java.sql.Date and Time Timezone differs - java

private GregorianCalendar formatDate(Date dateStatus, Time timeStatus) {
GregorianCalendar calendar = (GregorianCalendar) GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
calendar.setTime(new Date(dateStatus.getTime() + timeStatus.getTime()));
return calendar;
The above code returns the Calendar value in milliseconds. But i am getting different value in local and while running the test in jenkins causing the testcase to fail.
Local and Jenkins Server running in different timezones.
Jenkins Error:
Expected: 1554866100000
got: 1554903900000
How can i handle this?

java.sql.Date is an extremely unfortunate API design messup. That class extends java.util.Date, and that class is a lie. It does not represent a date at all (check the source code if you are understandably skeptical). It represent a moment in time, devoid of any timezone information, based on milliseconds since UTC new year's 1970. Anything you care to coerce from a Date object that isn't a very large number or a direct swap to a more appropriate type that doesn't lie (such as java.time.Instant) is therefore suspect: It is picking a timezone implicitly and mixing that in, in order to provide you your answer. This is why most of Date's methods, such as .getYear(), are marked deprecated: In the java core libs, a deprecation marker usually doesn't actually mean "This will be removed soon", it actually means: "This is fundamentally broken and you should never call this method". (See: Thread.stop).
Nevertheless JDBC API (what you use to talk to DBs) was built on top of this; java.sql.Date as well as java.sql.Timestamp extend java.util.Date and thereby inherit the messup. This means date handling in this fashion will convert timestamps in the DB that have full timezone info into timezoneless constructs, and then java-side you can add new timezones, which is a bad way of doing things.
Unfortunately date/time is extremely complicated (see below) and databases have wildly different ways of storing it; usually multiple slightly different date/time types, such as 'TIMESTAMP', 'TIME WITH TIME ZONE', etcetera.
Because of this there is no unique advice that works regardless of context: The right answer depends on your JDBC driver version, DB engine, DB engine version, and needs. This means the best approach is generally to first understand the fundamentals so that you can adapt and figure out what would work best for your specific situation.
java.util.Calendar is even worse. Again a lie (it represents time. Not a calendar!), the API is extremely badly designed (it is very non-java-like). There is a reason this second try at date/time API resulted in yet another date/time library (java.time): It's bad. Don't use it.
So, let me try to explain the basics:
You like to wake up at 8 in the morning. It's noon and you check your phone. It says 'the next alarm will ring in 20 hours'. You now hop onto a concorde at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, and fly west, to New York. The flight takes 3 hours. When you land, you check your phone. Should it say 'the next alarm will ring in 17 hours' (3 hours of flight time have passed), or should it say: 'the next alarm will ring in 23 hours' (you actually land at 9 in the morning in New York time because its 6 hours earlier there relative to Amsterdam, so it's 23 hours until 8 o' clock in the morning local time). The right answer is presumably: 23 hours. This requires the concept of 'local time': A point in time stated in terms of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds - but no timezone, and not even 'please assume a timezone for me', but the concept '... where-ever you are now'.
Before you jumped in the plane, you made an appointment at a barber's in Amsterdam for when you return. You made it for March 8th, 2022, at 12:00. When you check your phone it reads: "365 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds" as you made the appointment. If you fly to new york, that should now read "364 days, 21 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds": The fact that you're currently in new york has no bearing on the situation whatsoever. You'd think that time-as-millis-since-UTC should thus suffice, but no it does not: Imagine that the netherlands abolishes daylight savings time (crazy idea? No, quite likely actually). The very instant that the gavel hits the desk and the law is adopted that The Netherlands would switch to summer time in 2021, and then stay there forever more, that very moment? Your phone's indicator for 'time until barber appointment' should instantly increment by 1 hour (or it is decrement?). Because that barber appointment isn't going to reschedule itself to be at 11:00 or 13:00.
During your flight, you snapped a pic of the tulip fields before the plane crossed the atlantic. The timestamp of this picture is yet another concept of time: If, somehow, the netherlands decides to apply the timezone change retroactively, then the timestamp in terms of 'this picture was taken on 2021, march 8th, 12:05, Amsterdam time' should instantly pop and now read 13:05 or 11:05 instead. In this way it is unlike the barber appointment.
Before this question can be answered, you need to figure out which of the 3 different concepts of time your situation boils down to.
Only the java.time package fully covers this all. Respectively:
Alarm clock times are represented by LocalDate, LocalTime, and LocalDateTime.
Appointment times are represented by ZonedDateTime.
When did I make the picture times are represented by Instant.
The java.sql.Date type is most equivalent to Instant, which is bizarre, because you'd think that this is more java.sql.Timestamp's bailiwick.
Pragmatics, how to get the job done
Your first stop is to fully understand your DB engine's data types. For example, in postgres:
java.time type
postgres type
alarm clocks
time without time zone
timestamp without time zone
timestamp with time zone
when i took the picture
no appropriate type available
Kind of silly that the implementation of java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp best matches the very concept postgres cannot express, huh.
Once you ensured that your DB is using the right type for your concept, the next thing to check is if your JDBC driver and other infrastructure is up to date. You can use the right types java-side (from the java.time packages): Use these types (LocalDate, Instant, ZonedDateTime, etc) in your infrastructre and if making raw JDBC calls, .setObject(x, instanceOfZDT) instead of .setDate when setting, and .getObject(col, LocalDateTime.class) to fetch, which works on many JDBC drivers.
If it doesn't work, you need to work around the issues, because the process is now that the DB is storing e.g. the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and complete timezone description (not 'EST' there are way too many zones to cover with 3 letters, but something like 'Europe/Amsterdam'), will then convert this into millis-since-epoch to transfer it to the JDBC server, and then your java code will inject a timezone again, and thus you're going to run into issues. The best bet is to IMMEDIATELY convert ASAP, so that you have an old unwieldy type (java.sql.Date or java.sql.Timestamp) as short as possible and can test right at the source that you're 'undoing the damage' done when your ZDT/LDT type arrives as the Instant-esque java.sql type.


Should I use Instant or DateTime or LocalDateTime in Java entities?

In my Java (with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA) applications, I generally use Instant. On the other hand, I would like to use the most proper data type for time values.
Could you please clarify me about these issues? What data type should I prefer for keeping date and time when:
1. To keep time precisely as timestamp (I am not sure if Instant is the best option)?
2. For normal cases when I just need date and time (as far as I know, the old library was obsolete, but not sure which library should I use).
I also consider the TimeZone, but not sure if using LocalDateTime with UTC solves my problem.
Any help would be appreciated.
Let's assume we need to cover the full span of date and time concerns. If there is a certain concern you don't have, that either collapses various types into 'well then they are interchangible' or simply means you don't need to use a certain part of the API. The point is, you need to understand what these types represent, and once you know that, you know which one to apply. Because even if various different java.time types all technically do what you want, code is more flexible and a lot simpler to read if the types you use represent the things you want them to. For the same reason String[] student = new String[] {"Joe McPringle", "56"}; is perhaps mechanically a way to represent a student's name and age, but things are just a lot simpler if you write a class Student { String name; int age; } and use that instead.
Local alarm clock
Imagine you want to wake up at 07:00 in the morning. Not because you have an appointment, you just like to be a fairly early riser.
So you set your alarm for 07:00 in the morning, go to sleep, and your alarm promptly goes off at 7. So far, so good. However, you then hop in a plane and fly from Amsterdam to New York. (it is 6 hours earlier in new york). You then go to sleep again. Should the alarm go off at 01:00 at night, or at 07:00 in the morning?
Both answers are correct. The question is, how do you 'store' that alarm, and to answer that question, you need to figure out what the alarm is attempting to represent.
If the intent is '07:00, whereever I might be at the time the alarm is supposed to go off', the correct data storage mechanism is java.time.LocalDateTime, which stores time in human terms (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds) and not in computery terms (we'll get there later), and does not include a time zone at all. If the alarm is supposed to go off every day, then you don't want that either, as LDT stores date and time, hence the name, you'd use LocalTime instead.
That's because you wanted to store the concept of 'the alarm should go off at 7 o'clock' and nothing more than that. You had no intention of saying: "The alarm should go off when people in Amsterdam would agree it is currently 07:00", nor did you have the intent of saying: "When the universe arrives at this exact moment in time, sound the alarm". You had the intent of saying: "When it is 07:00 where-ever you are now, sound the alarm", so store that, which is a LocalTime.
The same principle applies to LocalDate: It stores a year/month/day tuple with no notion of where.
This does draw some perhaps wonky conclusions: Given a LocalDateTime object, it is not possible to ask how long it'll take until that LDT arrives. It is also not possible for any given moment in time to be compared to an LDT, because these things are apples and oranges. The notion 'Feb 18th, 2023, 7 in the morning on the dot' isn't a singular time. After all, in New York that 'moment' occurs a full 6 hours earlier than it would in Amsterdam. You can only compare 2 LocalDateTimes.
Instead, you would have to first 'place' your LDT somewhere, by converting it to one of the other types (ZonedDateTime or even Instant) by asking the java.time API: Okay, I want this particular LDT in a certain time zone.
Hence, if you are writing your alarm app, you would have to take the stored alarm (a LocalTime object), convert it to an Instant (which is what the nature of 'what time is it now, i.e. System.currentTimeMillis()' works on), by saying: That LocalTime, on the current day in the current local timezone, as an instant, and THEN comparing those two results.
Human appointments
Imagine that, just before jetting off to New York, you made an appointment at your local (in Amsterdam) barber. Their agenda was kinda busy so the appointment was set for June 20th, 2025, at 11:00.
If you stay in New York for a few years, the correct time for your calendar to remind you that you have an appointment with your barber's in an hour is certainly not at 10:00 on june 20th 2025 in New York. You'd have missed the appointment by then. Instead, your phone should chirp at you that you have an hour left to get to your barber's (a bit tricky, from New York, sure) at 04:00 in the middle of the night.
It sure sounds like we can say that the barber's appointment is a specific instant in time. However, this is not correct. The EU has already adopted legislation, agreed upon by all member states, that all EU countries shall abolish daylight savings time. However, this law does not provide a deadline, and crucially, does not provide a time zone that each EU member state needs to pick. The Netherlands is therefore going to change time zones at some point. They will likely choose to stick either to permanent summer time (in which case they'd be at UTC+2 permanently, vs. their current situation where they are at UTC+2 in summer and UTC+1 in winter, with, notably, different dates when the switch happens vs. New York!), or stay on winter time, i.e. UTC+1 forever.
Let's say they choose to stick to winter time forever.
The day the gavel slams down in the dutch parliament building enshrining into law that the dutch will no longer advance the clocks in march is the day your appointment shifts by one hour. After all, your barber is not going to go into their appointment book and shift all appointments by an hour. No, your appointment will remain on June 20th, 2025, at 11:00. If you have a running clock ticking down the seconds until your barber appointment, when that gavel comes down it should jump by 3600 seconds.
This belies the point: That barber appointment truly is not a singular moment in time. It's a human/political agreement that your appointment is when Amsterdam universally agrees it is currently June 20th, 2025, 11:00 – and who knows when that moment will actually occur; it depends on political choices.
So, you cannot 'solve' this by storing an instant in time, and it shows how the concept 'instant in time' and 'year/month/day hour:minute:second in a certain timezone' are not quite interchangible.
The correct data type for this concept is a ZonedDateTime. This represents a date time in human terms: year/month/day hour:second:minute, and the timezone. It doesn't shortcut by storing a moment in time in epochmillis or some such. If the gavel comes down and your JDK updates its timezone definitions, asking "how many seconds until my appointment" will correctly shift by 3600 seconds, which is what you want.
Because this is for appointments and it doesn't make sense to store just the time of an appointment but not the date, there is no such thing as a ZonedDate or a ZonedTime. Unlike the first thing which comes in 3 flavours (LocalDateTime, LocalDate, and LocalTime), there's only ZonedDateTime.
The universe/log time
Imagine you are writing a computer system that logs that an event occurred.
That event, naturally, has a timestamp associated with it. Turns out that due to severe political upheaval, the laws of the land decide that retrospectively the country has been in a different timezone than what you thought when the event occurred. Applying the same logic as the barber's case (where the actual moment in time jumps by 3600 seconds when the gavel comes down) is incorrect. The timestamp represents a moment in time when a thing happened, not an appointment in a ledger. It should not jump by 3600.
Timezone really has no purpose here. The point of storing 'timestamp' for a log event is so you know when it happened, it doesn't matter where it happened (or if it does, that is fundamentally a separate notion).
The correct data type for this is java.time.Instant. An instant doesn't even know about time zones at all, and isn't a human concept. This is 'computery time' - stored as millis since an agreed upon epoch (midnight, UTC, 1970, new years), no timezone information is necessary or sane here. Naturally there is no time-only or date-only variant, this thing doesn't even really know what 'date' is - some fancypants human concept that computery time is not concerned with in the slightest.
You can trivially go from a ZonedDateTime to an Instant. There's a no-args method that does it. But note:
Create a ZonedDateTime.
Store it someplace.
Convert it to an Instant, store that too.
Update your JDK and get new time zone info
Load the ZDT.
Convert it to an Instant a second time.
Compare the 2 ZDTs and the 2 instants.
Results in different results: The 2 instants would not be the same, but the ZDTs are the same. The ZDT represents the appointment line in the barber's book (which never changed - 2025 june 20th, 11:00), the instant represents the moment in time that you are supposed to show up which did change.
If you store your barber's appointment as a java.time.Instant object, you will be an hour late to your barber's appointment. That's why it's important to store things as what they are. A barber's appointment is a ZonedDateTime. storing it as anything else would be wrong.
Conversions are rarely truly simple. There is no one way to convert one thing to another - you need to think of what these things represent, what the conversion implies, and then follow suit.
Example: You are writing a logging system. The backend parts store log events into a database of some sort, and the frontend parts read this database and show the log events to an admin user for review. Because the admin user is a human being, they want to see it in terms they understand, say, the time and date according to UTC (it's a programmer, they tend to like that sort of thing).
The logging system's storage should be storing the Instant concept: Epoch millis, and without timezone because that is irrelevant.
The frontend should read these as Instant (it is always a bad idea to do silent conversions!) - then consider how to render this to the user, figure out that the user wants these as local-to-UTC, and thus you would then on the fly, for each event to be printed to screen, convert the Instant to a ZonedDateTime in the zone the user wants, and from there to a LocalDateTime which you then render (because the user probably does not want to see UTC on every line, their screen estate is limited).
It would be incorrect to store the timestamps as UTC ZonedDateTimes, and even more wrong to store them as LocalDateTimes derived by asking for the current LocalDT in UTC as the event happens and then storing that. Mechanically all these things would work but the data types are all wrong. And that will complicate matters. Imagine the user actually wants to see the log event in Europe/Amsterdam time.
A note about timezones
The world is more complicated than a handful of timezones. For example, almost all of mainland europe is currently 'CET' (Central European Time), but some think that refers to european winter time (UTC+1), some thing that refers to the current state in central europe: UTC+1 in winter, UTC+2 in summer. (There's also CEST, Central European Summer Time, which means UTC+2 and isn't ambiguous). When EU countries start applying the new law to get rid of daylight savings, its likely e.g. The Netherlands on the west edge of the CET zone picks a different time than Poland on the eastern edge. Hence, 'all of central europe' is far too broad. 3-letter acronyms also are by no means unique. Various countries use 'EST' to mean 'eastern standard time', it's not just the eastern USA for example.
Hence, the only proper way to represent timezone names is using strings like Europe/Amsterdam or Asia/Singapore. If you need to render these as 09:00 PST for residents of the west coast of the USA, that's a rendering issue, so, write a rendering method that turns America/Los_Angeles into PST, which is an issue of localization, and has nothing to do with time.
The Answer by rzwitserloot is correct and wise. In addition, here is a summary of the various types. For more info, see my Answer on a similar Question.
To keep time precisely as timestamp (I am not sure if Instant is the best option)?
If you want to track a moment, a specific point on the timeline:
InstantA moment as seen with an offset-from-UTC of zero hours-minutes-seconds. This class is the basic building-block of the java.time framework.
OffsetDateTimeA moment as seen with a particular offset, some number of hours-minutes-seconds ahead of, or behind, the temporal meridian of UTC.
ZonedDateTimeA moment as seen with a particular time zone. A time zone is a named history of the past, present, and future changes to the offset used by the people of a particular region, as decided by their politicians.
If you want to track just the date and time-of-day, without the context of an offset or time zone, use LocalDateTime. This class does not represent a moment, is not a point on the timeline.
For normal cases when I just need date and time
If you are absolutely sure that you want only a date with time-of-day, but do not need the context of an offset or time zone, use LocalDateTime.
using LocalDateTime with UTC
That is a contradiction, and makes no sense. A LocalDateTime class has no concept of UTC, nor any concept of offset-from-UTC or time zone.
Spring Data JPA
The JDBC 4.2+ specification maps SQL standard data types to Java classes.
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE columns map to OffsetDateTime in Java.
TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE columns map to LocalDateTime in Java.
DATE columns map to LocalDate.
TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE columns map to LocalTime.
The SQL standard also mentions TIME WITH TIME ZONE, but this type is meaningless (just think about it!). The SQL committee has never explained what they had in mind, as far as I know. If you must use this type, Java defines the ZoneOffset class to match.
Note that JDBC does not map any SQL types to Instant nor ZonedDateTime. You can easily convert to/from the mapped type OffsetDateTime.
Instant instant = myOffsetDateTime.toInstant() ;
OffsetDateTime myOffsetDateTime = instant.atOffset( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ;
… and:
ZonedDateTime zdt = myOffsetDateTime.atZoneSameInstant( myZoneId ) ;
OffsetDateTime odt = zdt.toOffsetDateTime() ; // The offset in use at that moment in that zone.
OffsetDateTime odt = zdt.toInstant().atOffset( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ; // Offset of zero hours-minutes-seconds from UTC.
I also consider the TimeZone
The TimeZone class is part of the terrible legacy date-time classes that were years ago supplanted by the modern java.time classes. Replaced by ZoneId and ZoneOffset.
You should take a look at the Java Date and Time API introduced with Java 8. Each class like Instant, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime etc. has a documentation as JavaDoc. If you have problems understanding the documentation, please provide a more specific question.

Do I have a way to avoid re-creating lots of String objects?

My project uses Javascript and Java (Android) for the client and Java for the backend.
When I started working on my project, I stored dates as days from epoch (long) and all was good. I then found out that my project doesn't work well with timezones. Suddenly dates were +1 -1 days off. Depending on the client's location in the world.
After a short investigation, I saw that the foolproof way to avoid it was to store the dates as String yyyy-MM-ddT00:00 so when using the Javascript's new Date(dateStr), it creates it correctly and all was good. Ofcourse I could store the dates as yyyy-MM-dd and just send it to the client as yyyy-MM-ddT00:00 but that won't solve the question I have.
After that, I was wondering whether Java (backend) is handled correctly. I use LocalDate when I want to "play" with dates and LocalDate.parse doesn't like yyyy-MM-ddT00:00 format, instead it works with yyyy-MM-dd so whenever I needed dates, I did LocalDate.parse(dateStr.substring(0,10)). LocalDateTime does work with yyyy-MM-ddT00:00 but I don't need the time part and it had its own issues, which I don't remember what they were at the moment.
So now I have a lot of String manipulation (inside loops) that actually creates more String objects. One can say it's not that much of a stress and I shouldn't pay attention to that but I want to make sure I'm not missing something and maybe there's another way (maybe silly enough that I've missed) to overcome this.
Update: The events are stored from a different source and only the date itself is important so if an event happened on 2020-06-17, this is the date all users should see, no matter where they are.
I'm using new Date(dateStr) in Javascript. If dateStr is 2020-06-17, the date object uses the client's timezone and the date might be +-1 depending on the client's timezone. If dateStr is 2020-06-17T00:00 then the date object is created as expected no matter where the client is located.
Assuming the above, which I hope is clearer now, creating String objects over and over again is a memory stress that I should consider or is it something Java handles with no problem and I shouldn't worry about this?
My question was closed and I was told to edit it to be more focused. After editing my question, how can I re-open my question to answers?
As you have discovered, storing dates in terms of days since some epoch only works if everyone who uses your system is using the same time zone. If two different users in different time zones have a different idea about the date on which some event occurred (e.g., the person in New York says that the system crashed on Sunday night, but the the person in Hong Kong says it crashed on Monday morning), then you have to store the time zone in which the event occurred in order to show the date of that event accurately.
But if that's the situation you're in, why not just store the time zone along with the date? There's no compelling reason to combine the date and timezone into a string.
When you parse a ISO-formatted timestamp into a LocalDate using only the first 10 characters, be aware that you're losing the time zone information. Implicitly the LocalDate that you get is in the time zone of the original timestamp. So if the original timestamp is New York time, and you take the date part and add 1 day, then you'll get the next day in the New York time zone. But if you then take the date from a second timestamp, you can't compare it to the date you got from the first timestamp, in terms of determining if it represents the "same day." You can only test for "same day" if both dates are implicitly in the same time zone.
After reading your additional comments, I realize that what's happening is this. You have a date stored in your database, like 2020-06-15. You send that to the UI as the string '2020-06-15' and then do new Date('2020-06-15') and then you're surprised when you render the date in the UI and get June 14!
This is the transformation that happens:
The string '2016-06-15' gets parsed into a JavaScript Date representing midnight UTC on the June 15.
When you render the date, it gets converted into a string using the browser's local time zone, which (if you're in the United States) will give you June 14, because at midnight UTC on June 15 it's still June 14 in all time zones west of Greenwich.
You discovered that if you make the string "2020-06-15T00:00" that it works, because now JavaScript uses the browser's local time zone to parse the string. In other words, this string means midnight local time, not UTC, on June 15. So now the sequence is:
'2020-06-15T00:00' gets parsed using the local time zone and becomes June 15 4:00AM UTC.
When you render the date, it gets converted back to local time and is rendered as June 15.
The easiest way to avoid all this messiness is just to send the regular date string '2020-06-15' to the UI and render it using DateTimeFormat, specifying the time zone as UTC:
new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', {timeZone: 'UTC'}).format(d)
Since dates in JavaScript are always UTC, and you're asking DateTimeFormat to output the date in UTC, no date shift occurs.
You could also use the Date methods getUTCFullYear, getUTCMonth, etc. to get the date components and format them however you like.
Once you're no longer sending dates back and forth with "T00:00" appended, you can just use LocalDate on the Java side.
Don't spend even a second worrying about the time required to manipulate strings. Think about the incredible amount of string manipulation that is necessary to build even a simple web page. A few more strings here and there isn't going to make a difference.

Timestamp and Timespan equivalent in java.time package at Java 8

Hi I read some article about new java.time package.And some of articles say we shouldnt use java.util.Date family.We can use offsetDateTime or LocalDateTime instead of java.util.Date.
And I am wondering about what should we use instead of Timestamp in new java.time package?
As I check Timestamp use
public class Timestamp extends java.util.Date
There are two types of time spans in Java 8:
Period - represents time difference between two points in years, months, days
Duration - represents a time duration - the actual physical time-span, doesn't depend on what is the start time
For example 1 month "period" will be 30 days in April, 31 in may, so the values might be calculated differently in different contexts. Also time zone changes (daylight saving) are taken into account. Duration of certain number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, will not depend on the context. For example 30 days will always be 30 days.
You have a good description in the doc:
Timestamp equivalent
I am assuming that you are referring to the outdated java.sql.Timestamp and/or to the timestamp (without time zone) and timestamp with time zone datatypes of SQL. The first was designed for use with the last two. The answer is different for the two.
For a timestamp in SQL timestamp with time zone is clearly recommended since it actually unambiguously defines a point in time, which is in the definition of what a timestamp is. For a timestamp with time zone you should use the java.time class that you already mentioned, OffsetDateTime. Some JDBC drivers and JPA implementations will accept Instant too.
In most SQL dialects a mere timestamp is a date and time of day with high resolution (for example microseconds) without time zone. Lacking time zone it does not define a point in time, so calling it a timestamp is really a lie. In any case the corresponding java.time type is the other class you mentioned, LocalDateTime.
All of the mentioned java.time classes have resolution of nanoseconds. I know of no SQL dialect that would demand more than that.
You are fully correct. Not only is java.util.Date poorly designed and long outdated. Timestamp is a true hack on top of that class. I recommend you don’t use any of them.
Timespan equivalent
Artur Olszak in another answer has already nicely given the basis of Period and Duration. There is no need for me to repeat that. As a supplement, please be aware that even though Duration has methods for converting to and from a number of days, it isn’t really well suited for days since it assumes that a day is always 24 hours, which is not always the case because of summer time (DST) and other anomalies. As soon as you need to count days, I recommend either Period or a simple number of days.
Wikipedia article: Timestamp.
My answer to a related quetsion about retrieving an SQL timestamp into a java.time type.

What is the Objective-C equivalent of the Java TimeZone?

What is the Objective-C equivalent of the Java TimeZone class?
The NSTimeZone class is the equivalent of the Java TimeZone class.
NSTimeZone, I believe. Can't say I've ever done any Objective-C myself, but it looks right...
Apple also has a (pretty short) article on using it.
It's quite likely that they won't be direct equivalents in every respect, of course... but if there's something you would use with Java's TimeZone which you can't figure out in NSTimeZone, ask about that specific call... and someone else can help you, I'm sure :)
EDIT: The purpose of a time zone class is to convert between local times in different time zones. For example, right now, it's 7.50pm for me - but it's 12.50pm for the person who I'm about to have a Skype call with. One option for representing dates and times is to always store them in UTC (which is sort of the "zero" of time zones) and then convert the UTC value into the "local" time for the user, e.g. for display purposes. That's not always the right option, but it's usually a good starting point.
At other times, you may have a local time and know person X's time zone - and want to convert it to person Y's time zone. It's usually easiest to do that by converting the local time to UTC (using X's time zone) and then to convert it back to local time using Y's time zone.
Time zones aren't nearly as straightforward as you might expect - mostly due to daylight savings. Oddities:
Local times which either don't exist, or occur twice, due to DST transitions
Time zones which change to DST at midnight, so that midnight doesn't always exist
Governments deciding to scrap (or introduce) DST at almost no notice
DST which isn't the normal "move an hour forwards". IIRC, Tibet was considering introducing DST of 1:15.
Historical changes to time zones
The list goes on.
NSTimeZone :

Is java.util.Date using TimeZone?

I have 2 different computers, each with different TimeZone.
In one computer im printing System.currentTimeMillis(), and then prints the following command in both computers:
System.out.println(new Date(123456)); --> 123456 stands for the number came in the currentTimeMillis in computer #1.
The second print (though typed hardcoded) result in different prints, in both computers.
why is that?
How about some pedantic detail.
java.util.Date is timezone-independent. Says so right in the javadoc.
You want something with respect to a particular timezone? That's java.util.Calendar.
The tricky part? When you print this stuff (with java.text.DateFormat or a subclass), that involves a Calendar (which involves a timezone). See DateFormat.setTimeZone().
It sure looks (haven't checked the implementation) like java.util.Date.toString() goes through a DateFormat. So even our (mostly) timezone-independent class gets messed up w/ timezones.
Want to get that timezone stuff out of our pure zoneless Date objects? There's Date.toGMTString(). Or you can create your own SimpleDateFormatter and use setTimeZone() to control which zone is used yourself.
why is that?
Because something like "Oct 4th 2009, 14:20" is meaningless without knowing the timezone it refers to - which you can most likely see right now, because that's my time as I write this, and it probably differs by several hours from your time even though it's the same moment in time.
Computer timestamps are usually measured in UTC (basically the timezone of Greenwich, England), and the time zone has to be taken into account when formatting them into something human readable.
Because that milliseconds number is the number of milliseconds past 1/1/1970 UTC. If you then translate to a different timezone, the rendered time will be different.
e.g. 123456 may correspond to midday at Greenwich (UTC). But that will be a different time in New York.
To confirm this, use SimpleDateFormat with a time zone output, and/or change the timezone on the second computer to match the first.
javadoc explains this well,
Note that while the unit of time of the return value is a millisecond, the granularity of the value depends on the underlying operating system and may be larger. For example, many operating systems measure time in units of tens of milliseconds.
Yes, it's using timezones. It should also print them out (the three characters before the year).
