Is there a shorthand syntax for ext in gradle files? - java

Consider the following line in a dependencies gradle file:
compile group: '', name: 'jaxws-rt', version: '2.2.10', ext: 'pom'
I would like to translate it into the following shorthand instead:
compile '' ext: 'pom'
However, this does not work because of the ext section.
What is the correct syntax to add that part in the shorthand?

Use this:
See the related section of the Users Guide.
Good luck!


Why does my java project still work even though its missing some packages?

I am working on a Dubbo project and when I digging a little deep into its source code. I found these code in Dubbo's source code:
I think this shows that my project missing the org.jboss.*package
(IDEA has mark these packages in red)
But somehow this project still working, doesn't it supposed to not working due to it has some package missing?
By the way my project is organized by gradle and the build.gradle is like this:
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'
testImplementation('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test') {
exclude group: 'org.junit.vintage', module: 'junit-vintage-engine'
compile group: 'org.apache.dubbo', name: 'dubbo-spring-boot-starter', version: '2.7.8'
compile group: 'org.apache.zookeeper', name: 'zookeeper', version: '3.6.2'
compile group: 'org.apache.curator', name: 'curator-framework', version: '5.1.0'
If this wouldn't be some library's de-compiled byte-code but your application's source code, this would rather be an issue. And it's not missing anything, but Gradle will pull in org.jboss.netty on demand, which will then pull in another 8 libraries, which may evetually even pull in further libraries.

Gradle to use a jar-with-dependencies in compile task

We have a project that make use of 'jrs-rest-java-client', version: '6.3.1'
The site we used to get the jar from has a certificate issue since September.
We then had to get the jar from a different site.
The problem is that a dependency require is missing, but if we use the jar that has "-jar-with-dependencies" it is working. I tried by downloading that jar locally and changing the .gradle to use the local version.
What I would prefer is to have the build to fetch that version directly without having to download first.
How do we specify what jar to use?
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'lib',
includes: [
//compile group: 'com.jaspersoft', name: 'jrs-rest-java-client', version: '6.3.1'
compile group: 'com.jaspersoft', name: 'jrs-rest-java-client', version: '6.3.1', USETHISONE: 'jar-with-dependencies'
//compile files("${buildDir}/jrs-rest-java-client-6.3.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar")
I have now tried as suggested;
repositories {
// to handle broked jasper reports dependencies
maven {
url ''
url ''
url ""
dependencies {
implementation project(':common:project-common-properties')
implementation project(':common:project-common-mail')
implementation fileTree(dir: 'lib', includes: [
implementation group: 'com.jaspersoft', name: 'jrs-rest-java-client', version: '6.3.1', classifier: 'jar-with-dependencies'
I'm still getting errors at build time...
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':services:notificationService:compileClasspath'.
> Could not find com.jaspersoft.jasperserver:jasperserver-dto:6.3.0.
Required by:
project :services:notificationService > com.jaspersoft:jrs-rest-java-client:6.3.1
That library is not required if the jrs-rest-java-client-6.3.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar is used.
Thanks all,
The solution was, as seen if the video (Thanks!)
adding a new url:
url ""
From the jfrog repo, it shows you how to do this:
compile(group: 'com.jaspersoft', name: 'jrs-rest-java-client', version: '6.3.1', classifier: 'jar-with-dependencies')
Add the repo for gradle:
repositories {
jcenter {
name "jaspersoft-releases"
url ""
I'd recommend switching from compile to implementation and using a shorthand to declare the dependency:
implementation "com.jaspersoft:jrs-rest-java-client:6.3.1:jar-with-dependencies"
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for his life time.
I decided to record a short clip of how I found the appropriate repositories for the artifacts you needed, on jfrog:

Migrate maven dependencies to gradle

I start with software testing - using Cucumber, Java, gradle.
I try to learn this with the book "The Cucumber for Java Book"
But I try to do I with gradle instead of maven... But now I have some problems...
I stick on page 149. I have to give so dependecies:
I try to "translate" this to gradle
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
testCompile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-java:2.4.0'
testCompile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-junit:2.4.0'
testCompile group: 'info.cukes', name: 'cucumber-picocontainer', version: '1.2.5'
compile group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-webapp', version: '9.4.12.v20180830'
Is this right?
compile group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-webapp', version: '9.4.12.v20180830'
After that I have to run:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="nicebank.AtmServer"
But how can I do this with gradle?
I hope someone can help me :)
Your dependency looks good. Just one note: consider using implementation over compile as it improves the performance. Read about compile deprecation here.
You can also put your properties in file and reference them in the build script:
implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-webapp', version: jettyVersion
Jetty team also published BOMs: — org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-bom:9.4.12.v20180830 in your case. If you use multiple projects of the same version you can import the BOM and skip the version completely:
dependencies {
implementation 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-bom:9.4.12.v20180830'
implementation 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp'
implementation 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-runner'
As for the "exec" task: if you have only one main class in your project, like nicebank.AtmServer, consider using Gradle's Application Plugin:
plugins {
id 'application'
mainClassName = 'nicebank.AtmServer'
This way you don't need to create "exec" task manually, you'll get one (run) from the plugin. As a bonus you'll get two "distribution" tasks that will create a ready-for-distribution archive with your app: distZip and distTar.
As I said in my comment, the dependency for jetty-webapp seems OK but you should use implementation instead of compile ( compile has been deprecated, see Java dependency configurations):
implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-webapp', version: '9.4.12.v20180830'
implementation "org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:9.4.12.v20180830"
For the equivalent of "maven exec:java" in Gradle , you could use the Gradle JavaExec task type: try to define a task in your build as follows:
task runApp(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'nicebank.AtmServer'
(not tested, you migth have to adapt it) , and run it with
gradle runApp
You could alternatively use Gretty plugin to run your webapp (no need to define your own JavaExec task in this case), as documented here and here:
// your existing plugins
id "org.gretty" version "2.2.0"
You can then run the application with:
gradle appRun

Gradle DSL method not found: complie() only with jopendocument

I'm trying to use Gradle with this 'org.jopendocument:jOpenDocument:1.3b1' a obtain this Error:
this Gradle file (1) fail with this error:
Error:(21, 0) Gradle DSL method not found: 'complie()'
Possible causes:
The project '' may be using a version of Gradle that does not contain the method.
Open Gradle wrapper
file The build file may be missing a Gradle plugin.
Apply Gradle plugin
Gradle file (1)
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.11'
compile 'org.mariadb.jdbc:mariadb-java-client:1.1.7'
complie 'org.jopendocument:jOpenDocument:1.3b1'
but add this one to test compile 'org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.scr.annotations:1.9.12' and it works well
Gradle file (2)
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.11'
compile 'org.mariadb.jdbc:mariadb-java-client:1.1.7'
//complie 'org.jopendocument:jOpenDocument:1.3b1'
compile 'org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.scr.annotations:1.9.12'
but want to use complie 'org.jopendocument:jOpenDocument:1.3b1', does not work, I have dealt with:
but it does not work, someone can tell me if I'm doing something wrong
Seems like a typing mistake: you need compile, but not complie.
That line in first gradle file:
complie 'org.jopendocument:jOpenDocument:1.3b1'

gradle unable to find artifact in maven repository

I am doing a simple gradle build and I have deployed a particular artifact to my internal sonatype maven repo
My build.gradle file looks like this:
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
version = '1.0'
repositories {
maven {url ""}
dependencies {
compile group: "com.typesafe", name: "config", version: "1.3.0"
//compile project(':metrics')
compile group: 'com.ebay.telemetry', name: 'client-library', version: '0.1-SNAPSHOT'
compile group: "org.slf4j", name: "slf4j-jdk14", version: "1.7.12"
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.11'
I run this command on the command line: gradle build
I get this error:
> Could not find net.alchim31:metrics-influxdb:0.7.1-ebay-SNAPSHOT.
Searched in the following locations:
However when I go to
I see the following files :
So why is gradle looking for metrics-influxdb-0.7.1-ebay-20150708.054833-4.jar when my repo has metrics-influxdb-0.7.1-ebay-20150708.054830-3.jar
It seems like you have declared another dependency besides the one you showed above. It should probably look something like this:
compile group: 'net.alchim31', name: 'metrics-influxdb', version: '0.7.1-ebay-SNAPSHOT'
If you find this dependency declaration, you might also find the source of the problem.
The second possibility is, that your maven-metadata.xml (at is messed up and points towards the nonexisting build 4.
