I'm trying to create a little test servlet (Tomcat 10) to accept simple "POST" messages, however no matter what I've tried the servlet never seems to get the body (json).
I'm using Postman to send the messages (http).
I've tried getReader() and getInputStream() and both keep returning nothing. I've read that this can happen when the buffer has already been read, but I'm not reading it twice (not that I am aware of).
Here are some debug values:
getContentLength() => -1
getContentType() => application/json
getReader().ready() => false.
So, either no body was recieved or it was already read - but where? I've been using Postman for other API's without issue, so I don't believe I've done something wrong there, what else can I try within the servlet?
Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could try to get this working?
Thank you #parsifal, I tested the servlet using PowerShell's Invoke-WebRequest and it worked perfectly, so I took another look at all my Postman settings, tested several things and then finally found my error. The Header parameter Content-Length wasn't selected - I had incorrectly assumed that it would be automatically sent, but it wasn't.
I want to change data on a server via a put request, but I always get a 401 [no body] error. The response looks like the following:
I do not really understand why I get this error, because my body is not empty. My code looks like this and the values seem to be okay too. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Postman Update:
The values are different right now (consent and authorisation) since its basically a new request but the values were correct before too so this change should not make a difference.
Looks like you are simply passing invalid authorization header, or maybe not passing it at all.
What happens is that you make a RestTemplate exchange call, then you get 401 from that request, and Spring propagates it and returns 500 - Internal Server Error, because there is no error handling in place.
EDIT: According to your screenshots, you are not replacing your path variables. Update the way you build your URL as listed below.
Map<String, String> pathVars = new HashMap<>(2);
pathVars.put("consent-id", consentId);
pathVars.put("authorisation-id", authorisationId);
UriComponents uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(mainLink)
Verify if your authorization-id is correct
if the token has a type for example Bearer you must write so:
"Authorization": "Bearer rrdedzfdgf........."
and make sure that there is only one space between Bearer and the token
Often the problem comes from the browser locally;
if your site is online, save the part and deploy the last modifications of the site and make the test
otherwise if it is a mobile application test it on a smartphone and not a browser;
in case none of this works, do it with your backend, it works with this
I had a problem where the I would add an extra character to a password. And Insomnia(Or Postman) would return a JSON response from the server along with a 401 HTTP status code. But when I did the same thing inside a springboot app, when using catch(HttpServerErrorException e){System.out.prinln(e.getMessage());} the e.getMessage would have [no body]. I think that is a feature built in the HttpServerErrorException class where it doesn't provide the body for security purposes. Since whoever is requesting is not authorized they should not have access to it.
I want to set a status code of 404 on outgoing response using Servlet Filter, if the status code was initially going to be 403. This is basically because I want to prevent any attacker from knowing about the existence of the resource.
I know this cannot be accomplished by simple HttpServletResponse - changing the response code inside if(status==403) condition after chain.dofilter() does nothing, because the response has already been commited.
I tried the code given in the answer here - Response is committing and doFilter chain is broken
But it gives me the following error:-
java.io.IOException: UT010029: Stream is closed
at io.undertow.servlet.spec.ServletOutputStreamImpl.write(ServletOutputStreamImpl.java:133)
at io.undertow.servlet.spec.ServletOutputStreamImpl.write(ServletOutputStreamImpl.java:125)
at CODE.filter.ResourceNotFoundFilter.doFilter(ResourceNotFoundFilter.java:76)
I think that the above answer includes more than I require, and I want to strip away the unrequired parts, but I'm not sure which those are. Also, I have multiple filters and this one has to be the last in the chain. Do I have to create a response wrapper from the start and pass that wrapper through all filters? Or can I use simple HttpServletResponse for all the filters before this one?
The error generated above is basically because of this line in the code. This is the 76th line in my file.
Expected result - I want to change the status code to 404 if it was initially going to be 403, using Filters.
Actual result - I can't get it to work.
Please help.
