NumberFormatException java assembler - java

I have been working on an assembler in java for my VM and i dont know why this is happening because the string that is provided is a 1. I have tried trimming it and it is still throwing this error. Everything i found wont help with this issue the error is on line 117 where i set tmpa please help!
package vm;
import java.util.Scanner;
class asm {
public static int pc = 0;
public static void main(String[] args){
String a = "";
String filename = "prog.asm";
String tmp = "";
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
tmp += line;
tmp += " ";
catch (Exception e)
System.err.format("Exception occurred trying to read '%s'.", filename);
tmp = tmp.replace(", ", " ");
tmp = tmp.replace(",", " ");
tmp = tmp.replace(" ,", " ");
String[] prog = tmp.split(" ");
for(int i=0;i<prog.length;i++){
"CURRENT POS: " + i +
", " + prog[i]
while(pc < prog.length){
String d = prog[pc];
if(!((prog[pc].substring(0, 1)).equals("$")) && !((prog[pc].substring(0, 1)).equals("r"))){
System.out.println("FOUND INSTR " + prog[pc].substring(0, 1));
a += " 0x";
if(prog[pc].equals("hlt")) {
a += "00000000";
}else if(prog[pc].equals("mov")){
if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("r")){
a += "02";
a += "01";
}else if(prog[pc].equals("add")){
if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("r")){
a += "04";
a += "03";
else if(prog[pc].equals("sub")){
if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("r")){
a += "06";
a += "05";
else if(prog[pc].equals("mul")){
if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("r")){
a += "08";
a += "07";
else if(prog[pc].equals("div")){
if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("r")){
a += "0A";
a += "09";
}else if(prog[pc].equals("psh")){
if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("r")){
a += "0C";
a += "0B";
}else if(prog[pc].equals("psh")){
if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("r")){
a += "0E";
a += "0D";
}else if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("$")){
int tmpa = Integer.parseInt(prog[pc + 1].substring(1, 2)) - 1;
String tmpc="";
char[] tmpd = prog[pc].toCharArray();
for(int i=0;i<tmpd.length;i++) {
if(tmpd[i] == '$') {}
else if(tmpd[i] == '#') break;
else tmpc += tmpd[i];
a += tmpa;
a += "0";
if(tmpc.length() > 3) {
a += tmpc;
}else if(tmpc.length() > 2) {
a += "0" + tmpc;
}else if(tmpc.length() > 1) {
a += "00" + tmpc;
}else if(tmpc.length() > 0) {
a += "000" + tmpc;
else if(prog[pc].substring(0, 1).equals("r")) {
System.out.println(prog[pc + 1].substring(1, 2));
int tmpa = Integer.parseInt(prog[pc + 1].substring(1, 2).trim()); << Error
int tmpb = Integer.parseInt(prog[pc].substring(1, 2).trim());
a += tmpb;
a += tmpa;
a += "0000";
mov $1#, r1
mov $1#, r2
add r1, r2
psh r1

When your code is ran on "hlt" line and examined substring contains an "l" letter which is not a digit, so the Integer.ParseInt cannot convert an "l" letter to an integer.


