How i will add my custom value as like (xyz123) when adding signature.Because when i adding signature that time i am not able to add custom file for signature. the field "signature1" automatically added inside the document.
My output file screenshot attached bello:
Instead of "signature1", I want to add my custom value as (xyz123)
throws IOException {
PDSignature pdSignature = new PDSignature();
pdSignature.setReason("Learn how to sign pdf with!");
// the signing date, needed for valid signature
// register signature dictionary and sign interface
document.addSignature(pdSignature, signature);
// write incremental (only for signing purpose)
// use saveIncremental to add signature, using plain save method may break up a
// document
private void signDetached(SignatureInterface signature, PDDocument document, OutputStream output)
throws IOException {
PDSignature pdSignature = new PDSignature();
PDAcroForm acroForm = document.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm();
if (acroForm == null)
acroForm = new PDAcroForm(document);
PDSignatureField signatureField = new PDSignatureField(acroForm);
document.addSignature(pdSignature, signature);
You need your PDSignatureField object... when you have it, do this:
If the code doesn't create its own PDSignatureField object (as in the example for invisible signature fields), PDFBox does it for you. You can get all PDSignatureField objects by calling PDDocument.getSignatureFields().
If you created the file yourself, then there is only one such field. If you are signing existing files, then it's more tricky, then I'd recommend that you compare the field names or the results of getCOSObject() (i.e. create two sets). Don't assume that the last one is the right one (in some cases it isn't).
Or you create the field yourself:
PDAcroForm acroForm = document.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm(null);
if (acroForm == null)
acroForm = new PDAcroForm(document);
PDSignatureField signatureField = new PDSignatureField(acroForm);
// page annotation, only needed if PDF/A
Working with java use Apache PDFBox to sign and certified, invalid certified if signature exist, with JsignPDF was able to certified when approval exist, the process is sign after that do certified (seal) document
Signature with JsignPDF
document after certified with JsignPDF :
the certified invalid with PDFBox
the function from PDFBox with some editing was to try :
public void signPDF(File inputFile, File signedFile, Rectangle2D humanRect, String tsaUrl, int page, String SignatureField, boolean isWithQR, String name, UserSignature userSignature) throws IOException, CertificateEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, OperatorCreationException, CMSException {
if (inputFile == null || !inputFile.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Document for signing does not exist");
// creating output document and prepare the IO streams.
// try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(signedFile);
// PDDocument doc = Loader.loadPDF(inputFile)) {
// creating output document and prepare the IO streams.
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(signedFile);
// load document
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(inputFile);
int accessPermissions = SigUtils.getMDPPermission(doc);"Document permission " + accessPermissions);
if (accessPermissions == 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No changes to the document are permitted due to DocMDP transform parameters dictionary");
// Note that PDFBox has a bug that visual signing on certified files with permission 2
// doesn't work properly, see PDFBOX-3699. As long as this issue is open, you may want to
// be careful with such files.
PDSignature signature = null;
PDAcroForm acroForm = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm(null);
PDRectangle rect = null;
// sign a PDF with an existing empty signature, as created by the CreateEmptySignatureForm example.
if (acroForm != null) {
signature = findExistingSignature(acroForm, SignatureField);
if (signature != null) {
rect = acroForm.getField(SignatureField).getWidgets().get(0).getRectangle();
if (signature == null) {
// create signature dictionary
signature = new PDSignature();
if (rect == null) {
rect = createSignatureRectangle(doc, humanRect);
// Optional: certify
// can be done only if version is at least 1.5 and if not already set
// doing this on a PDF/A-1b file fails validation by Adobe preflight (PDFBOX-3821)
// PDF/A-1b requires PDF version 1.4 max, so don't increase the version on such files.
// if (doc.getVersion() >= 1.5f && accessPermissions == 0)
// {
// SigUtils.setMDPPermission(doc, signature, 2);
// }
if (acroForm != null && acroForm.getNeedAppearances()) {
// PDFBOX-3738 NeedAppearances true results in visible signature becoming invisible
// with Adobe Reader
if (acroForm.getFields().isEmpty()) {
// we can safely delete it if there are no fields
// note that if you've set MDP permissions, the removal of this item
// may result in Adobe Reader claiming that the document has been changed.
// and/or that field content won't be displayed properly.
// ==> decide what you prefer and adjust your code accordingly.