I'm trying to read a JSON response from a RESTful webserver running on an IoT module (Advantech WISE-4012). According to the documentation, any GET request should be made in this form
GET /ai_value/slot_0/ch_0
Any Java implementation of GET requests (Java libraries, Apache etc.), anyway, append to the end of the request the protocol signature HTTP/1.1. E.g:
Because of this (probably) i'm getting Error 400 (Bad request) on every client i tried so far. The only working method i've discovered was sending a simple request through the address bar on Google Chrome browser (sometimes i get a response, sometimes a get a bad request error either). How can i write a java implementation of a GET request plain and simple as described by the documentation? How can i test a custom GET request without HTTP/1.1 at the end? Every chrome extension i tried (Advanced REST Client, Postman) add the protocol version at the end, so i haven't had the chance to verify if that's why i'm getting a bad request error.
This is the response header from Advanced REST client
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Server: WISE-4000/8.1.0020
While the source message is the following one:
GET /ai_value/slot_0/ch_0 HTTP/1.1
The only mismatch between the documentation is the HTTP/1.1 signature as mentioned before. Adding the "accept: application/json" makes no difference either
After a bit of digging into the documentation, it looks like the default timeout (i.e. 720 seconds) is the one causing an issue. There doesn't seem to be any way to work it around (ideally, the system should reset the time after a successful request and we should only get 400 - or 403 ideally after 720 seconds of inactivity).
A couple of points I would like to recommend to the API developers for WISE-4012 (if they are in touch with you):
Add brief documentation for authentication and timeout (probably, more response codes and error messages with each error response)
Enable OAuth for API Access
As far as current implentation is conerned, I guess you need to do a basic auth and pass username/password with every request, Or add Authentication header with every API request to get successful response without any 400s.
Check if this helps.
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
URI reqUri = new URI(<uri>);
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = RequestBuilder.create("GET");
requestBuilder.setHeader(<headerKey>, <headerValue>);
HttpUriRequest httpRequest = requestBuilder.build();
httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpRequest);
I'm building a REST API, but I've encountered a problem.
It seems that accepted practice in designing a REST API is that if the resource requested doesn't exist, a 404 is returned.
However, to me, this adds unnecessary ambiguity. HTTP 404 is more traditionally associated with a bad URI. So in effect we're saying "Either you got to the right place, but that specific record does not exist, or there's no such location on the Internets! I'm really not sure which one..."
Consider the following URI:
If I get a 404 back, is that because User 13 does not exist? Or is it because my URL should have been:
In the past, I've just returned a NULL result with an HTTP 200 OK response code if the record doesn't exist. It's simple, and in my opinion very clean, even if it's not necessarily accepted practice. But is there a better way to do this?
404 is just the HTTP response code. On top of that, you can provide a response body and/or other headers with a more meaningful error message that developers will see.
Use 404 if the resource does not exist. Don't return 200 with an empty body.
This is akin to undefined vs empty string (e.g. "") in programming. While very similar, there is definitely a difference.
404 means that nothing exists at that URI (like an undefined variable in programming). Returning 200 with an empty body means that something does exist there and that something is just empty right now (like an empty string in programming).
404 doesn't mean it was a "bad URI". There are special HTTP codes that are intended for URI errors (e.g. 414 Request-URI Too Long).
As with most things, "it depends". But to me, your practice is not bad and is not going against the HTTP spec per se. However, let's clear some things up.
First, URI's should be opaque. Even if they're not opaque to people, they are opaque to machines. In other words, the difference between http://mywebsite/api/user/13, http://mywebsite/restapi/user/13 is the same as the difference between http://mywebsite/api/user/13 and http://mywebsite/api/user/14 i.e. not the same is not the same period. So a 404 would be completely appropriate for http://mywebsite/api/user/14 (if there is no such user) but not necessarily the only appropriate response.
You could also return an empty 200 response or more explicitly a 204 (No Content) response. This would convey something else to the client. It would imply that the resource identified by http://mywebsite/api/user/14 has no content or is essentially nothing. It does mean that there is such a resource. However, it does not necessarily mean that you are claiming there is some user persisted in a data store with id 14. That's your private concern, not the concern of the client making the request. So, if it makes sense to model your resources that way, go ahead.
