I have a device, let's call it the origin, which sends a signal to other machines, let's call them satellites. For each satellite I know its position and the distance from the origin.
Satellite position 1: [-500, -200].
Satellite position 2: [100, -100].
Satellite position 3: [500, 100].
Satellite distance 1: 100.0
Satellite distance 2: 115.5
Satellite distance 3: 142.7
Supposedly the position of the origin is:
x: -100.0
y: 75.5
I say supposedly because I don't know if it really is, I don't know how to calculate this.
I had seen this library: https://github.com/lemmingapex/Trilateration. But the result it gives me is a bit different from what I expected.
With the library, i try this:
double[][] positions = new double[][] { { -500.0, -200.0 }, { 100.0, -100.0 }, { 500.0, 100 } };
double[] distance = new double[] { 100.0, 115.5, 142.7 };
NonLinearLeastSquaresSolver solver = new NonLinearLeastSquaresSolver(new TrilaterationFunction(positions, distances), new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer());
Optimum optimum = solver.solve();
double[] centroid = optimum.getPoint().toArray();
And the result is [-58.315252587138595, -69.55141837312165], not [-100, 75.5].
The thing is, I don't know if I'm using the right function or if I got the answer wrong.
I'm currently working on a terrain engine and I'm experimenting a little bit with noise. It's so fascinating to see what different structures, functions and pure imagination can create with just a few lines of code. Recently I saw this post: http://squall-digital.com/ProceduralGeneration.html, I was definitely intrigued by all of these techniques, but especially the first one caught my attention. The programmer made the gain (or persistence) of the noise to be proportional to the slope of the noise on that point. I'm currently trying to achieve this but I don't think I'm on the right track.
I'm currently using simplex noise. I know the author of the article uses Perlin Noise and yes, I have seen how to calculate the derivative of Perlin Noise, but obviously this implementation wouldn't work because of the fundamental differences in how Perlin and Simplex noise are generated. I thus set out on my own way to try and approximate the slope of noise on a given position.
I came up with the following "algorithm":
Calculate neighboring points of noise [(x + 1, z), (x - 1, z), (x, z + 1), (x, z - 1)].
Calculate their respective noise value
Calculate differenceX and differenceZ in noise values on the x-axis and the z-axis respectively
Create vectors from origin: (2, differenceX, 0) and (0, differenceZ, 2)
Scale to vectors of length 1
Add y-components of the resulting unit vectors
use this y-component as the "slope" approximated at the given point.
Now I have implemented this in code (I added "3D" vectors for the purpose of ease of understanding)
private static float slope(OpenSimplex2F simplex, float x, float z, float noise) {
float[] neighbours = getStraightNeighbours(simplex, x, z);
float xSlope = (neighbours[1] - neighbours[0]) / (2.0f * x);
float zSlope = (neighbours[3] - neighbours[2]) / (2.0f * z);
float[] vecX = new float[] { 1, xSlope, 0 };
float[] vecZ = new float[] { 0, zSlope, 1 };
float scaleX = Maths.sqrt(1.0f + xSlope * xSlope);
float scaleZ = Maths.sqrt(1.0f + zSlope * zSlope);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
vecX[i] /= scaleX;
vecZ[i] /= scaleZ;
float[] grad = new float[] {
vecX[0] + vecZ[0],
vecX[1] + vecZ[1],
vecX[2] + vecZ[2]
return grad[1];
Now this gives me extremely underwhelming and rest assured, wrong results: Result
Is there anyone that can explain me if this is a good technique to approximate the slope of if this is completely wrong. I'm not the biggest math genius so I was already happy I could figure this out and that it produced a result in the first place. If anyone has a resource linked to the derivative of simplex noise (which would be a life saver, obviously), it'd be really appreciated!
I want to make a modular 2D spaceship game. The user can use building blocks to create the ship. Blocks can be squares but also other shapes that do not fit in a grid. To calculate what thrusters should be firing with user input I use ojAlgo to solve a linear programming problem. The user input will be something like: [x: 1, y: 0, z 0] where a 1 is the maximum thrust that can be given in the direction and -1 the same to the other side. Z is rotation here.
