Replace java platform system logger with slf4j in spring boot application - java

I've got a spring boot application build as multi-modular gradle project (old-style, not fancy jigsaw)
What I want to achieve - is replace java platform loggers (e.g., SSlLogger/ System.getLogger) with sl4j & logback that are used in my app and are managed by spring-boot-admin server at runtime. I need all my loggers to write to file instead of console - or else I won't see logs in
I do not control how my app is deployed, but I control the way fat jar is built (so, manuals with terminal commands 'java - ...' are not very helpful :( )
I started to follow guide, but got stuck.
for simplicity, my structure is ->
build.gradle (combines 3 other modules)
/src /...
/src /...
/src /...
/src /...
So, I want to add one more module
/src -> with actual classes
Slf4jLogger implements System.Logger
Slf4jLoggerFinder extends System.LoggerFinder
and include it into my application-module
but when trying to build it all, I get 'error: module not found: org.slf4j', and app is not build.
So, what am I doing wrong? What additional plugins/config do I need? And will it even allow me to achieve my goal?

Okay, I managed to find the solution. It's a combination of
So, I don't even needed jigsaw modules - only the JDK's service provider mechanism
So, in fact you need 3 files [these are id's of pastebin's samples; but they are almost the same as in the java-9-logging-api article]
AkXY3zgu -> adapter class
YFUkZwat -> logger provider
CD6NNibj -> meta-inf file - and that's the trickiest part (with file name :) )
file name -> META_INF/services/java.lang.System$LoggerFinder
An now on regular app startup system logger will be replaced with slf4j-adapter.
But still, check how system logger is created -> for example, I mostly need SSLLogger, and there is some system-prop-based logic there...


PropertiesLauncher command line arguments not working with Spring Boot executable Jar

So I have basic multi-module Spring Boot project. The goal, that I had was to build executable jar and pass additional properties with the help of -Dloader.path=....
For some reason (if I understand purpose of this argument) loader.path is being ignored completely.
My project structure is following:
|--pets-app (this module contains the Main-Class)
Since no custom active profile is being passed it uses "default". Jar contains application-default.propeties file, that has single configuration server.servlet.context-path=/v1.
/conf/default location has 2 properties files: - this is bind to #ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "...") inside application
When I run it normally everything is fine java -jar pets-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. It just uses file and that is it.
Now when I am trying to utilize -Dloader.path argument as in java -Dloader.path=PATH/TO/conf/default -jar pets-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar it starts application same as before, as if I am not adding 2 more file to classpath.
What is used:
Java 17
Spring Boot 2.6.12
Did anyone come across this as well? Any suggestion on how to resolve it?
PS. If there is need to see the code, I can upload it to GitHub.

Overriden application.yml in multi-module Spring Boot app

There is a Spring Boot 2 app with such a structure:
- application.yml
- application.yml
Also, module-1 depends on module-2, specified in pom.xml dependencies section.
The problem is that when I specify some properties in module-2's application.yml - they are not visible in main module-1's components (via #Value annotation).
As was answered here seems like module-1's application.yml overrides module-2's application.yml. There is a workaround - if I use name application.yaml in module-2 everything works fine, but I'm going to add more modules and, finally, it's dirty hack.
What I'm doing wrong? Should such an hierarchy of property files specified somehow?
I will be happy to provide more details if it's needed.
Thank you!
Spring Boot is a runtime framework. I understand that your modules are not spring-boot applications by themselves (you can't make a dependency on a spring boot application packaged with spring boot maven plugin, because it produces an artifact that is not really a JAR from the Java's standpoint although it does have *.jar extension).
If so, they're probably regular jars. So you should have a "special" module that assembles the application. This special module lists both 'module1' and 'module2' in <dependency> section and should contain a definition of spring-boot-maven-plugin in its build section (assuming you're using maven). But if so you shouldn't really have more than one application.yml - it will be misleading. Instead, put the application.yml to the src/main/resources of that "special" module.
If you really have to for whatever reason work with multiple application.yaml files, make sure you've read this thread
I know, this is already a well-aged post.
I just came accross the same issue and the best solution I found was to import the module-specific configurations with the spring.config.import directive as described here.
In this case you still have your module specific configuration in property or yaml files within that specific module and do not have too much unwanted dependencies in your project setup.
application.yml is, as the name indicates, an application-level file, not a module-level file.
It is the build script that assembles the final application, e.g. the .war file, that needs to include a application.yml file, if any.
If modules need properties, and cannot rely on the defaults, e.g. using the : syntax in #Value("${}"), they need to provide a module-level property file using #PropertySource("classpath:/path/to/").
Note: By default, #PropertySource doesn't load YAML files (see official documentation), but Spring Boot can be enhanced to support it. See #PropertySource with YAML Files in Spring Boot | Bealdung.
Alternative: Have the application-level build script (the one building the .war file) merge multiple module-level build scripts into a unified application.yml file.

JSR 352: Wildfly9 / JBeret - How to call a batch job that it is not contained at the same deployment file level

I have a WAR application that includes a JAR library. The JAR library contains the Batch Job and the Batch Artifacts (META-INF/batch-jobs/...). The WAR app includes this jar as a library and defines a JAX-RS Service that allows to clients to invoke the batch job calling the JobOperator Interface...
When i run this deployment, the JSR 352 implementation (JBeret) keeps complaining that the Job cannot be found anyware when the JobOperator Interface is called... However, if the Batch Job and the Batch Artifacts are included as classes of the WAR deployment, everything runs smoothly...
So, what is the problem?
After a "little" research, i found the answer (dispersed) in the following links:
Wildfly Issues
Mailing list
Briefly, In order to put this kind of deployment to work, you have to modify the deployment that calls the Job Operator interface to invoke the requested Job (in my case, it was the WAR File)... These are the modifications:
Include an "empty" batch-jobs folder under the META-INF folder. (I guess the empty is optional, because i have to put a README file under that folder to prevent GIT from removing such folder)
Define a ServiceLoader (file) under META-INF/services folder. This ServiceLoader (file) must be called: org.jberet.spi.JobXmlResolver and should contain the following implementation as content:
That's all.
The WildFly issue (, similar to the one mentioned above, but is a different one) has been fixed, and should address your point 1 (having to use empty batch-jobs/ directory).

