Thrust method for an asteroids duplicate Java - java

I have a project that is similar to the Asteroids game. The game contains a thrust method, which like the name suggests thrusts the spaceship. The method is not thrusting in the direction I am asking to. The spaceship will rotate with the left and right keys and will thrust with the space key.
private static final double THRUST_VALUE = 3;
private static final int MAX_SPEED = 4;
private int lives;
private int rotationSpeed;
public void thrust() {
double[] newVelocity = new double[2];
double[] oldVelocity = getVelocity();
newVelocity[0] = oldVelocity[0] - THRUST_VALUE * Math.sin(getRotation()*Math.PI/180);
newVelocity[1] = oldVelocity[1] - THRUST_VALUE * Math.cos(getRotation()*Math.PI/180);
if (newVelocity[0] >= MAX_SPEED || newVelocity[0] <= -MAX_SPEED){
newVelocity[0] = MAX_SPEED;
if (newVelocity[1] >= MAX_SPEED || newVelocity[1] <= -MAX_SPEED){
newVelocity[1] = MAX_SPEED;
The properties for the velocity and the rotation are inherited from a Polygon class. Here are the properties being declared:
private Point[] shape; // An array of points.
private Point position; // The offset mentioned above.
private double rotation; // Zero degrees is due east.
The code runs fine, but the logic of the code is off and it is not listening to the position, but I don't know what the issue is. All input is appreciated.


Accessing Variables from another class?

I have a Main class of game named BrickBreaker
public class BrickBreaker extends Activity {
// there is lot of other code but i am only pointing to the issue
class BreakoutView extends SurfaceView implements Runnable {
// The size of the screen in pixels
int screenX;
int screenY;
// Get a Display object to access screen details
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
// Load the resolution into a Point object
Point size = new Point();
screenX = size.x;
screenY = size.y;
And from another class (below) I want to access screenX from the Main class:
public class Paddle {
// This the the constructor method
// When we create an object from this class we will pass
// in the screen width and height
public Paddle(int screenX, int screenY){
// 130 pixels wide and 20 pixels high
length = 130;
height = 20;
// Start paddle in roughly the sceen centre
x = screenX / 2;
y = screenY - 20;
rect = new RectF(x, y, x + length, y + height);
// How fast is the paddle in pixels per second
paddleSpeed = 550;
public void update(long fps){
rect.left = x;
rect.right = x + length;
if (x<0){
else if (x+length > screenX){
x = screenX-length;
How can I access screenX from the Paddle class?
In Paddle class modify field screenX
Java static variable
If you declare any variable as static, it is known static variable.
The static variable can be used to refer the common property of all objects (that is not unique for each object) e.g. company name of employees,college name of students etc.
The static variable gets memory only once in class area at the time of class loading.
Advantage of static variable
Please check this : STATIC
It makes your program memory efficient (i.e it saves memory).
public class Paddle {
public static int screenX;
// This the the constructor method
// When we create an object from this class we will pass
// in the screen width and height
public Paddle(int screenX, int screenY){
this.screenX = screenX;
// 130 pixels wide and 20 pixels high
length = 130;
height = 20;
// Start paddle in roughly the sceen centre
x = screenX / 2;
y = screenY - 20;
rect = new RectF(x, y, x + length, y + height);
// How fast is the paddle in pixels per second
paddleSpeed = 550;
public void update(long fps){
rect.left = x;
rect.right = x + length;
if (x<0){
else if (x+length > screenX){
x = screenX-length;
And to acces in BrickBeaker you need to:
You need to get access to BreakoutView's member screenX from your Paddle class.
For this, your Paddle class first needs to get access to the BreakoutView instance.
You could do this by passing it for example in the constructor:
public class Paddle {
BreakoutView view;
public Paddle (BreakoutView view) {
this.view = view;
public void update(long fps){
And where you create it:
BreakoutView view = new BreakoutView(.....);
Paddle paddle = new Paddle(view);
Next, you need to get access to the screenX member. There are two options:
First: make it public:
// The size of the screen in pixels
public int screenX;
public int screenY;
With this solution, you could access it in your Paddle class with this.view.screenX.
But this would allow other code, for example from inside your Paddle class, to modify these values, which is often not desired. Thus, the safer way is:
Second: Provide a getter.
In BreakoutView, add the following method:
public int getScreenX() {
return this.screenX;
and then, in your Paddle class, you could access it like this.view.getScreenX() instead of just screenX.

why is "getWidth()" returning 0 for me?

I'm asking this because I'd like to know why it is - as opposed to what I ought to do to circumvent the problem. I really just want a technical explanation of why getWidth() in the math-operation (assigned to currentXMargin) isn't returning a value. I GLabel'd testValue1 and testValue2; testValue1 obviously returns the correct pixel amount, whereas testValue2 returns -210 (half the pyramid based of course); it needs to say 167 (as it does for testValue1 where I hard-code the formula in). What's more, when I try to use currentXMargin in the GRect constructor, it also fails to work there, returning the same resuts (-210 if I use the variable, and the correct amount if I just hard-code the formula in), and the pyramid base is halfway off screen to the left.
So why isn't getWidth returning a value to the operation in the currentXMargin assignment (below the run method)?
import acm.program.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Pyramid extends GraphicsProgram {
/** Width of each brick in pixels */
private static final int BRICK_WIDTH = 30;
/** Height of each brick in pixels */
private static final int BRICK_HEIGHT = 12;
/** Number of bricks in the base of the pyramid */
private static final int BRICKS_IN_BASE = 14;
public void run() {
double testValue1 = (getWidth() - (BRICKS_IN_BASE * BRICK_WIDTH))/2;;
GLabel test = new GLabel("width: "+testValue1,0,10);
double testValue2 = currentXMargin;
GLabel test2 = new GLabel("width: "+testValue2,0,20);
private int brickCount = BRICKS_IN_BASE;
private double currentXMargin = (getWidth() - (BRICKS_IN_BASE * BRICK_WIDTH))/2;
private double currentYMargin;
GRect brick[] = new GRect[14];
private void doRow(){
for(int i=0;i<brickCount;i++){
brick[i] = new GRect(currentXMargin,10,BRICK_WIDTH,BRICK_HEIGHT);
currentXMargin += BRICK_WIDTH;
currentYMargin -= BRICK_HEIGHT;
brickCount -= 1;
0 is the default value for numeric types until they get initialized. You call getWidth() during initialization of your instance fields, i.e. at a time when the width simply has not been initialized yet.

How to choose random move that takes highest value piece in chess?

So I have an array list of all the moves at the current board state in chess that take a piece.
ArrayList<Move> takePiece;
And all the pieces have a corresponding value:
public static final int PAWN = 1;
public static final int KNIGHT = 2;
public static final int BISHOP = 3;
public static final int ROOK = 4;
public static final int QUEEN = 5;
public static final int KING = 6;
I want to be able to select a random move from the array list that takes the highest value piece.
So if 3 different moves could take the king it would randomly choose one of the 3 moves (check and checkmate haven't been implemented).
How would i go about this?
public Move(Piece p , int x, int y, int dx, int dy, boolean t){
this.p = p;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.dx = dx;
this.dy = dy;
this.t = t;
So this is what a move is so to check the piece value that was going to be taken i would check the piece at (dx,dy).
You have to check in your array the most valuable Piece and choose your move accordingly, to make this, you must iterate twice:
// get the max value of possible pieces that could be taken
ArrayList<Move> takePiece // here you must have all possible takes
int maxPieceValue = 0;
for (Move m : takePiece) {
if(PieceCode.charToInt(m.getChar()) > maxPieceValue)
maxPieceValue = m.getPiece.getType();
// get a list with best moves available
ArrayList<Move> bestMoves new ArrayList<Move>();
for (Move m : takePiece) {
if(PieceCode.charToInt(m.getChar()) > maxPieceValue)
// choose randomly one of best moves
Random random = new Random();
Move choosenMove = bestMoves.get(random.nextInt(bestMoves.lenght));

How to create the correct relationship between classes

I have a feeling this question is going to be something really common sense that I am overcomplicating. I am working on a random maze generation program, so given a width, height, and maximum path length, it will randomly select a start point and generate a path until the max path length is reached or it dead ends/gets stuck, then it will pick a new start point for another path and repeat until the whole grid is filled. I am just creating it for the practice.
I have 3 classes, but I guess I do not really understand how they should interact, or how I should make them interact for the best performance and such. One thing in particular, I just know is terrible practice. Since my Path and Point classes have to operate on the grid of Points that is created in the Maze class, I pass the constructors for Path and Point that Array of Points. It "works"... but I just realized that in doing that, I get a seemingly infinite loop where I create a grid, and create all the points for that grid, and in those points I pass an Array of Points, and each of those Points gets passed an Array of Points, forever.
I thought about making Path and Point extend Maze, but I do not think that is the right relationship. I googled interfaces and abstract classes to see if maybe that is what I wanted, but those did not seem right either.
Maze constructor:
public class Maze
private int fileNum = 0;
private Random rand = new Random();
private Point[] grid;
private int width, height;
private int pathLength;
private int curLoc;
private boolean debug, toTxt, toPng, hasValidNewHead = true;
public int frameNum = 0;
public int lastPercent = 0;
public Maze(int iWidth, int iHeight, int iPathLength, boolean d, boolean txt, boolean png)
width = iWidth;
height = iHeight;
pathLength = iPathLength;
grid = new Point[width * height];
debug = d;
toTxt = txt;
toPng = png;
Path constructor:
public class Path
private Random rand = new Random();
private Maze maze;
private int length, maxLength, lastDir, height, width;
private int curLoc;
private boolean generating;
private Point[] grid;
private boolean debug, toTxt, toPng;
public Path(int head, int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int ml, Point[] iGrid, Maze m, boolean d, boolean txt, boolean png)
maze = m;
generating = true;
lastDir = -1;
length = 1;
grid = iGrid;
curLoc = head;
height = gridHeight;
width = gridWidth;
maxLength = ml;
debug = d;
toTxt = txt;
toPng = png;
Point constructor:
public class Point
private int x, y, width, height;
private Point[] grid;
private int type, curLoc;
public Point(int iX, int iY, int w, int h, Point[] iGrid)
x = iX;
y = iY;
width = w;
height = h;
grid = iGrid;
curLoc = Arrays.asList(grid).indexOf(this);
type = 0;
Mazes are annoying to model because they're either structured around rooms or walls, you need different ones at different times, and either way, you'll end up with tricky code or redundant data and awkward record keeping.
Thad said, Paths are sequences/Lists of moves (North, South, East West), a Maze is an array (or Map) from a coordinate to a Cell/Room, and Cells have boolean walls keyed on moves, so { East: true, North: false, South, false, West: true}.
Or you could just make it an undirected graph.
All I had to do was make the Path and Point classes inner-classes in my Maze Class. That way they have all of the instance data from Maze that they need without needing to pass it through their constructors.

Maze, optimal path finding using stacks

i have a program that generates a random maze. In the maze a red dot is displayed and the red dot flashes on by each block in the maze. all the blocks in the maze are == 1 and if the red dot goes through that block, it increments ++. the red dot goes in the direction towards the lowest number, that way it wont stay in an infinite loop by a dead end. once it reaches the end, ive solved the maze.
This is where im stumped, im trying to print the red dot to find the optimal route all the way back to the beginning where it started. I used a stack class that i made to record all the y and x components of where the red dot traveled. im able to traceback every where the red dot has gone but that isnt the optimal solution.
My question is how could i print the red dot tracing back in only the optimal path. My idea of solving this would be to check and see if the coordinates of a stack where visited before, if so..find the last case where it was visited and print the red dot up until that point. that way itll never deal with the dead ends it traveled.
the method solve() is what contains the traceback and solving technique for the red dot to travel through the maze and back.
Im not the greatest programmer and im still learning how to use stacks, ive been stumped for hours and dont know how to approach this. Please be kind and explain how you would do it using the stack i made. Thank you
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.*;
public class mazedfs extends JFrame implements KeyListener
/* default values: */
private static int bh = 16; // height of a graphical block
private static int bw = 16; // width of a graphical block
private int mh = 41; // height and width of maze
private int mw = 51;
private int ah, aw; // height and width of graphical maze
private int yoff = 40; // init y-cord of maze
private Graphics g;
private int dtime = 40; // 40 ms delay time
byte[][] M; // the array for the maze
public static final int SOUTH = 0;
public static final int EAST = 1;
public static final int NORTH = 2;
public static final int WEST = 3;
public static boolean showvalue = true; // affects drawblock
// args determine block size, maze height, and maze width
public mazedfs(int bh0, int mh0, int mw0)
bh = bw = bh0; mh = mh0; mw = mw0;
ah = bh*mh;
aw = bw*mw;
M = new byte[mh][mw]; // initialize maze (all 0's - walls).
try{Thread.sleep(500);} catch(Exception e) {} // Synch with system
g = getGraphics(); //g.setColor(;
public void paint(Graphics g) {} // override automatic repaint
public void setup()
g.fill3DRect(0,yoff,aw,ah,true); // fill raised rectangle
// showStatus("Generating maze...");
digout(mh-2,mw-2); // start digging!
// digout exit
M[mh-1][mw-2] = M[mh-2][mw-1] = 1;
solve(); // this is the function you will write for parts 1 and 2
play(); // for part 3
public static void main(String[] args)
int blocksize = bh, mheight = 41, mwidth = 41; // need to be odd
if (args.length==3)
mazedfs W = new mazedfs(blocksize,mheight,mwidth);
public void drawblock(int y, int x)
// following line displays value of M[y][x] in the graphical maze:
if (showvalue)
void drawdot(int y, int x)
try{Thread.sleep(dtime);} catch(Exception e) {}
/* function to generate random maze */
public void digout(int y, int x)
M[y][x] = 1; // digout maze at coordinate y,x
drawblock(y,x); // change graphical display to reflect space dug out
int dir = (int)(Math.random()*4);
for (int i=0;i<4;i++){
int [] DX = {0,0,2,-2};
int [] DY = {-2,2,0,0};
int newx = x + DX[dir];
int newy = y + DY[dir];
if(newx>=0 && newx<mw && newy>=0 && newy<mh && M[newy][newx]==0)
M[y+DY[dir]/2][x+DX[dir]/2] = 1;
dir = (dir + 1)%4;}
} // digout
/* Write a routine to solve the maze.
Start at coordinates x=1, y=1, and stop at coordinates
x=mw-1, y=mh-2. This coordinate was especially dug out
after the program called your digout function (in the "actionPerformed"
public void solve()
int x=1, y=1;
Stack yourstack = null;
while(y!=mh-2 || x!=mw-2 && M[y][x]!=0){
int min = 0x7fffffff;
int DX = 0;
int DY = 0;
if (y-1>0 && min>M[y-1][x] && M[y-1][x]!=0){
min = M[y-1][x];
DX = 0;
DY = -1;
if (y+1>0 && min>M[y+1][x] && M[y+1][x]!=0){
min = M[y+1][x];
DY = 1;
DX = 0;
if (x-1>0 && min>M[y][x-1] && M[y][x-1]!=0){
min = M[y][x-1];
DX = -1;
DY = 0;
if (x+1>0 && min>M[y][x+1] && M[y][x+1]!=0){
min = M[y][x+1];
DX = 1;
DY = 0;
x = x+DX;
y = y+DY;
yourstack = new Stack(y,x,yourstack); // creates new stack for each coordinate travelled
while(yourstack != null){
yourstack = yourstack.tail;
drawdot(yourstack.y,yourstack.x); // this will traceback every box ive been through
} // solve
class Stack{
int x;
int y;
Stack tail;
public Stack(int a, int b, Stack t){
y = a;
/// For part three (save a copy of part 2 version first!), you
// need to implement the KeyListener interface.
public void play() // for part 3
// code to setup game
// for part 3 you may also define some other instance vars outside of
// the play function.
// for KeyListener interface
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {}
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) // change this one
int key = e.getKeyCode(); // code for key pressed
System.out.println("YOU JUST PRESSED KEY "+key);
} // mazedfs
// define additional classes (stack) you may need here.
when you trace your path back you currently just go back to your stack - but thats not the shortest path...
...whenever you can go back check the values of M around you:
byte valueOfFieldNorthOfXY = M[x][y-1]; //x/y is your current position
byte valueOfFieldWesthOfXY = M[x-1][y];
byte ...;
byte ...; //and so on...
while the first while-loop in your solve-methode simplay solves the maze by flooding it the second while-method is for going back...
and when i say flooding i mean: each time a field has been passed by the 'walker' the value of M[x][y] has been increased by 1 (when the 'walker' has walked 3x over field 5/6 then the value from M[5][6] = 3)
so when you go back from the end (#40/50) to the start (#1/1), you do this algorith:
1) i stand on x/y
2) i check the values north/east/south/west of me
2a) if i come from north, then i ignore the north field
2 ) ... and so on...
2d) if i come from west , then i ignore the west field
3) i pick that direction, where the value is the least
4) put the current field int your packPathStack and walk to
the 'best' direction
5) repeat (go back to Nr.1) until you are #1/1
? 4 ? //i'm standing at X (x/y)
2 x f //? are values from walls or not yet considerd
? ? ? //f is where i come from
--> i pick direction WEST(2) because thats less than NORTH(4)
implement this algorithm and you a NEW stack i call it yourPathBackStack
Stack yourPathBackStack = new Stack();
while(x != 1 && y != 1 ){ //x/y = 1/1 = start - do it until you are there (Nr. 5)
// 1) i stand on x/y
int x = yourPathBackStack.x;
int y = yourPathBackStack.y;
// 2) i check the values north/east/south/west of me
byte valueOfFieldNorthOfXY = ... ; //as seen above
// 2a) if i come from north, then i ignore the north field
if (yourstack.tail.x == x && yourstack.tail.y == y-1){
//check - i DO come from north
//make then valueOfFieldNorthOfXY very high
valueOfFieldNorthOfXY = 100; //it's the same as ignoring
// 2 ) ... and so on...
// 2d) if i come from west , then i ignore the west field
if (yourstack.tail.x == x-1 && ...// as seen above
// 3) i pick that direction, where the value is the least
int direction = NORTH; //lets simply start with north;
byte maxValue = 100;
if ( valueOfFieldNorthOfXY < maxValue ){ //First north
maxValue = valueOfFieldNorthOfXY;
direction = NORTH;
if ( valueOfFieldWestOfXY < maxValue ){ //Then east
maxValue = valueOfFieldWestOfXY ;
direction = WEST;
//then the also other directions
if ( value ... //as seen above
// 4) put the current field int your yourPathBackStack and walk to
// the 'best' direction
int newx = x;
int newy = y;
if (direction == NORTH){ //direction has been caclulated above
newy = newy - 1;
if (direc ... //with all other direction)
yourPathBackStack = new Stack(newx, newy, yourPathBackStack );