I have two problems:
The first has to do with the way I calculate x and y separate:
final ExpressionsBasedModel tmpModel = new ExpressionsBasedModel();
final Expression expressionX = tmpModel.addExpression("x").weight(1); //This is the user input.
final Expression expressionY = tmpModel.addExpression("y").weight(0).level(0); //Level means lower == 0 and upper == 0
final Expression expressionZ = tmpModel.addExpression("z").weight(0).level(0);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ThrusterBlock thrusterBlock = blockStash.thrusterList.get(i);
final Variable thrusterVar = Variable.make("th_" + i);
expressionX.setLinearFactor(thrusterVar, thrusterBlock.displacement.x);
expressionY.setLinearFactor(thrusterVar, thrusterBlock.displacement.y);
expressionZ.setLinearFactor(thrusterVar, thrusterBlock.displacement.z);
//The thruster displacement is the calculated thrust in the given direction
Optimisation.Result tmpResult = tmpModel.maximise(); //To get the maximum weight (& thrust) out.
This works because i can set the weight to > 0 or < 0 and it will return for each thruster a value between 0 and 1. With a layout with 9 thrusters this could be a output:
OPTIMAL 1.203 # [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.32, 0.32, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
0th [x: 0.401, y: 0.0 , z: -0.022]
1th [x: 0.401, y: 0.0 , z: -0.022]
2th [x: -0.401, y: 0.0 , z: -0.027]
3th [x: -0.401, y: 0.0 , z: -0.027]
4th [x: 0.0, y: 0.401 , z: 0.025]
5th [x: 0.0, y: -0.401 , z: 0.025]
6th [x: 0.0, y: -0.401 , z: 0.025]
7th [x: 0.0, y: 0.401 , z: 0.025]
8th [x: 0.401, y: 0.0 , z: -0.022]
The problem is that i can't use this system to move diagonally (e.g. 40°) because
final Expression expressionX = tmpModel.addExpression("x").weight(1);
final Expression expressionY = tmpModel.addExpression("y").weight(1);
Won't constrain the equation to a 1:1 x & y ratio but find the most rewarding solution. I can't use level here because i don't know the max thrust for both.
What would be the best way to constrain x & y so that i can use degrees?
The second question:
When i want the ship to turn, it does so about 45° and then turns back. While the control system shows that the same thrusters are firing. I am sure there is a problem with the way i calculate the force but my experience with angle calculations is low. I think the mistake can be found here:
public Vector2 getForce(float power, boolean relative){
float force = maxThrust * power;
float angle = toRad(this.relativePosition.z) + (relative ? 0 : this.blockCluster.getPos().z);
//relativePosition.z is the orientation of the block in degree and this.blockCluster.getPos().z is the ship rotation in radians
temp.x = force * ((float) Math.cos(angle)) * -1;
temp.y = force * ((float) Math.sin(angle));
return temp;
I think it has something to do with Cosines and Sinus returning only 90° but i am not sure.
Lastly, any optimisation would be greatly appreciated since this might run for multiple frames in a row. I will save the results of the calculation if it is on the slow side.
Thanks for your time!
ps: Ported from 'Game Development' because the implementation is more general then the use case.
I have a path say [vertex4, vertex5, vertex7, vertex8] starting at vertex 4, ending at vertex 8. I have access to the X and Y co-ordinates of each vertex.
How would I go about generating a series of vertices in between each pair of vertices. Say for instance, vertex4 -> vertex5 I want to be able to bisect the edge so that there will be more vertices along the edge to get to 5.
So for example, if I have a max 'step' size or something of 0.1, then the path would then be:
[4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 ... and so on up to 5].
I'm assuming each vertex is a point (X,Y) on the 2D plane and the edges are straight lines connecting them. You can easily bisect any edge on K equal parts:
Let A = (X0,Y0) and B = (X1,Y1) be the endpoints of the edge, then we can compute dX = (X1-X0)/K and dY = (Y1-Y0)/K. The intermediate points will be points of the form Pi = (X0+dXi,Y0+dYi) for 0 < i < K.
If you want the edges to have some specified length L, compute the length D of the edge AB using euclidian distance, and the number K of parts will be given by ceil(D/L).
So, I saw this on Hacker News the other day: http://web.mit.edu/tee/www/bertrand/problem.html
It basically says what's the probability that a random chord on a circle with radius of 1 has a length greater than the square root of 3.
Looking at it, it seems obvious that the answer is 1/3, but comments on HN have people who are smarter than me debating this. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10000926
I didn't want to debate, but I did want to make sure I wasn't crazy. So I coded what I thought would prove it to be P = 1/3, but I end up getting P ~ .36. So, something's got to be wrong with my code.
Can I get a sanity check?
package com.jonas.betrand;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Random;
public class Paradox {
final static double ROOT_THREE = Math.sqrt(3);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int greater = 0;
int less = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
Point2D.Double a = getRandomPoint();
Point2D.Double b = getRandomPoint();
if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow((a.x - b.x), 2) + Math.pow((a.y - b.y), 2)) > ROOT_THREE) {
} else {
System.out.println("Probability Observerd: " + (double)greater/(greater+less));
public static Point2D.Double getRandomPoint() {
//get an x such that -1 < x < 1
double x = Math.random();
boolean xsign = new Random().nextBoolean();
if (!xsign) {
x *= -1;
//formula for a circle centered on origin with radius 1: x^2 + y^2 = 1
double y = Math.sqrt(1 - (Math.pow(x, 2)));
boolean ysign = new Random().nextBoolean();
if (!ysign) {
y *= -1;
Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
return point;
EDIT: Thanks to a bunch of people setting me straight, I found that my method of finding a random point wasn't indeed so random. Here is a fix for that function which returns about 1/3.
public static Point2D.Double getRandomPoint() {
//get an x such that -1 < x < 1
double x = Math.random();
Random r = new Random();
if (!r.nextBoolean()) {
x *= -1;
//circle centered on origin: x^2 + y^2 = r^2. r is 1.
double y = Math.sqrt(1 - (Math.pow(x, 2)));
if (!r.nextBoolean()) {
y *= -1;
if (r.nextBoolean()) {
return new Point2D.Double(x, y);
} else {
return new Point2D.Double(y, x);
I believe you need to assume one fixed point say at (0, 1) and then choose a random amount of rotation in [0, 2*pi] around the circle for the location of the second point of the chord.
Just for the hell of it I wrote your incorrect version in Swift (learn Swift!):
struct P {
let x, y: Double
init() {
x = (Double(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF) * 2 - 1
y = sqrt(1 - x * x) * (arc4random() % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1)
func dist(other: P) -> Double {
return sqrt((x - other.x) * (x - other.x) + (y - other.y) * (y - other.y))
let root3 = sqrt(3.0)
let total = 100_000_000
var samples = 0
for var i = 0; i < total; i++ {
if P().dist(P()) > root3 {
println(Double(samples) / Double(total))
And the answer is indeed 0.36. As the comments have been explaining, a random X value is more likely to choose the "flattened area" around pi/2 and highly unlikely to choose the "vertically squeezed" area around 0 and pi.
It is easily fixed however in the constructor for P:
(Double(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF is fancy-speak for random floating point number in [0, 1))
let angle = Double(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF * M_PI * 2
x = cos(angle)
y = sin(angle)
// outputs 0.33334509
Bertrand's paradox is exactly that: a paradox. The answer can be argued to be 1/3 or 1/2 depending on how the problem is interpreted. It seems you took the random chord approach where one side of the line is fixed and then you draw a random chord to any part of the circle. Using this method, the chances of drawing a chord that is longer than sqrt(3) is indeed 1/3.
But if you use a different approach, I'll call it the random radius approach, you'll see that it can be 1/2! The random radius is this, you draw a radius in the circle, and then you take a random chord that this radius bisects. At this point, a random chord will be longer than sqrt(3) 1/2 of the time.
Lastly, the random midpoint method. Choose a random point in the circle, and then draw a chord with this random point as the midpoint of the chord. If this point falls within a concentric circle of radius 1/2, then the chord is shorter than sqrt(3). If it falls outside the concentric circle, it is longer than sqrt(3). A circle of radius 1/2 has 1/4 the area of a circle with radius 1, so the chance of a chord smaller than sqrt(3) is 1/4.
As for your code, I haven't had time to look at it yet, but hope this clarifies the paradox (which is just an incomplete question not actually a paradox) :D
I would argue that the Bertrand paradox is less a paradox and more a cautionary lesson in probability. It's really asking the question: What do you mean by random?
Bertrand argued that there are three natural but different methods for randomly choosing a chord, giving three distinct answers. But of course, there are other random methods, but these methods are arguably not the most natural ones (that is, not the first that come to mind). For example, we could randomly position the two chord endpoints in a non-uniform manner. Or we position the chord midpoint according to some non-uniform density, like a truncated bi-variate normal.
To simulate the three methods with a programming language, you need to be able to generate uniform random variables on the unit interval, which is what all standard (pseudo)-random number generators should do. For one of the methods/solutions (the random midpoint one), you then have to take the square root of one of the uniform random variables. You then multiple the random variables by a suitable factor (or rescale). Then for each simulation method (or solution), some geometry gives the expressions for the two endpoints.
For more details, I have written a post about this problem. I recommend the links and books I have cited at the end of that post, under the section Further reading. For example, see Section 1.3 in this new set of published lecture notes. The Bertrand paradox is also in The Pleasures of Probability by Isaac. It’s covered in a non-mathematical way in the book Paradoxes from A to Z by Clark.
I have also uploaded some simulation code in MATLAB, R and Python, which can be found here.
For example, in Python (with NumPy):
import numpy as np; #NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #for plotting
from matplotlib import collections as mc #for plotting line chords
###START Parameters START###
#Simulation disk dimensions
xx0=0; yy0=0; #center of disk
r=1; #disk radius
numbLines=10**2;#number of lines
###END Parameters END###
###START Simulate three solutions on a disk START###
#Solution A
thetaA1=2*np.pi*np.random.uniform(0,1,numbLines); #choose angular component uniformly
thetaA2=2*np.pi*np.random.uniform(0,1,numbLines); #choose angular component uniformly
#calculate chord endpoints
#calculate midpoints of chords
xxA0=(xxA1+xxA2)/2; yyA0=(yyA1+yyA2)/2;
#Solution B
thetaB=2*np.pi*np.random.uniform(0,1,numbLines); #choose angular component uniformly
pB=r*np.random.uniform(0,1,numbLines); #choose radial component uniformly
qB=np.sqrt(r**2-pB**2); #distance to circle edge (alonge line)
#calculate trig values
#calculate chord endpoints
#calculate midpoints of chords
xxB0=(xxB1+xxB2)/2; yyB0=(yyB1+yyB2)/2;
#Solution C
#choose a point uniformly in the disk
thetaC=2*np.pi*np.random.uniform(0,1,numbLines); #choose angular component uniformly
pC=r*np.sqrt(np.random.uniform(0,1,numbLines)); #choose radial component
qC=np.sqrt(r**2-pC**2); #distance to circle edge (alonge line)
#calculate trig values
#calculate chord endpoints
#calculate midpoints of chords
xxC0=(xxC1+xxC2)/2; yyC0=(yyC1+yyC2)/2;
###END Simulate three solutions on a disk END###
We are two students who want to use one-class svm for dectection of summary worthy sentences in text documents. We have already implemented sentence similarity functions for sentences, which we have used for another algorithm. We would now want to use the same functions as kernels for a one-class svm in libsvm for java.
We are using the PRECOMPUTED enum for the kernel_type field in our svm_parameter (param). In the x field of our svm_problem (prob) we have the kernel matrix on the form:
0:i 1:K(xi,x1) ... L:K(xi,xL)
where K(x,y) is the kernel value for the similarity of x and y, L is the number of sentences to compare and i is the current row index (0 to L).
The training of the kernel (svm.svm_train(prob, param)) seems to get sometimes get "stuck" in what seems like a infinite loop.
Have we missunderstood how to use the PRECOMPUTED enum, or does the problem lay elsewhere?
We solved this problem
It turns out that the "series numbers" in the first column needs to go from 1 to L, not 0 to L-1, which was our initial numbering. We found this out by inspecting the source in svm.java:
double kernel_function(int i, int j)
/* ... snip ...*/
case svm_parameter.PRECOMPUTED:
return x[i][(int)(x[j][0].value)].value;
/* ... snip ...*/
The reason for starting the numbering at 1 instead of 0, is that the first column of a row is used as column index when returning the value K(i,j).
Consider this Java matrix:
double[][] K = new double[][] {
double[] { 1, 1.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.2 },
double[] { 2, 0.5, 1.0, 0.1, 0.4 },
double[] { 3, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0, 0.7 },
double[] { 4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 }
Now, libsvm needs the kernel value K(i,j) for say i=1 and j=3. The expression x[i][(int)(x[j][0].value)].value will break down to:
x[i] -> x[1] -> second row in K -> [2, 0.5, 1.0, 0.1, 0.4]
x[j][0] -> x[3][0] -> fourth row, first column -> 4
x[i][(int)(x[j][0].value)].value -> x[1][4] -> 0.4
This was a bit messy to realize at first, but changing the indexing solved our problem. Hopefully this might help someone else with similar problems.