the messages that came in during this process that are not read at least once.
Given the following scenario:
I have a system that creates, updates and deletes records. For each of these actions I need to do something (lets say write the events to a log as a silly example) however I need to process these events for each record in order - Meaning I can't log the delete before I have done the create, or any of the previous updates. I also can't log the update before I have logged the create.
I am investigating Queues in order to preserve sequence. However I don't really want RecordID_2 to be held up behind RecordID_14 The records do not need to be processed in sequence as much as the actions on each record have to. Hence I don't think I can/should use one queue.
As I don't have hundreds of RecordID_XX active at the same time, I was thinking of having a queue for each RecordID_XX so if several updates can in for that one RecordID each event for that record would be added to that same queue and be processed in order (I.e. Create first, Update_1 after Create is complete, Update_2 is processed after Update_1 is complete etc), however if additional events for a different record came in they would be added to their own queue. If the queue is empty for a period of time it simply gets deleted. I realize that this may result in a queue getting one message and then being deleted as there were no updates before the idle timeout expired. (This does not seem at all efficient)
Based on Andres T Finnell's excellent answer to this question.
I was thinking of doing the following
Producer (Web Service) -> Queue_Original <- Dispatcher -> RecordID_14
-> RecordID_2
-> RecordID_8
-> RecordID_15
Some of the "logging" may take long. So I want to be able to have a few consumers listening for these queues.
Lets say I have Consumer_1 and Consumer_2 (I may want to add Consumer_3 later to assist with growing load)
What I would like is Consumer_1 to do a getDistinations()
where the broker will return [RecordID_14, RecordID_2, RecordID_8, RecordID_15]
Is it possible for Consumer_1 to iterate through the list of queues returned from the broker looking for the first available queue that does not have a Consumer_X connected to it and begin processing the 1st message on this queue?
And then each subsequent Consumer to do the same until it finds the next queue without a Consumer connected to it?
Would Advisory-Messages be the thing to use here?
Am I going down the wrong path completely? Is there a better approach
to handling this scenario?
I am attempting to use <KStream>.process() with a TimeWindows.of("name", 30000) to batch up some KTable values and send them on. It seems that 30 seconds exceeds the consumer timeout interval after which Kafka considers said consumer to be defunct and releases the partition.
I've tried upping the frequency of poll and commit interval to avoid this:
config.put(StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, "5000");
config.put(StreamsConfig.POLL_MS_CONFIG, "5000");
Unfortunately these errors are still occurring:
(lots of these)
ERROR o.a.k.s.p.internals.RecordCollector - Error sending record to topic kafka_test1-write_aggregate2-changelog
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Batch containing 1 record(s) expired due to timeout while requesting metadata from brokers for kafka_test1-write_aggregate2-changelog-0
Followed by these:
INFO o.a.k.c.c.i.AbstractCoordinator - Marking the coordinator (id: 2147483547 rack: null) dead for group kafka_test1
WARN o.a.k.s.p.internals.StreamThread - Failed to commit StreamTask #0_0 in thread [StreamThread-1]:
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CommitFailedException: Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member. This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured session.timeout.ms, which typically implies that the poll loop is spending too much time message processing. You can address this either by increasing the session timeout or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler.handle(ConsumerCoordinator.java:578)
Clearly I need to be sending heartbeats back to the server more often. How?
My topology is:
KStreamBuilder kStreamBuilder = new KStreamBuilder();
KStream<String, String> lines = kStreamBuilder.stream(TOPIC);
KTable<Windowed<String>, String> kt = lines.aggregateByKey(
new DBAggregateInit(),
new DBAggregate(),
TimeWindows.of("write_aggregate2", 30000));
DBProcessorSupplier dbProcessorSupplier = new DBProcessorSupplier();
KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(kStreamBuilder, streamsConfig);
The KTable is grouping values by key every 30 seconds. In Processor.init() I call context.schedule(30000).
DBProcessorSupplier provides an instance of DBProcessor. This is an implementation of AbstractProcessor where all the overrides have been provided. All they do is LOG so I know when each is being hit.
It's a pretty simple topology but it's clear I'm missing a step somewhere.
I get that I can adjust this on the server side but Im hoping there is a client-side solution. I like the notion of partitions being made available pretty quickly when a client exits / dies.
In an attempt to simplify the problem I removed the aggregation step from the graph. It's now just consumer->processor(). (If I send the consumer directly to .print() it works v quickly so I know it's ok). (Similarly If I output the aggregation (KTable) via .print() it seems ok too).
What I found was that the .process() - which should be calling .punctuate() every 30 seconds is actually blocking for variable lengths of time and outputting somewhat randomly (if at all).
Main program
Debug output
Processor Supplier
I set the debug level to 'debug' and reran. Im seeing lots of messages:
DEBUG o.a.k.s.p.internals.StreamTask - Start processing one record [ConsumerRecord <info>
but a breakpoint in the .punctuate() function isn't getting hit. So it's doing lots of work but not giving me a chance to use it.
A few clarifications:
StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG is a lower bound on the commit interval, ie, after a commit, the next commit happens not before this time passed. Basically, Kafka Stream tries to commit ASAP after this time passed, but there is no guarantee whatsoever how long it will actually take to do the next commit.
StreamsConfig.POLL_MS_CONFIG is used for the internal KafkaConsumer#poll() call, to specify the maximum blocking time of the poll() call.
Thus, both values are not helpful to heartbeat more often.
Kafka Streams follows a "depth-first" strategy when processing record. This means, that after a poll() for each record all operators of the topology are executed. Let's assume you have three consecutive maps, than all three maps will be called for the first record, before the next/second record will get processed.
Thus, the next poll() call will be made, after all record of the first poll() got fully processed. If you want to heartbeat more often, you need to make sure, that a single poll() call fetches less records, such that processing all records takes less time and the next poll() will be triggered earlier.
You can use configuration parameters for KafkaConsumer that you can specify via StreamsConfig to get this done (see https://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#consumerconfigs):
streamConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.XXX, VALUE);
max.poll.records: if you decrease this value, less record will be polled
session.timeout.ms: if you increase this value, there is more time for processing data (adding this for completeness because it is actually a client setting and not a server/broker side configuration -- even if you are aware of this solution and do not like it :))
As of Kafka 0.10.1 it is possible (and recommended) to prefix consumer and procuder configs within streams config. This avoids parameter conflicts as some parameter names are used for consumer and producer and cannot be distinguiesh otherwise (and would be applied to consumer and producer at the same time).
To prefix a parameter you can use StreamsConfig#consumerPrefix() or StreamsConfig#producerPrefix(), respectively. For example:
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.consumerPrefix(ConsumerConfig.PARAMETER), VALUE);
One more thing to add: The scenario described in this question is a known issue and there is already KIP-62 that introduces a background thread for KafkaConsumer that send heartbeats, thus decoupling heartbeats from poll() calls. Kafka Streams will leverage this new feature in upcoming releases.
i have the following situation:
Read data from database
do work "calculation"
write result to database
I have a thread that reads from the database and puts the generated objects into a BlockingQueue. These objects are extremely heavy weight hence the queue to limit amount of objects in memory.
A multiple threads take objects from the Queue, performs work and put the results in a second queue.
The final thread takes results from second queue and saves result to database.
The problem is how to prevent deadlocks, eg. the "calculation threads" need to know when no more objects will be put into the queue.
Currently I achieve this by passing a references of the threads (callable) to each other and checking thread.isDone() before a poll or offer and then if the element is null. I also check the size of the queue, as long as there are elements in it, the must be consumed. Using take or put leads to deadlocks.
Is there a simpler way to achieve this?
One of the ways to accomplish would be to put a "dummy" or "poison" message as the last message on the queue when you are sure that no more tasks are going to arrive on the queue.. for example after putting the message related to the last row of the db query. So the producer puts a dummy message on the queue, the consumer on receiving this dummy message knows that no more meaningful work is expected in this batch.
Maybe you should take a look at CompletionService
It is designed to combine executor and a queue functionality in one.
Tasks which completed execution will be available from the completions service via
You can then again use another executor for 3. i.e. fill DB with the results, which you will feed with the results taken from the completionServiceInstance.