There are some security implications to giving your clients information that would make it easier for them to guess legitimate URI's. Returning a 200 on misses instead of a 404 may give the client a clue that at least the http://mywebsite/api/user part is correct. A malicious client could just keep trying different integers. But to me, a malicious client would be able to guess the http://mywebsite/api/user part anyway. A better remedy would be to use UUID's. i.e. http://mywebsite/api/user/3dd5b770-79ea-11e1-b0c4-0800200c9a66 is better than http://mywebsite/api/user/14. Doing that, you could use your technique of returning 200's without giving much away.
That is an very old post but I faced to a similar problem and I would like to share my experience with you guys.
I am building microservice architecture with rest APIs. I have some rest GET services, they collect data from back-end system based on the request parameters.
I followed the rest API design documents and I sent back HTTP 404 with a perfect JSON error message to client when there was no data which align to the query conditions (for example zero record was selected).
When there was no data to sent back to the client I prepared an perfect JSON message with internal error code, etc. to inform the client about the reason of the "Not Found" and it was sent back to the client with HTTP 404. That works fine.
Later I have created a rest API client class which is an easy helper to hide the HTTP communication related code and I used this helper all the time when I called my rest APIs from my code.
BUT I needed to write confusing extra code just because HTTP 404 had two different functions:
the real HTTP 404 when the rest API is not available in the given url, it is thrown by the application server or web-server where the rest API application runs
client get back HTTP 404 as well when there is no data in database based on the where condition of the query.
Important: My rest API error handler catches all the exceptions appears in the back-end service which means in case of any error my rest API always returns with a perfect JSON message with the message details.
This is the 1st version of my client helper method which handles the two different HTTP 404 response:
public static String getSomething(final String uuid) {
String serviceUrl = getServiceUrl();
String path = "user/" + , uuid);
String requestUrl = serviceUrl + path;
String httpMethod = "GET";
Response response = client
if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
// HTTP 200
return response.readEntity(String.class);
} else {
// confusing code comes here just because
// I need to decide the type of HTTP 404...
// trying to parse response body
try {
String responseBody = response.readEntity(String.class);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ErrorInfo errorInfo = mapper.readValue(responseBody, ErrorInfo.class);
// re-throw the original exception
throw new MyException(errorInfo);
} catch (IOException e) {
// this is a real HTTP 404
throw new ServiceUnavailableError(response, requestUrl, httpMethod);
// this exception will never be thrown
BUT, because my Java or JavaScript client can receive two kind of HTTP 404 somehow I need to check the body of the response in case of HTTP 404. If I can parse the response body then I am sure I got back a response where there was no data to send back to the client.
If I am not able to parse the response that means I got back a real HTTP 404 from the web server (not from the rest API application).
It is so confusing and the client application always needs to do extra parsing to check the real reason of HTTP 404.
Honestly I do not like this solution. It is confusing, needs to add extra bullshit code to clients all the time.
So instead of using HTTP 404 in this two different scenarios I decided that I will do the following:
I am not using HTTP 404 as a response HTTP code in my rest application anymore.
I am going to use HTTP 204 (No Content) instead of HTTP 404.
In that case client code can be more elegant:
public static String getString(final String processId, final String key) {
String serviceUrl = getServiceUrl();
String path = String.format("key/%s", key);
String requestUrl = serviceUrl + path;
String httpMethod = "GET";
Response response = client
.header(CustomHttpHeader.PROCESS_ID, processId)
if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
return response.readEntity(String.class);
} else {
String body = response.readEntity(String.class);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ErrorInfo errorInfo = mapper.readValue(body, ErrorInfo.class);
throw new MyException(errorInfo);
throw new AnyServerError(response, requestUrl, httpMethod);
I think this handles that issue better.
If you have any better solution please share it with us.
