Gson does not correctly serialize LocalDate - java

I am writing an android application, where I want to serialize instances of this class. Its superclass has a field called aired, which is of the type DateRange. This DateRange contains two fields:
public LocalDate from;
public LocalDate to;
The serialization is very straight-forward (using gson) like this:
final Gson gson = new Gson();
String data = gson.toJson(obj);
However, in my result, the from and to fields are always empty like here:
// ...
"trailer_url": "\u003d1\u0026wmode\u003dopaque\u0026autoplay\u003d1",
"aired": {
"from": {}
"episodes": 16,
// ...
Here, to was null, so it is missing (and that is okay).
Why is gson not serializing these two LocalDates? Does it have something to do with the DateRanges setter & getter (which are a bit unusual, taking a OffsetDateTime instead of a LocalDate)?
Since these classes stem from a 3rd-party library, is there a good way for me to handle this without duplicating all the model classes in my own application for serializing/deserializing them?

Take a look at
There are serializers for LocalDate objects.
If you choose to create your own serializer:
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
builder.registerTypeAdapter(new TypeToken<LocalDate>(){}.getType(), new LocalDateConverter());
Gson gson = builder.create();
public class LocalDateConverter implements JsonSerializer<LocalDate>, JsonDeserializer<LocalDate> {
public JsonElement serialize(LocalDate src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
return new JsonPrimitive(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE.format(src));
public LocalDate deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
return DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE.parse(json.getAsString(), LocalDate::from);

I could now find the source of this problem.
Starting in Android 9, Google added something called "Restrictions on non-SDK interfaces" where they restrict the access to not publicly documented SDK interfaces in the Android dalvik runtime.
Since Gson by default uses the ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory which itself looks for serializable fields in the object to be serialized it heavily depends on Reflection.
Google has documented this behaviour, that the used function Class.getDeclaredFields() which is used by ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory do return only public accessible Fields, or more concrete, only fields which are whitelisted by Google.
In the referenced documentation, Google explicitly states the java.time.LocalDate fields as greylisted:
I am not sure why this access is still working in release mode and the behaviour only is present when the build is debuggable but I suppose this is something which will be removed in future Android versions too.
Because of this we added our own backwards-compatible Serializer (which is similar to the one of #k1r0, but still works with previously serialized values):
class LocalDateJsonSerializer : JsonSerializer<LocalDate>, JsonDeserializer<LocalDate> {
override fun serialize(src: LocalDate, typeOfSrc: Type, context: JsonSerializationContext): JsonElement {
return JsonObject().also {
it.addProperty("year", src.year)
it.addProperty("month", src.monthValue)
it.addProperty("day", src.dayOfMonth)
override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement, typeOfT: Type, context: JsonDeserializationContext): LocalDate {
val jsonObject = json.asJsonObject
return LocalDate.of(jsonObject["year"].asInt, jsonObject["month"].asInt, jsonObject["day"].asInt)


Dependency injection with Dagger during Gson deserialization

In my application, I have objects created not by me, but by a Gson deserializer. These objects need references to singleton instances that everywhere else I am able to provide using constructor injection.
However, accessing the related component within the default constructor called by Gson like this
will not reuse the singletons injected everywhere else - from what I understood, this is because the builder will in fact create a new instance of ExampleComponent that does not know anything about the existing one.
My workaround is to keep a static instance field within ExampleComponent along with a getter, but I would like to know if there is a best practice of how to achieve the same thing with another approach.
EDIT The deserialization is being done on data retrieved from a database using the Android Room Persistence library. Converting data to custom objects is being implemented by using the #TypeConverter annotation on static methods, which are called implicitly when an element is retrieved from the database. This prevents me from injecting the created objects right there - the converters are static methods within a static class that is not instantiated, so I can not pass the DaggerComponent object to it to be used for injecting created instances, as suggested by Thorben below.
I have not worked with Dagger in a long time. Take the following solutions with a grain of salt! The solution worked for me locally.
Without DaggerExampleComponent
One answer to you problem might be, to use a custom JsonDeserializer interface implementation, which takes the instance of the object you want to inject as an constructor argument.
You could write your own deserializer, that injects the singleton instance into the deserialized Object like this:
class MyJsonDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<MyObject> {
private final MyComponent singleton;
public MyJsonDeserializer(MyComponent component) {
this.singleton = component;
public MyObject deserialize(JsonElement json, Type tye, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
// you could here parse some arguments
return new MyObject(singleton);
You would register it like this:
MyComponent component = ...
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(MyObject.class, new MyJsonDeserializer(component)).create();
If you would have the MyComponent class be injected, you would ensure, that every created object has the same instance of the MyComponent object.
I personally would prefer this solution, to not mix up Dagger and Gson.
Using Dagger
You could as well change the code to use the DaggerAppComponent in said JsonDeserializer like this:
class MyJsonDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<MyObject> {
private final DaggerAppComponent singletonProvider;
public MyJsonDeserializer(DaggerAppComponent componentProvdider) {
this.singletonProvider = componentProvider;
public MyObject deserialize(JsonElement json, Type tye, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
// you could here parse some arguments
MyObject object = ...
return object;
and change the registration like this:
DaggerAppComponent componentBuilder = DaggerExampleComponent.builder().build();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(MyObject.class, new MyJsonDeserializer(componentBuilder)).create();
Because of the new information, i would suggest to enhance the existing class, that is used for the Android Room Persistence library (the class that contains the annotated method) like this:
class Convert {
static DaggerAppComponent singletonProvider;
public static MyObject convert(String arg) {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(MyObject.class, new MyJsonDeserializer(componentBuilder)).create();
return gson.fromJson(arg, MyObject.class);
public static String fromArrayLisr(MyObject object) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(v);
return json;
I took some inspiration from thetechguru. Also, this asumes the same JsonDeserializer that is stated above.
Since i do not know the acutal parameters, i asume String as the argument to this typeconverter. Insert you corresponding type there.
To use this effectivly, somewhere in the code (before any database related stuff is done), this should be called:
Convert.singletonProvider = DaggerExampleComponent.builder().build();
This will allow the Convert class to see the correct DaggerAppComponent.
There might still be an issue with this. This is a race condition, concering the null state of the static variable. If the database is called to soon, the result will be a NullpointerException, since the static field has not been set yet. To counteract this, you could use a Semaphore (or anything semilliar), to create some sort of barrier. With a Semaphore, this would include a simple Semaphore that has 0 permits. Before using the variable calling acquire and release on it. After the variable has been set (outside of this class), calling release on it once.
This is not a good solution (in terms of software design), but it should do the trick.

GSON TypeAdapter: DeSerialize Polymorphic Objects Based on "Type" Field

I'm using Retrofit with the default Gson parser for JSON processing. Oftentimes, I have a series of 4~5 related but slightly different objects, which are all subtypes of a common base (let's call it "BaseType"). I know we can deserialize the different JSONs to their respective child models by checking the "type" field. The most commonly prescribed way is to extend a JsonDeserializer and register it as a type adapter in the Gson instance:
class BaseTypeDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<BaseType> {
private static final String TYPE_FIELD = "type";
public BaseType deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
if (json.isJsonObject() && json.getAsJsonObject().has(TYPE_FIELD)) {
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
final String type = jsonObject.get(TYPE_FIELD).getAsString();
if ("type_a".equals(type)) {
return context.deserialize(json, AType.class);
} else if ("type_b".equals(type)) {
return context.deserialize(json, BType.class);
} ...
// If you need to deserialize as BaseType,
// deserialize without the current context
// or you will infinite loop
return new Gson().fromJson(json, typeOfT);
} else {
// Return a blank object on error
return new BaseType();
However, in my experience this is really slow, and seemingly because we have to load up the entire JSON document into a JsonElement and then traverse it to find the type field. I also don't like it that this deserializer has to be run on every one of our REST calls, even though the data isn't always necessarily being mapped to a BaseType (or its children).
This foursquare blog post mentioned using TypeAdapters as an alternative but it didn't really go further with an example.
Anybody here know how to use TypeAdapterFactory to deserialize based on a 'type' field without having to read up the entire json stream into a JsonElement object tree?
The custom deserializer should only be run when you have a BaseType or a sub-classes in the deserialization data, not every request. You register it based on the type, and it is only called when gson need to serialize that type.
Do you deserialize BaseType as well as the sub-classes? If so, this line is going to kill your performance --
return new Gson().fromJson(json, typeOfT);
creation of new Gson objects is not cheap. You are creating one each time you deserialize a base class object. Moving this call to a constructor of BaseTypeDeserializer and stashing it in a member variable will improve performance (assuming you do deserialize the base class).
The issue with creating a TypeAdapter or TypeAdapterFactory for selecting type based on the field is that you need to know the type before you start consuming the stream. If the type field is part of the object, you cannot know the type at that point. The post you linked to mentions as much --
Deserializers written using TypeAdapters may be less flexible than
those written with JsonDeserializers. Imagine you want a type field to
determine what an object field deserializes to. With the streaming
API, you need to guarantee that type comes down in the response before
If you can get the type before the object in the JSON stream, you can do it, otherwise your TypeAdapter implementation is probably going to mirror your current implementation, except that the first thing you do is convert to Json tree yourself so you can find the type field. That is not going to save you much over your current implementation.
If your subclasses are similar and you don't have any field conflicts between them (fields with the same name but different types), you can use a data transfer object that has all the fields. Use gson to deserialize that, and then use it create your objects.
public class MyDTO {
String type;
// Fields from BaseType
String fromBase;
// Fields from TypeA
String fromA;
// Fields from TypeB
// ...
public class BaseType {
String type;
String fromBase;
public BaseType(MyDTO dto) {
type = dto.type;
fromBase = dto.fromBase;
public class TypeA extends BaseType {
String fromA;
public TypeA(MyDTO dto) {
fromA = dto.fromA;
you can then create a TypeAdapterFactory that handles the conversion from DTO to your object --
public class BaseTypeAdapterFactory implements TypeAdapterFactory {
public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, final TypeToken<T> type) {
if(BaseType.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())) {
TypeAdapter<T> delegate = gson.getDelegateAdapter(this, type);
return newItemAdapter((TypeAdapter<BaseType>) delegate,
gson.getAdapter(new TypeToken<MyDTO>(){}));
} else {
return null;
private TypeAdapter newItemAdapter(
final TypeAdapter<BaseType> delagateAdapter,
final TypeAdapter<MyDTO> dtoAdapter) {
return new TypeAdapter<BaseType>() {
public void write(JsonWriter out, BaseType value) throws IOException {
delagateAdapter.write(out, value);
public BaseType read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
MyDTO dto =;
if("base".equals(dto.type)) {
return new BaseType(dto);
} else if ("type_a".equals(dto.type)) {
return new TypeA(dto);
} else {
return null;
and use like this --
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapterFactory(new BaseTypeAdapterFactory())
BaseType base = gson.fromJson(baseString, BaseType.class);

Is possible to use setters when Gson deserializes a JSON?

Is there any way the set methods of a given class, are used when using Gson's fromJson method?
I would like to do this because for every String global variable of the target class a trim is made.
Is there any GSON API annotation for this?
I am aware that GSON provides the ability to write custom serializers/deserializers but I would like to know if there is another way to achieve this.
No, there is not. Gson works mainly by reflection on instance fields. So if you do not plan to move to Jackson that has this feature I think you cannot have a general way to call your setters. So there's no annotation for that.
to achieve your specific need you could:
write your own custom TypeAdapter or
create a constructor that has the string you intend to trim and create a custom InstanceCreator or
parse your JSON as JsonObject, do some processing of the strings and then use that object as source for parsing into your class.
I can provide you with more hints as long as you post some code or give information about your data/JSON.
I implemented a JsonDeserializer<String> and registered it on GsonBuilder. So, to all String fields received, Gson will use my StringGsonTypeAdapter to deserialize the value.
Below is my code:
import static;
import static;
final class StringGsonTypeAdapter implements JsonDeserializer<String> {
private static final StringGsonTypeAdapter INSTANCE = new StringGsonTypeAdapter();
static StringGsonTypeAdapter instance() {
return INSTANCE;
public String deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type type,
JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext) throws JsonParseException {
return normalizeSpace(trimToNull(jsonElement.getAsString()));
...and my GsonBuilder:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(String.class, StringGsonTypeAdapter.instance())

Gson - deserialization to specific object type based on field value

I want to deserialize json objects to specific types of objects (using Gson library) based on type field value, eg.:
"type": "type1",
"id": "131481204101",
"url": "",
"name": "BLAH BLAH",
"icon": "SOME_STRING",
"price": "FREE",
"backgroundUrl": "SOME_STRING"
So type field will have different (but known) values. Based on that value I need to deserialize that json object to appropriate model object, eg.: Type1Model, Type2Model etc.
I know I can easily do that before deserialization by converting it to JSONArray, iterate through it and resolve which type it should be deserialized to. But I think it's ugly approach and I'm looking for better way. Any suggestions?
You may implement a JsonDeserializer and use it while parsing your Json value to a Java instance. I'll try to show it with a code which is going to give you the idea:
1) Define your custom JsonDeserializer class which creates different instance of classes by incoming json value's id property:
class MyTypeModelDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<MyBaseTypeModel> {
public MyBaseTypeModel deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type typeOfT, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
JsonElement jsonType = jsonObject.get("type");
String type = jsonType.getAsString();
MyBaseTypeModel typeModel = null;
if("type1".equals(type)) {
typeModel = new Type1Model();
} else if("type2".equals(type)) {
typeModel = new Type2Model();
// TODO : set properties of type model
return typeModel;
2) Define a base class for your different instance of java objects:
class MyBaseTypeModel {
private String type;
// TODO : add other shared fields here
3) Define your different instance of java objects' classes which extend your base class:
class Type1Model extends MyBaseTypeModel {
// TODO: add specific fields for this class
class Type2Model extends MyBaseTypeModel {
// TODO: add specific fields for this class
4) Use these classes while parsing your json value to a bean:
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(MyBaseTypeModel.class, new MyTypeModelDeserializer());
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create();
MyBaseTypeModel myTypeModel = gson.fromJson(myJsonString, MyBaseTypeModel.class);
I can not test it right now but I hope you get the idea. Also this link would be very helpful.
#stephane-k 's answer works, but it is a bit confusing and could be improved upon (see comments to his answer)
Copy into your project. (It's ok; these classes are designed to be copy/pasted
Setup model inheritance:
// abstract is optional
abstract class BaseClass {
class Type1Model extends BaseClass {
class Type2Model extends BaseClass {
Setup GSON or update existing GSON:
RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory<BaseClass> typeAdapterFactory = RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory
.of(BaseClass.class, "type")
.registerSubtype(Type1Model.class, "type1")
.registerSubtype(Type2Model.class, "type2");
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(typeAdapterFactory)
Deserialize your JSON into base class:
String jsonString = ...
BaseClass baseInstance = gson.fromJson(jsonString, BaseClass.class);
baseInstance will be instanceof either Type1Model or Type2Model.
From here you can either code to an interface or check instanceof and cast.
then configure it with
public static final class JsonAdapterFactory extends
RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory<MediumSummaryInfo> {
public JsonAdapterFactory() {
super(MyBaseType.class, "type");
registerSubtype(MySubtype1.class, "type1");
registerSubtype(MySubtype2.class, "type2");
and add the annotation:
to MyBaseType
Much better.
If you have a lot of sub types and you do not want to or cannot maintain a list of them, you can also use an annotation based approach.
Here is the required code and also some usage examples:
(it is Kotlin, but can easily be ported to Java)
For me, this approach is especially appealing, since I write a small library that does not know all possible sub types at compile time.

Serialize class with generic to JSON using Jackson

I have a structure of objects representing a Questionnaire and I need to serialize to JSON.
One class of the structure is a OpenQuestion and this class use generics with two parameters.
The problem starts when one of types used was Date, the date is serialized wrong, like a long.
Class code:
public class OpenQuestion <valueType,validationType> extends AbstractQuestion implements Serializable {
private valueType value;
private validationType minValue;
private validationType maxValue;
I saw how to serialize a date in a hash map if the hash map always uses a Date, but in this case I use the class with String, Integer or Date.
Any idea to solve it?
You can add a JsonTypeInfo annotation for this. There's two ways of using this:
Get it to automatically add a type annotation to your object, so it knows what to deserialize it as.
Add a custom type resolver, to handle this for you.
The first will make your JSON ugly, but requires very little extra code and doesn't force you to make custom serializers. The latter is more difficult, but will result in cleaner JSON. Overall the problem is partly that one of your types isn't modelled in JSON (Date) so you'll probably need it to be serialised as an integer or String type in your JSON file.
The former option looks a bit like this:
#JsonTypeInfo( use = Id.CLASS, include = As.WRAPPER_PROPERTY )
private valiationType minValue;
This should encode say, a String value, as something like:
{ __type = "java.lang.String", value = "Hello, World" }
No promises on that being accurate as this is mostly from memory!
It depends. If you do know expected type, you just pass generic type reference:
OpenQuestion<Value,Validation> v = objectMapper.readValue(json,
new TypeReference<OpenQuestion<Value,Validation>>() { });
as that clues Jackson in as to expected type.
If you do not know it, then the other answer shows how to use #JsonTypeInfo.
As pointed out by #MiserableVariable, Jackson serializes (most) date fields as (numeric long) timestamps by default. You can override this behavior in a number of ways.
If using your own instance of ObjectMapper, override a property to write dates as ISO-8601:
objectMapper.configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
If using your own instance of ObjectMapper, to have dates written in your own custom format:
objectMapper.setDateFormat(myDateFormat); // 1.8 and above
objectMapper.getSerializationConfig().setDateFormat(myDateFormat); // for earlier versions (deprecated for 1.8+)
To leave the default serialization behavior for most fields, but override it for certain fields on certain objects, use a custom serializer:
public class MyBean implements Serializable {
private Date postDate;
// ... constructors, etc
#JsonSerialize(using = MyCustomDateSerializer.class)
public Date getPostDate() {
return postDate;
public class MyCustomDateSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Date> {
public void serialize(final Date date, final JsonGeneraror generator,
final SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
JSONProcessingException {
All of this information is available in the Jackson Documentation, with the bulk of it in the section dealing with date handling.
