Why mockito will trigger the verify twice? - java

I notice this problem during the following test:
verify(mockedObject).functionCall(argThat(inputStream -> {
final String content = ... // read the inputStream
assertEquals(expectedContent, content);
return true;
It will actually fail although the assertEquals assertion is true. I debug the test, find that the lambda function is reached twice, and at the second time, the cursor of the stream is at the end of the stream. That's why it fails.
So I have to reset the stream first:
verify(mockedObject).functionCall(argThat(inputStream -> {
final String content = ... // read the inputStream
assertEquals(expectedContent, content);
return true;
The question is, why the lambda is triggered twice? Is this by design? Does it have a document?
Mockito version: 2.22
Junit version: 5.6.0
Java version: 1.8
The method is called exactly once, and the inputs of two lambda calls are exactly the same input. Actually, they are the same object. The only thing I have to do is to reset the stream, as it has been exhausted by the first lambda call.

I wouldn't say it's "by design", rather that it's what the current implementation does. The Mockito Times class which performs your assertions has the following method (I'm on a pretty recent version so YMMV):
public void verify(VerificationData data) {
List<Invocation> invocations = data.getAllInvocations();
MatchableInvocation wanted = data.getTarget();
if (wantedCount > 0) {
checkMissingInvocation(data.getAllInvocations(), data.getTarget());
checkNumberOfInvocations(invocations, wanted, wantedCount);
Both checkMissingInvocation and checkNumberOfInvocations perform independent filtering on the list of all invocations to retain the relevant ones, so any matcher you declare ends up being executed twice for each invocation. It's actually exactly the same call:
List<Invocation> actualInvocations = findInvocations(invocations, wanted);
Maybe the filtered list could be cached, but the point is that unless otherwise specified in the documentation, you cannot assume that the function you supply will be executed only once. Also, predicate functions are generally expected to be free of side-effects.


Thread safety for method that returns Mono based on mutable attribute in Java

In my Spring Boot application I have a component that is supposed to monitor the health status of another, external system. This component also offers a public method that reactive chains can subscribe to in order to wait for the external system to be up.
public class ExternalHealthChecker {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExternalHealthChecker.class);
private final WebClient externalSystemWebClient = WebClient.builder().build(); // config omitted
private volatile boolean isUp = true;
private volatile CompletableFuture<String> completeWhenUp = new CompletableFuture<>();
#Scheduled(cron = "0/10 * * ? * *")
private void checkExternalSystemHealth() {
webClient.get() //
.uri("/health") //
.retrieve() //
.bodyToMono(Void.class) //
.doOnError(this::handleHealthCheckError) //
.doOnSuccess(nothing -> this.handleHealthCheckSuccess()) //
.subscribe(); //
private void handleHealthCheckError(final Throwable error) {
if (this.isUp) {
LOG.error("External System is now DOWN. Health check failed: {}.", error.getMessage());
this.isUp = false;
private void handleHealthCheckSuccess() {
// the status changed from down -> up, which has to complete the future that might be currently waited on
if (!this.isUp) {
LOG.warn("External System is now UP again.");
this.isUp = true;
this.completeWhenUp = new CompletableFuture<>();
public Mono<String> waitForExternalSystemUPStatus() {
if (this.isUp) {
LOG.info("External System is already UP!");
return Mono.empty();
} else {
LOG.warn("External System is DOWN. Requesting process can now wait for UP status!");
return Mono.fromFuture(completeWhenUp);
The method waitForExternalSystemUPStatus is public and may be called from many, different threads. The idea behind this is to provide some of the reactive flux chains in the application a method of pausing their processing until the external system is up. These chains cannot process their elements when the external system is down.
.doOnNext(record -> LOG.info("Next element")
.delayUntil(record -> externalHealthChecker.waitForExternalSystemUPStatus())
... // starting processing
The issue here is that I can't really wrap my head around which part of this code needs to be synchronised. I think there should not be an issue with multiple threads calling waitForExternalSystemUPStatusat the same time, as this method is not writing anything. So I feel like this method does not need to be synchronised. However, the method annotated with #Scheduled will also run on it's own thread and will in-fact write the value of isUp and also potentially change the reference of completeWhenUpto a new, uncompleted future instance. I have marked these two mutable attributes with volatilebecause from reading about this keyword in Java it feels to me like it would help with guaranteeing that the threads reading these two values see the latest value. However, I am unsure if I also need to add synchronized keywords to part of the code. I am also unsure if the synchronized keyword plays well with reactor code, I have a hard time finding information on this. Maybe there is also a way of providing the functionality of the ExternalHealthCheckerin a more complete, reactive way, but I cannot think of any.
I'd strongly advise against this approach. The problem with threaded code like this is it becomes immensely difficult to follow & reason about. I think you'd at least need to synchronise the parts of handleHealthCheckSuccess() and waitForExternalSystemUPStatus() that reference your completeWhenUp field otherwise you could have a race hazard on your hands (only one writes to it, but it might be read out-of-order after that write) - but there could well be something else I'm missing, and if so it may show as one of these annoying "one in a million" type bugs that's almost impossible to pin down.
There should be a much more reliable & simple way of achieving this though. Instead of using the Spring scheduler, I'd create a flux when your ExternalHealthChecker component is created as follows:
healthCheckStream = Flux.interval(Duration.ofMinutes(10))
.flatMap(i ->
.map(s -> true)
.onErrorResume(e -> Mono.just(false)))
...where healthCheckStream is a field of type Flux<Boolean>. (Note it doesn't need to be volatile, as you'll never replace it so cross-thread worries don't apply - it's the same stream that will be updated with different results every 10 minutes based on the healthcheck status, whatever thread you'll access it from.)
This essentially creates a stream of healthcheck response values every 10 minutes, always caches the latest response, and turns it into a hot source. This means that the "nothing happens until you subscribe" doesn't apply in this case - the flux will start executing immediately, and any new subscribers that come in on any thread will always get the latest result, be that a pass or a fail. handleHealthCheckSuccess() and handleHealthCheckError(), isUp, and completeWhenUp are then all redundant, they can go - and then your waitForExternalSystemUPStatus() can just become a single line:
return healthCheckStream.filter(x -> x).next();
...then job done, you can call that from anywhere and you'll have a Mono that will only complete when the system is up.