404 Not Found technically means that uri does not currently map to a resource. In your example, I interpret a request to http://mywebsite/api/user/13 that returns a 404 to imply that this url was never mapped to a resource. To the client, that should be the end of conversation.
To address concerns with ambiguity, you can enhance your API by providing other response codes. For example, suppose you want to allow clients to issue GET requests the url http://mywebsite/api/user/13, you want to communicate that clients should use the canonical url http://mywebsite/restapi/user/13. In that case, you may want to consider issuing a permanent redirect by returning a 301 Moved Permanently and supply the canonical url in the Location header of the response. This tells the client that for future requests they should use the canonical url.
So in essence, it sounds like the answer could depend on how the request is formed.
If the requested resource forms part of the URI as per a request to http://mywebsite/restapi/user/13 and user 13 does not exist, then a 404 is probably appropriate and intuitive because the URI is representative of a non-existent user/entity/document/etc. The same would hold for the more secure technique using a GUID http://mywebsite/api/user/3dd5b770-79ea-11e1-b0c4-0800200c9a66 and the api/restapi argument above.
However, if the requested resource ID was included in the request header [include your own example], or indeed, in the URI as a parameter, eg http://mywebsite/restapi/user/?UID=13 then the URI would still be correct (because the concept of a USER does exits at http://mywebsite/restapi/user/); and therefore the response could reasonable be expected to be a 200 (with an appropriately verbose message) because the specific user known as 13 does not exist but the URI does. This way we are saying the URI is good, but the request for data has no content.
Personally a 200 still doesn't feel right (though I have previously argued it does). A 200 response code (without a verbose response) could cause an issue not to be investigated when an incorrect ID is sent for example.
A better approach would be to send a 204 - No Contentresponse. This is compliant with w3c's description *The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body, and might want to return updated metainformation.*1 The confusion, in my opinion is caused by the Wikipedia entry stating 204 No Content - The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content. Usually used as a response to a successful delete request. The last sentence is highly debateable. Consider the situation without that sentence and the solution is easy - just send a 204 if the entity does not exist. There is even an argument for returning a 204 instead of a 404, the request has been processed and no content has been returned! Please be aware though, 204's do not allow content in the response body
1. http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
This old but excellent article... http://www.infoq.com/articles/webber-rest-workflow says this about it...
404 Not Found - The service is far too lazy (or secure) to give us a real reason why our request failed, but whatever the reason, we need to deal with it.
This recently came up with our team.
We use both 404 Not found with a message body and 204 No Content based on the following rational.
If the request URI indicates the location of a single resource, we use 404 Not found. When the request queries a URI, we use 204 No Content
http://mywebsite/api/user/13 would return 404 when user 13 does not exist
http://mywebsite/api/users?id=13 would return 204 no content
http://mywebsite/api/users?firstname=test would return 204 no content
The idea here being, 'query routes' are expected to be able to return 1, many or no content.
Whatever pattern you choose, the most important things is to be consistent - so get buy in from your team.
The Uniform Resource Identifier is a unique pointer to the resource. A poorly form URI doesn't point to the resource and therefore performing a GET on it will not return a resource. 404 means The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. If you put in the wrong URI or bad URI that is your problem and the reason you didn't get to a resource whether a HTML page or IMG.
Since this discussion seems to be able to survive the end of time I'll throw in the JSON:API Specifications
404 Not Found
A server MUST respond with 404 Not Found when processing a request to fetch a single resource that does not exist, except when the request warrants a 200 OK response with null as the primary data (as described above).
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
"links": {
"self": "http://example.com/articles/1/author"
"data": null
Also please see this Stackoverflow question
For this scenario HTTP 404 is response code for the response from the REST API
Like 400, 401, 404 , 422 unprocessable entity
use the Exception handling to check the full exception message.
// call the rest api
} catch(RestClientException e) {
//process exception
if(e instanceof HttpStatusCodeException){
String responseText=((HttpStatusCodeException)e).getResponseBodyAsString();
//now you have the response, construct json from it, and extract the errors
System.out.println("Exception :" +responseText);
This exception block give you the proper message thrown by the REST API