No sorting correctly

I am trying to write a program for a class. I can get the program to sort the names by time. However, when the program goes to sort by the first letter of a name I get this.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Race {
public static void main (String[] args){
//declaring Variables
String runner1, runner2, runner3, infoRunner1, infoRunner2, infoRunner3, inputUser, rankOutput;
int runtime1, runtime2, runtime3;
inputUser = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter runner one name: ");
runner1 = (inputUser);
inputUser = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter runner one time: ");
runtime1 = Integer.parseInt(inputUser);
infoRunner1 = (runner1 + " " + runtime1);
inputUser = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter runner two name: ");
runner2 = (inputUser);
inputUser = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Please enter runner two time ");
runtime2 = Integer.parseInt(inputUser);
infoRunner2 = (runner2 +" " + runtime2);
inputUser = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter runner three name: ");
runner3 = (inputUser);
inputUser = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Please enter runner three time ");
runtime3 = Integer.parseInt(inputUser);
infoRunner3 = (runner3 +" " + runtime3);
//Naming sort
String OutputName = "";
if (runner1.compareToIgnoreCase(runner2) <= 0 && runner1.compareToIgnoreCase(runner3) <= 0) {
OutputName += infoRunner1 + "\n";
if (runner2.compareToIgnoreCase(runner3) <= 0) {
OutputName += infoRunner3 + "\n";
OutputName += infoRunner2 + "\n";
} else {
OutputName += infoRunner2 + "\n";
OutputName += infoRunner3 + "\n";
if (runner2.compareToIgnoreCase(runner1) <= 0 && runner2.compareToIgnoreCase(runner3) <= 0) {
OutputName += infoRunner2 + "\n";
if (runner1.compareToIgnoreCase(runner3) <= 0) {
OutputName += infoRunner1 + "\n";
OutputName += infoRunner3 + "\n";
} else {
OutputName += infoRunner1 + "\n";
OutputName += infoRunner2 + "\n";
if (runner3.compareToIgnoreCase(runner2) <= 0 && runner3.compareToIgnoreCase(runner1) <= 0) {
OutputName += infoRunner3 + "\n";
if (runner2.compareToIgnoreCase(runner1) <= 0) {
OutputName += infoRunner2 + "\n";
OutputName += infoRunner1 + "\n";
} else {
OutputName += infoRunner1 + "\n";
OutputName += infoRunner2 + "\n";
String firstplace = "";
String secondplace = "";
String thirdplace = "";
if (runtime1 >= runtime2 && runtime1 >= runtime3){
firstplace = infoRunner1;}
else if (runtime1 >= runtime2 && runtime1 <= runtime3){
secondplace = infoRunner1;}
else if (runtime1 <= runtime2 && runtime1 <= runtime3){
thirdplace = infoRunner1;}
if (runtime2 >= runtime1 && runtime2 >= runtime3){
firstplace = infoRunner2;}
else if (runtime2 >= runtime1 && runtime2 <= runtime3){
secondplace = infoRunner2;}
else if (runtime2 <= runtime3 && runtime2 <= runtime1){
thirdplace = infoRunner2;}
if (runtime3 >= runtime1 && runtime3 >= runtime2){
firstplace = infoRunner3;}
else if (runtime3 >= runtime1 && runtime3 <= runtime2){
secondplace = infoRunner3;}
else if (runtime3 <= runtime1 && runtime3 <= runtime2){
thirdplace = infoRunner3;}
rankOutput = thirdplace + "\n" + secondplace + "\n" +firstplace + "\n";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Ranking Order\n" + rankOutput + "\nName Order \n" + OutputName);
The assignment only called for certain names to be used. When I was testing the program I found it could not have the same first letter of a name. We have not gotten to the array's not sure we can use those for this assignment.
It seems this pair of lines is incorrect:
if (runner2.compareToIgnoreCase(runner3) <= 0) {
OutputName += infoRunner3 + "\n";
This code says that if runner2 comes before runner3, put out runner3 first, which seems wrong. Put out runner2 then runner 3.
To find bugs like this, walk through your code by hand. There may be other bugs, and where there is one kind of bug, look in code for similar code because the same kind of mistake may have been made more than once.
And #Robo Mop is right, there are much simpler ways. For one thing, you can lower-case all the names first before doing any comparisons. You can make a simple array of strings and then sort that. Research "collections" in Java, and the sort methods. You probably don't have to write an iterator or comparator. Taking this approach will also allow you to extend the code to sort 10,000 runners if there is a city-wide marathon for example.

how do you convert a number in a text form to a number?

What is the code wherein if you input any number in text form line for example "twenty seven" the output is 27?
but with this code it will take time to make it reach like in millions that is why I want to know what can be done to make things efficient
import java.util.Scanner;
public class conversion {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter A Number In Text Form: ");
String inp = input.nextLine();
if (inp.equals("zero")) {
} else if (inp.equals("one")) {
} else if (inp.equals("two")) {
} else if (inp.equals("three")) {
} else if (inp.equals("four")) {
} else if (inp.equals("five")) {
} else if (inp.equals("six")) {
} else if (inp.equals("seven")) {
} else if (inp.equals("eight")) {
} else if (inp.equals("nine")) {
create a dictionary map with all possible but minimal combinations :
e.g var dics= { twenty :20 , two: 2}
Now you can split your input string by space. and then try to build a logic to utilize these values.
this will be complex to implement for sure but yes , it's possible.
You can split the string to an array with split function.
and loop it
String[] inps = inp.split(" ");
int remaining = inps.length;
String outstr = "";
for (String numstr : inps)
int digit = 0;
switch (numstr.toLowerCase()) // in the JDK7, You can use Strings in switch
case "twenty": outstr += '2'; digit=10; break;
case "thirty": outstr += '3'; digit=10; break;
// ...
if (digit == 10 && remaining == 0)
// tenth digit, but no remaining
outstr += '0';
public static final String[] tens = {
"", // 0
"", // 1
"Twenty", // 2
"Thirty", // 3
"Forty", // 4
"Fifty", // 5
"Sixty", // 6
"Seventy", // 7
"Eighty", // 8
"Ninety" // 9
public static String convert(final int n) {
if (n < 0) {
return "Minus " + convert(-n);
if (n < 20) {
return units[n];
if (n < 100) {
return tens[n / 10] + ((n % 10 != 0) ? " " : "") + units[n % 10];
if (n < 1000) {
return units[n / 100] + " Hundred" + ((n % 100 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 100);
if (n < 100000) {
return convert(n / 1000) + " Thousand" + ((n % 10000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 1000);
if (n < 10000000) {
return convert(n / 100000) + " Lakh" + ((n % 100000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 100000);
return convert(n / 10000000) + " Crore" + ((n % 10000000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 10000000);
public static void main(final String[] args) {
int n;
Scanner s=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter a number to convert into word format");
n =s.nextInt();
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");

