How to write one interface implementation for different classes? - java

I want to write one implementation for different type of classes.
This is interface:
public interface ResourcesInterface<T> {
T readJsonContent(String fileName/*, maybe there also must be class type?*/);
This is interface implementation for Student.class.
In the following example I try to read JSON file and receive Student.class object from it:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public class StudentResources implements ResourcesInterface<Student> {
public Student readJsonContent(String fileName) {
Student student = new Student();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
URL path = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(fileName);
if (path == null) throw new NullPointerException();
student = objectMapper.readValue(path, Student.class);
} catch (IOException exception) {
return student;
So instead of implementing this interface for each class type I want to use method readJsonContent(String) something like this:
Student student = readFromJson(fileName, Student.class);
AnotherObject object = readFromJson(fileName, AnotherObject.class);
Is it possible to somehow write only one implementation? Instead of implementing interface multiple times for each different class? Any ideas how to do this?

If I understood correctly you want a generic method that is able to decode a JSON file to an object right? If so, then you don't need an interface. All you need is to create a class with a static method like this:
import java.util.Objects;
public class JsonUtil {
private JsonUtil(){}
public static <T> T readJsonContent(String fileName, Class<T> clazz) {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
URL path = Objects.requireNonNull(clazz.getResource(fileName));
return objectMapper.readValue(path, clazz);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new UncheckedIOException("Json decoding error", ex);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Student s = JsonUtil.readJsonContent("", Student.class);


Check if json property is present, is string, and is correct value

Using gson, I use this cumbersome approach to make sure a required property has a desired value:
public class ScratchSpace {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create json object from source data - in my real code, this is sourced externally
JsonObject json = new JsonParser().parse("{ \"product\": \"foobar\"}").getAsJsonObject();
// does this object have a key called product, which is a string, and equal to our expected value?
boolean correctProduct = false;
if (json.has("product")) {
JsonElement productElement = json.get("product");
if (productElement.isJsonPrimitive()) {
String product = productElement.getAsString();
if ("foobar".equals(product)) {
correctProduct = true;
System.out.println("correctProduct = " + correctProduct);
I'm almost certain I'm doing this suboptimally. Is there a simple, readable, short-ish one-liner to achieve the same?
Edit: if possible, I'd like to keep using gson.
Using java.util.Optional, the following works:
final boolean correctProduct = Optional.ofNullable(json.get("product"))
You can write a custom deserializer like this, register it, and use fromJson method to obtain object directly from json string. In this way, you can return null or throw exception in deserializer if the json string is not in expected format.
Note that you don't have to set each field seperately. After performing custom checks, you can use default deserialization from context.
EDIT: If you want to obtain just true/false instead of the complete object, then you can write a MyBoolean class, holding a simple boolean value and use fromJson method to deserialize to MyBoolean class. The custom deserializer will perform only the desired checks and set the content of MyBoolean instance appropriately. Furthermore, (I guess) if you extend this MyBoolean from Boolean, you can use it as boolean too.
EDIT 2: I didn't have to time to include a sample code before. Here is what I suggest:
package io.ram.ram;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
public class Tester {
public static class MyBoolean {
private boolean value;
public void set(boolean value) {
this.value = value;
public boolean get() {
return value;
public static class MyAdapter implements JsonDeserializer<MyBoolean> {
public MyBoolean deserialize(JsonElement json, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
MyBoolean result = new MyBoolean();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(MyBoolean.class, new MyAdapter()).create();
System.out.println(gson.fromJson("{\"product\": \"foobar\"}", MyBoolean.class).get());
System.out.println(gson.fromJson("{\"product\": \"foobaz\"}", MyBoolean.class).get());
As I said, after you register a type adapter for custom serialization, you can achieve what you want with a single line. (Note: Boolean class is final, so we cannot extend it. Sorry for this wrong information.)
You can parametrize MyAdapter for strings "product" and "foobar" of course, thus you don't have to create such classes for every possible cases.
I know you said GSON, but the pojo based approach jackson offers makes what you want to do just too convenient to not to post:
Simple pojo:
public class FooPojo {
private String product;
public String getProduct() {
return product;
public void setProduct(String product) {
this.product = product;
public boolean isProductEqualTo(String check) {
return product.equals(check);
Parse and check:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
FooPojo fooPojo = objectMapper.readValue("{ \"product\": \"foobar\"}", FooPojo.class);

How to get bytecode of cglib proxy class instance?

