Spring WebClient - how to retry with delay based on response header - java

A little background
I've been learning Spring Webflux and reactive programming and have gotten stuck on a problem I'm trying to solve around retry logic using Spring Webclient. I've created a client and made successful calls to an external web-service GET endpoint that returns some JSON data.
When the external service responds with a 503 - Service Unavailable status, the response includes a Retry-After header with a value that indicates how long I should wait before retrying the request. I want to find a way within Spring Webflux/Reactor to tell the webClient to retry it's request after X period, where X is the difference between now and the DateTime that I parse out of the response header.
Simple WebClient GET request
public <T> Mono<T> get(final String url, Class<T> clazz) {
return webClient
WebClient Builder
I use a builder to create the webClient variable used in the above method, and it's stored as an instance variable in the class.
webClientBuilder = WebClient.builder();
webClientBuilder.codecs(clientCodecConfigurer -> {
clientCodecConfigurer.customCodecs().register(new Jackson2JsonDecoder());
clientCodecConfigurer.customCodecs().register(new Jackson2JsonEncoder());
webClient = webClientBuilder.build();
Retry When
I've tried to understand and use the retryWhen method with the Retry class, but can't figure out if I can access or pass through the response header value there.
public <T> Mono<T> get(final String url, Class<T> clazz) {
return webClient
.retryWhen(new Retry() {
public Publisher<?> generateCompanion(final Flux<RetrySignal> retrySignals) {
// Can I use retrySignals or retryContext to find the response header somehow?
// If I can find the response header, how to return a "yes-retry" response?
Filter(s) with Extra Logic and DB Interaction
I've also tried to do some extra logic and use filters with the WebClient.Builder, but that only gets me to a point of halting a new request (call to #get) until a previously established Retry-After value has elapsed.
webClientBuilder = WebClient.builder();
webClientBuilder.codecs(clientCodecConfigurer -> {
clientCodecConfigurer.customCodecs().register(new Jackson2JsonDecoder());
clientCodecConfigurer.customCodecs().register(new Jackson2JsonEncoder());
webClientBuilder.filter(ExchangeFilterFunction.ofRequestProcessor(clientRequest -> {
final Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC();
final int id = (int) clientRequest.attribute("id"); // id is saved as an attribute for the request, pull it out here
final long retryAfterEpochMillis = // get epoch millisecond from DB for id
if(epoch is in the past) {
return Mono.just(clientRequest);
} else { // have to wait until epoch passes to send request
return Mono.just(clientRequest).delayElement(Duration.between(clock.instant(), Instant.ofEpochMilli(retryAfterEpochMillis)));
webClient = webClientBuilder.build();
.onStatus(HttpStatus::isError, response -> {
final List<String> retryAfterHeaders = response.headers().header("Retry-After");
if(retryAfterHeaders.size() > 0) {
final long retryAfterEpochMillis = // parse millisecond epoch time from header
// Save millisecond time to DB associated to specific id
return response.bodyToMono(String.class).flatMap(body ->
Mono.error(new RuntimeException(
String.format("Request url {%s} failed with status {%s} and reason {%s}",
Any help is appreciated, and if I can provide more contextual data to help, I will.

1. Retrieve header in retry builder
public class WebClientStatefulRetry3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
.filter(ex -> ex instanceof WebClientResponseException.ServiceUnavailable)
.doBeforeRetryAsync(signal -> Mono.delay(calculateDelay(signal.failure())).then()))
private static Mono<String> call(WebClient webClient) {
return webClient.get()
private static Duration calculateDelay(Throwable failure) {
String headerValue = ((WebClientResponseException.ServiceUnavailable) failure).getHeaders().get("Retry-After").get(0);
return // calculate delay here from header and current time;
2. Use expand operator to access the previous response and generate the next one
public class WebClientRetryWithExpand {
public static void main(String[] args) {
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
.expand(prevResponse -> {
List<String> header = prevResponse.headers.header("Retry-After");
if (header.isEmpty()) {
return Mono.empty();
long delayInMillis = // calculate delay from header and current time
return Mono.delay(Duration.ofMillis(delayInMillis))
private static Mono<ResponseWithHeaders> call(WebClient webClient) {
return webClient.get()
.exchangeToMono(response -> response.bodyToMono(String.class)
.map(rawResponse -> new ResponseWithHeaders(rawResponse, response.headers())));
static class ResponseWithHeaders {
private final String rawResponse;
private final ClientResponse.Headers headers;


Throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() when retrying invalid token

I am trying to update the token when I get a response with 401 status code.
In order to do that, I used web client. I know that this mainly used to do reactive development but since resttemplate will soon be deprecated I went for this option.
The issue I am facing is that when it does call the api endpoint to get the new token, it throws a 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() '. And make sense as it stated in the exception message It is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-3.
I saw that there is a map and flatmap option, but I couldn't figure out how to use it inside the doBeforeRetry() to make it process in a different stream.
I need to have that new token before retrying.
So the question is : How can I get the token via another call and then still do the retry ?
I was able to make it work by using a try catch but I would like to find the solution how to use it inside that retry method.
I also try to block the token request by replacing the token response by a Mono and block it by using myMono.toFuture().get() as stated here block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking error when calling bodyToMono AFTER exchange()
Here is the code :
Method responsible for the call :
public String getValueFromApi(HashMap<String, Object> filter) {
String response = "";
response = webclient
.header("token", token.getToken())
retrySignal -> tokenService.getTokenFromApi(env)
return response;
Method that retrieve the token :
public void getTokenFromApi(Environment env) {
HashMap<String, String> requestBody = new HashMap<>();
requestBody.put("name", "name");
requestBody.put("password", "password");
String response = WebClient
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")
private void getTokenFromResponse(String reponse) {
JsonObject tokenObject = new Gson().fromJson(reponse, JsonObject.class);
WebClient Builder :
public WebClient webClientForApi(WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder) {
return webClientBuilder
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient))
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "application/json")
public ExchangeFilterFunction errorHandler() {
return ExchangeFilterFunction.ofResponseProcessor(clientResponse -> {
if (clientResponse.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)) {
return Mono.error(InvalidTokenException::new);
} else if (clientResponse.statusCode() == HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) {
return Mono.error(ApiInternalServerException::new);
} else {
return Mono.just(clientResponse);
private ExchangeFilterFunction logRequest() {
return ExchangeFilterFunction.ofRequestProcessor(clientRequest -> {
logger.info("Request: {} {}", clientRequest.method(), clientRequest.url());
clientRequest.headers().forEach((name, values) -> values.forEach(value -> logger.info("{}={}", name, value)));
return Mono.just(clientRequest);

WebClient how to make calls in Parallel and wait for response

First time trying Webclient and a bit lost. I'm trying to call an API potentially up to 20 times, and I want the calls to happen in parallel and process the response objects as they come in. Then returning the response. I have it almost working, the API is properly iterating through all the responses as they come in and building my response object. However it's not blocking, meaning when the response is finished building, my API has already returned an empty response such as: {}
public GetHistoricalRes getHistoricalDaily(GetHistoricalReq getHistoricalReq) {
GetHistoricalRes historicalDailyQuotesRes = new GetHistoricalRes();
List<Mono<GenHistoricalRes>> genHistoricalDailyQuotes = new ArrayList<>();
for (String ticker : getHistoricalReq.getTickers()) {
genHistoricalDailyQuotes.add(MrMarketClient.getHistoricalDailyQuotes(ticker, getHistoricalReq.getTo(), getHistoricalReq.getFrom()));
Flux.merge(genHistoricalDailyQuotes).subscribe((genHistoricalRes) -> {
historicalDailyQuotesRes.getQuotes().put(genHistoricalRes.getSymbol(), genHistoricalRes);
return historicalDailyQuotesRes;
public Mono<GenHistoricalRes> getHistoricalDailyQuotes(String ticker, String to, String from) {
String historicalPricePath = "/historical-price-full/" + ticker;
return this.getClient()
.uri(builder -> builder
.queryParam("apikey", apiKey)
.queryParam("from", from)
.queryParam("to", to)
response -> {
if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
return response.bodyToMono(GenHistoricalRes.class)
} else {
return response.createException()

WebClient Request and Response body logging

I am trying to make a POJO out of request and response data received when making WebClient calls. But I am not getting the request body in string/JSON readable form instead I am getting a BodyInsertor. I am making use of Exchange Filters.
public ExchangeFilterFunction logWebRequest() {
return (request, next) -> {
log.info("Entered in logWebRequest for WebClient");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Mono<ClientResponse> response = next.exchange(request);
long processingTimeInMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
// request.body() -> Gives Body Insertor
WebRequestLog webRequestLog = webRequestService.makeWebRequestLog(request, response.block());
log.info("WebRequest to be produced to kafka topic: " + webRequestLog);
return response;
I followed some articles such as https://andrew-flower.com/blog/webclient-body-logging and https://www.gitmemory.com/issue/spring-projects/spring-framework/24262/570245788 but nothing worked for me.
My end goal is to capture requests and responses with their bodies and produce the data collected for Kafka.
Inside ExchangeFilterFunction, you can access HTTP method, URL, headers, cookies but request or response body can not be accessed directly from this filter.
Refer to the answer here. It provides a way to get access to the request and response body. It also provides a link to This blog post. It explains how to get the body in JSON/String format in Web Client.
You can do tracing of request and response payloads with small manipulations with request and responses:
public class TracingExchangeFilterFunction implements ExchangeFilterFunction {
return next.exchange(buildTraceableRequest(request))
.flatMap(response ->
.doOnNext(dataBuffer -> traceResponse(response, dataBuffer))
.thenReturn(response)) ;
private ClientRequest buildTraceableRequest(
final ClientRequest clientRequest) {
return ClientRequest.from(clientRequest).body(
new BodyInserter<>() {
public Mono<Void> insert(
final ClientHttpRequest outputMessage,
final Context context) {
return clientRequest.body().insert(
new ClientHttpRequestDecorator(outputMessage) {
public Mono<Void> writeWith(final Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> body) {
return super.writeWith(
from(body).doOnNext(buffer ->
traceRequest(clientRequest, buffer)));
}, context);
private void traceRequest(ClientRequest clientRequest, DataBuffer buffer) {
final ByteBuf byteBuf = NettyDataBufferFactory.toByteBuf(buffer);
final byte[] bytes = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(byteBuf);
// do some tracing e.g. new String(bytes)
private void traceResponse(ClientResponse response, DataBuffer dataBuffer) {
final byte[] bytes = new byte[dataBuffer.readableByteCount()];
// do some tracing e.g. new String(bytes)
To add to Vicky Ajmera answer best way to get and log a request is with ExchangeFilterFunction.
private ExchangeFilterFunction logRequest() {
return (clientRequest, next) -> {
logger.info("Request: {} {} {}", clientRequest.method(), clientRequest.url(), clientRequest.body());
.forEach((name, values) -> values.forEach(value -> logger.info("{}={}", name, value)));
return next.exchange(clientRequest);
But to log a response body you will have to go to the lower level of ClientHttpResponse which then allows you to intercept the body.
First extend ClientHttpResponseDecorator like this:
public class LoggingClientHttpResponse extends ClientHttpResponseDecorator {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggingClientHttpResponse.class);
private static final DataBufferFactory bufferFactory = new DefaultDataBufferFactory();
private final DataBuffer buffer = bufferFactory.allocateBuffer();
public LoggingClientHttpResponse(ClientHttpResponse delegate) {
public Flux<DataBuffer> getBody() {
return super.getBody()
.doOnComplete(() -> logger.info("Response Body: {}", buffer.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
Then create your implementation of ClientHttpConnector like this:
public class LoggingClientHttpConnector implements ClientHttpConnector {
private final ClientHttpConnector delegate;
public LoggingClientHttpConnector(ClientHttpConnector delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public Mono<ClientHttpResponse> connect(HttpMethod method, URI uri, Function<? super ClientHttpRequest, Mono<Void>> requestCallback) {
return this.delegate.connect(method, uri, requestCallback).map(LoggingClientHttpResponse::new);
And last when building your WebClient add a connector:
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.create();
ClientHttpConnector connector = new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient);
.clientConnector(new LoggingClientHttpConnectorDecorator(connector))

Get http response code and all available body

I want ot implement WebFlux example client which can make request with http params and get the response body and http response code. I tried this:
public ClientResponse execute(NotificationMessage nm)
Mono<String> transactionMono = Mono.just(convertedString);
return client.post().uri(builder -> builder.build())
.header(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, "agent")
.body(transactionMono, String.class).exchange().block();
private static String convert(Map<String, String> map) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String result = map.entrySet().stream().map(e -> encode(e.getKey()) + "=" + encode(e.getValue()))
return result;
private static String encode(String s) {
try {
return URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Can you give me some advice after .exchange() how I can get the http status code and all available body.
From the ClientResponse object returned by exchange you can use response.statusCode() to get the status and use response.bodyToMono() or bodyToFlux() to get the actual body. You should avoid using .block() in reactive programming and use .subscribe() or .flatMap() or other operators to get the data from Mono or Flux objects. Read more about reactive programming and Project reactor (used by spring webflux) here.
For eg:
public Mono<Data> execute(NotificationMessage nm)
return client.post().uri(builder -> builder.build())
.header(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, "agent")
.body(transactionMono, String.class).exchange()
.flatMap(response -> {
HttpStatus code = response.statusCode();
Data data = response.bodyToMono(Data.class);
return data;

Replacing RestTemplate with WebClient

I have a controller that uses RestTemplate to get data from several rest endpoints. Since RestTemplate is blocking, my web page is taking long time to load. In order to increase the performance, I am planning to replace all my usages of RestTemplate with WebClient. One of the methods I currently have that uses RestTemplate is as below.
public List<MyObject> getMyObject(String input){
URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString("/someurl")
RequestEntity<?> request = RequestEntity.get(uri).build();
ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyObject>> responseType = new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyObject>>() {};
ResponseEntity<List<MyObject>> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(request, responseType);
MyObject obj = responseEntity.getBody();
Now I want to replace my above method to use WebClient but I am new to WebClient and not sure where to start. Any direction and help is appreciated.
To help you I am giving you example how we can replace restTemple with webClient. I hope you have already setup your pom.xml
Created a Configuration class.
public class ApplicationConfig {
* Web client web client.
* #return the web client
WebClient webClient() {
return WebClient.builder()
private ExchangeFilterFunction logRequest() {
return ExchangeFilterFunction.ofRequestProcessor(clientRequest -> {
log.info("WebClient request: {} {} {}", clientRequest.method(), clientRequest.url(), clientRequest.body());
clientRequest.headers().forEach((name, values) -> values.forEach(value -> log.info("{}={}", name, value)));
return Mono.just(clientRequest);
private ExchangeFilterFunction logResponse() {
return ExchangeFilterFunction.ofResponseProcessor(clientResponse -> {
log.info("WebClient response status: {}", clientResponse.statusCode());
return Mono.just(clientResponse);
Plus a service class calling WebClient
public class MyObjectService {
private final WebClient webClient;
public Mono<List<Object>> getMyObject(String input) {
URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString("/someurl")
ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyObject>> responseType = new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyObject>>() {
return this.webClient
.flatMap(response -> response.bodyToMono(responseType));
This will give you a non blocking Mono of List<MyObject>, you can also extract body to flux by using response.bodyToFlux(responseType)
I hope this will give you a base to explore more.