How to detect whitespace of operator

I have some problem about my code.
I want to detect whitespace of operator like " + ", " +", "+ " or "+".
I want my output is
Whitespace of an operator is "A"
How can I modify my code?
My code is here.
Scanner input = new Scanner (new File(PATH to file));
int plus1;
int plus2;
int plus3;
int plus4;
String sPlus = "";
while (in.hasNext()) {
String line = in.nextLine();
if (line.length() > 0) {
plus1 = -1;
plus2 = -1;
plus3 = -1;
plus4 = -1;
while (true) {
plus1 = line.indexOf(" + ", plus1 + 1);
plus2 = line.indexOf(" +", plus2 + 1);
plus3 = line.indexOf("+ ", plus3 + 1);
plus4 = line.indexOf("+", plus4 + 1);
if (plus1 > 0) {
sPlus = "A";
if (plus2 > 0) {
sPlus = "B";
if (plus3 > 0) {
sPlus = "C";
if(plus4 > 0){
sPlus = "D";
if ((plus1 < 0) || (plus2 < 0) || (plus3 < 0) || (plus4 < 0)) break;
There are two problems with your logic:
You are using trim() in line.indexOf(" +".trim(), plus2+1), which returns the index of "+" NOT " +"
Any one occurrence of " + " will be counted 4 times, because line.indexOf(" +") will also count occurrences of " + "
For 2. it would be much easier to use line.indexOf('+'), and then check before and after the index to see how many whitespaces there are:
int plus = line.indexOf('+');
if(plus == -1) break;
if(line.charAt(plus-1) == ' ') {
if(line.charAt(plus+1) == ' ') //A;
else //B;
else if(line.charAt(plus+1) == ' ') {
else {
Proper else-if could be help.
if (line.indexOf(" + ") != -1) sPlus = "A";
else if (line.indexOf(" +") != -1) sPlus = "B";
else if (line.indexOf("+ ") != -1) sPlus = "C";
else if (line.indexOf("+") != -1) sPlus = "D";
else break;

Java: Number game only showing two players

I have created a number guessing game. The program lets you play as many rounds as you like and in the end it is going to display the number of guesses for each round. However, my program only gives output for two players... Here is the code:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class Hil0 {
public static void main(String[]args) throws IOException {
List<String> highscore = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList());
while(true) {
String namn = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Välj namn");
int a = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Mellan 0 och vilket tal vill du gissa?"));
int slumptal = 1 + (int)(Math.random()*a);
int counter = 0;
int count = 0;
String output = "";
while(true) {
String inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Gissa vilket tal (0-" + a +")");
int input = Integer.parseInt(inputStr);
if(input < slumptal) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Talet: " + input + " är för litet");
else if(input > slumptal) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Talet: " + input + " är för stort");
else if(input == slumptal) {
highscore.add(namn + " " + counter + " gissningar" + " (0-" + a + ")");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Rätt!" + "\n" +
"Antal gissningar: " +
String janej = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Vill du spela igen?");
if(janej.equalsIgnoreCase("ja")) {
else if(janej.equalsIgnoreCase("nej")) {
for(int i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
output += highscore.get(i) + "\n";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Resultat:" + "\n\n" + output);
} //Main
} //Class
May be it is because you variable count in each loop would be equals to 1. Try to replace it in to scope out of while loop.
It would be looks like this:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class Hil0 {
public static void main(String[]args) throws IOException {
List<String> highscore = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList());
int count = 0; // put it here instead
while(true) {
String namn = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Välj namn");
int a = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Mellan 0 och vilket tal vill du gissa?"));
int slumptal = 1 + (int)(Math.random()*a);
int counter = 0;
// int count = 0; move it out of while
String output = "";
while(true) {
String inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Gissa vilket tal (0-" + a +")");
int input = Integer.parseInt(inputStr);
if(input < slumptal) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Talet: " + input + " är för litet");
else if(input > slumptal) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Talet: " + input + " är för stort");
else if(input == slumptal) {
highscore.add(namn + " " + counter + " gissningar" + " (0-" + a + ")");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Rätt!" + "\n" +
"Antal gissningar: " +
String janej = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Vill du spela igen?");
if(janej.equalsIgnoreCase("ja")) {
else if(janej.equalsIgnoreCase("nej")) {
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // use < insetad of <= because you count from 0
output += highscore.get(i) + "\n";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Resultat:" + "\n\n" + output);