I'm trying to get bytecode of cglib enhanced object this way using BCEL:
package app;
import cglib.MyInterceptor;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer;
import org.apache.bcel.Repository;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method;
import service.Tool;
public class CgLibApp {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException {
// target object
Tool tool = new Tool();
// proxying
Enhancer e = new Enhancer();
e.setCallback(new MyInterceptor(tool));
Tool proxifiedTool = (Tool) e.create();
// trying to get proxy byte code
JavaClass clazz = Repository.lookupClass(proxifiedTool.getClass());
Method method = clazz.getMethod(Tool.class.getMethod("meth"));
But I'm getting:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: SyntheticRepository could not load service.Tool$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$22a3afcc
at org.apache.bcel.util.SyntheticRepository.loadClass(
at org.apache.bcel.util.SyntheticRepository.loadClass(
at org.apache.bcel.Repository.lookupClass(
at app.CgLibApp.main(
What should I do to get bytecode from Enhanced object?
BCEL queries a class loader for a .class file in order to get hold of the byte array that represents it. Such a class file does not exist for a dynamically generated class.
In order to get hold of the class file, you have to collect the byte code during the class file's creation. Cglib is built on top of ASM and it allows you to register your own ClassVisitors to collect a class file.
With the Enhancer, use the generateClass(ClassVisitor) method and hand the latter method a ClassWriter. After calling the method, you can get the byte code from the class writer object that you passed.
here is the sample code to print pseudo code of generated CGLIB class.
visitEnd method prints the generated class in text format.
package naga.cglib.demo;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ASM7;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.FieldVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.util.TraceClassVisitor;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.FixedValue;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();
enhancer.setCallback(new FixedValueImpl());
SampleClass proxy = (SampleClass) enhancer.create();
enhancer.generateClass(new CustomClassWriter());
System.out.println("Hello cglib!" + proxy.test(null));
class SampleClass {
public String test(String input) {
return "Hello world!";
class FixedValueImpl implements FixedValue {
public Object loadObject() throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return "Hello cglib! from loadObject()";
class CustomClassWriter extends ClassVisitor {
TraceClassVisitor tracer;
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out);
public CustomClassWriter() {
tracer = new TraceClassVisitor(pw);
public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions) {
System.out.println("method name is :" + name);
return tracer.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions);
public FieldVisitor visitField(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, Object value) {
System.out.println("field name is :" + name);
return tracer.visitField(access, name, desc, signature, value);
public void visitEnd() {
I've found this question while researching how to save the CGLIB-generated class in spring-boot 3.0 application (e.g. handling #Transactional or #Configuration-annotated classes). This simple approach may help:
import org.springframework.cglib.core.ReflectUtils;
public class SpringCglibUtils {
public static void initGeneratedClassHandler(String targetPath) {
File dir = new File(targetPath);
ReflectUtils.setGeneratedClassHandler((String className, byte[] classContent) -> {
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, className + ".class"))) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException("Error while storing " + className, e);
and then define in your main class before creating context:
Spring will store to the targetPath directory all generated class files.
Note: unfortunately it's not available before spring-boot 3

Jackson map different attributes based on json in the same class

I have a class Response which has an attribute data.
A json file is mapped to this object. The data attribute can be of type TaskData or SubmitData on the json.
If the json has the object of type TaskData the object mapper must map to TaskData class or should map to `SubmitData' class.
In addition to the answer by Guillaume Polet, and if you can modify the JSON schema, this can also be done a little bit smoother using Jackson's Polymorphic (de)serialization via annotations:
#JsonTypeInfo(use=JsonTypeInfo.Id.Class, include=JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property="#class")
class Data {}
class TaskData extends Data {}
class SubmitData extends Data {}
This will write out the full Java class name as an additional #class property. The json needs to include the #class property on input, however.
Instead of JsonTypeInfo.Id.Class it is also possible to perform explicit naming
#JsonTypeInfo(use=JsonTypeInfo.Id.Class, include=JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property="#dataType")
JsonSubTypes.Type(value=TaskData.class, name="task"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value=SubmitData.class, name="submit")
class Data {}
class TaskData extends Data {}
class SubmitData extends Data {}
This will yield an additional synthetic field #dataType, which will need to be present in the input.
If you cannot make the type explicit in the input JSON, you will need to stick to the manual approach.
You need to type your Response class as follows: public class Response<T>.
Then, when deserializing the input, provide a TypeReference to jackson to indicate the desired type.
See this example:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public class TestJacksonTyping {
public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Response<TaskData> taskResponse = new Response<TaskData>();
TaskData taskData = new TaskData();
taskData.setTaskTitle("Some title");
Response<SubmitData> submitResponse = new Response<SubmitData>();
SubmitData submitData = new SubmitData();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
mapper.writeValue(sw, taskResponse);
String taskResponseJson = sw.toString();
mapper.writeValue(sw = new StringWriter(), submitResponse);
String submitResponseJson = sw.toString();
Response<TaskData> deserializedTaskResponse = mapper.reader(new TypeReference<Response<TaskData>>() {
}).readValue(new StringReader(taskResponseJson));
Response<SubmitData> deserializedSubmitResponse = mapper.reader(new TypeReference<Response<SubmitData>>() {
}).readValue(new StringReader(submitResponseJson));
public static class Response<T> {
private T data;
public T getData() {
return data;
public void setData(T data) { = data;
public static class TaskData {
private String taskTitle;
public String getTaskTitle() {
return taskTitle;
public void setTaskTitle(String taskTitle) {
this.taskTitle = taskTitle;
public static class SubmitData {
private int submitValue;
public int getSubmitValue() {
return submitValue;
public void setSubmitValue(int submitValue) {
this.submitValue = submitValue;

Infinite recursion when serializing objects with Jackson and Mockito

I ran into this issue when testing a Spring controller using MockMvc, Mockito and Jackson, so I made a simple class to test out how Jackson behaves. I'm using jackson-databind:2.3.1 and mockito-core:1.9.5.
Given this class:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
public class Person implements Serializable {
private String name;
private int age;
// Public getters and setters...
public static void main(String[] args) {
String name = "Bob";
int age = 21;
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
// attempt serialization with real object
Person person = new Person();
try {
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
System.err.println("Failed to serialize real object");
// attempt serialization with mock object
Person mockPerson = mock(Person.class);
try {
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
System.err.println("Failed to serialize mock object.");
Jackson has no problem serializing the real object, however it will throw a JsonMappingException when it tries to serialize the mocked object. Debugging through the code, it's calling serializeFields(bean, jgen, provider) repeatedly, getting stuck on the internal Mockito properties.
So, my question is: Is there anyway to force Jackson to use the getter methods? I tried #JsonIgnoreProperties on the class, #JsonIgnore on the fields, and #JsonProperty on the methods (in different combinations, to no success). Or, do I have to write my own custom serializer?
Here is a solution that will work for you particular case:
First of all you need to create a PersonMixin since you cannot add the required annotations to the mock.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
#JsonAutoDetect(getterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE, isGetterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE)
public interface PersonMixin {
String getName();
Integer getAge();
Now, use the object mapper like the in following code and you will get the same result as when you serialize the real object:
Person mockPerson = mock(Person.class);
objectMapper.addMixInAnnotations(Person.class, PersonMixin.class);
try {
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
System.err.println("Failed to serialize mock object.");
Here's my ObjectMapper that sorted it out without the need for mixins.
The mapper ignores all members of that has "Mockito" in somewhere in their names.
This solution avoids having a mix-in for each serialized object, or annotating code that may not be accessible.
Running the following test succeeds with the output {"name":"Jonh"}.
package test;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedMember;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.JacksonAnnotationIntrospector;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
public class AppTest extends Mockito {
public void testApp() throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.setAnnotationIntrospector(new JacksonAnnotationIntrospector() {
public boolean hasIgnoreMarker(final AnnotatedMember m) {
return super.hasIgnoreMarker(m) || m.getName().contains("Mockito");
final String name = "Jonh";
Person mockPerson = mock(Person.class);
public static class Person {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;

Null pointer in my Facade :(

I've written a task manager, and well it;'s a long story... all in Java by the way. So I wrote a Facade which you can see below there is a problem with the HashMap and I suspect that the values which I attempt to add into the HashMap during the construction aren't going so well. The method that is triggering the null pointer exception is the create method. the input parameters to the method have been verified by me and my trusty debugger to be populated.
any help here would be great... I'm sure I forgot to mention something so I'll reply to comments asap as I need to get this thing done now.
package persistence;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.HashMap;
import persistence.framework.ComplexTaskRDBMapper;
import persistence.framework.IMapper;
import persistence.framework.RepeatingTaskRDBMapper;
import persistence.framework.SingleTaskRDBMapper;
public class PersistanceFacade {
private static Class SingleTask;
private static Class RepeatingTask;
private static Class ComplexTask;
private static PersistanceFacade uniqueInstance = null;
private HashMap<Class, IMapper> mappers;
public PersistanceFacade() {
mappers = new HashMap<Class, IMapper>();
try {
SingleTask = Class.forName("SingleTask");
RepeatingTask = Class.forName("RepeatingTask");
ComplexTask = Class.forName("ComplexTask");
mappers.put(SingleTask, new SingleTaskRDBMapper());
mappers.put(RepeatingTask, new RepeatingTaskRDBMapper());
mappers.put(ComplexTask, new ComplexTaskRDBMapper());
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
public static synchronized PersistanceFacade getUniqueInstance() {
if (uniqueInstance == null) {
uniqueInstance = new PersistanceFacade();
return uniqueInstance;
else return uniqueInstance;
public void create(UUID oid, Object obj) {
IMapper mapper = (IMapper) mappers.get(obj.getClass());
mapper.create(oid, obj);
public Object read(UUID oid, Class type) {
IMapper mapper = (IMapper) mappers.get(type);
public void update(UUID oid, Object obj) {
IMapper mapper = (IMapper) mappers.get(obj.getClass());
mapper.update(oid, obj);
public void destroy(UUID oid, Class type) {
IMapper mapper = (IMapper) mappers.get(type);
For Class.forName("RepeatingTask") to return a class you must have a class persistence.RepeatingTask. But in your comment you say that obj.getClass() returns domain.RepeatingTask so it looks to me like you have 2 "RepeatingTask" classes or domain.RepeatingTask is a sub type.
My guess is that your problem lies in the constructor:
try {
SingleTask = Class.forName("SingleTask");
RepeatingTask = Class.forName("RepeatingTask");
ComplexTask = Class.forName("ComplexTask");
mappers.put(SingleTask, new SingleTaskRDBMapper());
mappers.put(RepeatingTask, new RepeatingTaskRDBMapper());
mappers.put(ComplexTask, new ComplexTaskRDBMapper());
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
You silently ignore the ClassNotFOundException. If you add logging to the catch I expect it to tell you that the class SingleTask is not found, as I expect that you did not put those classes in the default package.
Given your reply to comments these classes are in the domain. package, so you could try to change to:
try {
SingleTask = Class.forName("domain.SingleTask");
RepeatingTask = Class.forName("domain.RepeatingTask");
ComplexTask = Class.forName("domain.ComplexTask");
mappers.put(SingleTask, new SingleTaskRDBMapper());
mappers.put(RepeatingTask, new RepeatingTaskRDBMapper());
mappers.put(ComplexTask, new ComplexTaskRDBMapper());
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
log.warn("Cannot load class", e);
Btw, adding logging to your code will help to find the reasons behind unexpected behaviour.
Class.forName("SingleTask"); is throwing a ClassCastException, so mappers does not get populated. Since you are ignoring ClassCastExeption in your constructor you have missed that error, it seems.