Log4j2 custom plugins not working in EAR

I am migrating an EAR application from Log4J 1.2.17 to Log4J2 2.4. Please find below the EAR structure.
-- APPLICATION JAR 1 (contains custom plugin)
-- APPLICATION JAR 3 (contains custom plugin)
-- lib/log4j-api-2.4.jar
-- lib/log4j-core-2.4.jar
-- lib/log4j-jcl-2.4.jar
-- lib/log4j-web-2.4.1.jar
-- META-INF/log4j2.xml
-- META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (contains all jars in class-path entry)
Custom plugin classes in all the jars are in the same package -
PFB the initialization code.
Adding the custom plugins package.
Initializing the logging configuration using log4j2.xml.
String path = "path/log4j2.xml";
System.setProperty("log4j.configurationFile", path);
None of the defined custom plugins are getting detected and I tried all the combinations available to initialize log4j2.xml and plugins initialization but nothing worked.
It gives me a feel that custom plugins is not at all working in EAR as I tried all the permutations and combinations. is this a BUG in log4j2 (version: 2.4) ? If no, then please guide me about how to define logging configuration containing custom plugins in an EAR containing custom plugins that are scattered across many jars within an EAR ?
Can anyone please let me know about how to configure
Also, PFB my question posted in stackoverflow on the same.
Custom plugin not getting detected in EAR with log4j2 API
I am using Wildfly 8.2.0-Final AS and maven for building EAR.
Just adding a note that I am always finding Log4JPlugins.dat file inside Jars containing custom plugins irrespective of the options I try regarding detecting plugins.
Your response is highly important to me and thanks.
I don't believe the log4j classes have visibility into the classloaers for the war and application jars.
When compiling a custom Plugin, the Log4J pom.xml defines a plugin that automatically generates cache data in the file META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat
You can see this under your target/classes in a Maven project.
The log4j-core-2.x.x.jar also contains a Log4j2Plugins.dat defining its cache data.
The problem is a single JAR is created when testing an EAR using ShrinkWrap and normally the log4j-core-2.x.x.jar Log4j2Plugins.dat is added to the test JAR as it would most likely be first in the class path.
This means your custom plugin cache is missing.
The solution using ShrinkWrap is to create a new Log4j2Plugins.dat merging any required custom plugin cache files with the cores and then adding that to the JAR.
The following function achieves that...
private static void mergeLog4J2Log4j2PluginsFile(JavaArchive ja, Class... uniqueJARClasses) {
// #Author: Johnathan Ingram <>
// Log4J2 uses /META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat within a JAR to define custom plugins
// This is automatically generated by the plugin defined in the log4j-core-2.x.x pom.xml when compiling your custom plugin
// The problem with shrinkwrap is that the JAR is not preserved and only a single
// /META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat
// file can exist as JAR files cannot be added to a JAR file as a library.
// This is normally the default contained in log4j-core-2.x.x.jar which does not expose any custom plugins
// To rectify, both the core and the custom plugin JAR file Log4j2Plugins.dat need to be merged into a single Log4j2Plugins.dat
try {
// List of a unique class in each JAR containing a Log4j2Plugins.dat requiring merging
Vector<URL> datUrls = new Vector<URL>();
for (Class klass : uniqueJARClasses) {
// Find the JAR the class belongs to
URL classLoc = klass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
URL resourceURL = classLoc.toString().endsWith(".jar")
? new URL("jar:" + URLDecoder.decode(classLoc.toString(), "UTF-8") + "!/META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat")
: new URL(URLDecoder.decode(classLoc.toString(), "UTF-8") + "/META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat");
// Use the Log4J2 PluginCache to build a merged Log4j2Plugins.dat
File mergedDatFile = new File("target/Log4j2Plugins.dat");
try (FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(mergedDatFile)) {
org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.processor.PluginCache pc = new org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.processor.PluginCache();
// Replace the default Log4j2Plugins.dat if present
ja.addAsManifestResource(mergedDatFile, "org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat");
} catch (Exception ex) {
To run:
JavaArchive ja = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "my-test.jar");
mergeLog4J2Log4j2PluginsFile(ja, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.processor.PluginCache.class, MyCustomPlugin.class);

Play Framework - How to keep the configurations of my module inside it?

I am using Play Framework 2.2.x/Java.
I want to create a module to sperate some of the logics from my main application and also I want to use the application.conf inside the module for its configurations instead of using the main application's config file!
But using the following snippet in the module, only reads values from the main application config file:
Is there any other way to get the values from the application.conf file inside my module?
Play uses the typesafe-config library for reading configuration. This is actually a Java library, even though Typesafe is a Scala company.
The documentation for typesafe-config says "The idea is that libraries and frameworks should ship with a reference.conf in their jar."
So your module's config should be stored in a file called reference.conf - the format is exactly the same, it's just the name that is different.
The problem occurs because there is a conflict between the two config files because they are named the same, so it probably goes by classpath order or something. Don't use two application.conf files - this problem has bitten me in the past!
Save your config into ie. /conf/my-module.conf of the main app and then include it at the end of application.conf like:
include "my-module.conf"