How to write static method call without object instantiation

Doing some work, and I need to write the method using Object Oriented Programming, and to make the method without the object instantiation.
I do just not know how to do this. Ive been returned the following feedback:
Your main() method should go in the tester class, while all of the implementation methods and
constructor should go in the object class.
Here's some code, thank you!
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
// variables
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
File fileRead = new File("/Users/jerome/Desktop/MorseCode.txt");
Scanner withinFile = new Scanner (fileRead);
String userInput = "";
String toMorse = "";
String[] file = new String[25];
String[] alp = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "o", "m", "n", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"};
for(int i = 0; i < 25; i ++)
file[i] = withinFile.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter a word to translate: ");
userInput = in.nextLine();
// static methods
MorseCode2 morse = new MorseCode2();
morse.tooMorse(userInput, alp, file, toMorse);
// output
System.out.print("'"+ userInput+"'"+" translated into Morse Code is: " + tooMorse(userInput, alp, file, toMorse));
Annnd some more!
public static String tooMorse(String userInput, String[] alp, String[] file, String toMorse)
for(int i = 0; i < userInput.length(); i ++)
if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i])) // a
toMorse += " " + file[i];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+1])) // b
toMorse += " " + file[i+1];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+2])) // c
toMorse += " " + file[i+2];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+3])) // d
toMorse += " " + file[i+3];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+4])) // e
toMorse += " " + file[i+4];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+5])) // f
toMorse += " " + file[i+5];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+6])) // g
toMorse += " " + file[i+6];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+7])) //h
toMorse += " " + file[i+7];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+8])) // i
toMorse += " " + file[i+8];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+9])) // j
toMorse += " " + file[i+9];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+10])) // k
toMorse += " " + file[i+10];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+11])) // l
toMorse += " " + file[i+11];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+12])) // m
toMorse += " " + file[i+12];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+13])) // n
toMorse += " " + file[i+13];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+14])) //o
toMorse += " " + file[i+14];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+15])) // p
toMorse += " " + file[i+15];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+16])) // q
toMorse += " " + file[i+16];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+17])) // r
toMorse += " " + file[i+17];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+18])) // s
toMorse += " " + file[i+18];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+19])) // t
toMorse += " " + file[i+19];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+20])) // u
toMorse += " " + file[i+20];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+21])) // v
toMorse += " " + file[i+21];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+22])) // w
toMorse += " " + file[i+22];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+23])) // x
toMorse += " " + file[i+23];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+24])) // y
toMorse += " " + file[i+24];
else if(userInput.substring(i, i+1).equals(alp[i+25])) // z
toMorse += " " + file[i+25];
return "no";
return toMorse;
MorseCode2 morse = new MorseCode2();
morse.tooMorse(userInput, alp, file, toMorse);
Change this to:
MorseCode2.tooMorse(userInput, alp, file, toMorse);
If you have other static methods like that, do the same thing.
Unlike normal methods, you don't call static methods on an instance of the class - only on the class itself. If you do write morse.tooMorse(...) the compiler will simply convert it to MorseCode2.tooMorse(...) for you, and emit a warning. So your original code is equivalent to this:
MorseCode2 morse = new MorseCode2();
MorseCode2.tooMorse(userInput, alp, file, toMorse);
which is slightly inefficient since morse isn't used anywhere.