} else {
System.out.println("/NeedAppearances is set, signature may be ignored by Adobe Reader");
// default filter
// subfilter for basic and PAdES Part 2 signatures
if (accessPermissions == 0) {
COSDictionary sigDict = signature.getCOSObject();
// DocMDP specific stuff
COSDictionary transformParameters = new COSDictionary();
transformParameters.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.TRANSFORM_PARAMS);
transformParameters.setInt(COSName.P, 0);
COSDictionary referenceDict = new COSDictionary();
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.SIG_REF);
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TRANSFORM_METHOD, COSName.DOCMDP);
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.DIGEST_METHOD, COSName.getPDFName("SHA256"));
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TRANSFORM_PARAMS, transformParameters);
COSArray referenceArray = new COSArray();
sigDict.setItem(COSName.REFERENCE, referenceArray);
COSDictionary catalogDict = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getCOSObject();
COSDictionary permsDict = new COSDictionary();
catalogDict.setItem(COSName.PERMS, permsDict);
permsDict.setItem(COSName.DOCMDP, signature);
// try {
// if (doc.getVersion() >= 1.5f && accessPermissions == 0)
// {
// SigUtils.setMDPPermission(doc, signature, 2);
// }
// }catch(Exception e)
// {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
if (accessPermissions == 0) {
// SigUtils.setMDPPermission(document, signature, 1);
COSDictionary sigDict = signature.getCOSObject();
// DocMDP specific stuff
COSDictionary transformParameters = new COSDictionary();
transformParameters.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.TRANSFORM_PARAMS);
transformParameters.setInt(COSName.P, 2);
COSDictionary referenceDict = new COSDictionary();
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.SIG_REF);
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TRANSFORM_METHOD, COSName.DOCMDP);
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.DIGEST_METHOD, COSName.getPDFName("SHA256"));
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TRANSFORM_PARAMS, transformParameters);
COSArray referenceArray = new COSArray();
sigDict.setItem(COSName.REFERENCE, referenceArray);
COSDictionary catalogDict = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getCOSObject();
COSDictionary permsDict = new COSDictionary();
catalogDict.setItem(COSName.PERMS, permsDict);
permsDict.setItem(COSName.DOCMDP, signature);
// the signing date, needed for valid signature
// do not set SignatureInterface instance, if external signing used
SignatureInterface signatureInterface = isExternalSigning() ? null : this;
// register signature dictionary and sign interface
signatureOptions = new SignatureOptions();
signatureOptions.setVisualSignature(createVisualSignatureTemplate(doc, 0, rect, signature, isWithQR, name, userSignature.getDescOnly(), userSignature.getType(), userSignature.isVisible()));
doc.addSignature(signature, signatureInterface, signatureOptions);
if (isExternalSigning()) {
// ExternalSigningSupport externalSigning = doc.saveIncrementalForExternalSigning(fos);
// // invoke external signature service
// byte[] cmsSignature = sign(externalSigning.getContent());
ExternalSigningSupport externalSigning = doc.saveIncrementalForExternalSigning(fos);
// invoke external signature service
byte[] cmsSignature =IOUtils.toByteArray(externalSigning.getContent());
String sgn= signingProcess(cmsSignature);
// set signature bytes received from the service
} else {
// write incremental (only for signing purpose)
// } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// } catch (OperatorCreationException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// } catch (CMSException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// Do not close signatureOptions before saving, because some COSStream objects within
// are transferred to the signed document.
// Do not allow signatureOptions get out of scope before saving, because then the COSDocument
// in signature options might by closed by gc, which would close COSStream objects prematurely.
// See
set setMDPermission to certified the document :
if (accessPermissions == 0) {
COSDictionary sigDict = signature.getCOSObject();
// DocMDP specific stuff
COSDictionary transformParameters = new COSDictionary();
transformParameters.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.TRANSFORM_PARAMS);
transformParameters.setInt(COSName.P, 1);
COSDictionary referenceDict = new COSDictionary();
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.SIG_REF);
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TRANSFORM_METHOD, COSName.DOCMDP);
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.DIGEST_METHOD, COSName.getPDFName("SHA256"));
referenceDict.setItem(COSName.TRANSFORM_PARAMS, transformParameters);
COSArray referenceArray = new COSArray();
sigDict.setItem(COSName.REFERENCE, referenceArray);
COSDictionary catalogDict = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getCOSObject();
COSDictionary permsDict = new COSDictionary();
catalogDict.setItem(COSName.PERMS, permsDict);
permsDict.setItem(COSName.DOCMDP, signature);
Signature with the parameter "sign" and Certified with parameter "seal"
*Update, on PDFBox the first existing signature always be certified, not second signature ? can the last sign be certified and swap the first one ?
any suggest ?
This answer essentially is a more detailed version of the comments, essentially finding that what you want to do is not possible.
You ask for a way to
Certify Document when Approval Signature exist
According to the current PDF specification:
ISO 32000-2:2020 subsection 12.8.1 "General" of 12.8 "Digital signatures"
A PDF document may contain the following standard types of signatures: [...] One or more approval signatures (also known as recipient signatures). These shall follow the certification signature if one is present.
Thus, you cannot validly add a certification signature to a PDF which already has approval signatures.
(This does not automatically mean that all validators will detect the issue if you add a certification signature after approval signatures, let alone correctly display the cause. Many validators only do a subset of the checks that strictly speaking are necessary...)
More question if the certification signature come first then next is approval like 3 signature approval, can the last the certification setMDPPermission with 1 ? so at the end the document can't add more approval signature
setMDPPermission adds a DocMDP transform to the signature, and such a transform makes the signature a certification signature. Thus, using this method when signing a document that already has an approval signature, will create an invalid PDF or fail entirely.
You can lock a PDF document with an approval signature, though, if you add a Lock dictionary to the signature field with a P entry of 1. Beware, though, this is a ISO 32000-2 feature originally introduced as a feature of an Adobe Extension to ISO 32000-1. Not all PDF viewers support ISO 32000-2 yet, so some viewers may not respect this entry.
PDFBox setValue() is not setting data for each PDTextField. It is saving few fields. It is not working for fields which have similar appearance in getFullyQualifiedName().
Note: field.getFullyQualifiedName() { customdutiesa, customdutiesb, customdutiesc } it is working for customdutiesa, but not working for customdutiesb and customdutiesc etc...
public void testb3Generator() throws IOException {
File f = new File(inputFile);
outputFile = String.format("%s_b3-3.pdf", "123");
try (PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(f)) {
PDDocumentCatalog catalog = document.getDocumentCatalog();
PDAcroForm acroForm = catalog.getAcroForm();
int i = 0;
for (PDField field : acroForm.getFields()) {
if (field instanceof PDTextField) {
PDTextField textField = (PDTextField) field;
document.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm().flatten(); File(outputFile));
catch (Exception e) {
Input pdf link :
Ouput pdf link :
The problem is that under certain conditions PDFBox does not construct appearances for fields it sets the value of, and, therefore, during flattening completely forgets the field content:
// in case all tests fail the field will be formatted by acrobat
// when it is opened. See FreedomExpressions.pdf for an example of this.
if (actions == null || actions.getF() == null ||
widget.getCOSObject().getDictionaryObject(COSName.AP) != null)
... generate appearance ...
I.e. if there is a JavaScript action for value formatting associated with the field and no appearance stream is yet present, PDFBox assumes it does not need to create an appearance (and probably would do it wrong anyways as it does not use that formatting action).
In case of a use case later flattening the form, that assumption of PDFBox obviously is wrong.
To force PDFBox to generate appearances for those fields, too, simply remove the actions before setting field values:
if (field instanceof PDTextField) {
PDTextField textField = (PDTextField) field;
(from FillAndFlatten test testLikeAbubakarRemoveAction)
Can we Create a new custom PDFOperator (like PDFOperator{BDC}) and COSBase objects(like COSName{P} COSName{Prop1} (again Prop1 will reference one more obj)) ? And add these to the root structure of a pdf?
I have read some list of parser tokens from an existing pdf document. I wanted to tag the pdf. In that process I will first manipulate the list of tokens with newly created COSBase objects. At last I will add them to root tree structure. So here how can I create a COSBase objects. I am using the code to extract tokens from pdf is
old_document = PDDocument.load(new File(inputPdfFile));
List<Object> newTokens = new ArrayList<>();
for (PDPage page : old_document.getPages())
PDFStreamParser parser = new PDFStreamParser(page);
List<Object> tokens = parser.getTokens();
for (Object token : tokens) {
if (token instanceof Operator) {
Operator op = (Operator) token;
PDStream newContents = new PDStream(document);
OutputStream out = newContents.createOutputStream(COSName.FLATE_DECODE);
ContentStreamWriter writer = new ContentStreamWriter(out);
Above code will create a new pdf with all formats and images.
So In newTokens list contains all existing COSBase objects so I wanted to manipulate with some tagging COSBase objects and if I saved the new document then it should be tagged without taking care of any decode, encode, fonts and image handlings.
First Is this idea will work? If yes then help me with some code to create custom COSBase objects. I am very new to java.
Based on your document format you can insert marked content.
//Below code is to add "/p <<MCID 0>> /BDC"
currentMarkedContentDictionary = new COSDictionary();
currentMarkedContentDictionary.setInt(COSName.MCID, mcid);
// After adding mcid you have to append your existing tokens TJ , TD, Td, T* ....
// Closed EMC
//Adding marked content to the root tree structure.
structureElement = new PDStructureElement(StandardStructureTypes.P, currentSection);
PDMarkedContent markedContent = new PDMarkedContent(COSName.P, currentMarkedContentDictionary);
Thanks to #Tilman Hausherr
I am testing my method with this form
It is being called like so:
Pdf.editForm("./src/main/resources/pdfs/interactiveform_enabled.pdf", "./src/main/resources/pdfs/FILLEDOUT.pdf"));
where Pdf is just a worker class and editForm is a static method.
The editForm method looks like this:
public static int editForm(String inputPath, String outputPath) {
try {
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(inputPath), new PdfWriter(outputPath));
PdfAcroForm form = PdfAcroForm.getAcroForm(pdf, true);
Map<String, PdfFormField> m = form.getFormFields();
for (String s : m.keySet()) {
if (s.equals("Name_First")) {
if (s.equals("BACHELORS DEGREE")) {
m.get(s).setValue("Off"); // On or Off
if (s.equals("Sex")) {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Unable to fill form " + outputPath + "\n\t" + e);
return 1;
return 0;
Unfortunately the FILLEDOUT.pdf file is no longer a form after calling this method. Am I doing something wrong?
I was using this resource for guidance. Notice how I am not calling the form.flattenFields(). If I do call that method however, I get an error of java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
Thank you for your time.
Your form is Reader-enabled, i.e. it contains a usage rights digital signature by a key and certificate issued by Adobe to indicate to a regular Adobe Reader that it shall activate a number of additional features when operating on that very PDF.
If you stamp the file as in your original code, the existing PDF objects will get re-arranged and slightly changed. This breaks the usage rights signature, and Adobe Reader, recognizing that, disclaims "The document has been changed since it was created and use of extended features is no longer available."
If you stamp the file in append mode, though, the changes are appended to the PDF as an incremental update. Thus, the signature still correctly signs its original byte range and Adobe Reader does not complain.
To activate append mode, use StampingProperties when you create your PdfDocument:
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(inputPath), new PdfWriter(outputPath), new StampingProperties().useAppendMode());
(Tested with iText 7.1.1-SNAPSHOT and Adobe Acrobat Reader DC version 2018.009.20050)
By the way, Adobe Reader does not merely check the signature, it also tries to determine whether the changes in the incremental update don't go beyond the scope of the additional features activated by the usage rights signature.
Otherwise you could simply take a small Reader-enabled PDF and in append mode replace all existing pages by your own content of choice. This of course is not in Adobe's interest...
The filled in PDF is still an AcroForm, otherwise the example below would result in the same PDF twice.
public class Main {
public static final String SRC = "src/main/resources/interactiveform_enabled.pdf";
public static final String DEST = "results/filled_form.pdf";
public static final String DEST2 = "results/filled_form_second_time.pdf";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
File file = new File(DEST);
Main main = new Main();
Map<String, String> data1 = new HashMap<>();
data1.put("Name_First", "Tristan");
data1.put("BACHELORS DEGREE", "Off");
main.fillPdf(SRC, DEST, data1, false);
Map<String, String> data2 = new HashMap<>();
data2.put("Sex", "FEMALE");
main.fillPdf(DEST, DEST2, data2, false);
private void fillPdf(String src, String dest, Map<String, String> data, boolean flatten) {
try {
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(src), new PdfWriter(dest));
PdfAcroForm form = PdfAcroForm.getAcroForm(pdf, true);
//Delete print field from acroform because it is defined in the contentstream not in the formfields
Map<String, PdfFormField> m = form.getFormFields();
for (String d : data.keySet()) {
for (String s : m.keySet()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Unable to fill form " + dest + "\n\t" + e);
The issue you are facing has to do with the 'reader enabled forms'.
What it boils down to is that the PDF file that is initially fed to your program is reader enabled. Hence you can open the PDF in Adobe Reader and fill in the form. This allows Acrobat users to extend the behaviour of Adobe Reader.
Once the PDF is filled in and closed using iText it saves the PDF as 'not reader-extended'.
This makes it so that the AcroForm can still be filled using iText but when you open the PDF using Adobe Reader the extended functionality you see in the original PDF is gone. But this does not mean the form is flattened.
iText cannot make a form reader enabled, as a matter of fact, the only way to create a reader enabled form is using Acrobat Professional. This is how Acrobat and Adobe Reader interact and it is not something iText can imitate or solve. You can find some more info and a possible solution on this link.
The IllegalArgumentException you get when you call the form.flattenFields() method is because of the way the PDF document was constructed.
The "Print form" button should have been defined in the AcroForm, yet it is defined in the contentstream of the PDF, meaning the button in the AcroForm has an empty text value, and this is what causes the exception.
You can fix this by removing the print field from the AcroForm before you flatten.
IllegalArgumentException issue has been fixed in iText 7.1.5.
I'm new to iText 7,
I've tried adding ltv information to existing signature by using addLtv() method (code provided below)...If I understand right, this method adds crl or ocsp parameters to existing signatures or timestamps and then timestamps the document, but pdf document that is generated is not ltv enabled. However, I am able to generate ltv enabled signature if I sign document with ocsp or crl list in the first place, that leads me to believe that this issue is not related to some certificate missing or not added properly. So the addLtv() method, for some reason does not work for me. I hope I'm making sense :D
Any help or suggestion is greatly apriciated :)
private void addLtv(String src, String dest, IOcspClient ocsp, ICrlClient crl, ITSAClient tsa) throws Exception {
PdfReader r = new PdfReader(src);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dest);
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(src), new PdfWriter(dest));
PdfSigner ps= new PdfSigner(r, fos, true);
LtvVerification v = new LtvVerification(pdfDoc);
SignatureUtil signatureUtil = new SignatureUtil(pdfDoc);
List<String> names = signatureUtil.getSignatureNames();
String sigName = names.get(names.size() - 1);
PdfPKCS7 pkcs7 = signatureUtil.verifySignature(sigName);
if (pkcs7.isTsp()) {
v.addVerification(sigName, ocsp, crl,
else {
for (String name : names) {
v.addVerification(name, ocsp, crl,
ps.timestamp(tsa, null);
The conceptual issue in your code is that after adding LTV information you want to finalize the process by time stamping. While this is what you would want to do with a PDF which already is in a LTV workflow, it is not what you want to do with a PDF all signatures of which you want Adobe Reader to declare as "LTV-enabled".
(One can consider Adobe's term "LTV-enabled" to mean "ready to enter a LTV workflow," i.e. not yet actually being in a LTV workflow but including all validation information required to enter it without any further ado.)
There are other issues, too, in your method, e.g. you create two separate objects which write to dest, the PdfSigner ps via fos and the PdfDocument pdfDoc via its PdfWriter. Eventually you'll either find the output of only one of these objects in the file or a mish-mash of both.
Thus, here is a working port of my old iText 5 method addLtvNoTS (from this answer) to iText 7:
void addLtvNoTS(InputStream src, OutputStream dest, IOcspClient ocsp, ICrlClient crl, LtvVerification.Level timestampLevel, LtvVerification.Level signatureLevel) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(src), new PdfWriter(dest), new StampingProperties().useAppendMode());
LtvVerification v = new LtvVerification(pdfDoc);
SignatureUtil signatureUtil = new SignatureUtil(pdfDoc);
List<String> names = signatureUtil.getSignatureNames();
String sigName = names.get(names.size() - 1);
PdfPKCS7 pkcs7 = signatureUtil.verifySignature(sigName);
if (pkcs7.isTsp())
v.addVerification(sigName, ocsp, crl, LtvVerification.CertificateOption.WHOLE_CHAIN,
timestampLevel, LtvVerification.CertificateInclusion.YES);
for (String name : names)
v.addVerification(name, ocsp, crl, LtvVerification.CertificateOption.WHOLE_CHAIN,
signatureLevel, LtvVerification.CertificateInclusion.YES);
(EnableLtv method addLtvNoTS)
As you can see I made the LtvVerification.Level values for time stamps and signatures method parameters.
This is because iText's method LtvVerification.addVerification only adds LTV information for the immediate PDF signatures and document timestamps, not for already embedded or now added OCSP response or CRL signatures.
Often this is no problem, often certificates used for signing OCSP responses are marked in a way that indicates that no revocation checks are required, and certificates used for signing CRLs usually are the implicitly trusted CA certificates themselves.
In case of my test signature, though, the OCSP responses are signed by signatures which do require revocation checks. To make things work without significant additional coding, I used CRLs all over and for that introduced the parameters.
Actually I even had to give the CRL URL explicitly to the CrlClientOnline because of iText by default only using the first CRL distribution point in a certificate and at the same time not supporting LDAP URLs.
The bottom line: You also may have to tweak your code around current iText limits or be the one to improve the iText code itself to reliably produce LTV-enabled PDFs given arbitrary valid input...