assume you do query on pg_stat_activity table and you get example result:
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
2021-01-18 13:19:03
2021-01-18 13:31:23
2021-01-18 13:31:23
client backend
I would like to know on which schema the query COMMIT was executed?
My case is i have schema-based multitenancy and i would like to distinguish between schemas (tenants). We always make a single-schema queries, so we dont mix them. To achieve that we set search_path on each getConnection method invocation. Code is developed in java and we dont use schema names in queries, as it is always dynamic -- taken from current request context and set in getConnection method.
With current result I dont know which tenant (schema) is causing slow / long queries.
I have tried to select from pg_class by ids taken from pg_stat_activity but without luck.
So far the comments did not answer my problem, is that possible at all?
the TL;DR is that I am not able to delete a row previously created with an upsert using Java.
Basically I have a table like this:
CREATE TABLE transactions (
key text PRIMARY KEY,
created_at timestamp
Then I execute:
String sql = "update transactions set created_at = toTimestamp(now()) where key = 'test' if created_at = null";
As expected the row is created:
cqlsh:thingleme> SELECT * FROM transactions ;
key | created_at
test | 2018-01-30 16:35:16.663000+0000
But (this is what is making me crazy) if I execute:
sql = "delete from transactions where key = 'test'";
ResultSet resultSet = session.execute(sql);
Nothing happens. I mean: no exception is thrown and the row is still there!
Some other weird stuff:
if I replace the upsert with a plain insert, then the delete works
if I directly run the sql code (update and delete) by using cqlsh, it works
If I run this code against an EmbeddedCassandraService, it works (this is very bad, because my integration tests are just green!)
My environment:
cassandra: 3.11.1
datastax java driver: 3.4.0
docker image: cassandra:3.11.1
Any idea/suggestion on how to tackle this problem is really appreciated ;-)
I think the issue you are encountering might be explained by the mixing of lightweight transactions (LWTs) (update transactions set created_at = toTimestamp(now()) where key = 'test' if created_at = null) and non-LWTs (delete from transactions where key = 'test').
Cassandra uses timestamps to determine which mutations (deletes, updates) are the most recently applied. When using LWTs, the timestamp assignment is different then when not using LWTs:
Lightweight transactions will block other lightweight transactions from occurring, but will not stop normal read and write operations from occurring. Lightweight transactions use a timestamping mechanism different than for normal operations and mixing LWTs and normal operations can result in errors. If lightweight transactions are used to write to a row within a partition, only lightweight transactions for both read and write operations should be used.
Source: How do I accomplish lightweight transactions with linearizable consistency?
Further complicating things is that by default the java driver uses client timestamps, meaning the write timestamp is determined by the client rather than the coordinating cassandra node. However, when you use LWTs, the client timestamp is bypassed. In your case, unless you disable client timestamps, your non-LWT queries are using client timestamps, where your LWT queries are using a timestamp assigned by the paxos logic in cassandra. In any case, even if the driver wasn't assigning client timestamps this still might be a problem because the timestamp assignment logic is different on the C* side for LWT and non-LWT as well.
To fix this, you could alter your delete statement to include IF EXISTS, i.e.:
delete from transactions where key = 'test' if exists
Similar issue from the java driver mailing list
On our production application we recently become weird error from DB2:
Caused by: [jcc][t4][2055][11259][4.13.80] The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has terminated all requests in progress, or has terminated your particular request due to an error or a force interrupt. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=58009
This occurs when hibernate tries to select data from one big table(More than 6 milions records and 320 columns).
I observed that when ResultSet lower that 10 elements, hibernate selects successfully.
Our architecture:
Spring 4.0.3
Hibernate 4.3.5
DB2 v10 z/Os
Websphere JDBC V9.7FP5)
This select works when I tried to executed this in Data Studio or when app is started localy from Tomcat(connected to production Data Source). I suppose that Data Source on Websphere is not corectly configured, but I tried some modifications and without results. I also tried to update JDBC Driver but that not helped. Actually I become then ERRORCODE = -1244.
Ok, so now I'm looking for any help ;).
I can obviously provide additional information when needed.
Maybe someone fighted earlier with this problem?
Thanks in advance!
We have the same problem and finally solved by running REORG and RUNSTAT on the table(s). In our case, databse and tables were damaged and after running both mentioned operations, it resolved.