Why does `blockingGet()` works, but `assertValue()` doesn't when writing to, then reading from, a DB in RxJava?

I am running a test where I run a write, then read operations:
emailRepository.insertEmail(email); // Returns a Completable
emailRepository.getEmail(email); // returns a Maybe<String>
If I try to test it using TestObserver<String> as below, I get an empty Maybe from getEmail() and the test fails:
.andThen(Maybe.defer(() -> emailRepository.getEmail(email)))
.assertValue(email); // fails -- empty Maybe
However, if I run it with blockingGet(), the same test works:
String emailFromDb = emailRepository.insertEmail(email)
.andThen(Maybe.defer(() -> emailRepository.getEmail(email)))
assertValue(email,emailFromDb); // succeeds
I thought by chaining the test() method I would be decreasing the risk of race conditions, but weirdly this does not seem to be the case.
Could it be just a coincidence that blockingGet() is working?
My understanding was that once the task is handed over to the database (MySql, in this case), the Completable would complete but the DB may not have finished the write. But if that were the case, then shouldn't I be seeing it fail some times as well with blockingGet()? Or am I misinterpreting things here?

is `CompletableFuture.completedFuture ... thenAccept` equivalent to sequential processing?

I'm working on a project with a lot of CompletableFuture.completedFuture ... thenAccept codes, e.g.
public CompletableFuture<Boolean> callee() {
boolean result = ... // Do something and get result - Step A
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Boolean.valueOf(result));
public void caller() {
callee().thenAccept(result -> {
// Detect if call success or failure - Step B
new Throwable().printStackTrace(); // the debug code: stacktrace shows it is called from caller
I concluded that Step A and Step B are called sequentially in one thread.
So can I simplify it like this?
public boolean callee() {
boolean result = ... // Do something and get result
return result;
public void caller() {
boolean result = callee();
// Detect if call success or failure
Yes, you can simplify it like this. The long version:
I think the question should be rather: "Is this usage of CompletableFuture appropriate?". No, it's not. This code is using CompletableFuture like a wrapper, a package, to pass data around and not as a tool to execute code asynchronously. This tool can be used to pass data around between threads, but it's not what this code is doing.
Calling CompletableFuture.completedFuture does nothing but create a new CompletableFuture that is completed with whatever you pass to the method. Then you call thenAccept on it, which has basically the following effect: "Take the result when it's done and let the thread that has calculated the result execute the following code. If the result is already calculated, let the caller execute the following code themself." The "following code" is simply the lambda you pass to thenAccept.
The initial CompletableFuture is completed instantly and the following code gets executed by the thread that calls thenAccept directly. The thread that executes caller and callee does everything itself. So this part is effectively doing nothing asynchronously. Therefore, the code is equivalent to the simpler code in the second example without CompletableFuture.
To actually make use of CompletableFuture, you should run boolean result = ... // Do something and get result - Step A asynchronously by e.g. creating this initial future using CompletableFuture.supplyAsync. The chained code will also be run asynchronously.

Reactor's StepVerifier: assertion fails in nondeterministic way on various step

I want to use StepVerifier in integration testing save operations in Mongo repository.
I prepared a method for inserting multiple UserItems for further verification:
Flux<UserItems> saveMultiple(int numberOfItems) {
return Flux.range(0, numberOfItems)
.flatMap { userItemsRepository.save(new UserItem(it)) }
userItemsRepository.save returns Mono<UserItem>
I prepared a test method:
def "Should save all UserItems"() {
def numberOfItems = 3
def saveResult = saveMultiple(numberOfItems)
.expectNextMatches {it.itemNo == 0 }
.expectNextMatches {it.itemNo == 1 }
.expectNextMatches {it.itemNo == 2 }
And I expect that next items will emerge in the order {0,1,2}. Unfortunately, the test fails because of java.lang.AssertionError in non deterministic way, on various step. I cannot figure out how to do it properly. It's my first approach to test Reactor flow. Anyone has an idea, how to handle such situations?
The flatMap operator doesn't preserve order of the source and lets values from different inners interleave.
So depending on userItemsRepository.save you can have something like:
if interleaving doesn't bother you but want to keep the original order you can use flatMapSequencial or if you don't want any interleave concatMap

mockito callbacks and getting argument values

I'm not having any luck getting Mockito to capture function argument values! I am mocking a search engine index and instead of building an index, I'm just using a hash.
// Fake index for solr
Hashmap<Integer,Document> fakeIndex;
// Add a document 666 to the fakeIndex
SolrIndexReader reader = Mockito.mock(SolrIndexReader.class);
// Give the reader access to the fake index
I can't use arbitrary arguments because I'm testing the results of queries (ie which documents they return). Likewise, I don't want to specify a specific value for and have a line for each document!
I looked at the callbacks section on the Using Mockito page. Unfortunately, it isn't Java and I couldn't get my own interpretation of that to work in Java.
EDIT (for clarification):
How do I get get Mockito to capture an argument X and pass it into my function? I want the exact value (or ref) of X passed to the function.
I do not want to enumerate all cases, and arbitrary argument won't work because I'm testing for different results for different queries.
The Mockito page says
val mockedList = mock[List[String]]
mockedList.get(anyInt) answers { i => "The parameter is " + i.toString }
That's not java, and I don't know how to translate into java or pass whatever happened into a function.
I've never used Mockito, but want to learn, so here goes. If someone less clueless than me answers, try their answer first!
Mockito.when(reader.document(anyInt())).thenAnswer(new Answer() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
Object mock = invocation.getMock();
return document(fakeIndex((int)(Integer)args[0]));
Check out ArgumentCaptors:
ArgumentCaptor<Integer> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class);
new Answer() {
Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
return document(argument.getValue());
You might want to use verify() in combination with the ArgumentCaptor to assure execution in the test and the ArgumentCaptor to evaluate the arguments:
ArgumentCaptor<Document> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Document.class);
assertEquals(*expected value here*, argument.getValue());
The argument's value is obviously accessible via the argument.getValue() for further manipulation / checking or whatever you wish to do.
With Java 8, this could be something like this:
(InvocationOnMock invocation) -> document(invocation.getArguments()[0]));
I am assuming that document is a map.
