I can see that JWebAssembly can be built with gradle
but they also provide examples for adding maven dependencies, so I would expect that there is a maven plugin as well. I can't find it anywhere. How to run JWebAssembly with maven?
This is from the same github wiki(https://github.com/i-net-software/JWebAssembly/wiki/Getting-Started#add-dependency-to-api):
I set up Nexus on my server (api.lielamar.com) and uploaded my first project called PacketManager.
You can view it here: https://api.lielamar.com/#browse/browse:maven-public
For some reason, when I try to import it through pom.xml it just doesn't work. I am fairly new to Maven and extremely new to Nexus so it might be a newbie question.
I tried using google and couldn't find a direct answer that worked for me.
There's my code:
I am also using the spigot repository which is working just fine.
This is what I see on the IDE
Thank you for your time!
One of the problems were that I had my dependency calling a different repo when running mvn install or trying to compile through intellij.
After adding the following code to setting.xml, I started getting a different error:
<name>lielamar mirror</name>
The error I was getting after adding the above code was:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project TestPlugin:
Could not resolve dependencies for project com.lielamar.testplugin:TestPlugin:jar:1.0:
Failure to find com.lielamar.packetmanager:PacketManager:jar:1.0 in
https://api.lielamar.com/service/rest/repository/browse/maven-public/ was cached in the local repository,
resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of lielamar-mirror has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]`
I run the command mvn dependency:purge-local-repository from the cmd and it was built successfully, however, intellij still gives me an error: https://prnt.sc/unxppz
Your JAR files in the Nexus end with ..jar, so you probably made a mistake when uploading them (two dots instead of one).
You need to add in your pom.xml
It looks ok to me. Have you checked the docs? Perhaps you need to set up Maven first. To make sure it is a Maven issue, also try running your Maven build from outside of Intellij -- just a common practice, as I doubt it is the case that Intellij has anything to do with it.
Replace your repository url by https://api.lielamar.com/repository/maven-releases/
The one you have points to a group, if you check on nexus.
The group one might need to be referenced in a different way if they can be referenced at all.
or you might need something like this https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/packages/maven_repository/#group-level-maven-endpoint
I want to use Gluon\AutoCompleteTextField, but I can't get this dependency library in Eclipse's Maven. What's the problem? (Jdk11, JavaFX11)
update your pom with
<name>charm-glisten Repository</name>
the problem already explained here
I am currently trying to use the Jongo project to connect to a remote MongoDB.
To do so, I added these dependencies to my project :
I already had some troubles with the first dependency (jongo:1.0), since maven could not retreive this version (the latest maven knew was 0.4) : Intellij tells me Dependency "org.jongo:jongo:1.0" not found. Yet, the dependency can be found there
I managed to get it via Project Structure -> Librairies
The problem is that this dependency is now local, and anyone who clones this project must import this dependency manually, which is not suitable.
I am using Intellij IDEA 13.0
First, the Sonatype dependency version in the snapshots repository you had linked in your post is 1.1-SNAPSHOT and not 1.0.
It's not recommended to use 3rd party snapshots in your build
If however you insist, you need to add Sonatype snapshots repository to your maven build as follows:
The 1.0 version resides in Sonatype releases repository:
Jongo 1.0 is in maven central. There is no need for extra repository configuration in your pom.
I am using wicket-1.3.6, can I use wiquery plugin in my application?
What is the maven repository for wiquery plugin?
Thanks and Regards.
Maven information:
<id>wiquery plugin repository</id>
<name>wiQuery plugin repository</name>
I have no idea of the support for this in jquery/wicket.
I want to use <groupId>org.glassfish.embedded</groupId> in my dependencies. What repository should I use?
I don't know what you want to use but the groupId org.glassfish.embedded looks pretty old.
I suggest to check the more recent maven coordinates that have been published with the release of GlassFish 3.0.1 and to use the Nexus repository for GlassFish:
<name>GlassFish Maven Repository</name>
Since version 3.1.2, glassfish artifacts are in Maven Central, so you don't need any special repository.
http://download.java.net/maven/glassfish/org/glassfish/embedded/ ?
Add the respository to your pom.xml
<name>Glassfish repository</name>
What artifact do you want though?
Maybe this will help: From What is the official Maven repository for Embedded GlassFish? : http://download.java.net/maven/glassfish/org/glassfish/extras/glassfish-embedded-all/3.1.1/