This occurs when hibernate tries to select data from one big table(More than 6 milions records and 320 columns)
6 million records with 320 columns seems huge to be read at once through hibernate. How you tried creating a database cursor and streaming few records at a time? In plain JDBC it is done as follows
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
stmt.setFetchSize(50); //fetch only 50 records at a time
while with hibernate you would need the below code
Query query = session.createQuery(query);
ScrollableResults results = query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);
// iterate over results
while ( {
Object row = results.get();
// process row then release reference
// you may need to flush() as well
This allows you to stream over the result set, however Hibernate will still cache results in the Session, so you’ll need to call session.flush() every so often. If you are only reading data, you might consider using a StatelessSession, though you should read its documentation beforehand.
Analyze the database table locking impact when using this approach.
I am having a problem. I have a query that checks one database table and updates another database table. I am using MySQL 5.1
UPDATE dldd.temp,test.temp
SET = dldd.temp.word
this is my SQL statement that is working fine. Now I want to execute this statement using Java PreparedStatement . The problem is I don't know how to write the Connection String to select two database i.e
What should come in place of dbname. Can I select multiple db there.
Have a look at
If the database is not specified, the connection is made with no default database. In this case, either call the setCatalog() method on the Connection instance, or fully specify table names using the database name (that is, SELECT dbname.tablename.colname FROM dbname.tablename...) in your SQL. Opening a connection without specifying the database to use is generally only useful when building tools that work with multiple databases, such as GUI database managers.
Short version of my question is:
PreparedStatement ps;
ps = connection.prepareStatement("Insert into T values (?)");
ps.setBoolean(1, true);
What can be the reasons for this code sample to produce query with value wrapped in quotes?
Long version of my question is:
I have JavaEE application with plain JDBC for DB interactions and recently I noticed that there are some MySQLDataTruncation exceptions appearing in my logs. These exceptions were occurring on attempt to save entity into DB table which have boolean column defined as BIT(1). And it was because generated query looked like this:
Insert into T values ('1');
Note that value is wrapped with quotes. Query was logged from application with Log4J; statement.
Previous logs demonstrate that there where no quotes.
Furthermore, even MySQL server logs started to look different. Before this happened I had given pairs of records for each query executed:
12345 Prepare Insert into T values (?)
12345 Execute Insert into T values (1)
And after:
12345 Query Insert into T values ('1')
It is worth noting that those changes wasn`t a result of deploying new version of application or even restarting MySQL/Application server and code, responsible of query generation, is as straightforward as example in this question.
Application server restart fixed the issue for about 12 hours, and then it happened again. As a temporary solution I changed BIT columns to TINYINT
P.S. Examining both aplication and MySQL logs allowed to narrow down the time span when something went wrong to about 2 minutes, but there were nothing abnormal in the logs in this period.
P.P.S. Application server is Glassfish 2.1.1, MySQL server version is 5.5.31-1~dotdeb and MySQL Connector/J version is 5.0.3.
Well, it turned out it was actually an issue with unclosed prepared statements.
When opened statements count at MySQL server reached its allowed maximum, application was still able to continue working somehow, withoout producing sql error:
Error Code: 1461 Can’t create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements
But in that mode it started to wrap boolean values with quotes, causing all my troubles affecting BIT(1) columns.
This is a follow-on question to my earlier question about specifying multiple schemata in java using jooq to interact with H2.
My test H2 DB currently has 2 schemata, PUBLIC and INFORMATION_SCHEMA. PUBLIC is specified as the default schema by H2. When running a query that should extract information from eg INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES the query fails with a "table unknown" SQL error. I am only able to execute such queries by executing a factory.use(INFORMATION_SCHEMA). There are no build errors etc and eclipse properly autocompletes eg TABLES.TABLE_NAME.
If I dont do this, jooq doesnt seem to prepend the appropriate schema even though I create the correct Factory object for the schema eg
InformationSchemaFactory info = new InformationSchemaFactory(conn);
I read about mapping but am a bit confused as to which schema I would use as the input/output.
By default, the InformationSchemaFactory assumes that the supplied connection is actually connected to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. That's why schema names are not rendered in SQL. Example:
// This query...
new InformationSchemaFactory(conn).selectFrom(INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES).fetch();
// ... renders this SQL (with the asterisk expanded):
The above behaviour should be documented in your generated InformationSchemaFactory Javadoc. In order to prepend "TABLES" with "INFORMATION_SCHEMA", you have several options.
Use a regular factory instead, which is not tied to any schema:
// This query...
new Factory(H2, conn).selectFrom(INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES).fetch();
// ... renders this SQL:
Use another schema's factory, such as the generated PublicFactory:
// This query...
new PublicFactory(conn).selectFrom(INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES).fetch();
// ... renders this SQL:
Use Settings and an appropriate schema mapping to force the schema name to be rendered.
The first option is probably the easiest one.
This blog post here will give you some insight about how to log executed queries to your preferred logger output: