Git warning: unknown trace value for 'GIT_TRACE' - java

As shown in the figure above; Every time you operate git command, some warning messages will appear.
I found some answers on the Internet;
For example, the following:
Only valid for git GUI; When I close the GIT GUI and reopen it, the warning message still exists;
I tried another way:I modified a configuration file in the GIT installation directory
I added a line of code: unset GIT_ TRACE_ PACKET GIT_ TRACE.
In this way, there will be no warning message through git GUI operation; However, when I operate through the console of idea, the warning message still exists and cannot be eliminated; May I ask you guys how to solve this problem?

This has nothing at all to do with java.
You get this message because you have GIT_TRACE set in your environment, to a value that Git does not understand. Your scripts as written cannot change your shell's setting. See environment-variables, and, e.g., Best way to set environment variables in calling shell and Can a shell script set environment variables of the calling shell?.
To unset GIT_TRACE in your current shell, run unset GIT_TRACE. To set it to a different variable, run export GIT_TRACE=value. The set of valid value-s includes 0 (off—this has the same effect as un-setting the variable), 1 and 2 (on and trace goes to stderr), higher numeric values (trace goes to an already-open file descriptor), and path names starting with /.
Any new shells you create may get GIT_TRACE set based on dot-files (e.g., .bashrc) or other startup items you have chosen. To change this, find your startup items and modify them. If your GUI creates a new shell every time you ask it to do anything, you will have to use this method.


Java: Using JVM argument -XX:ErrorFile and append the logs in existing log file without pid

I have following configuration for my service
exec java$tmpdir -Djava.library.path="Some_Path"
-Xmx"$heapsize"m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="Do something, may be restart"
-XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/service/myService/"myServiceCrash".log -jar .jar
I am not able to append the crash logs into the same file. But new file with new PID is created every time.
Requirement : Dump crash logs into same file.
This is expected behavior. For the first time it will write to the file provided in -XX:ErrorFile=, Once the file exists it won't be overwritten and you will then get the default error file.
Ideally there should be some way top show the file creation fails, but it can't be done as part of the error handling code.
Please check the evaluation here -

Building Go from source fails tests when run using Java's Runtime.getRuntime().exec()

This question is related to a previous question, here: Java Runtime.getRuntime().exec() appears to be overwriting $PATH
I am trying to build Go from source from inside a Java program. I can build it properly using Terminal, but Java's Runtime.getRuntime().exec() gets interesting results. I tried using ProcessBuilder, but could not get it to properly make Go. Using my current setup with exec(), it makes properly, but then fails two tests. Code snippet:
String[] envp = new String[4];
envp[0] = "CC=/usr/bin/clang";
envp[1] = "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go";
envp[2] = "CGO_ENABLED=0";
envp[3] = "PATH=" + System.getenv().get("PATH");
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("./all.bash", envp, "$HOME/Desktop/go/src");
It runs properly and compiles properly, but when it gets to running the test suite, I get two errors:
--- FAIL: TestCurrent (0.00s)
user_test.go:24: Current: user: Current not implemented on darwin/amd64 (got &user.User{Uid:"502", Gid:"20", Username:"", Name:"", HomeDir:""})
FAIL os/user 0.009s
and a much longer one that I won't paste here due to absurd length, but it comes down to:
panic: test timed out after 3m0s
FAIL runtime 180.056s
I haven't any idea why the former is failing, but for the runtime when I build from the Terminal, it says:
ok runtime 19.096s
So something is causing that to take absurd amounts of time. I did some googling, and heard that it might be fixed if I use ARM=5 as an environment variable, but that didn't change anything. Does anyone have any idea why these tests are failing when I build from Java as opposed to the Terminal?
Looking at the source code for the os/user package, it looks like the native user handling depends on having cgo enabled. If cgo=0 (your case), it will fall back to the USER and HOME environment variables.
source code in question
Try putting USER=whatever in your exec environment.
I'm afraid I'd need more information to diagnose the runtime issue.

Files.exists(path) and path.toFile().exists() give different results for the same file

I'm getting a different result for Files.exists(path) to path.toFile().exists() for a local file on Windows. I can see this file in Windows Explorer although I have (randomly) modified permissions and perhaps the permissions do not make sense.
However this doesn't explain why the old method returns true and the new methods returns false. The file definently exists but maybe it is invisible to the user running the Java code, so I'm not sure what the correct answer should be. Nor can I see how to see which user is running the code, there is only one real user Paul on the computer, but I'm wondering if whether if run as administrator or not effects things.
System.out.println("Path Exists(1):"+Files.exists(path));
System.out.println("Path Exist(2) :"+path.toFile().exists());
Path Exists(1):false
Path Exist(2) :true
System.out.println("Path readable(3) :"+Files.isReadable(path));
System.out.println("Path readable(4):"+path.toFile().canRead());
works in same way giving
Path readable(3) :false
Path readable(4):true
Permissions output
File C:\Code\jthink\opensrc\jaudiotagger\testdata\test157.dsf permissions
c:\Code\jthink\opensrc\jaudiotagger>attrib C:\Code\jthink\opensrc\jaudiotagger\testdata\test157.dsf
A R C:\Code\jthink\opensrc\jaudiotagger\testdata\test157.dsf
I dont have a conclusion but thought this information could be useful.
I was running code in IntelliJ IDE without the IDE Run program as Administrator option enabled, enabling this did then cause the Java application to also get the administrator privileges.
Interesting for another file I didn't add any DENY privileges, I just disabled inherit permissions and remove READ permissions from all groups. Then when I ran as user without run as admin enabled it could not read the file and also this code could not any output any information
AclFileAttributeView view = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, AclFileAttributeView.class);
if (view != null)
for (AclEntry acl : view.getAcl())
for(AclEntryPermission aep:acl.permissions())
sb.append(aep.toString() + "**");
but when I run with Run program as adminstrator enabled it still couldnt read the file, but the above code did now output some of the permissions as follows:
as you can see even though Administrators do not have READ or READ PERMISSIONS options they can output the permissions whereas before they couldn't, perhaps due to BUILTIN/Administraor being returned as owner.
Try reading this:
It states that, Files.exists(path) returning false does not mean that it does not exist, so yeah it would seem there is a permission problem. Try the Files.notExists(path) as well and see what it returns. If it is false it means that it can not be determined whether the file exists, but if it returns true, there is probably some problem in your code.
Try running your file from the command line instead of netbeans. If you don't know how to do this you can just search google, there is tons of stuff on this, but basically what you want to do is to compile the .java file with javac and then run it with java myfile. Do this with a normal command prompt and one you open as administrator and see what you get.
Theses are two different methods: Files.exists() and path.toFile().exists().
Files.exists() defines that file denoted by this abstract pathname exists. In other words that file exists and user has READ access to it.
path.toFile().exists() indicates the file exists then there is no guarantee that a subsequence access will succeed. In other words file exist without checking that user has READ access to it.
It really depends on user which runs the program. When you work under your ID (Paul) it works fine. Especially in command line where you gan you ATTRIB command.
However, when you use some other application to run your code it depends on the system configuration. Run this ATTRIB or similar command inside your application and you will see.
I think you run some web site under IIS. This way is usually configured for lowest level user in the system with almost no rights to prevent security breaks. Usually it is everyone or NT AUTHORITY. As I can see this particular access has no rights to read your file
Naturally you have 2 different answers - FALSE: user which ID is used by running application cannot read this file, TRUE: file physically exist.
Change running ID for your application or grant READ access to everyone for this particular file including all directories in its path and you will have the same result in this two methods which check different meanings.

Error in starting java application as windows services

I have downloaded commom-daemon tool and used with a java application. I have created a bat file as shown below
set SERVICE_NAME=sample
set PR_INSTALL=D:\commons-daemon-1.0.15-bin-windows-signed\prunsrv.exe
REM Service log configuration
set PR_LOGPATH=D:\logs
set PR_STDOUTPUT=D:\logs\stdout.txt
set PR_STDERROR=D:\logs\stderr.txt
REM Path to java installation
set PR_JVM=C:\Java\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll
set PR_CLASSPATH=D:\commons-daemon-1.0.15-bin-windows-signed\Daemon.jar
REM Startup configuration
set PR_STARTUP=auto
set PR_STARTCLASS=com.SomeService
REM Shutdown configuration
set PR_STOPCLASS=com.SomeService
REM JVM configuration
set PR_JVMMS=256
set PR_JVMMX=1024
set PR_JVMSS=4000
set PR_JVMOPTIONS=-Duser.language=DE;-Duser.region=de
In cmd , I install the service using the command
prunsrv.exe //IS//sample
After this, a service named sample become available in the list of services and when I tried to start it it shows:
Windows could not start the sample on Local Computer. For more information review the System event log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor and refer to the server specific
error code 1
When I run
prunsrv.exe //ES//sample
it shows
The data area passed to a system call is too small.
Failed to start service
Can any one help me in this?
I had the same problem. In my case (not yours exactly), the problem was the jvm.dll path, because the variable %JAVA_HOME% has spaces. So to solve this, I modify the assignment
set CG_PATH_TO_JVM=%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
set CG_PATH_TO_JVM="%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll"
and that's all.
Also, you could check the variables assignment with this command:
To help others troubleshooting.
If you look at:
There is a parameter:
which defaults to:
A log file is generated there which contains some additional error messages and possibly useful information.
The original questioner changed the log path to:
set PR_LOGPATH=D:\logs
So looking there would be the appropriate thing to do in their case.
I also had this cryptic error message 'The data area passed to a system call is too small.' with no further information in either the startup log or the Windows/System32/LogFiles/Apache/ logs on Win 8/Server 2008.
I had renamed my packages and the --StartClass and --StopClass parameters were wrong.
I agreed with OscarSan that a space in %JAVA_HOME% could cause the "error code 1" problem. I solve this problem by re-installing JDK 1.8 to change the installation path from C:\Program Files Java\jdk1.8.0_144 to C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_144. Problem solved.

instance jar file (Snark Client)

On the Snark client website ( it says to instance a jar file in order to load the client. I referred to this question on the oracle community website ( which lead to saying you can instance the jar file with:
However when I run my program with that main method call above, it does not display my GUI at all and instead displays this in the console:
The Hunting of the Snark Project - Copyright (C) 2003 Mark J. Wielaard
Snark comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and
you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; read the
COPYING file for details.
snark: Need exactly one <url>, <file> or <dir>.
Usage: snark [--debug [level]] [--no-commands] [--port <port>]
[--share (<ip>|<host>)] (<url>|<file>|<dir>)
--debug Shows some extra info and stacktraces
level How much debug details to show
(defaults to 3, with --debug to 4, highest level is 6).
--no-commands Don't read interactive commands or show usage info.
--port The port to listen on for incomming connections
(if not given defaults to first free port between 6881-6889).
--share Start torrent tracker on <ip> address or <host> name.
<url> URL pointing to .torrent metainfo file to download/share.
<file> Either a local .torrent metainfo file to download
or (with --share) a file to share.
<dir> A directory with files to share (needs --share).
I then referred to this website ( which gave me an example on how to use the client. The examples given did not make any sense to me and looked like command prompts. This is one of the examples on the website:
./snark somefile.torrent
I have been at this for weeks and any help on how to implement the snark client into my program would be great.
I am not sure what you're passing for args but it seems like the program is not getting any arguments yet it requires some. In order to emulate the website example you show, only programmatically from your own program:
String[] args = { "somefile.torrent" };
If you have a specific file you're wanting to pass in, you might have to use an absolute file path for the string value. The important bit is that main(args) takes a String array that represents command line arguments. So if you were going to run Snark from the command line with snark --debug 6 you'd want args to be {"--debug", "6"}.
